Book Read Free

I Am Your Brother

Page 16

by Jaimy Reynolds

  Workers inside the diner greet Seven as he and Lexus walk inside. The words of King played in his mind, “once they know you are a good tipper, your power in the establishment rises.” From wearing a hospital gown, to now walking in with a dolled up prostitute. The young handsome gentleman pulled the chair out for Lexus to sit down. The same waitress from last visit walked over to serve their table. Seven was unbothered by the looks received from being accompied by a prostitute. The attire of Lexus didn’t allow her to escape the reality. She felt more comfortable seeing that Seven wasn’t ashamed of being seen with her.

  SEVEN: Lexus, it’s time to get off that corner. That chapter of your life is over. I know it’s easier said than done, but I’m going to help you get started.

  LEXUS: And how are you going to do that huh?

  SEVEN: Do you want to continue on doing this. Does this make you happy?

  LEXUS: …no it doesn’t make me happy.. I feel worthless inside.

  SEVEN: What’s the price you would take to leave the streets?

  LEXUS: Why do you want to help me? What’s in it for you?

  SEVEN: No strings attached. I just want to help. Now, answer my question. What is the price to never go back to selling your body? Take some time off and get yourself together. You could go visit your favorite people. Do you have any kids?

  LEXUS: (Begins to tear up while maintaining a straight face) Yes, they probably hate me. I let them down.. Once I started using drugs awhile back, that is when everything fell apart.

  SEVEN: So that’s the plan. I give you the money, you get yourself together, and go start a relationship with your kid’s. Go get them back. And if they don’t accept you at first, you swallow your pride and remain consistent at attempting. Time heals all wounds and it’s never too late. And you never know the plans of God.

  LEXUS: (Wipes her tears with a napkin) I would love that, but I’m just.. I’m stuck.

  SEVEN: Where does your kids live?

  LEXUS: In a totally different city than me.

  (It wasn’t long before the waitress comes and places their food on the table)

  SEVEN: That’s even better. You need a different change of scenery. You take this money I’m going to give you, and take a bus there and find a hotel to stay in. Get you some rest and find yourself. It’s time to hit the reset button and start over. Before you know it, your life will have changed.

  LEXUS: Why would you do that for a stranger?

  SEVEN: Would eight thousand dollars be enough? I give you eight grand right now. To get on the bus and get out of here. You’ll be closer to your kids.

  LEXUS: (Fans her eyes to keep herself from crying) Got me in here crying and shit. Your taking a big risk young man. I could accept this money and continue doing my thing. How would you know, unless you stalk me.

  SEVEN: I believe you can do it. I just have a feeling.

  LEXUS: (Just stares at Seven across the table) You really mean that don’t you?

  SEVEN: I most certainly do.

  LEXUS: A rare one you are. A pure heart in this world can be a lot to carry. Especially, when being easy on the eyes. Let me guess, you have to be very careful with women because your love is the real thing. And now you come like a thief in the night and sweep me off my feet, just to change my life.

  Seven makes eye contact with his waitress at a distance. He signals for her assistence and respectfully requests for his glass to be refilled. He watches the water being poured in his cup when the half dressed woman across from him speaks, “I’m ready to get away from here. I accept your offer. I don’t want to live like this anymore.” The good news brought a needed joy to the wounded soldier. It seemed like yesterday, he and King sat in the very same diner. His hidden emotion of saddness was covered by his ambition to carry out his mission. The two continue to talk while finishing their meal. Seven would collect all the information he needed to set up the moving arrangements. He wanted it to where all she had to do was get on the bus and go. He leaves a generous tip on the table and the odd couple leaves the diner.

  Destiny didn’t hide her pain when Seven came around at times. He was used to seeing the flawless women in total control, to now seeing her at her worst. She didn’t put up much of a fight in battling her depression. There were days she didn’t get out of bed. All the lights in the room would remain off. Some days she didn’t bother to bathe or brush her teeth. She didn’t posses the will to move far away when knowing it was best for her. She lacked the energy to go through the whole process of finding a new home out of state. She remained in a hotel on the opposite side of the metroplex for the time being. She took all the time needed in adjusting to life after the death of King. She believed the hurt that she felt was karma from the life she once lived. Although the victims had it coming, she was still involved in the life of set ups, manipulation, hustling, conning, and theft. The aftermath of it all caused her to look back over her shoulder when being out into the world. Her mind was ready to move far away, but her body didn’t have the gas to run.

  Seven was the only thing that could make Destiny feel better. She was surprised of how great it felt to be held by someone who genuinely cared for her. The more time spent toghether, the more their desire to become one increased. Her virgin hormones tested her patience, while the considerate Seven did not attempt to push the envelope. The self control that he possessed enhanced her desire for him. She was yet to meet a heart like his. For the first time of her adult life, she wondered if she was good enough for a man. The goodness of his presence made you want to be a better human being. For most of Destiny’s adult life, she had to deal with her issues on her own. Besides King, there was no one to talk to. So when Seven came along, he felt like answered prayers.

  Seven awakes bright and early. He prays on the side of the bed while watching the virgin sleep. He didn’t want to leave her side, but there was work to be done. He catches the city bus to his part of town and was dropped off two miles from the library. He uses the resources available to look up the crime rate in his community. He researched the numbers from three months back and prints out copies. He calls the elementary, Jr. High, and high schools to retrieve the average test scores of the student body as a whole. He took the numbers of the crime rate, the average testing scores for the last three months and entered all the data onto one spreadsheet. He prints out the copies before walking to his apartment. The first thing he does when entering his home was hang up the statistics on his wall. He changes his clothes and fills his backpack up with more books to give away. Before walking out of his apartment, he stared at those numbers on his wall.

  When out roaming the community, Seven kept an eye open to ones who were pushing the drugs. He walked the streets at night and looks out his window with a set of binaculars. He kept tabs on their where about’s and times they liked to hang outside. He planned to move in at the right time. There were a handful of small time hustler’s working for the two main dealers that supplied the area. The two weren’t your big time dealers, but they wasn’t hurting for any money either. One stood obviously on the block, while the other remained low key. Seven slipped a small note that read, “I would like to present an offer to you, let’s talk,” along with a $100 bill slightly sticking out of both books. The one dealer who was more low key, just so happened to be leaning up against a Lincoln Town car. Seven began to walk towards him with a few of his health packet books in his hand. The dealer who goes by the name of, “Cash,” began to frown as the unfamiliar Seven approaches closer.

  SEVEN: How are you doing my brother, I’m just strolling by passing out this book that I believe can help people.

  CASH: Thanks but no thanks. I don’t need a book.

  SEVEN: Not even the money inside? Okay, well you can pass it on to someone if you like. Have a good day.

  Seven sat the book down on the ground and walked off while not turning and looking back. He knew that he would eventually run into him again. He just wanted to plant the seed in his mind for now and have him wonderi
ng what the offer would be. On to the next dealer was his destination. It was a couple blocks from the apartments where the young hustler named, “Monty,” stood outside the corner store. Seven walked inside the store and bought a small bag of unsalted peanuts. He pays for the item and takes out a book with a $100 dollar bill sticking out of it. Also, inside was the note that read, “I want to make you an offer that will be hard to refuse.” Seven walks out of the store while pouring peanuts into his mouth. Then he began to approach Monty.

  MONTY: Yo who are you?

  SEVEN: How you doing my brother?

  MONTY: I don’t know you to be calling me your brother. So wuz up, you looking for something?

  SEVEN: (Pours more peanuts in his mouth while looking into the eyes of Monty) That’s understood. Just wanted to give you this book and I’ll be on my way.

  He hands the book to Monty who could see the money sticking out of the book as he accepts the gift. Seven turns and walks off. Monty opens the book and sees the message next to the money. As Seven continued walking, Monty shouts, “yo come back.” Seven stops and turns around as he poured more peanuts inside his mouth. He walks back to being in Monty’s vicinity.

  MONTY: I don’t want to wait. What is this offer you speak of? And wuz up with the money inside, who does that?

  SEVEN: I do it, hoping that it grabs your attention.

  MONTY: Well you grabbed it, what is this offer you speak of?

  Suddenly, Seven changes his positioning when he sees a cop car driving by who happens to be the police officer who wears the eye patch.

  MONTY: You scared of the police man?

  SEVEN: No, just that one in particular. The cop with the eye patch. What’s his deal?

  MONTY: I don’t know wuz up with that pig. But it’s something fishy about him. I always see him rolling around the hood.

  SEVEN: You mind if we talk somewhere else other than out in the open?

  MONTY: Naw bro, I don’t even know you, you can be trying to set me up for all I know. You want to talk, this is my office.

  SEVEN: That’s respect. So here is the deal. I’ll get right to it. What’s your price to get you off the block and stop selling to our people?

  MONTY: How in the hell you know I’m out here selling?

  SEVEN: Word of mouth, and it’s not too hard to tell.

  MONTY: What, are you the feds?

  SEVEN: The feds will have you locked up in prison, I’m here to help prevent that from happening. What, is this it? Is this the life you want, taking a risk every day? What about your future? You can’t do this forever. I know there is something else out there you wouldn’t mind becoming.

  MONTY: (Suspiciously looking) What are you, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King? What do you care what I do? This is how I get it.

  SEVEN: Because I want to see us prosper. Because I want kids one day and don’t want my teenager to have the option to buy drugs when leaving the corner store. Because I’m tired of seeing us being locked away in prisons. You think God created you to hustle on the streets? Your still young man. You still have a chance.

  MONTY: (Contemplating) So what kind of offer you talking about?

  SEVEN: Give me a price. What is it going to take?

  MONTY: Oh I get it, you want me to stop hustling so you buy me out and take over my customers.

  SEVEN: I’m not about selling poison to my people. This here book, this is free essential knowledge, wisdom and good food for the heart, mind and soul. I understand you have to survive and may not want to work for anybody. I feel that, but if you have to bring your people down, in order for you to come up, that’s foul. Let’s do some math. I’m assuming, let’s say you make $500 a day, if that. And let’s say you work seven days a week. $500 times 7 days equals $3,500. There are four weeks in a month, so $3,500 times four equals $14,000. I’ll give $14,000 to leave this life alone and start a new one for yourself. You could go to trade school, perfect your craft of whatever you have a passion in. Take this money and start your own business. What do you say?

  MONTY: $14,000 to stop hustling huh? That sounds too good to be true.

  SEVEN: Try me.

  MONTY: Man who sent you?

  SEVEN: God. How about you think about it (Takes out a pen and reaches for Monty to hand him the book. He writes his phone number on the first page and hands the book back). Go ahead and let this life go before it becomes too late. Hope to talk to you soon. Hopefully we can sit down and talk before I give you the money. Have a blessed day.

  He turns around and walks off leaving the young Monty in deep thought. Seven thought to himself, maybe he was offering to much money. But he also knew, Monty was one of the head honchos out here who has many of the small time hustler’s working for him. If he could get in good with Monty, that would lead him to the others for way less. If you take Monty out of the equation, then the drugs going out into the community reduces.

  On his way home he sees an ice cream truck being chased down by kids. He walked to the truck and speaks to the kids. “Get whatever you would like, I’m buying today.” The kid’s that were standing at a distance from the ice cream truck were doing so from not having any money. “Kids, yall come over here if you want some ice cream.” Around six kid’s came running up to the musical truck. Seven shakes the hand of the truck driver while telling the kids to get whatever they liked. One of the kids touched his arm, while the youngest out of the bunch tapped on his leg and making his request. The joy of seeing their faces light up over something so small was priceless.

  The dealer named, “Cash,” who leaned up against his car witnessed Seven buying ice cream for the Kid’s. The kiddos who mismatched freely thanked him. Their pure energy generated boldness to ask without wondering who would disapprove.

  SEVEN: Kid’s, I want to ask you all a question. How many of you are being raised by your mom. She takes care of you and your brother and sisters by herself?

  Seven out of the eleven kid’s either raised their hand or responded, “me.”

  SEVEN: Ok, well after we finish eating our ice cream, I want you take me to your parents.

  He followed the kids to their apartment to speak with the single mother. Come to his surprise, two out of those seven single moms were actually their grandmother, and one was a single parent dad. Once they answered the door, he was short of breath. He let it be known that he came in peace. Also, hoping that him buying the kid’s ice cream would not be going against their wishes. He handed each parent a book, then asked if he could be a blessing by them writing out a list of things they needed for their household. After collecting all the data from the sixth single guardians, he folded his list up and put it in his pocket. The list was mostly more of the necessities of food and toiletries. A few mentioned how they could use some help on a bill rather than food. So he did indeed. When they all asked his name, he said “just call him brother.” There were a few parents who didn’t want or need any help, although they accepted the free book.

  Seven called up the same Uber driver named Diego for some shopping. Mr. Diego and Seven made a verbal agreement over the phone to be Sevens personal Uber driver. Seven made it clear that he didn’t want his business told to anyone. Diego agreed and accepted the offer to have his pay doubled. Diego was a 35 year old Mexican American man who took pride in everything he was apart of. Seven admired his professionalism, consideration, and how clean he kept his car. Diego was a man of a few words. That changed after the fifth day of reading the book given to him. He finally struck up a conversation with Seven who slumped down in the back seat staring out the window.

  DIEGO: I want to thank you for the book you gave me my friend.

  SEVEN: Your more than welcome my brother.

  DIEGO: That is some powerful things you wrote in the book. Enough to cause people to help themselves and not relay on paying all of this money to doctor’s.

  SEVEN: Wow, just the simple fact that you read the book is awesome. I’m just hoping it can be a blessing to you.

  DIEGO: Oh, it h
as my friend. I applied the information you gave on page 11 you told me to read, and the rash on my arm is almost gone. Not to mention, my blood pressure hasn’t been high. I read the book and I tell you Seven, you came right on time.

  SEVEN: (Seven rises up from his seat and leans closer towards the front) I’m so thankful to hear that.

  DIEGO: I’ve never been big on religion, or even real spiritual although I believe that Jesus is the son of God, I guess over time of countless hurt, death, and sickness. It just piles up on me and I lose sight for too long. And despite what we are going through, we still have to work to pay the bills. Now you have to have two sources of income just to make it. It drains me. When none of your prayers of healing are being answered, after time, I started to lose faith. But this book here, has caused me to reconnect with God. It brings me hope. Hope that I was losing.

  SEVEN: I’m glad the book is able to do so. If you don’t mind me asking. When you say, “none of the prayers of healing are not being answered,” is there something you are trying to heal?

  DIEGO: My wife and I have been married nine years and we haven’t been able to have a baby. It’s been challenging on us both. It’s the main cause of her depression. She feels like something is wrong with her. She wanted to be a mother so bad. I sit there and watch the look on her face at quinceaneras, and I know it hurts her. That smile isn’t real. We tried everything the doctors had us do. We tried going to church and the pastor praying over us. We tried everything except having the money to have a procedure done. None of it has worked. So now, we have been trying some of the things you put in your book.

  While listening to Diego speak, Seven silently asks God to work through him. He would go on to ask questions such as, what is his wife’s diet consist of over the years? How many days out of the week do they eat fast food? What symptoms does she have? What prescription of medicine and vitamins is she taking consistently? Diego answered back honestly while Seven was registering everything in his mind like a doctor.


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