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Hot Stones & Homicides (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 2)

Page 9

by Jenn Cowan

  “And no one knows what happened?”

  “Only Violet could fill in the gaps, but unfortunately she’s saying she didn’t see anything because she was crying so hard and had her face buried in the blanket when the gun went off.”

  “Hmm.” Seems a little too convenient.

  “Oh no, better keep a close eye on her, Detective. I can see the wheels turning in her head.” Dr. Gregory winks at me.

  Travis groans and mutters something about me being the death of him. He’s so dramatic.

  I roll my eyes.

  “Well, I think you’re safe to go home. You didn’t have very much poison in your system. Definitely not a lethal amount. Just enough to make you really sick.” He hands me a list with various symptoms. “If you experience any of these get to a doctor as fast as you can.”

  I nod and look over the list then ask, “So, whoever did this, wasn’t trying to kill me?”

  Dr. Gregory shrugs. “Probably not, but you still need to be careful.” He turns to leave then turns back around and says, “I talked to Sally this morning. Told her what happened. She said to keep the spa closed for as long as you need and for you to rest.”

  I tuck a strand of loose hair behind my ear and say, “Please thank her for me and let her know we’ll be back open on Tuesday.”

  He nods. “I also told her about the new discount friendly esthetician.”

  I cringe and groan.

  “She wasn’t upset. Actually, thought it was a good idea to bring people in to try her out. As long as it’s only a one-time discount.”

  “Of course,…thank you.”

  He pats my arm. “We really appreciate all you’re doing to keep the spa running smoothly. This little hiccup will pass.” He leans in to whisper to me. “Find out who’s framing Josh. He doesn’t deserve this.”

  I smile and thank him again before he moves on to his next patient.

  “Well, are you ready to go home?” Travis holds up a blue overnight bag that looks a lot like mine. “I had Regina stop by your house and grab some clothes.” I must have a strange look on my face because he continues with, “I’m not surprised you’re locking your doors these days, but if you’re trying to keep people from breaking in, you should really move the hide a key from the frog planter. It’s been there since high school.”

  I throw a pillow at him, but he catches it and smirks at me. “It’s a great spot.”

  “An obvious spot.”

  I scoff. “Give me my bag.”

  He hands me the bag. Our fingers brush and a spark shoots up my arm. I pull the bag back quickly and resist rubbing my hand. Our eyes meet and I can see Travis is affected too. He opens his mouth to say something, but I hightail it to the bathroom.

  My heart is pounding as I try to shake the thoughts and feelings running through my mind. I force them away and pull out black yoga pants and a blue sweatshirt that says, Breathe across the front in white letters. It’s a good reminder so I take a breath and catch a whiff of myself. I really need a shower. There’s some dry shampoo and soap in the bag and silently bless Regina’s heart.

  When I’m done cleaning myself up, I throw my copper colored hair into a messy bun, not wanting to waste time braiding it, and run some nude matte lip color across my lips. I stare at myself in the mirror. I’m still slightly pale and my green eyes look tired, but I’m alive. For that I’m thankful.

  When I walk out of the bathroom, Travis is practically growling into his cellphone. His hand is fisted in his hair and his face is red again. “I’ll be right there.”

  “Everything okay?”

  He shakes his head and his eyes meet mine. “No, there’s been another murder.”


  As we pull up in front of Crazy Crafts, I spot the broken window. Glass is scattered on the sidewalk and a larger stone is lying inside only this time it has blood is on it. “What happened?”

  Travis doesn’t answer, just stares at the store front. He’s been quiet the whole drive over. He told me he wants to be sure about the details before he shares them with anyone.

  I reach out and squeeze his arm. “We’ll find out who did this.”

  He shakes his head and covers my hand with his. “I know.” He pauses. “I’m sorry.”

  I cock my head and study him. “For what?”

  “For thinking Josh could do this. I know he didn’t do this or any of it. I know now he’s being framed.”

  “How do you know?”

  A knock on my window interrupts us. A young fit brown-haired officer named Ned motions for Travis to join him.

  “Should I even bother telling you to stay in the car?”

  I give him a look that says there’s no way I’m staying in the car.

  He huffs and gets out.

  I don’t wait for him to open my door. I push it open and step out into the cool afternoon air, which is a nice surprise. The week has been kind of muggy. A crowd is gathered behind the yellow and black crime scene tape. I spot Regina and head over to her. I’m not sure my stomach can take seeing a dead body, and especially not the body of someone I know.

  “Oh, Autumn!” Regina pulls me into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re alright. I’ve had the entire town praying for you.”

  I pat her back to assure her I’m fine and thank her for her concern. “What happened?” I gesture to the craft store.

  “Travis didn’t tell you?”

  “No, he said he wanted to be sure on the details before he shared it with the public.”

  Regina snorts. “Honey, he was just trying to spare your feelings.”

  “My feelings? Why?”

  Regina grabs onto both of my hands as if to anchor me. “Travis didn’t tell you who was murdered?”

  My heart starts to pound in my chest and my stomach flips. Josh. Something happened to Josh. I begin to sweat and feel lightheaded again. Travis said he knows Josh didn’t commit any of the crimes he was being accused that because Josh is dead? Then I take a breath because Josh is in jail, right? He has to be safe unless my dad got him released again and then in that case it could be Josh. Maybe he figured out who the murdered was, confronted them and they…

  I must have gone pale because she pulls me over to the park bench and fans me when I catch the familiar scent of tea tree oil mixed with peppermint. Josh. I turn and see him walking up to me. I jump up from my spot and rush into his arms.

  He stumbles back, but catches me. “Autumn, are you okay?”

  I burst into tears. He holds me, running a hand down my back in an attempt to calm me down, but I can’t catch my breath. The thought of losing Josh is too much for me.

  “Autumn, I’m so sorry about Mrs. Walls. She was such a sweet lady.”

  A sob gets stuck in my throat and I begin to cough. I stagger back from him and bend over to catch my breath.

  Josh pats my back until I can get some air in my lungs.

  “Mrs. Walls?” I cough out.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  I blink and gulp in more air before I attempt to say anything else.

  Regina steps up beside me and brushes a loose strand of hair back from my face. “She didn’t suffer, dear. The rock hit her in the back of the head. Killed her instantly.”

  “A rock?”

  Regina nods. “Adam must have not realized anyone was in the store. Mrs. Walls was bent over picking up paper scraps. She stood up at the wrong time and it just hit her. I’m sure Adam didn’t mean to hurt anyone…well, except Jamie.”

  “What about Violet?”

  “She told Travis she took a sip out of Jamie’s water bottle when Jamie went to the bathroom. There wasn’t much water left in the bottle so she didn’t drink as much as Jamie.” Regina puts an arm around my shoulder. “If it weren’t for you, they would have never suspected Adam, and Josh here would still be in jail.” She smiles up at Josh, who returns her smile. “No one in town thought you did any of the awful things the police were accusing you of and we know you’d never hurt our girl.” />
  Josh blushes and winks at me. “Never.”

  My cheeks grow hot. Probably from the afternoon sun. Then my thoughts turn to Adam. “Have they found Adam yet? Travis said it looked like he left town.”

  “Apparently, he’s skipped town. The judge granted a search warrant and they found a note admitting to his crimes. The police traced the anonymous tip back to his cell phone and found stalkerish notes from him at Jamie’s house.”

  “What do you mean by ‘stalkerish’?”

  “Notes describing what she was wearing, who she was talking to, just weird stuff like that.”

  I frown. “And Jamie never reported any of this?”

  Regina shrugs. “She probably thought Adam was harmless.”

  “Normally, I would agree with you,” Travis says walking up to us. “Are you alright, Autumn? You looked about ready to pass out again. Do I need to take you back to the hospital?”

  “I’m fine. Just…just in shock. I can’t believe Mrs. Walls is gone.” I stare at the black body bag being wheeled out to the coroner’s van.

  “It’s a shock to all of us, dear.” Regina pats my arm. “Oh, there’s Harriet, one of the Crafty Crew ladies. I should go check on her. Are you sure you’re okay?” She gives me a once over as if I’ll crumble like sand.

  I nod and force a smile. She waves and heads to a group of older ladies blowing their noses into embroidered handkerchiefs. I feel for them. They’re all widows and best friends.

  “Poor ladies. Mrs. Walls was the glue that held them all together. Without her, I’m not sure how’ll they’ll fair,” Josh says, sadly.

  “I’m sure they’ll figure it out,” Travis mumbles.

  I fight the urge to elbow him in the gut. He doesn’t have a sympathetic bone in his body. Probably why he chose to become a detective. He can detach. Sometimes too much. Then I remember what he said about Adam. “What did you mean about Adam not being harmless? He’s always been so shy and sweet.”

  Travis clicks on his iPad and holds out a photo. It’s a picture of a living room and it looks like a tornado ripped through it. “When we searched his place, it looked like this. Dishes and furniture were broken like someone got into a fight. There were also several personal belongings of Jamie’s in his bedroom.”

  “Hmm.” It doesn’t sound like the Adam I know. “And he’s just disappeared?”

  “Looks that way. He left a note admitting to the crimes and apologizing for them. It also said we’d never see or hear from him again.”

  I make a face. “Did he give a motive?”

  Travis shakes his head. “Not really, but love makes you do crazy things.” He gives me a lingering look that makes me blush.

  Josh clears his throat.

  I steer the conversation back to safer waters. “So that’s it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It just feels a little too clean.”

  Travis groans. “Autumn, you told me to follow up on Adam and I did. He confessed to everything except shooting Gus because he shot himself. Josh is cleared of all charges. You solved another case. Why are you looking for something that’s not there?”

  I give him a tight-lipped smile. “You’re right. I think I’ll have Josh take me home so I can rest.”

  Travis studies me for a moment and I try not to let him see me sweat. “I’ll stop by later to check on you.” He glances at Josh then back at me. “If that’s alright?”

  “Of course.” I watch him walk back to the crime scene then survey the crowd. Practically, everyone in town is standing around gossiping about the murder. Some are crying. Others are shaking their heads and whispering to each other.

  Who would have thought this would happen in Daysville? To Jaime. To Mrs. Walls. It all feels like a bad dream. Everything about this case has been strange and I have a feeling it’s anything but over.


  It’s Monday. I’m sitting in the front row of the church in my awful black dress and shoes. My hair is pinned back in a loose bun at the base of my neck. Jamie’s on display in front of the church. Her blond hair is curled and resting on her shoulders. Scott had her dressed in a blue suit, which would have matched her eyes if they were open. She looks like she’s sleeping. If only that were the case.

  Scott stopped by my house yesterday evening to apologize to Josh, which led to pizza and hours of chess matches. I went to bed early so they could enjoy their bromance. Josh informed me this morning we’d be sitting with Scott since all his family is deceased. So here I sit with my back against the hard pew dodging Preacher John’s spit. Another drop lands on my arm and I cringe.

  I glance around at all the flowers covering the church. Pink roses, which according to Scott were Jamie’s favorite. I spot James and his teenage assistant, Caleb, arranging some flowers off to one side. I tried to call James last night, but it kept going straight to voicemail. He must really be mad at me. Maybe Travis is right…James and I aren’t written in the stars. If not James, then who? I’m not getting any younger. Josh nudges me and I turn back around.

  “Quit fidgeting. It’s almost over,” he whispers in my ear. His minty breath makes goosebumps form on my arm.

  “Sorry.” I tuck my arm around his and take in the warmth of his black suit coat. The air conditioning must be on because I’m freezing. My lips are probably blue, definitely not something my nude lip matte can cover up.

  “Do you want my coat?”

  I shake my head, but scoot in closer.

  He pats my knee and leaves his hand there.

  I savor his warmth as I stare at Jamie’s lifeless body in the coffin. I bet she thought she would grow old with someone. Maybe at first, she thought it was Adam and then maybe Josh. That doesn’t sit well with me.


  Jamie wasn’t Josh’s type. She was too loud, too dramatic, too unpredictable. Josh needs someone steady, loyal, more reserved. I glance at Violet sitting behind the piano off to the side. She’s in black dress buttoned up to her chin. Her short dark hair is falling in her face and she’s glaring at me.

  I shift and move away from Josh. We probably look like a couple and not two best friends. I cross my legs so Josh’s hand slides off. I catch his confused expression, but ignore it. The action seems to appease Violet. She smirks and turns back to her piano as we all stand and sing “Amazing Grace.”

  “You okay?” Josh whispers.

  I nod, but keep my eyes on Violet. Something isn’t right with her. I’m not convinced she didn’t poison Jamie or at least help who ever did.

  I’ve ruled out old man Gus. He was at the hospital for all the vandalisms and Mrs. Walls murder. I shiver at the thought of poor Mrs. Walls. I also think both, the vandalisms and the murders are connected, but I’m not sure how, or why they were trying to frame Josh.

  “Let’s go, Autumn.” Josh motions for me to go ahead of him.

  I step out and wait for the coffin to pass so we can follow it to the grave site. The whole town is invited to the burial. Several people are wiping their eyes with tissues. A couple ladies are whispering back and forth, but most of us are stoic.

  A sea of black funnels out of the church and into the cemetery. My heel gets stuck in the wet grass and Josh reaches out to steady me so I can get it free. “Thanks.” I smile up at him. He smiles back then turns to face Preacher John. I turn to find James staring at me. I give him a little wave, but he turns away and motions for his assistant to help with the arrangement on top of the casket. Well, I guess that answers my question on whether or not he’s mad at me.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Travis whispers in my ear.

  His breath on my neck gives me goosebumps and I shrug to try and mask the shiver up my spine even though it’s a humid seventy-eight degrees out here.

  “His loss,” he mutters and moves back to stand behind me. Cat’s standing next to him. Her red hair is cascading in curls down her back and her short sleeve black dress skims her knees and blows slightly in the breeze. Regina’s standing next to Cat wi
th her arm around her shoulder. Her dress is similar to Cat’s and her red hair is in tight curls today.

  I smile at them and they return it before I turn back to the casket. I think about the last time I was standing here. It was Vicky’s funeral. I got an epiphany and solved her murder. I rack my brain and try to piece together everything I know about Jamie’s murder, the hot stones vandalisms, and poor Mrs. Walls. What do they all have in common? I close my eyes and wait for something to come to me. Nothing. I sigh. I know I’m missing something, but what?

  The police have closed the case. Content to condemn Adam. I can’t say I blame them, I mean he left a note…or did he? I frown. Something suddenly occurs to me, and I have to talk to Travis.

  The choir’s singing another hymn. I fidget with my purse and Josh bumps my shoulder. I shift away from him and glance at Travis. His aviator sunglasses are covering his eyes and his head is bent down as if he’s praying. Shoot. I need to catch his attention.

  Preacher John says another prayer and Scott steps up to place a pink rose on the closed casket. He turns around and thanks everyone for coming before inviting them to the town hall for lunch and then to his bakery for dessert. Once he’s done talking, everyone heads to the grub.

  I turn to catch Travis when Eva steps in front of me and makes her way to the coffin. She’s sniffling and wiping her brown eyes with a blue handkerchief. Her long brown hair is pulled back in a low ponytail and secured with a black clip and her floor length black dress hugs her slender frame. She places a pink rose next to Scott’s.

  “Autumn, let’s go.” Josh nudges my arm.

  I don’t take my eyes off Eva as I motion for him to go without me. “I’ll meet you there.”

  He groans, but leaves me be.

  I step up to Eva. “It’s such a shame. She was so young.”

  Eva sniffles again. “She was so talented too. I think she would have won the talent show.”

  “Did that make you mad?”

  Eva takes a step back like I just slapped her. “Of course not. I mean, the money would really help with my mom’s medical bills, but I wouldn’t have killed Jamie over it. I felt honored to even be chosen to perform in the same category as Jamie. She was incredible.” Eva pauses and wipes her nose. “The day she died, she was helping with my stage presence and even gave me feedback on what outfit to wear for the show. She also helped Ryder with his wardrobe. We were kind of like a team. I think Ryder may have had a little crush on her.”


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