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Thorned (Martinez Mafia Dynasty Book 1)

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by K. H. Kate


  Martinez Mafia Dynasty

  Book 1



  Copyright © 2020 by K.H. Kate

  All rights reserved.

  First Edition: AUG 2020

  All rights preserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  This is a dark romance which contains psychological abuse and dark themes. If you are not familiar, please, proceed with caution.






































  Look after your brother.

  That was the last thing I heard when our father walked out of our life. Now at twenty-three, I think I've failed to understand just how much looking after I needed to do in order for my brother to be actually present in my life.

  Jokes on me though.

  Nick didn't look for a better future like our mama. He didn't marry some posh rich chick to get more money. No, absolutely not. Instead, he turned to run errands for people who didn't have a moral bone in their body.

  But I can't whine about him not being present in my life either. He doesn't give me a full chance to be angry with him. Not yet anyway. He stays home for four days a week. He cooks, does laundries, and asks me how my job hunting is going.

  And every time he has a smile on his face. That damned smile that scares me more than anything nowadays. Shuddering, I try to force him out of my head. But it’s like he’s a parasite, always toying with my mind.

  I am with you after all. How much more can you need, Raine?

  Even now if I close my eyes, I can imagine how he’d look at me if he knew the length I’m willing to go to find him. My cold, calculative, brother who’s a walking reminder of our father. And just like that, I’m in our dollhouse, hoping all of this is just a nightmare.

  "How are things going, Raine?" His lips twitched but not in amusement. I have been with him for too long to not notice the signs. Lately, he’s gotten bored of everything.

  Of my concerns.

  And, me.

  My hold on the fork tightened at the alarming thought. But today, it’s not about him. I have had better things to worry about, like dodging our landlady. So, even if I knew the undecided rules we have made up in years, I didn't entertain whatever game he was thinking of playing next. I just stared at his unfocused eyes and blurted out. "I need money to pay the rent, Nick. Mrs. Julian is going to kick-"

  His smile widened. For people outside, it's a beautiful sight. God-given beauty, I think mama would say. But I couldn't find anything more terrible.

  "Just answer my question, Raine." He gritted out. Maybe for my sake, he was not raising his hands yet. I could certainly see his clenched fist even if he was trying too hard to hide it.

  "It’s going fine." The words came out as a squeak. It’s not like he genuinely wanted to know. Words had less value in our life, we showed our love in strained smiles and devious games.

  "Hey chica, look where you are going!"

  It's too hard to focus on who I just stumbled into. These are the same people who changed my brother, leaving a stranger into his place. How can I ever dare to look at them in the eyes?

  So, I just apologize and move between the dancing bodies with only one thought. He might not have been much of a brother lately, but he’s the only one I’m left with. Papa himself trusted me with Nick. That one little thought becomes my weapon as I look at the poker tables, the bar, and finally the dreadful shed. The one place he warned me not to go without him, even if it was important. I was hoping that day would never come, but then again, shouldn't by now I shoulda learned that hope is not for people like us?

  I'm startled out of my mind when another presence graces me the moment I enter the shed. Only then I realize that I was hoping for it to be empty. To go back home and mourn my brother’s disappearance. But here I am, staring at a man who is too busy doing drugs. Though the man in front of me isn’t like the men in the club. He is too rugged, his eyes evoke everything he is feeling, unlike the people my brother works with or works for. Some days it's hard to differ.

  I don’t know how I sound when his shocked eyes meet mine. "I know I’m not supposed to be here. But I need to…I’m looking for someone. Have you heard of Nick? Nick Taylor? He works at the club. He’s a regular, I think."


  His voice is heavy with an accent. It means he is not local. What’s up with my brother always working for the people not from here? I don't know if he recognizes my brother or not but his huge figure steps back in alarm.

  "I know no Nick. You should leave." The tone of his voice says one thing, like he’s bored but his eyes say otherwise.

  I should do something. Like, go home and wait for Nick to come back. Or maybe just leave him here to rot. If Mrs. Julian doesn’t get her rent, she will throw me out on the streets anyway. So I start to walk. Only that I don't walk toward the door. I walk closer to the man, his eyes bulging out the more steps I take.

  "What the fuck are you doing, Chika!? I told you to leave. Me know no Nick!"

  "You know him." I don't intend to be so harsh but I can't. Five nights of no sleep can do that to anyone. "Where is he? Is he ok?"

  "I said I don't-" He's awfully cut off. By a bullet between his eyes.

  "You Nicki's sister?" Someone whispers next to me. My eyes find him as he lazily pulls out a pack of cigarettes, lightening one. I don’t want to look away but there are bits and pieces of flesh on me. Red, everywhere…

  Someone screams. The sound deafening even to my ears. Black dots dance around me. Something tickles down my chin. Tears? Blood? Stupidity?

  "Your brother pissed off a wrong man, chika. We had to do it." The man sounds remorseful almost as if...



  "I-Is he-" Please tell me he's alive. He's just pretending. Playing games again.

  Heat rushes through my vein when a hand forces my chin upward. "He's what? Dead?"

  I flinch back, he laughs. "Dead or alive, he had to pay. Sadly he wouldn't give us the money he stole so we went after something more...vulnerable to him."


  Even before I can understand what's happening, someone holds a cold metal against my head. There's also a hi
ss near my ears. The man with the cigarette? "No one messes with the boss, chika. We will make Nicki wish that he never made that mistake."


  I don't have time to panic. Someone has already covered my nose with a napkin. I want to fight back but then again I'd do anything for my brother. So instead of digging my nails hard over the arm, my hands drop beside me. I inhale. I exhale. And when my eyes close, I see Nick waiting for me with that damned smile.

  And I smile back.

  Welcome home, brother...



  I never had to wait for anything in my life.

  I used to get toy guns when I was five. I got older and they turned to the real ones. As my father loves to say, you never wait for something to come at you. If you want it hard enough, you just take it.

  Just like he patiently waited years to take over the La Eme Pedro Knight built with his blood money. Being the former underboss, Padre showed his respect when it was due but I can reckon the way he looked for the day the old Knight would be dead. If Pedro didn’t die the way he did, I may have been the future underboss. I was trained for it for my whole life only to take over as a boss when two months ago Pedro unexpectedly died.

  A shot in the heart is what they said.

  But I know there’s more to the story. In our world, we lived on lies and bled on betrayals. So as his body was lowered to the ground, I took everything he left behind.

  Even his mistakes.

  “Nicki still refused to open his mouth,” Roman says, his eyes straight at the wall and not on me.

  Nicki…the bane of my existence for the last few weeks.

  “This is exactly why Dario is tracking his sister, Roman. Is there anything else that I need to know?”

  He takes a moment to consider my words and then nods. “Yes, boss. The Surenos were wary of Pedro’s death but ever since you took over, they are hesitating to exchange information. Especially, after the Outfits attacked one of our clubs.”

  My fists clench in result. The Outfits may have full control over Chicago, but they won’t spare their share on New York either. Which is exactly why Pedro was thinking of a peace treaty between the two families but Dante managed to stop him. Dante was supposed to be the peace holder in the family, the one person I can go for advice. But he is a different breed of animal. The more I teach him to hunt, the more he starts to think that he’s the owner.

  “The Surenos have nothing to fear from us.” I pause, wondering if that’s really what I believed. “Besides, is Outfits the only reason they are afraid?”

  For the first time, he meets my gaze with a grin. “They think you had something to do with Pedro’s death. And if you can betray the familia…”

  You can betray your own soul.

  He shares the same thought when he steps away respectfully. “I know there were rumors going around since his death but I know you didn’t do it. You are not capable of such monstrosity.”

  My smile is close to a snarl when I stand up, my mind conjuring every way I’m going to test him. “Because I’m too soft?”

  He shakes his head, a small laugh of disbelief leaving from his lips. “Oh, no. If you really wanted to take everything from Pedro, he wouldn’t be dead. He’d be forced to watch his downfall. You don’t just want blood, boss, you never did. You much more prefer to possess their mind.”

  I can’t argue on that so I don’t.

  Before Roman can say more, Lou stumbles over the doorway with papers in his hands, probably for the meeting with the cartel. As Lou nervously looks up to me, I gesture for Roman to leave. He does so but not before stealing a cautious look at Lou.

  I sigh despite not wanting to. I may have chosen Roman to be my underboss but Lou was my father’s first choice. Is Roman still insecure about his position? Fuck, don’t know why that makes me uneasy.

  “Er…boss?” Lou squeaks, almost immediately tensing his muscles. For now, I decide to overlook his clumsiness by showing interest in the papers.

  “Did the cartel agree for a meeting?"

  “I tried." Fuck, he failed. His voice shakes when he notices the look on my face. "Triads offered them some pretty good amount of money for laundering, we offered to double it. He insisted that he will come to an agreement if only the real heir is present."

  That real heir. A myth no one wants to believe yet everyone is aware of. It takes me a second to mask my irritation.

  "What else?"

  He mostly keeps his face schooled but the crack is already there. It's an amusing effort. At least he doesn't fall on his feet like the last time. "The Detroits got their hands on our shipment. Dario was supposed to look this over but he was busy dealing with Nicki’s punishment-"

  "What fucking else, Lou!? Cause all I'm hearing is bad news."

  Like I fucking need another bad week.

  He stammers. "Uh...your brother called last night and left a message."


  The only reason they will ever call me if they are in trouble. For fuck's sake, is the universe trying to kill me or something?

  "Which one?" I grit out.

  "I believe it was Spade, boss." My fingers clench in irritation or maybe that's what people call worry nowadays.

  Last I heard, he was majoring in business. Not that he will ever tell me what else he does. Between the three of us, he's the secretive one. Hell, even I didn't have the guts to say 'fuck you I'm choosing my own life' to our father.

  He makes it hard to protect him doing things like this. Especially when he’s unmarked, refusing to take our family name to his skin. Ares on the other hand...He believes in fucking rainbows and unicorns. Like he thought it was easy to just let go of this life when he couldn't himself.

  I love my brothers to no end, I can kill for them. No doubt. But I hate Ares the most. That annoying little shit looks at me like I need help or it's his fault that I'm a killer. Like he needed to pay me back every time I helped his ass from getting handed out. Every family dinner all he did was boost about how if he can live like normal people then why can't I?

  He didn't stumble into Padre's study accidentally only to watch him kill a woman by driving a rod in her eyes. I can scoff at every time he ran his mouth about world peace and shit when he’s no better than us. He may have gotten the legalized business but in reality? He’s a Martinez through and through.

  "Send me the message and leave," I say coldly. Lou nods and in a minute he's out of the office. I don't even have to wait for another minute before my office phone pings with a message. Picking up the headset, I'm blessed with Spade's rough voice.

  "I don’t know if you even want to talk to me so I am sending this to Lou. I hope you at least listen to it. I just wanted to let you know that Ares has taken a lease recently for a club. Now I know you'll love to see what kind of club our brother has chosen. I will give you two hints; it's everything he says against and you are going to be pissed.

  And finally, happy birthday. I wish you find something better this year. You deserve the fucking world, hermano."

  Shit. Once again he thinks I’m keeping my distance because I hate him when all I want is to keep him out of trouble. He had already faced enough being in the family as it is, the last thing he needs is to be used as a leverage. And wishing for something better? I stopped wishing a long ago. Wishing for a thing wasn’t going to bring it to me, I had to work hard for it to be mine.

  Suddenly the door opens with Felix sneaking his head in. "Boss, Dario is here. The girl is with him."

  Fucking finally.

  "Get her here. And make sure the brother is getting enough food. I don't want to kill the ratto so easily. I want her to be present when he dies." He flashes me a barely there smile before leaving to collect the girl.

  Opening the desk drawer, I observe my prized weapon, lingering on the mark of familia. When I first got the knife, it was pretty much broken, not worthy of taking. Definitely not worthy in Padre’s eyes. Which is why till this day it’s still my
favorite one when dealing with traitors.

  "Boss." My eyes drift from the rough edge of the knife to the voice coming from the doorway. And when I see who it is I blink hard. It has to be a joke.

  "This is her?"

  I want to laugh. She looks like a Barbie. Hell, even a Barbie has more weight than the girl currently on Dario’s hold. The closer I get to them, the more I notice the smaller details. Her face has shrunken badly while her bones are almost sticking out in odd places. What the fuck was that ratto feeding his sister?

  "Should I wake her up?" Dario asks with amusement. I shrug and without saying anything, shake her shoulder hard.

  Just as said, thin bony Barbie.

  She lets out a whine thrashing out the moment I touch her shoulder. Something inside my stomach drops, a sight very familiar flashing over my head. I have to clench my teeth for not to let Dario know of it. How fucking cute. This girl hasn't even graced us with her presence and I'm already pissed. And when she finally opens her eyes-fuck...I'm determined to play some games before her brother is out of the picture.

  And something tells me it's going to be more than anyone bargained for...



  If there was a stench of danger, I have to be feeling that now.

  Even before I open my eyes to this unknown place, I know it's nothing compared to Nick and his games. It's an entirely different brand of madness. Yet I can't bring myself to move or run. They kidnapped me right after brutally killing a man. A fact I'm still not familiar with.

  My head is dizzy when I look around my new cage. The man who took me here merely gives me a glance before ignoring my existence altogether. There's another man, with glasses covering his eyes. When he notices my gaze on him, he gives me a small smile. There's no hostility in them, only pity. Shifting sideways, I look at the one I was avoiding all along. The moment his eyes meet mine, all I can ask is-

  What do I have that can save my brother from this mess?


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