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Just Guard Me Forever

Page 6

by Valentina Turner

  Sandy carried on with talking to Seth. She kept on reminding him of the beautiful life they had together before now. She whispered into his ear about how much they loved each other and the future they would have together.


  Sandy jerked her head up at the sound of her name. She had been whispering to him what she would do to him in bed if he woke up and spoke to her.

  “Thank goodness you’ve regained consciousness,” she said, placing a relieved kiss on his lips.

  “Mr. Banner, how are you feeling?” one of the police officers questioned.

  Sandy wanted to protest the question because she felt this was her time with Seth that they were intruding on. Realizing that it would look childish of her, she kept silent and instead placed kisses across his face.

  Seth chuckled. “What do you think? I got shot.”

  The men laughed. “We did warn you not to interfere with our job, didn’t we?”

  Seth shifted his gaze from the men to Sandy’s face. “It was worth it, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

  The men laughed and moved away, deciding that they would also do the same and even more for the woman they loved.

  “Sandy.” Seth raised his hand and cupped her tear-stained face.

  “Please don’t talk. Reserve your strength. Help is on the way.”

  “I have to tell you something,” he pressed.

  Sandy shook her head. “Please don’t.” She was afraid that if he had his say, it would be like saying goodbye to her. But if he didn’t get to talk, he would hang on.

  As if he read her mind, he said, “I’m not going anywhere, Sandy. So you don’t have to be afraid that I’m about to say goodbye. Heck no. We’re going to be together forever.”

  Sandy laughed through her tears and kissed him again. She was very happy and relieved to hear that.

  “I’m sorry for not telling you about my real identity. After I discovered that Haley was only with me because of my money, I wanted a woman who would love me unconditionally. I found that in you and didn’t want to spoil things by telling you who I was.

  “I was also afraid that if you found out who I really was, you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore. You’re a very independent woman and finding out that I was a neurosurgeon might make you think we weren’t a perfect fit.”

  Sandy chewed on her bottom lip because she had actually thought along those lines. She had seen herself as a small-town girl, while he was a big-city hotshot.

  “I couldn’t afford to lose you based on who I was. I was ready to give up my practice just to be with you. I loved you so much that I started contemplating moving down to Plyrock and relocating my hospital to Colorado just so that we could be together if you didn’t want me to quit. That was how badly I wanted us to remain a couple.

  “I kept putting off telling you about being a neurosurgeon because I was scared. I might seem self-confident and sure of myself but when it comes to matters of the heart, I’m a complete coward. However, I was coming to tell you about Haley’s pregnancy and everything when you unexpectedly left the ranch.

  “You will never believe the amount of shock that ran through my body when I saw that you had painted a portrait of Haley. I wanted to open up to you then but I was scared. I thought that I had left it too late and that you would never forgive me. So, I went to seek Malcolm’s counsel and he told me to tell you.

  “I wanted to reveal to you that finding out that Haley was pregnant was the cause of your accident. I knew that I had to tell you all that no matter the cost. I was prepared to go on my knees and beg you not to leave me. But then, you left the ranch in a hurry and then I found out that James kidnapped you. I can’t tell you how afraid I was. I kept thinking of various evil things that he would have done to you. And I blamed myself for everything. If I hadn’t left it too late to tell you what was going on, you wouldn’t have left the ranch that way and be captured by that despicable man. I’m sorry.”

  Sandy shook her head, tears of joy flowing down her face. “You have nothing to apologize for, Seth. I think I should be the one apologizing for running away from you again. I’m not making excuses, but you see, I learned how to run away from my problems because of James. Whenever I returned from school, I always had to do things very fast so that I’d be gone before he returned home. The day he nearly had his way with me was the last time I went home after school. I went to the diner after school and did my homework there.

  “I’m so sorry. I’ll work on myself not to runaway whenever we have issues. I’ll stay and talk it over with you.”

  Seth smiled. “Attagirl! I would love that. And you don’t have to worry about Haley anymore. Seeing how concerned I was about you when you went missing, she clearly deduced how much you meant to me. She had to finally admit that she had lost me. I think losing the baby might have had something to do with me.”

  Sandy’s eyes became as large as saucers.

  “She lost the pregnancy?”

  He nodded ruefully.

  “Was it yours?”

  “That’s one thing I’ll never know.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It was over between me and Haley when I overheard her telling her friend that she was with me because of money and connections. She had no idea that I was in the apartment when she came in with her friend. They both laughed at my expense. Something instantly died inside me. I came out and confronted her, and then I told her it was over between us. She tried to deny it but I didn’t listen.

  “I was long overdue for a break. So, I decided to come over to visit Malcolm. He had been inviting me, but I never had the time. Usually we only saw each other at celebrations like Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. So, he was very happy when I showed up unannounced. He understood that I was nursing a broken heart and let me be. We both never knew that it was fate that brought me to Plyrock to meet my one true love.”

  Tears made Sandy’s eyes smart anew. She who didn’t used to engage in crying and saw it as weak, couldn’t hold back her tears for a single moment anymore. Loving made one vulnerable, and she was glad she was loved.

  Weakly, Seth said, “I love you, Sandy. Only you.”

  “I love you, too, Seth. Forever and always,” she replied and kissed him just as he lost consciousness.

  She screamed.

  Chapter 10

  Sandy prayed like she had never done before. The paramedics arrived just as Seth lost consciousness. They told her that Seth would be all right, but she didn’t believe them. Only until he was awake and smiling and telling her that he loved her would she believe that he would be fine.

  She held on to his hand as they placed him inside the ambulance. After he explained what happened, she loved him even more than before the incident with James. He was her everything and she would die if anything happened to him.

  She continued praying that nothing would happen to him as she tried to pour her love out to him to give him strength to come back to her.

  Although the scenarios weren’t the same, it brought back memories of the time her mother had collapsed at the diner. She had been the one to go with her to the hospital, holding her hand and praying that she would be all right. Unfortunately, her mother never made it out of the hospital and Sandy was afraid that the same thing would happen to Seth. The paramedics had also told her that her mother would be fine. So, it was understandable if she didn’t believe them and she was getting paranoid about Seth being fine.

  If she lost one more person in her life, it would be too disastrous for her to bear. She didn’t think she would be able to go on. In a few minutes, they were at the hospital. The paramedics had called ahead, so immediately when the ambulance pulled up in the parking lot, two nurses rushed out with a stretcher. Seth was gently placed on it and wheeled into the building. Sandy ran after them, but she was told to stay back when he was taken to OR.

  With her heart thumping in her chest, she paced the reception area. She was told that they would only remove
the bullet from his shoulder then stitch it back up. So, she didn’t understand why she was still waiting there thirty minutes later.

  Fear gripped her that something might have gone wrong and no one wanted to come out to tell her. Memories of how the doctor had come out to tell her that her mother didn’t make it, flooded her.


  She jumped at the sound of her name. Relief washed over her when she saw Jules and Malcolm hurrying toward her. Jules rushed into her arms and they hugged each other fiercely, weeping with relief.

  “I was so worried. I thought I would never see you again,” Jules said when they pulled apart. Her friend touched the bruises on her face.

  “It’s nothing,” Sandy said and turned to Malcolm.

  He enveloped her in a bear hug.

  “How is he?” Malcolm asked when he released her.

  Struggling to contain her tears, she shook her head. “I haven’t heard anything. He’s in surgery. They’re trying to remove the bullet from his shoulder.”

  “Oh, God,” Jules groaned and went into Malcolm’s arms.

  Sandy couldn’t help the surprise that crossed her face. She had expected that both of them would be arguing by now. But they were instead comforting each other?

  Jules noticed the amazement in her friend’s eyes when she pulled away and blushed. Then she shrugged and said, “You already guessed that there was something explosive between us, so don’t look so shocked.” Then she looked at Malcolm and took his hand. She turned to her friend and said happily, “I think he’s the one.”

  Sandy couldn’t help letting out startled laughter. She was very pleased that her friend had finally found a man that blew her away. She reached out and threw her arms around Jules.

  “I’m so happy for you,” she said and turned to Malcolm, “and you too.”

  Malcolm smiled. “Thank you, Sandy. Seth will be all right. He’s a fighter.”

  Sandy nodded and smiled through her tears. Seth had promised her that he wouldn’t leave her, so she had to have faith in his words. He would pull through. This wasn’t the same incident as when her mother died. It would turn out differently.

  “Please tell me what happened,” Malcolm quietly said.

  She nodded and they took their seat on the hospital chairs. Sandy told them how Seth came to her rescue, drawing James’s attention to him and off her.

  “That was brave of him,” Jules said with a smile.

  “Yes, but I want him back. I wish he didn’t get hurt,” Sandy said, afraid to think of the implications of the bullet in Seth’s shoulder.

  “He’ll make it,” Jules strongly affirmed.

  When the doctor finally came out of surgery, Sandy gripped Malcolm’s hand so hard, she was afraid she would break it. The man smiled and the breath whooshed out of Sandy.

  “He’s fine. The surgery was successful. We were able to remove the bullet. Thank goodness it missed any vital parts. You can see him as soon as he’s placed in a room.”

  Sandy released Malcolm’s hand and took the doctor’s. “Thank you, doctor. Thank you.”

  The man smiled at her and walked away. Sandy hugged Jules and Malcolm. Her aunt chose that moment to make an appearance and Sandy ran into her arms.

  Both of them wept with pent-up relief.

  “I thought I would never see this beautiful face of yours again,” her aunt said, weeping profusely.

  “I’m fine, Aunt Karen,” Sandy replied, smiling through her tears.

  A few minutes later, they were able to see Seth. Although he was still under, he was still the most handsome man in the world to her and she loved him.

  Sandy stayed with him until he woke up. She smiled at him and kissed his lips.

  “Thank God, you’re finally awake.”

  “Was I asleep for long?” he questioned in a hoarse voice and winced when he tried to move.

  She smiled and nodded. “I was very worried about you.”

  He returned her smile. “You didn’t have to be. I told you that we’d be together forever.”

  “I believe so now.”

  Malcolm, Jules and Aunt Karen later came in to see him. Lastly, Haley came in a wheelchair.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked Seth.

  He smiled at her. “I feel fine.”

  Haley turned to Sandy with tears in her eyes. “You should treasure him always. Not many men would take a bullet for a woman. I was a fool to not see his worth other than in dollar bills.”

  Sandy bestowed on Seth a loving smile. “I will.”

  “I’m sorry for trying to come between you two,” Haley continued quietly. “I’ll leave as soon as the doctor certifies that it’s okay to do so. I’ll go back to New York and try to revive my dying career.”

  “Thank you, Haley. I’m sorry about the baby,” Sandy said with genuine emotion.

  Haley shrugged. “Now that I’ve had time to think about everything, I believe that the miscarriage was a blessing in disguise.”

  Sandy’s eyes enlarged. “It was?” She exchanged stunned looks with Seth.

  Haley nodded. “Because of the baby, I would have continued to hold on to what was already lost. This way, I get to be free from anything that will tie me to Seth and make me develop false hopes.”

  Sandy admitted within her that Haley had said the truth. Having Seth’s baby would have messed things up for Haley. Truly, she would have found it difficult to let go of Seth even in the face of rejection. Sandy was still sorry about the baby, though. She wouldn’t even wish that on her worst enemy, let alone Haley.

  Sandy walked over to Haley and hugged her.

  “Thank you, Haley,” Seth also commented with a grin on his face.

  “Come here, beautiful,” Seth said as soon as Haley left the room.

  Sandy went over to him and placed her lips on his.

  “I love you very much, Sandy, and I’m so glad you’re mine,” Seth told her with great feeling.

  “I love you, too, Seth,” she replied with a bright smile on her face.


  A few months later

  There were teary smiles at the table as everyone began mentioning what they were thankful for. It was Thanksgiving. Seth and Sandy had invited their family and friends to celebrate the special event in their home.

  The table was laden with all sorts of dishes, but what took center stage was the huge turkey they carved up and were devouring. They all held on to glasses of champagne with the exception of Sandy, who was nursing a glass of orange juice.

  Seth’s gaze fell on his beautiful wife. He had never felt so much love for someone the way he did for her. Looking gorgeous in a blue dress with skinny straps, she took his breath away.

  “I’m thankful that I was able to build my hospital in Plyrock and attended to cases from all over the world,” he said and smiled at Sandy. “I’m also grateful that I married the most amazing woman in the world who I love to distraction.”

  Happy tears glistened in Sandy’s eyes as she and Seth shared a kiss. The others at the table were filled with smiles.

  Raising her glass of orange juice, she said, “I’m thankful that I’m married to the most amazing man in the world. I’m thankful for opening an art gallery in Plyrock.” Then placing her hand on her slightly rounded stomach, she added happily, “I’m thankful that in a few months from now, our baby will come and complete our family.”

  Aunt Karen smiled through her tears. “I’m grateful for life, for my family, and my friends. I’m grateful that I was able to beat cancer. It’s in retrogression, and in a few months from now, I’ll be cancer free.”

  Everyone at the table cheered.

  Malcolm looked at his girlfriend who was seated beside him. “I’m grateful for my stunning girlfriend who has shown me that there’s another side to love. I’m thankful that against her parents’ wishes and approval, she has chosen to be with me.” His gaze fell on everyone at the table. “I’m thankful for family and friends. I’m thankful that my brother move
d to Plyrock and I see him whenever I want now. The stubborn bull has finally been corralled.”

  Laughter rang out at the table.

  A bright smile was plastered across Jules’s face when she said, “I’m thankful that I was finally able to stand up to my parents and tell them what I want, instead of the other way round.” She turned to look at Malcolm. “I’m thankful that after kissing many frogs, I’ve found my prince charming.”

  “Aww.” Sandy pushed back her tears.

  Her pregnancy made her so teary-eyed these days. It was such an amazing feeling to have the people she loved most in the world with her for thanksgiving lunch.

  The past few months had been quite eventful but she was thankful that everything was going well for all of them. Her husband’s practice was thriving, and her art gallery brought people from all over the country for her exhibition. Well, that was before she found out that she was pregnant and the smell of paint put her off painting. Now she was satisfied with running the diner with her aunt.

  A smile spread across her face as she saw Malcolm and Jules share a kiss. Their whirlwind romance had shocked her and Seth. Sandy was happy that Jules was able to stand up to her parents. They had fought against her having to do anything with a rancher from Colorado but Jules had stood her ground. Although her parents weren’t happy about her decision, they were happy for her.

  Jules’s parents had flown down to Colorado a week ago to check out Malcolm’s ranch. Even though they didn’t say it, Sandy had seen shock and admiration in their eyes. They had been silently impressed by the size of the ranch and that it was doing very well. After that, they hadn’t argued much about Jules being with Malcolm.

  Sandy smiled as she remembered that Seth had told her Malcolm confided in him that he would ask Jules to marry him by Christmas. It was hard keeping it from Jules but she was managing to.

  Sandy looked at her handsome husband who was talking animatedly to his brother. Every day was Thanksgiving to her because she was grateful for having such a wonderful man in her life. To think, she had almost thrown it away by making rash decisions.


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