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The Tenth House

Page 18

by Ashley R Scott

Sarah continues her slow march toward Taurus.

  “Bring me the stone!” I shout at her, willing her to see what a horrible mistake she’s making.

  My mother steps forward, speaking with authority. “Sarah, don’t. You know the law. It is your duty to protect that stone.”

  “Come on. You’re doing so good.” Taurus chides her like a small child as Aidan grows limp in his grasp. “Hurry!”

  Sarah stops, shaking her head with tears streaming down her face. “I can’t. I can’t do it.”

  “Then your daughter will die. Slowly. Do you want that on your conscience? Knowing you’re responsible for her death, and I will still have my birthstone.” He drops Aidan to the ground, kicking him as he falls. Aidan lands with a thud, lying motionless in the snow.

  I run toward Sarah, but before I can reach her, I’m thrown off my feet, hurtling through the air. The ground comes hard and fast, and I grunt as I land, the breath knocked clean out of my lungs. I look up through blurry eyes to see Sarah standing next to Taurus as she drops the ring into his outstretched palm.

  “No!” I choke on the word.

  “I’m sorry. He has my Hannah.” Sarah moves next to Taurus, wrapping her hands firmly around his arm.

  A menacing sneer slides slowly across his face, and in a blink, they’re gone.

  I rush forward, dropping next to Aidan, my mother already by his side. He’s unconscious, but his breathing is dangerously shallow.

  I sit by the window and stare out across the city, the neon lights flashing harshly in the soft gray light of the approaching dawn. Sleep has so far eluded me. Aidan snores softly on the blankets by the trash can fire. We’d summoned Capricorn in the forest, and he helped us bring Aidan here, advising that it still wasn’t safe to go home. Aidan was unharmed but exhausted by the time we’d made it back to the abandoned building.

  My body, still humming from the energy of the ritual, feels different. I’m more in tune with the earth around me, stronger and more alert. The vibe in the city pulls on my nerves and makes me want to head back into the serenity of the surrounding Sierra Nevada Mountains.

  My mind races, a million miles away from where I sit and watch the snow begin to fall again. Tiny flakes float lazily, as if they aren't quite awake in the early morning, adding a calmness to a world on the verge of being destroyed.

  The door slowly opens as Capricorn and Donnelly silently parade through, shaking off a light dusting of snow as they enter.

  I turn my attention back to the window, in no mood for visitors. They stop behind me, Aidan stirring awake as they pass him.

  “You look healthy again.” I lean my head against the window, embracing the chill that seeps through the thin glass.

  “It isn’t against the laws of our nature to be here this day. I’ve regained my strength. Everyone is here on this planet. Turn and face me, girl.” The tone of his voice demands I obey.

  I twist on the ledge but stay seated. “Just the two of you? Some cavalry.”

  “You can watch your tone.” Capricorn folds his arms across his chest, staring down at me.

  I feel like a child in trouble with the principal. I’m sulking, and I know it, but I don’t appreciate being scolded. “What difference does it make? I failed.”

  I raise my eyes to meet him, but he stares at the jewel around my neck, a primal hunger glittering in his eyes. Grabbing the chain on the birthstone, I slip it beneath the collar of the same dress I was wearing last night. “What’s the matter with you?”

  Capricorn clears his throat and takes a step back. Donnelly quietly fills the gap. “Even for those of us that abide by the ancient laws, the pull of our stones is hard to ignore. That is, in fact, why I’m here. To tell you that I can’t go with you to face Taurus. It’s something you must do on your own. I can’t risk being close to my birthstone for too long. My essence calls to me, and in the end, even I can’t deny it.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I failed, remember? Taurus has his stone. They have Jocelyn. Sarah betrayed us, and Aidan almost died. It’s over.” I want to run and hide, to pretend that none of this had ever happened. My ego and heart had taken a low blow last night.

  Donnelly must’ve understood my expression. He gently tips my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eye. “You haven’t failed. There’s still time. Have the same faith in yourself that others have in you.”

  “What can I possibly do to fix any of this? I don’t think I’m who you want me to be.” Tears fill my eyes, and I’m too tired to keep them from spilling onto my cheeks.

  “Taurus will have to wait until tonight, just before midnight when the wheel turns, to reunite with his essence. There’s still time to secure the stone. While you’re at it, save the friend,” Capricorn says, shrugging his shoulders.

  I snort. “You sure have a way with words. What do you think I can do? He’s back to his full strength.”

  “You can go and try. You can fight.” Donnelly reaches forward, squeezing my hand gently in his own. His intention is good, but my mind flashes back to my entire life without having him there with us. My mood sinks even further down.

  I slip my hand out, sliding it beneath my leg.

  “Thanks for the pep rally, but I think you’re wrong.” I turn my back to them, facing the window. The snow falls harder now, quickly adding a fresh layer to the city.

  “I thought you’d like to know that your mom is safe. The other Guardians are too. Happy birthday.” Donnelly’s voice is soft behind me. The energy fluctuates as they teleport out.

  Aidan, who had been silent through that entire conversation, crosses the room to stand behind me.

  The sun would have risen by now if the snow clouds weren’t in charge. The lights on the Bullion Casino flash brightly, mocking me. I know he’s in there getting ready to use his stone tonight. I imagine him inside making plans for the human race. There’s no way I’ll ever answer to him. Even if he lets me live.

  My legs swing off the ledge, and I march straight for the clothes that I’d been wearing the last few days. Deciding that I don’t have time to be modest, I change in front of Aidan.

  Back in my regular clothes, I slip on my jacket, pausing by the door to look at him. “Coming or not?”

  Aidan jogs across the room. “Where are we going?”

  “Do your little whisper thing that you’re going to have to teach me one day. Tell them that I have a friend to get, a Zodiac to stop, and some ass to kick.” Without waiting for an answer, I stomp down the stairs.


  Back out in the cold, the snow swirls wildly in all directions as I scan the streets of downtown, looking for any sign of movement. Satisfied that no one is in the immediate area, we dash across the street, ducking in the alley near the Bullion Casino.

  Aidan crouches beside me, listening intently to the faint whispers riding the wind. “They know we’re going after Taurus. Do you have a plan?”

  I nod my head, snowflakes falling from my hair. “I have a plan. We’re going to get that stone.”

  Aidan stares at me, his mouth hanging open. “That’s your plan? Don’t you think we should come up with something a little better than that?”

  “None of our other plans have worked out so far. I thought we’d wing it.” I tilt my head, blinking through the mini blizzard to stare at the top suite in the casino. “He’s up there, waiting for me. I can feel him.”

  Aidan grabs my arm, tapping his ear. “Listen. Can you hear that?”

  I strain to listen, but the thing about falling snow is it tends to muffle other sounds. Then I hear it. Footsteps, marching in unison, boots crunching on the snow. They’re faint at first but grow louder with each passing second. “It sounds like an army marching this way.”

  “We better find another way.” He stands, reaching for my hand.

  “Company, halt!” The voice pierces the air like a siren.

  My blood runs cold. I know that voice. I peek around the corner of the building.

in front of the army, wearing a uniform I don’t recognize, stands Jocelyn, her fiery red hair stark against the snow-covered city like a flame in the dark.

  “Why Jocelyn?” I ask Aidan without taking my eyes off my friend. “Why would Taurus let Aries be in control of his army?”

  “Taurus is stubborn and persistent, so my guess is that he wanted to concentrate on his stone and passed off the responsibility. Aries and people born under his sign are strong personalities that they can project on others. They’re natural leaders that enjoy the thrill of the hunt. It makes sense to me.”

  Jocelyn paces in front of the troops, inspecting them as she walks. Satisfied that they’re all in order, she turns on the heel of her boot, facing the casino.

  “Company, march!” She motions to the soldier immediately to her left, and he nods.

  He pulls away from the army with two additional soldiers, and they line up in the entrance to stand guard as the other soldiers march through the garage.

  Quickly, I duck behind the safety of the wall as the sound of marching boots fades.

  “What are we going…” My question dies on my lips as I turn around to find Gresham restraining Aidan, one hand pressed firmly over Aidan’s mouth.

  “We knew you’d show up sooner or later. If you didn’t chicken out.” Gresham slips a gun out of his holster, trailing it down the side of Aidan’s face.

  “It’s just too bad you don’t scare me.” I step to the side, searching for a good position to attack, but Gresham follows me, keeping Aidan squarely between us. “But judging by the gun in your hand, I guess I scare the hell out of you.”

  Gresham’s eyes flash dangerously, full of pure hatred.

  “It must be rough being Taurus’s little errand boy. He just snaps his fingers, and all you do is run to him. You do all of his dirty work like a good little lap dog.” I strike a nerve far beyond insulting his masculinity and take another step to the side.

  “But that’s not enough for you, is it? You want what he wants. The power. The money. The glory. You think you deserve it. Not Taurus.” That’s it. His grip on Aidan falters just a little, but it’s enough.

  Seizing his opportunity, Aidan twists his body, breaking free of Gresham’s grip.

  “Ciara, run!” He rushes toward me, grabbing my hand, but I pull it free. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m done running.” I hold my ground, standing between Gresham and Aidan. My new power courses through my body, my nerves on high alert. The energy builds, waiting for my command.

  “You think you’re smart, don’t you? I’m the one with the gun.” He waves his gun hand to remind me as if I’d forgotten it was there.

  I pull the birthstone from beneath my shirt and close my eyes as the wind suddenly whips through the alley. “I don’t need a gun.”

  All my energy focuses on the ground beneath Gresham’s feet.

  A deep rumble fills the air, as the alley shakes and the ice splits, revealing cracked concrete below. I summon the built-up energy, reaching out with my senses to pull from any piece of natural earth around me and give one final push. The ground splits open, almost sending me to my knees.

  Gresham shrieks as he slips over the edge and into the chasm I created, his gun clattering across the alley as he desperately clings to the icy concrete.

  “That’s for trying to kill everyone I love.” I stumble toward him, beads of sweat on my forehead from the effort of holding the earth apart, and drive the heel of my boot into his white-knuckled fingers, twisting until he lets go. His scream echoes in the earth until I release it, the rocks rumbling back together. I drop to my knees, exhausted and thoroughly shaken to the core.

  Aidan gently picks me up, rubbing my back to stop the shaking. “You saved my life. That was amazing.”

  I lean against him. “I think I just need a minute.”

  I’ve never killed anyone before. I didn’t have a choice, but that doesn’t make it any easier.

  “I wasn’t even sure Guardians could manipulate their element like that. I mean, I’ve heard that some Guardians can if they work long enough, but you, you just went through your ritual last night. How did you even know how to do that? I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that your father is an Aid.”

  “Aidan.” My short tone puts a quick end to his excited babbling. “I think I need a minute of silence.”

  I pull away, leaving about an inch of space between us, and take deep breaths, holding each one before letting it out in a puff of white air. The last few days I’ve been flying by the seat of my pants, and there’s no such thing as a seatbelt on this ride. “I think I’m ready.”

  “Where are we going?” Aidan asks.

  “We’re going in there to get Jocelyn.” I shrug my shoulders at his incredulous look. “She’s my best friend. I don’t want to fight her while I’m putting a stop to Taurus. I don’t want anything to happen to her. So, when we get her, I need you to get her out of there and away from Aries’s control.”

  Aidan holds up his hands. “No way I’m leaving you to face Taurus alone. I won’t risk it.”

  I smile softly, leaning in for a quick hug that he doesn’t return.

  “I’m not asking. You have to promise me you’ll keep Jocelyn safe. Promise me.” My tone is stern, and with my hands on my hips, I wait for an answer.

  Aidan folds his arms across his chest, staring me down, but I’m stronger now, and after a moment, he caves. “Fine. I promise. But I’m coming back.”

  Winking, I turn to face the street. “I hope so.”

  “Before you go.”

  I whip around to find Capricorn, standing directly behind Aidan. His emerald-green robes brush lightly against the ground. I hadn’t noticed earlier, but I can see the ghost of his horns, translucent against his head. He studies the crack beneath his feet that I dropped Gresham into, a wry smile touching his lips.

  “Have your horns always been there?” I want to take a closer look, but instead, I stand there, trying not to stare.

  “You couldn’t see them before.” Capricorn scowls at me.

  Ghostly outlines of fur cover his hands, and his hooves peek out beneath his robes. “How come they’re so faint?”

  “Because I’m on Earth. I need you to focus.”

  He always manages to make me feel like I’m a child in trouble. He’s right, though, and I shelve my questions for someday when I have time to learn.

  Capricorn reaches into his robes, pulling out an ancient scroll, yellow and brittle with time. He hands it to me, silver light flashing as it touches my fingertips.

  “What is this?” I tear my eyes away from the scroll long enough to glance at him.

  “Do not open that until it is time. The spell in that scroll dates back to our beginning. You will not have long from the moment it’s opened until it’s time to perform the spell. It is the only way to banish Taurus back to Polaris, and even then, it isn’t binding. It will, however, give the council the opportunity to deal with him.” The edge in his voice cuts sharper than a knife, and his eyes flare dangerously.

  Resisting the urge to open it now, I tuck the scroll inside the inner pocket of my jacket, careful not to bend it. “Okay.”

  I turn to Aidan. “Let’s go.”

  “There’s something else.” Capricorn reaches back into the folds of his robe, this time producing the turquoise dagger that I got to know on a personal basis.

  “This dagger is charged with the essence of every one of my Guardians, since the beginning of the line. It holds the power of the earth as well as my energy. It will help keep you safe. You’ll also need it to draw the blood of the Taurus Guardian to seal the ritual. It’ll be stronger if you have both the blood of the Guardian and the next in line.” He hands me the dagger, and I place it in the other inside pocket opposite of the scroll, hoping that I don’t accidentally stab myself.

  “How much blood?”

  “Whatever it takes.” Capricorn tilts his head toward the sky, letting the fluffy snowf
lakes kiss his face. “I’ve always loved winter on this planet.”

  He turns back to me, a touch of sadness in his eyes. “Be wary of your new elemental power. Taurus also rules the Earth element, and that magic won’t work against him, for make no mistake, he is more powerful than you.”

  With that cheery thought, I ask one last question. “How will I know when to open the scroll?”

  “Follow your instincts. Listen to them and not your mind. Trust them, and you will know.” Capricorn tucks his hands in his robes.

  “Why does everything have to be so cryptic? Are you sure I’ll know?”

  Capricorn nods, and his body takes on the same translucent look of his horns. “The time has come for you to stop doubting yourself. Stand strong, for you’ll need to do things that are as necessary as they are unpleasant. Be careful, Ciara.”

  With his voice echoing through the alley, he fades out of sight.

  We slip out of the safety of the alley and sneak toward the parking garage, moving carefully along the wall to avoid the eyes of the soldiers standing guard. Oblivious to our movement, thanks to being controlled, we disappear inside the garage.

  We run to the line of parked cars to the left and tuck ourselves behind a large black SUV. I lean against the vehicle to catch my breath, careful not to make any noise.

  Aidan waits by the tail of the SUV, staying low and watching for a small band of troops. He squeezes in tight as they advance into the garage, the echo from their footsteps deafening as they march by us, fading into the casino.

  Keeping my voice low, I lean close to Aidan. “Gone?”

  He nods.

  Cautiously, I stand, stretching my legs to work out the kinks from squatting behind the vehicle. I turn around slowly, jumping at the face pressed against the window on the opposite side of the SUV, and recognize Chris from the last time we were in this parking garage.

  I look at Aidan to warn him just in time to see him tackled by another man in the same maroon uniform. Charging the struggling men, I lower my shoulder, knocking the man off Aidan and sending us all tumbling to the concrete.


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