Byzantium Infected Box Set
Page 12
Illias nodded and sighed, “My father would then take some of the furs to the local coat maker, Silas. He would turn the furs into coats of varying shapes and sizes. My father would also purchase shoes from the cobbler. My mother ran our stand in the agora. While she waited for customers, she would take the scraps of fur from the coat maker and sew them into the shoes my father purchased from the cobbler. Mom sold the coats, the shoes, and even raw furs at our stand. Iason, my older brother, would go around with father as he tried to buy, sell, and negotiate deals. This left me at the stand with mom in the agora all day.”
Baltazar interrupted, “Doesn’t sound like a very exciting life, sitting in the agora all day with mom.”
Jirair mock slapped Baltazar on the forehead, “Are you daft? What better way to meet all of the ladies in town than sitting around the agora all day? Sooner or later the fine silks and spices will attract all of the town’s most delightful dishes.”
Illias fumed, “Are you all going to let me tell my story, or talk about the best ways to find whores?”
Constan answered the question, “Lighten up a little lad, locating whores to dip ye wick in is one of the main jobs of a soldier.”
Illias’ eyes narrowed and he glared at Constan. Trying to dispel the tension Constan said, “Continue lad.”
Illias nodded, “Next to our stand in the agora was Keyx’s stand. He was a tanner by trade. Just like my father, he bought the raw material and did the negotiating needed to keep the product flowing. Unlike my father, he would do some of the work himself. He would tan the hides in his shop using whatever urine he could get. Usually human piss from chamber pots. The man would stink of piss all the time, even if he just came from the baths. Of course, this left his wife to tend the stand just like my mother tended ours. That is where I met Iva. She worked alongside her mother at Keyx’s stand.”
At the first mention of a lady’s name the group whistled, hooted, and hollard. At least until Nikas flashed them a glare. Illias continued the tale as the commotion died down. This time without any additional prompting from Constan, “Iva wasn’t much to look at in the face, and she had a voice that would make your spine shiver. After having to listen to it all day, you kind of got used to it, so it wasn’t so bad. Iva had one thing going for her, an amazing body. Her breasts were both full and supple. They seemed to float in the air as if by magic. She had a perfectly sized waist. It went in below her bosum and widened back out at the hips. A perfect hour glass. I get a hard-on just thinking about it.”
Ilias paused for a moment and wiped his forehead with his arm, “Iva had this blue dress. Oh my Lord in heaven. It showed those wondrous curves off perfectly. The first day she wore it. I had an erection all day! I couldn’t stop stealing glances at her. My mother noticed my swelled manhood and told me, ‘Stand up we could use another coat rack to display our wares.’ I blushed so hard. I think Iva overheard her.”
Illias tale was interrupted by the cawing of three ravens. The birds sat on a rock that jutted out over the path and fought over a worm that one of them had found. The commotion attracted the eyes of everyone in the 2nd Kentarchia as they marched by.
Once they passed the birds, Illias continued, “That evening I was walking down to the docks so I could watch the ships go by on their way to the Mediterranean from the Euxine Sea. Iva saw me and joined me on my journey. She was still wearing that blue dress, and my erection came back. She glanced down at my trousers and giggled. ‘I see you are happy to see me,’ I couldn’t believe the transformation. A day ago her voice irritated the shit out of me, but in that blue dress, she sounded like a Goddess. I stammered in response. I didn’t know how to answer! All I could do was sit there with a stupid look on my face. I said, uh, uh, uh, yeah. Why did I just agree with her? Am I daft?
Constan put a hand on Illias shoulder, “Tis’ ok lad. A good-looking female can turn any man into a drooling idiot.” Everyone laughed, and Illias’ face turned a deep shade of crimson.
After a pause of several moments he continued, “She took my hand in hers and pulled me along. ‘Come this way,’ she said. Uh ok, I responded. God help me I still couldn’t speak! She yanked me into an alley giggling the whole time. We emerged onto Red Street.”
Ilias’ story was interrupted by the appearance of Damon. Just as Nikas had asked, Damon was carrying a large Amphorae.
Panting hard, Damon spoke in-between breaths, “Here is the amphorae you asked for, sir.” Nikas took the amphorae from Damon and examined it for several moments.
Nikas then declared, “This is indeed the amphorae I left behind this morning.” He points to a specific nick in it. “This is the mark Constan left when he banged his cup into it in frustration because it was empty. Good work, soldier.”
Nikas then heaved the amphorae with both hands and threw it over the side of the cliff. After several seconds the sound of the amphorae smashing into the rocks below could be heard. Damon had a stunned look on his face. Nikas looked at him and smiled, “Do you have a problem, soldier?”
“No, Sir!” Damon replied.
“Good, get back into the line and don’t disrupt my march with your arse again today,” Nikas ordered.
“Understood, Sir!”
Ilias continued his story after Damon resumed his place in the line, “Iva took me to an ancient abandoned temple of Neptune that overlooked the sea. She led me to a narrow staircase that led up into a tower. She told me that the Clerics of Neptune would keep a lantern lit and hanging from a rusted hook she pointed at. The light would help the ships at sea avoid crashing into the shore below. After she told me this, we just stood and watched the sunset for a time. Finally working up some courage, I took her hand in mine. It was so small and cold to the touch.
Athos remembered back to two night ago and how Athea’s hand had felt in his. Not cold to the touch at all but warm and pleasant. I can’t wait to see her tonight.
Athos focused back on Illias’ tale, “I held that hand for what seemed like forever. As the sun disappeared under the horizon and lit the sky with purples and reds, I turned, and our lips met. In that moment I was smitten with her. It was a perfect moment, with a perfect girl. I was in love. Over the next few months, we got to know each other. We would meet at Neptune’s temple to watch the sunset together as often as we could.”
Theron glanced down at the obvious bulge in Damon’s groin, “Apparently the run didn’t tire you out all that much.”
Everyone had a laugh at Damon’s expense. Illias seemed to remain strangely silent and detached until they settled down enough for him to continued, “One night our kissing turned into more. It was over so fast I wasn’t even sure it happened.” This elicited laughter from the audience. Ilias turned red.
Constan consoled him, “No worries, lad. Everyone’s first time is quick.”
Ilias nodded and continued his story, “It only took the one time. Iva was with child. At first, I was horrified. We went to my parents first and broke the news. My father was furious, as was my mother. After a time, my mother seemed to go from anger to excitement. She worked to turn my father, and they both were supportive of Iva and me getting married.”
Constan interrupted the story, “If it weren't for lose women the army would never have enough volunteers!”
Ilias glared daggers at Constan, “Sorry lad.” Constan said in a chastised tone, “I didn’t mean to infer that ye Iva was such a woman.
Ilias nodded slowly flashing Constan a look of warning before continuing, “Then came the hard part, her parents. My father, God bless him, accompanied me to meet with Iva’s father, Keyx. He was furious. I told him that I wanted to marry Iva and make this right. My father was great. To my surprise, he told Keyx that he had gotten the coat maker to take me on as an apprentice. It would be hard for Iva and me at first, but we would be just fine. Keyx pondered this new information for a time and finally smiled and shook my hand in the way that men do. He welcomed me to the family. Of course, since I had disgraced his daughter, I would
have to accept her without a dowry.”
“I bet the sly bastard was happy about that turn of affairs,” Damon offered.
Ilias nodded and smiled, “He sure seemed to be. I started my apprenticeship with the coat maker. I was a quick study and learned how to make fine coats quickly. It wasn’t going to be long before I would be able to open my own shop. I think my father had this in mind the whole time. Such a scheming bastard.”
Ilias light mood seemed to slip away as he continued the tale, “Time went on, and Iva went into labor. I was so nervous, she was in great pain. I sat by her and held her hand. It was all I could do. That was so frustrating, seeing her in pain like that and not being able to do anything about it. She tried so hard to push that baby out. Hours went by and then a day passed. She was getting weaker and weaker as the labor dragged on.”
Ilias paused his story. Tears came to his eyes as he fought back the urge to weep. “My Iva tried to hang on. She was so brave, I felt so helpless. I prayed countless times, but my prayers were not answered. As the second day of labor neared, she lost consciousness. Shortly after that, I noticed the bleeding. I begged God to save her and still no response. With nothing left to lose I turned to Satan. I offered to trade anything to save my Iva anything. My pleas again went unheeded.”
Ilias battle to hold back the tears failed, “All that was left to do was hold her hand. I held it for hour after hour as the life left her. As she slowly slipped away, my mind began to unravel. The silence inside my head got to me, you see. Finally, my Iva died with our baby still inside her.”
Stunned at this turn of events, everyone murmured their apologies about Ilias wife, “It destroyed me. I drank for a week straight, trying to numb the pain, but it wouldn’t work. Everywhere I went, I saw Iva. I couldn’t take it anymore. I left with the little bit of money we had saved and went east. It was enough to get me to Antioch. Desperate, I joined the Army and got assigned to the 5th Parthica.” Ilias turned to Jirair, “I wish I had done what you did. Then I wouldn’t have this pain. I wouldn’t have known that my child killed her.”
The jovial mood of the group evaporated after Illias had finished his tale. They marched in silence for the rest of the time each with their own thoughts. The remainder of the journey was uneventful.
They made good time back to Damascus and arrived back at the fort around mid-afternoon. Instead of being dismissed they were told to form up. As they stood in formation, still in their full kits in the sweltering sun, a general they had never met before walked out of a nearby building and placed himself at the head of their formation. He struck a dashing sight in his finely crafted suit of armor. The Spatha at his waist had a large emerald embedded in the pommel. The sheath it rested in was plated in gold and had intricate designs on it.
The unknown general addressed them, “Good afternoon, men. My name is General Vahan. A great threat to the Empire has breached our border with Arabia. Even now they march toward Jerusalem seemingly destroying all in their wake. Our scouts contacted this threat shortly after the destruction of the village of Udruch, but none of the scouts that have gotten close enough to identify the nature of the threat have survived the encounter.”
The elderly man paused for a moment to cough and then continued, “From a distance, they look like an unorganized rabble. Though they move slowly, we believe that Jerusalem will fall under attack by the end of the month. The Emperor has been notified, and we are expecting to receive reinforcements from Constantinople via the sea very soon. All units in Syria and Palestinia are being mobilized to meet this threat. Two days from now we will march South West to rendezvous with these other units. There I will take command of the combined force.”
“Our beloved Emperor has also ordered the mobilizations of Egypt, Armenia, and Anatolia. These units will take some time to get here. Therefore, if practical, we will engage this threat with the forces we have on hand, two to three weeks from today. If not, we will do what we can to delay the enemy and minimize the damage to the cities and people of Palestinia. Be confident, men! You, your brothers, and your fathers put a permanent end to the Persian threat! We should be able to make quick work of rabble from Arabia! Enjoy yourselves tonight! Be in formation at sunset tomorrow!”
Chapter 9
August 3rd, 636 Arabia Province, Byzantium
Nasir gasped in horror at Maarika’s revelation. He ran to her as she sat on the ground rubbing her calf where she had been bitten. He dropped to his knees and slid to a stop as he grabbed her bloody leg. The blood was mostly purple in color, “I don’t see a bite mark.”
Maarika sat up and smiled, “I guess I knocked out all of the bastard’s teeth.”
Nasir’s shoulders slumped, and he let out a deep sigh of relief. He took Maarika’s hand in his and held it for a time. The feel of her warm hand in his relaxed him in a way that nothing else could. Ready to continue, he stood and helped Maarika to her feet, “Stay our here and let me make sure there are no more of these damned hungry in the barracks.”
Maarika nodded absently and looked around the courtyard. Spotting a well, she went over to it and brought up the bucket using the rusted iron hand crank. Next, she ripped a piece of cloth from the tunic of a fallen Skutatoi nearby. Dipping it in the water, she used the cloth to clean the putrid smelling purple fluid from her legs.
Steeling himself for the challenge ahead, Nasir entered the barracks building. As he stepped inside, he paused for several moments to let his eyes adjust to the dim interior. During these moments, he stood absolutely still and listened for any sounds that might betray the location of a hungry one. He heard nothing.
As Nasir’s eyes adjusted, a large room took shape in front of him. Lines of sunlight showed through the cracks of the closed and barred shutters. Beds lined the walls to his left and right separated by a central aisle. Each bed had a modest mattress stuffed with straw, and a foot locker at the end. The smell of the room was horrific. Spattered blood covered the floor, walls, and several of the beds. Bones and other juicy bits were carelessly strewn and scattered about the chamber.
Nasir drew his gladius and smacked it against his shield three times, creating a loud banging noise. He tensed waiting for the inevitable moans of hunger and longing to erupt from places unseen. None did.
Nasir slowly made his way across the room to a doorway on the far wall. As he entered the room, a loud screech erupted to his right. Surprised, he pivoted in the direction of the sound and brought up his shield. Instead of the undead minion of Satan he was expecting, he faced a rat whose feast had just been interrupted.
The rat’s mangy body was covered in course gray and black fur. It’s two large yellow teeth were stained red from its meal. Disgusted by the rat and the culinary choice it had made, Nasir swung his gladius in a quick downward arc at it. With lightning quick reflexes, the rat dodged the blow and scurried away.
Nasir attempted to pursue the foul little beast, but it made good its escape by disappearing into a hole in the masonry of the wall. The last sight he saw of the little fiend was the long hairless tail fading into the darkness. Frustrated, he slipped his gladius back into its sheath and looked around the room.
The room seemed to serve a dual purpose as an office and a bed chamber. On the wall opposite the door was a desk. Just above the desk was a large shuttered window. On the right side of the room was a comfortable looking bed easily triple the size of the beds in the first chamber. On the left wall was a large wardrobe. The wardrobe, made from oak, had once been of high quality, but years in the desert climate had taken their toll on the wood. The once perfect finish was dried, flaking, and cracking in places.
Nasir walked across the room and opened the shutters. Light flooded into the room momentarily blinding him. Once his eyes adjusted, he looked down at the desk and saw several wax tablets. One of the tablets was only half used. He presumed this was the last partially filled out situation report to the Tourmarches and began reading it.
“To Tourmarches Flavius Rahid Asfour,
This morning a large band of what can only be described as bewitched cannibals erupted from the pass from the Arabian heartlands. At first, it looked as if they would ignore the fort all together and move past us. As they drew nearer, upon seeing men on our walls, they charged the fort. Alerted my Skutatoi spotted the danger immediately and barred the gate to prevent their entry. Sadly, it didn’t slow them down. Not even a little. They charged without any fear for their safety. So eager were they to get into the fort, that they climbed atop one another to get over the walls.
There were simply too many. In seconds they were atop the walls and feasting on the guards. Given their numbers, I thought it prudent to retreat into our barracks and attempt to hold them at the door. At first, this seems to work. They have not tried to gain entry with anything other than their bare hands. Stupid savages.
I thought we would be safe in here. Within minutes of letting my last soldier in, he went mad and attempted to eat my other men. I found out too late that those that were bitten by the crazed ones, went crazy as well. Unfortunately, I too have been bitten, and I feel the madness overtaking me. If this message ever reaches you say a-.”
Nasir stopped reading, the message abruptly ended. “What happened?” The unexpected voice startled him, and he flinched. Maarika chuckled, “My hero.” Nasir squared his shoulders and turned to face her. The expression on his face caused her smile to fade, “What’s wrong?”
“The hungry ones slew everyone before a warning could get out.” Nasir slumped his shoulders and collapsed into his former Kentarches’ chair.
Maarika knelt in front of him and placed her hands in his and looked up into his eyes. Eyes filled with sorrow gazed back at her, “What must we do love?”
Nasir pondered the question for several moments, “We must continue to Aqaba and warn them. Hopefully the hungry will get themselves lost in the desert, so that we can arrive ahead of them. I fear if they reach Aqaba before we do, this vile plague will be unleashed on the Empire. If that happens, there will be nowhere left to run.”