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Dragon Night

Page 7

by Donna Grant

  “You regret bringing me here,” he said in his thick brogue. “I can see it in your face. And your eyes.”

  She looked away and took a deep breath. “I don’t regret having you up. It’s just been a really long time since I’ve had anyone other than those who work for me in my space. I’m...well, I’m nervous about what you’ll think.”

  He closed the distance between them, walking slowly, his gaze locked on her. “This is your place. You get to decide what you like and doona like. Everyone else’s opinion doesna matter.”

  “Yours does.”

  One brow rose as he tilted his head to the side. “Why?”

  Alex glanced at the pictures, furniture, and decorations. “This place has been in my family for four generations. Everyone who has lived here has made their mark. I remodeled most of the space to suit me.” She returned her gaze to him. “This isn’t just my home. It’s part of me.”

  “And you think if I doona like it, I willna like you.”

  “As silly as that sounds, yes.” And it did sound crazy. “I know how lucky I am to be born into such a family. I have everything money can buy. But I don’t have friends. It takes a lot for me to let anyone close enough to get to see this side of me.”

  Dorian walked to her and took her hand before leading her farther into the residence. The longer he remained quiet, the harder her stomach clenched.

  She was attracted to Dorian, and that could be disastrous if he turned out to be anyone other than what he’d shown her. That’s what frightened her. She really liked him, and she didn’t want to be disappointed.

  And she prayed he wasn’t using her. That might very well break her forever.

  They walked from the entry to the kitchen, dining, and living area. They passed through the media room, her office, and down the hall to the spare bedrooms.

  He halted before another hallway that led to her bedroom, but he turned the opposite direction toward the section of the penthouse that she hadn’t wanted to update or remodel. It housed the collection of ancient artifacts.

  At the doorway, Dorian stopped. “You didna remodel this part.”


  “The rest of the place has your touch in everything, but no’ here.”

  She shook her head. “I thought about allowing museums to show off these beautiful pieces. It almost seems wrong to keep them away from others, but I’d never forgive myself if one of them was stolen. So I keep them here.”

  “Did you collect these?”

  “It began with my great-great-great grandfather,” she said as she walked among the artifacts. “He was in Wales on business and happened to find an ancient piece. Even then it was worth so much money that many tried to buy it from him. He had no clue what the artifact was, but he recognized its value. He returned to New York with it and had it analyzed.”

  “And?” Dorian asked.

  Alex paused beside the gold necklace. “It is over six thousand years old. After he learned that, he began hunting for other such artifacts. It’s an obsession that passed down through each generation.” She held out her arms. “Everything you see here was amassed by all those before me.”

  “It’s quite an impressive collection,” Dorian said walking through the area, glancing at the objects through the cases.

  She didn’t bother to tell him that everything in the room would fetch three times what she already had in the bank.

  Dorian faced her, his brown eyes regarding her. “I like seeing this side of you. And your place is simple and elegant. Timeless. Just as you are.”

  Her knees went all wobbly, as if her legs were made of Jell-O. And she nearly dropped down and begged him for a kiss.

  Alex cleared her throat and turned around. As she walked from the back area, she slipped off her wedges and dangled them from her fingers, making her way to the kitchen.

  She knew without looking that Dorian was behind her. She could feel him. His gaze was a hot caress over her skin that kept her heart beating double time and her blood rushing through her as desire pooled low in her belly.

  “How about some coffee?” she asked. “Or would you rather tea? I have both.”

  “I doona know.”

  She whirled around as she reached the stove. “I’m beginning to believe you lived under a rock somewhere. Did you deprive yourself of everything?”

  He shrugged, which wasn’t an answer at all.

  “Did you live in a monastery up in Nepal or something? I know they limit access to things.”

  “Something like that.”

  Again, not really an answer.

  “How about I make coffee? If you don’t like it, I’ll make tea.”

  Dorian crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the doorframe. “Coffee will be fine.”

  Alex turned in a circle, trying to think of what to do before she reached for the mugs. Finally, her brain kicked in and she opened the fridge for milk. She said coffee, but in truth, she made lattes mostly.

  Perhaps she should’ve told him that. Then again, anyone who didn’t drink coffee or tea wouldn’t know the difference.

  She got everything ready and set it up. When she returned the milk to the refrigerator, she made the mistake of looking into Dorian’s eyes.

  Without thinking or second guessing herself, she quickly walked to him and rose up, placing her lips on his. Alex quickly stepped back, her chest heaving at doing something so atypical.

  “What was that for?” Dorian asked in a soft voice that was deep and utterly sexy.

  “The day was so great that I wanted to end it with something special.”

  “Is the day ending already?”

  She shrugged and licked her lips. That’s when she tasted him. The subtle, sultry flavor of dark chocolate gelato and whisky made her crave another taste.

  Before she knew it, she rose up and kissed him again. Except this time, his arm snaked around her. In the next heartbeat, he had her against the fridge.

  Her heart beat so loud she imagined he could hear it as well. She looked into his eyes that now blazed with such heat that she shivered.

  “I’ll give you a proper ending to the day,” he murmured before slanting his mouth over hers.

  Alex wrapped her arms around him, her fingers brushing the blond locks at his neck. She sighed as his tongue swept in her mouth before quickly leaving.

  The tease was too much. She moaned, wanting more. And he delivered. Pressed between the appliance and his hard body, she felt every inch of him move as his tongue returned to tangle with hers.

  It was no simple kiss. He claimed her mouth with such passion and hunger that she clung to him, needing more. With one long, hot kiss, she was his to do with as he wished. For however long he wanted her.

  She sighed when she felt his arousal against her. Then his fingers sank into her hair. He wrapped the length around his hand and tugged her head back to expose her neck.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He knew what she wanted and needed without having to be told. And it was doing glorious, amazing things to her body, which burned for him.

  Suddenly, he turned her so that she faced the fridge. Her hands splayed upon the stainless steel that was cool to the touch. So at odds with her body, which was on fire.

  Alex gasped in surprise and pleasure when his teeth clamped around the lobe of her ear, careful not to bite into her earring.

  “Tell me to stop,” he whispered against her neck.

  Was he joking? That was exactly what she didn’t want him to do.

  “Tell me now, Alex. Otherwise, I’m carrying you to your bedroom. Then, I’m going to make love to you for so long that you willna be able to walk for a week.”

  “God, yes,” she begged.

  He spun her again and loomed over her, desire blazing in his eyes. “Last chance.”

  “If you stop now, I think I might die.”

  Alex forgot all about the coffee as he lifted her in his arms and strode to her bedroom.

  Chapter N

  Lust scorched his body hot as dragon fire. Dorian had attempted to ignore it, then Alex kissed him.


  Soft lips—and an even softer sigh—swiftly demolished whatever feeble attempt he’d endeavored to utilize in ignoring the sizzling need engulfing him.

  The taste of her was more potent than wine, more seductive than an experienced courtesan. In fact, she was simple and surprisingly...exquisite.

  The more they kissed, the hotter he became, the more he was reminded that it had been eons since his body had any kind of release. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn’t be able to walk away from Alex now. He wanted her, needed her.

  Craved her.

  Dorian carried her into the bedroom and stopped before the bed. Slowly, he released her legs, allowing her amazing body to slide down his until she stood on her own feet.

  He bunched the hem of her dress in his hands as he continued kissing her. While he wanted her clothes gone, he couldn’t tear his mouth from hers. Because to be without her exotic, seductive kiss might just shatter the thin threads that held him together.

  When she placed her hand on his chest and pushed, he stilled. His cock was so hard it ached, but he’d never forced a woman. And he wouldn’t start now.

  Then he caught sight of Alex’s kiss-swollen lips, and his knees nearly buckled. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think about anything but being inside her, of feeling her slick heat surround him.

  And hearing her call his name in pleasure.

  His fingers fought to hold her as she stepped out of his arms. He hadn’t known what he did wrong, but he would change it. All she had to do was tell him. He would fix whatever the problem was.

  All thought came to a screeching halt when she reached behind her and pulled the zipper down. The white dress sagged on her shoulders before she tugged it over her hips to let it puddle at her feet.

  His mouth went dry when he caught sight of the lacy white short slip over an even lacier bra and panty. He couldn’t stop staring.

  The lingerie highlighted her breasts, the indent of her waist, and the flare of her hips before teasing him with her glorious legs.

  She then tugged the slip over her head and tossed it aside. With her chest heaving, she unhooked the bra and discarded it before bending to remove her panties. Only then did she stand straight, letting him look his fill from her pink-tipped breasts to the thin strip of blond curls between her legs—and every luscious bit in between.

  Dorian’s knees finally gave out. He reached out and pulled her to him, needing to hold her, to feel her warmth and softness.

  He turned his head to the side and held her, unsure of the strange and unsettling feelings swirling through him. She tugged the leather holding his hair. He heard the soft thump as it landed on the rug right before her nails gently scraped his scalp and her fingers slid into his hair.

  Whatever he’d intended, Dorian hadn’t expected this. Nor could he fight it. Taking her as his lover wasn’t smart, but he didn’t care. He only knew how good it felt to have her in his arms. And he wanted more of it.

  Didn’t he deserve that? After everything?

  He raised his head to look at Alex. Her hazel eyes swam with such yearning that it made his heart catch.

  “I’ve never felt anything like this,” she whispered. “What are you doing to me?”

  “Making love to you,” he said as he climbed to his feet and took her mouth.

  * * * *

  This was Heaven. Alex was sure of it.

  Everything was right. There wasn’t one bit of hesitation or worry. She knew she was meant to be in Dorian’s arms, and not even God himself could tear her out of them now.

  Her fingers tightened in the cool, silky locks of his golden hair. With each tangle of his tongue against hers, she was sinking beneath the waves of desire, held securely by strong arms.

  She usually worried about what her lovers thought of her body or how she was in bed. But the sight of the desire that literally blazed in Dorian’s eyes right before he dropped to his knees had dispelled all of her insecurities.

  Their kiss became frantic, each eager for the other. She heard a ripping and realized it was Dorian’s shirt as he yanked it off. Somehow, they continued kissing through him removing his jeans. She wasn’t sure how, but it didn’t matter as long as she got more of his heady lips.

  Then her gaze caught sight of something. She did a double take, their kissing at a halt as she stared at his left leg and focused on a tattoo that had a mix of red and black coloring.

  But it was the drawing that made her pause.

  The dragon was looking right at her, his gaze sharp and all-seeing. She took in the detail of the scales and the teeth before realizing that the tat made it appear as if the dragon was emerging from inside of Dorian’s thigh.

  The head of the beast, along with its arms and one wing, was visible. And she was disappointed not to see the rest of it. She lifted her face to Dorian to ask why that tattoo, but she became lost in his brown eyes.

  His hands came up to cup her face while he turned her. Then she was on the bed. Her stomach quivered as she took in the glorious sight before her.

  Utter perfection. Unreserved masculinity.

  Absolute, unadulterated virility.

  Chiseled abs, wide shoulders, thick arms, muscular legs, and a face that would make an angel sin.

  He was a god. That was the only explanation. Somehow, he must have fallen from Mt. Olympus and ended up in New York, because there was no other explanation as to why someone who looked like him was alone.

  Their eyes clashed, and her thoughts stopped. Dorian placed a knee on the bed and leaned over her, his hands braced on either side of her as his lips hovered over hers.

  “I need this. I need you,” she whispered.

  Her eyes closed as he kissed first one eyelid and then the other before making his way down her face and neck. She held her breath when he reached her breasts, but he kissed between them to her navel.

  She was so focused on his mouth that she wasn’t paying attention to anything else. When his hands cupped her breasts, she gasped in surprise. It quickly turned into a moan as he rolled her hard nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

  Suddenly, his lips clamped around one turgid peak. She rocked her hips against his leg wedged between hers as he began to tease her. His arousal pressed against her stomach and she held on to him with the tide of passion rising rapidly.

  From one breast to the other his mouth moved. She was a tangled mess of need. And she wanted so very much more.

  As if reading her mind, once more his lips traveled down her body. He didn’t stop at her bellybutton this time. He kept going, gently moving her legs wider as he nestled between them.

  She lifted her head, watching him. His gaze met hers as he spread her and bent to run his tongue along her sex.

  A breathy moan passed her lips as her head dropped back on the bed, her fingers tangling in the duvet. Pleasure enveloped her as his tongue danced around her aching clit, bringing her ever closer to release.

  So many times he brought her right to the edge and backed away, leaving her panting and yearning.

  “Dorian,” she begged.

  In reply, he slid a finger inside her. She arched her back at the pleasure. He began to pump his finger inside her with aching slowness, tantalizing her with what she ached for.

  With his tongue still flicking lightly across her swollen clit, he added a second finger. The climax was there, waiting to take her.

  Alex tossed her head from side to side, the denial of what she needed making her entire body shake.

  Suddenly, she jerked when Dorian suckled her clit into his mouth the same time he thrust his fingers deep inside her, touching her G-spot.

  The orgasm came instantly. A scream lodged in her throat as her body convulsed from the raw, vigorous force of the pleasure that ran through her.

  As the last vestiges of the climax left, she felt weighted down and lethargic. Bu
t all that vanished when she felt the blunt head of his cock at her entrance.

  “Yes,” she murmured and reached for him, wanting him deep within her immediately.

  * * * *

  The sight of Alex’s pleasure was something he would never forget. It touched him in ways he hadn’t been prepared for.

  But her husky voice as he entered her made him fight not to thrust deep. She was incredibly tight, and he didn’t want to hurt her.

  He couldn’t remember ever being so needy, so hungry to possess a female before. Her body stretched to accommodate him until all of him was inside her.

  With their bodies locked together, the yearning that drove him only increased. It wasn’t enough to see her pleasure or be inside her. He needed more. He needed it all.

  Dorian began to move.

  Slowly at first, building his tempo. She locked her legs around him, rising up to meet his thrusts.

  In all his years, he had seen some beautiful things, but nothing compared to the sight of Alex’s face flushed from her recent orgasm with her eyes staring hungrily up at him for more.

  Their sweat-slicked bodies glided against each other as his thrusts went hard and deep. All he saw, all he felt—all that mattered—was the woman in his arms.

  His own pleasure couldn’t be held back. He buried himself deep and ground into her as he came. And to his surprise, he felt her clenching around him, her cries of release filling his ears.

  When he could breathe easy again, he pulled out of her and rolled to the side, tugging her against him. He looked up at the ceiling when she rested her head on his chest. It took him a moment to realize what was different.

  The heaviness that he’d carried since his sister’s murder was lighter. It was still there, but not as suffocating as before.

  There was a moment of guilt, but then Alex moved her hand to rest over his heart, and he was reminded of the ecstasy he’d just experienced. The moment was too pure, too amazing to let the past intrude—at least for the time being.

  Dorian closed his eyes and simply allowed himself to be in the moment. He marveled at the fact that there was no hate in his heart, no anger. Just...contentment.


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