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Love Without End (DILF Mania)

Page 4

by Geri Glenn

  Rover is a good guy. He’s been a loyal member of the Descendants since I was just a kid myself. But he’s no leader. I don’t know what he’ll do after he gets voted out today, but part of me hopes he takes it like a man and steps down without causing a fuss.

  “The vote must be unanimous,” he continues, his eyes flashing to Muff. “Or I stay your president and you sons of bitches will fall in line.” He looks around the table and makes eye contact with every one of us. “All in favor of removing me from my position at the head of this table, say aye.”

  Pounder is the first to speak. “Aye,” he says. One by one, we go around the table, each man casting their vote with an “aye.” Mac casts his vote, much to the surprise of his friend Muff who turns to him with wide eyes.

  “Jesus,” he mutters. “This ain’t right.” All eyes are on him as he nibbles on his lower lip, his gaze cast to the table in front of him. He shocks us all, when he looks up and locks eyes with Rover. “Sorry, brother. Aye.”

  Rover’s head falls forward. “It’s unanimous then. The only thing left is to elect a new prez.”

  “I nominate Pounder,” Nutsy calls out.

  “I second that,” I say from beside him. Pounder’s eyes lock on mine and he gives me a chin nod in thanks.

  Every man around the table nominates Pounder and in a matter of seconds, our club has a new president and the old one steps away from the table without a word. Silently, Rover takes the seat Pounder had just been sitting in just moments before.

  Pounder watches him sit, respect in his eyes. Rover could have dealt with this in many ways. He could have lost his shit and thrown an epic tantrum, removing his patch and walking away from the club he’s been a member of for most of his life. He could have demanded an audience with the presidents from the other chapters and used his pull to stay in the president’s seat. He could have been a total dick and refused to stand down. But he does none of those. He takes it like a man, obviously angry, but knowing there is no going back on a vote.

  “Before I begin,” Pounder says from the head of the table, “I want to say thank you for giving me this chair. I promise I won’t let you down. As my first action as prez, I want to do something Rover never did do and fill the VP seat beside me and I nominate Crash.”

  Hearing my own name, I blink and look around the table. “He was the only one that had the balls to stand with me last week. He grew up in this club. He knows what makes it tick and he would lay his life on the line for any one of us.”

  “I second it,” Nutsy calls out from beside me.

  As each man casts their vote, I watch in wide eyed wonder as they unanimously make me the vice president of the very club my father had been a founding member of.

  “The aye’s have it then,” Pounder declares once all the votes are cast. “Come take your seat next to me, VP.”

  Standing from my seat, I slowly make my way to the chair at Pounder’s left, unable to comprehend what had just happened. When I’d gotten here today, the only thing I could seem to think of was my upcoming date tonight with Emery. I had little doubt that Pounder would become our president today, but I’d never dreamed my brothers would make me VP.

  Pounder conducts the meeting like a pro. He talks about the minor changes he’d like to make around the clubhouse and of doing a rewrite of some of our club’s bylaws so that every single one of us is clear on how shit is supposed to work around here.

  As the meeting wears on, the tension in the room all but disappears. Rover doesn’t look happy, but seeing that he’s not going to fight the new hierarchy, everyone relaxes. I do my best to pay attention. This meeting is a pivotal moment for our club, but all I can think about is Emery.

  Tonight is the night we’d agreed to go out. I haven’t dated or been with any woman other than Carla. Even after she left me, I’d had little interest in sex. One of the side effects of being a biker is the women that tend to throw themselves at you, but I’d avoided them all.

  Emery is different though. I can’t wait to spend a little time with her away from work. I just hope I remember how to do this whole dating thing.



  Icheck my reflection in the mirror for the three hundredth time in the last five minutes. Xander is due to pick me up any second now, and I still can’t get my hair to lay how I want it. “Damnit,” I mutter, wetting my fingers under the faucet and smoothing my stray hairs into place.

  He hadn’t told me where we going, or what it was we’d be doing, but I’d dressed for the motorcycle. I put on my favorite pair of skinny jeans. They make my ass look round and firm, accentuating my slim waist and going great with my flowy white tank top and motorcycle boots.

  A knock at my apartment door startles me into action and I rush toward it and pull it open. Xander stands on the other side, his hair still damp from his shower, and for the first time since I’ve met him, he’s wearing his Satan’s Descendant’s cut.

  “Hi,” I say, surprised by the airiness in my own voice.

  “Damn,” is all he says in return, his eyes travelling up my body and back down again. “You ready to go for a ride?”

  I grin and grab my leather jacket off the back of the chair in the entryway. “As I’ll ever be.”

  I step outside and lock the deadbolt then follow him down the breezeway toward the parking lot. We’ve gone only three steps when Xander reaches out, threading his fingers through mine. Butterflies erupt in my belly and heat washes over me in a wave.

  “Ready to get that beer?” he asks. His motorcycle stands in the visitor’s parking spot, a second helmet resting on the seat behind his. He hands it to me and places his own on his head.

  I adjust the strap under my chin and watch as he throws his leg over the seat. “As I’ll ever be,” I say and climb on behind him.

  I’ve only ever been on the back on a bike with one man in my life, and that was my father. I’d bought my first Harley shortly after high school and have been riding solo ever since. Riding with Xander is nothing like riding with my dad though.

  His body is hard and warm as I settle behind him. I wrap my arms around his trim waist, awakening every nerve in my body as I press against his back. He revs the engine and the machine rumbles and vibrates beneath us, sending my endorphins into overdrive.

  Xander’s head turns and he meets my eyes from over his shoulder and grins. “Hold on, sweetheart.”

  I don’t know where we’re going as we soar down the street, but I can’t bring myself to care. Riding on the back of a motorcycle is just as thrilling as driving one, but in a different way. Cars and houses zip by in a blur and Xander’s soapy clean scent invades my nose and I can’t help but lean closer. He smells fresh from his shower, along with leather and a spice that can only come from Xander himself. It’s intoxicating.

  When we pull into the tiny parking lot of the bar, I stare at it in surprise. A bar? I wrinkle my nose. Of all the places he could have chosen, he chose this dive of a biker bar?

  I climb off the motorcycle and pull of my helmet, watching as Xander does the same. “I know it doesn’t look like much, but they have the best burgers in town.”

  Burgers. The key to my heart. I follow him inside, reveling in the feeling of his hand in mine as we pick a booth in the corner. “The usual, Crash?” the waitress says, her eyes devouring him like a lion would a lamb.

  He looks to me. “You like cheese on your burgers?”

  “Is there any other way?”

  He grins. “Make it two,” he tells her. “And two buds.”

  The waitress looks me up and down, her lip curling before she walks away to place the order. “You come here lots, then?” I ask, looking around the nearly empty room.

  Xander nods. “It’s kind of a hangout for the club. They have good food. It’s early now, but the music is usually pretty decent after nine o’clock and more people start showing up.”

  “There ya go, darlin’,” the waitress says to Xander, placing the two bottles of beer on
the table in front of him and ignoring me completely.

  Xander frowns at her back as she walks away then hands one of the bottles to me. For the first time, I really think about the fact that Xander belongs to an MC. I glance back at the waitress and can’t help but wonder if he had slept with her. Bikers like to sleep around, right?

  “I’m really glad you agreed to hang out with me tonight,” he says, picking at the label on his bottle.

  I tilt my head to the side, still mulling over his whole bikerness in my head. “Why did you ask me out?” I can’t help but wonder. I’d never given him any indication I was interested. That is something I’m always careful not to do. And I’d said no. Repeatedly.

  Xander shrugs. “I like you. You’re ballsy, you ride a Harley, you can work in a houseful of men and hold your own. You’re gorgeous. You seem too good to be true. I wanted to see if you were.”

  I throw my head back and laugh, but my face burns and I know I’m probably blushing right down to my toes. “You’ve really thought about this.”

  “A lot,” he admits, his eyes boring into mine. “So prove me wrong. Tell me all the truly awful things about yourself so I can take you down off this pedestal I’ve got you on.”

  My shoulders shake as I laugh. “What do you want to know?”


  So, I tell him everything. I tell him about my parents and about growing up working with my dad. I tell him why I love being an electrician and how hard it can be for me to work in the field I love so much.

  In turn, he tells me about his mother passing away when he was young, and about being raised by his father and his Gran. He tells me stories about Nutsy and him getting into trouble as children and how their friendship is really the only thing he has left besides his club and his Gran.

  We talk for hours, our burgers long gone and me drinking another two bottles of Bud. Xander nurses just the one.

  “Nutsy is a good friend to you,” I tell him. “When you were in the hospital, he made me put his number in my phone and promise to text him every few hours to let him know how you were doing.”

  Xander nods. “Nutsy’s a good shit.”

  I look around the room and notice that it is quickly filling with women and men dressed to party. The noise level grows to the point that we have to yell to be heard.

  “What do you say we get outta here?” Xander asks. “We can go back to my place and just talk.”

  Normally the idea of going to a man’s house on the first date would put me off, but I trust Xander. And I’m not ready for this date to be over just yet. I motion toward the door. “After you.”



  I hadn’t expected to invite Emery back to my house tonight. I’d had this grand plan to be this chivalrous dude that drops her at her door, kisses her on the cheek and makes a play to get date number two. But I’m not ready for number one to end quite yet, and I don’t think she is either.

  I grab two beers out of the fridge and join her on the couch, twisting the cap off of one and handing it to her. As she settles back in her seat, her arm brushes against mine and all I can think of is how good she smells and how amazing her ass looks in those tightly little jeans she’s wearing.

  The easy conversation we’d had at the bar has all but disappeared and now we sit in a silence that borders on awkward. I flip on the television and set it to some movie I vaguely recognize but I’m not paying attention.

  I clear my throat and turn to face her. “I’m really glad you came out with me tonight.”

  She smiles. “I’m glad I did too.” A grin spreads across her full and glossy lips. “So did I manage to get myself down off that pedestal you mentioned?”

  I stare back at her, barely able to breathe. “Not at all.”

  The smile falls from her lips and her eyes flick down to stare at mine. Her face draws closer and I’m surrounded by her scent. A heady mixture of vanilla and flowers. “Are you ever going to kiss me?” she whispers.

  My lips crash into hers in an instant, and the instant our mouths connect, the air is knocked from my lungs. I’m suffocating in her and I don’t even care. This whole night I’ve tried so hard to be the perfect gentleman, but that one question from her has me throwing that idea right out the window.

  My fingers wind through her hair, pulling her head even closer, pressing my lips against hers even harder. I press my tongue at the seam of her lips, and as soon as she grants me access, I delve inside her mouth, our tongues gliding against one another.

  For a moment, it seems like I can’t get close enough, but Emery solves that problem for the both of us. She moves, throwing her leg over my lap and burying her knees into the couch on either side of me. I tip my head back, allowing her to take over the kiss, giving her as much of myself as she’s willing to take.

  “Xander,” she moans, when my hand comes up and my thumb grazes her nipple through her shirt. Her pussy is hot as it presses against my dick through the material of both of our jeans.

  Suddenly, she rips her mouth from mine and I watch in shock and awe as her hands come down and tears the shirt from her body. She’s magnificent. Her skin is so creamy and smooth and flawless. Her breasts fill out her bra, spilling over the top of it just enough that I can’t resist running my tongue over their billowy mounds.

  I don’t know how far she’s going to let me take this, so I don’t hesitate to accept her offering. I yank down the cups and latch my lips onto first one nipple and then the other, and all the while her hips roll, pressing down even harder on my dick and sending me into a frenzy. I haven’t been with a woman since Carla left all those months ago, and I know without a doubt that this first time isn’t going to last long if it does go that far.

  Our hands roam each other’s bodies and my head swims as she tugs off my shirt and then tosses her bra on top of it. Our kiss continues and her jeans are the next to go, quickly followed by my own until we’re standing in front of each other, wearing nothing but our underwear.

  Her body is long and lean, her white panties making her appear almost virginal in the dim light of my living room lamps. Her breasts are full, her nipples tightened to mouth-watering buds in the cool air, but that’s not the part of her I’m craving right now.

  I drop to my knees before her and glance up to meet her eyes, wordlessly begging permission. She doesn’t speak, but instead, moves closer, giving me all the okay I need. Moving my face forward, I kiss a line down her taut belly and trail my tongue over the top of her panties, hooking my fingers into the hem. I drag them down her legs, running my nose over her mound as I move, reveling in the smooth skin and moist lips that are mine for the taking.

  I grab her waist, flipping her in one swift motion and drop her ass onto the couch. I place one of her feet on each of my shoulders and stare down at her pussy. She’s soaking wet already and I’ve barely touched her.

  I fall on her, my tongue dragging up her slit and pressing against her tiny little clit, swiping it around in circles and reveling in her moans. Her fingers spear into my hair and her hips begin to sway. As I devour her, lapping at her and sucking, she moves, fucking my face and crying my name until I feel her legs begin to tremble.

  “God, Xander,” she cries and I continue to kiss her and nibble her and suck her until she lays boneless beneath me.

  I reach behind me and pull a condom from my jeans pocket and then drop my boxer briefs to the floor. She watches, her eyes hooded as I roll it over my rock-hard shaft and position myself at her entrance.

  “You sure?” I ask her before going any further.

  Emery moves her hips, rolling them and moving them closer, taking my cock inside her without a word. My head falls back on my shoulders and I don’t move as she fucks herself on my cock, her tight walls massaging my shaft and making my entire body break out in goosebumps.

  “Fuck me,” she whispers, and I only take a second to wonder where the conservative woman I’d picked up tonight had disappeared to, but then
realize I don’t give a shit. This little minx works just as well.

  I thrust my hips, plunging inside her, my thumb moving between us to massage her swollen clit as I fuck her. She feels incredible. I swallow her moans and cries with my kiss, the whole time giving her my own.

  My release builds in the base of my spine, and I know I’m not going to last much longer. I try everything to wait as I feel her growing close to another release herself. I think about dead kittens and scratched motorcycles. Nutsy in a toga and roadkill on the side of the street. It’s useless though. When Emery’s fingernails dig into my ass, I lose it. My entire body shudders as I release myself into her, trying like hell to focus as she comes all over my cock.


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