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Metal Mage 6

Page 25

by Eric Vall

  The piston that would press down on the springs was a long rod with a pressure valve at the bottom the same width as the inside of the tube. A stopper placed midway up would keep the piston from popping out of the tube entirely.

  I inserted the piston into the pressure tube, and after playing with the tension of the two-spring mechanism and the piston’s pressure valve for what felt like ages, I finally found the right placement. I used the same spongy steel I’d used for the bushings to wrap a stopper at the proper point on the piston, and then I carefully sealed the top of the pressure tube just above it.

  When I first tested the range of the piston by pumping it up and down, it didn’t release slowly enough because the springs were too taut, so I focused my magic into the chamber in order to adjust the metal makeup of the springs. It took a few failed adjustments, but eventually, the piston released at a similar speed to my father’s Honda, and I was able to move on to welding a small cylindrical mount at the top of the piston.

  Next, I needed to secure this pressure tube inside of a reserve tube. I wasn’t entirely sure this was necessary given my modifications, but I decided it’d be better to stick as closely to the standard designs as possible. Normally, the reserve tube tapered inward at either end with a seal at the bottom end, and I welded another cylindrical mount at this outer edge first. The pressure tube and piston assembly slid into this reserve, and I welded a seal across the opening to secure the two tubes together and avoid and shimmying between them.

  The piston would need a boot similar to the axles to prevent dirt and dust from impeding its motion, so I carefully constructed a smaller version from highly malleable steel and encased the outer end of the piston in this accordion style sleeve.

  Now that the shock absorber was complete with two cylindrical mounts at each end, I softened these mounts just enough to insert two bushings and locked them into place. I repeated this process to make three more shock absorbers for the other wheel suspension systems, and when I finished, Stan nudged my arm and pointed to the piston.

  “You can try if you want,” I said with a chuckle, and I lifted the little metal man to set him on the top of the piston.

  He jumped as much as his legs could manage, but his weight wasn’t enough to budge the piston even an inch.

  I grinned. “That’s probably a good thing,” I told him as I set him back on the table. “It should be able to basically withstand a good amount of the force when the car goes over bumps and things like that.”

  Stan gave a nod as he wrapped his metal mind around this, and I moved on to the next phase of the suspension assembly.

  These shock absorbers didn’t catch the full weight of the car, they were only responsible for stabilizing any residual bounce from the body. The full weight was placed more on the spring coil that would surround them. Each coil needed to be quite sturdy to support the mass of the body, so I formed four taut coils from unaltered steel and made sure the lengths would allow for some tension in the coil once they were installed between the control arms.

  With all of the components of the suspension system built and ready to be assembled, it was time to form the most essential piece.

  I needed two steering knuckles for the front wheels if any of these parts were going to connect to the wheels properly. The steering knuckle was a large piece of metal with a hole in the center and three sturdy arms that extended from the top and bottom, with one on the rear edge as well. The upper and lower control arms, as well as the steering, would bolt to the three sturdy prongs of the knuckle, and the spindles I’d already formed at the outer joint of the CV axles would insert through the hole in the knuckle in order to drive the wheels.

  I made the knuckles as thick as I could without adding too much excess weight, and I tested the diameter of the hole against the spindle end of a CV joint to be sure the axle would be able to rotate. The three arms were formed with more cylindrical mounts at the ends.

  I stood to take a noisy stretch after hunching on the ground of the workshop for what must have been well over three hours by now, and my neck ached while my eyes burned from focusing so much on the miniscule measurements of each part. The concentration required to replicate each one down to the millimeter hadn’t helped either.

  The sun blared through the windows of the shop, but I didn’t dare open the iron door to take a look at where the sun lay in the sky. The heat of the day had begun to seep into the room despite the hefty door, and with a long day still ahead of me, I decided getting as much cool air as possible was more important than figuring out the time.

  I had all of the parts carefully organized in lines across the floor, so I could finally begin to attach everything to the frame I’d made, and I wasn’t about to stop now.

  So, I scooped Stan up from where he was running circles around a ball bearing like it was a May poll, and I set him down on the base frame before I formed four blocks of steel. I held out my palms to lift the frame onto the blocks, and with the whole thing suspended, I began assembling the chassis.

  “Moment of truth,” I muttered to myself and dropped back down to the ground.

  Attaching the control arms and suspension systems was first, so I pulled two wishbone shaped arms over and started with the shorter upper arm. The two bushings at the pronged end needed to be bolted directly to the top of the frame, and I did this by focusing my magic to pull two mounds up from the frame, and then flattening them into mini side walls. The bushing mount slid between these walls, and I created a hole at either end so I could insert a bolt through one side, into the bushing, and then secure a nut at the other side.

  I’d reached down to grab a small splice of steel as I held the bushing in place, but Stan crossed his arms from his spot on the frame.

  I furrowed my brow. “What?”

  The metal man shrugged and gestured to the whole affair like I was wasting my time.

  I grinned. “I’m not welding it, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  Stan gestured more erratically.

  “Yeah, well I can’t,” I countered. “I know it’s a little tedious, but if I weld it, it won’t absorb anything. It’ll just jolt, and that’s not really the point. The bushing and the bolt have the tiniest give. It’s important.”

  Stan shrugged once more.

  “Just wait,” I told him. “You’ll appreciate the effort when everything’s done.”

  A small wedge of steel liquified between my fingertips as I turned back to my work and fed it through the three pieces. Once it began to solidify snuggly in the shape of a bolt, I made sure to pay close attention to its dimensions and hoped this might make the effort of replicating them for the other mounts a little easier.

  With a small nut formed as well, I discovered I didn’t even need to create the threads of the bolt. If I concentrated and spun the nut along the bolt, the grooves I saw in my mind began to engrave themselves, and the two pieces threaded together perfectly as I went.

  I grinned and tightened the nut until the bushing was well secured, and then I did the same with the other prong of the upper arm. With both inner bushings of the upper arm in place, I then followed the same process to attach the lower control arm beneath the frame where the cross beam dipped down.

  The space between the two arms would house the suspension system, but I decided to secure the outer ends of the arms to the steering knuckle before fitting the shock absorber and coil components, just to ensure the coils had the proper tension. This meant the ball bearing of each arm needed to be bolted to their respective places on the upper and lower end of the steering knuckle.

  I used my magic to thread two nuts and secure the end of each ball bearing into its cylindrical mount on the knuckle, and then I stepped back to get a look at all of the angles. I knew the top control arm would need to tilt ever so slightly upward at the front end of the car to make up for the inevitable dip when it braked, so I walked a few circles around the assembly as I shifted the frame and the bushings here and there until the angles w
ere all at the right alignment.

  Then I crouched on my knees to mount the suspension system between the control arms.

  I slipped the shock absorber into a stout coil spring with the piston boot at the top end. The bottom mount of the shock absorber needed to bolt directly to the lower control arm where I’d left an A-shaped cross beam. The top cylindrical mount that rested at the piston end would stretch up between the wishbone of the upper control arm and bolt directly to the frame.

  The coil spring was definitely as stout as I’d wanted, and I furrowed my brow as I focused my magic to contract the spring enough so I could wedge it into place between the control arms. I had just reached the point where the spring could make it by, when a knock echoed through the iron door, and I jumped.

  The spring expanded and almost took my eye out as it flew out of my hands, and as I dodged and fell backward, half of my assembly line scattered into chaos.

  “Shit,” I cursed, but I didn’t have time to do much about the mess.

  The iron door suddenly began to open, and I must have panicked because a wall shot up between myself and the frame of the mustang without me realizing I’d summoned any magic.

  I was on my ass and attempting to look casual about everything when light poured in from the courtyard, and three shadows stretched before me. It was still mind boggling to me that Deya didn’t cast any shadows, but this was actually the least interesting thing about the situation.

  “Damn,” I managed as I looked over the four beautiful women.

  Aurora giggled first. “You like it?” She twisted a little so I could get a glimpse of her bare back, and I nodded immediately as I struggled to my feet.

  “The tailor really let you guys get away with all of this?” I asked incredulously.

  Deya sent me a mischievous grin. “I didn’t give him much of a choice,” she said with a shrug. “Besides, Aeris said I should make myself comfortable.”

  I didn’t bother pointing out the head of House Aelin definitely intended that to be taken a different way.

  Deya’s bodice mostly covered the more sensual places, but her taut belly was bare beneath the silk that laced across her breasts, and a slim leather strap looped over her hip and appeared to lead somewhere beneath the delicate skirt that fell in scraps above her knees.

  Cayla must have noticed the direction of my gaze, because she said, “Show him the best part.”

  Deya giggled, and as she looped her finger at the edge of the gauzy skirt, the fabric fell away completely to reveal only a thin white trail of silk that disappeared between her legs.

  My eyebrows shot up, and as Deya twisted in a circle, I was given the lovely sight of her fully exposed back end. The slim leather strap at her hip hitched to the fabric at her back, and the rest of the silken bodice tucked neatly into a thong.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed. Then I quickly glanced around the courtyard to be sure no one else was enjoying the view. “You uh … you look … ”

  “Fantastic,” Cayla finished for me. The princess sauntered to Deya’s side and flicked one of the little leather straps that curled around the elf’s slender arms as well. “She liked my last outfit so much I told her she could borrow a few of my favorite details.”

  I nodded as a grin spread across my face.

  Deya wasn’t even barefoot for once, and it took me less than two seconds to realize the knee-high boots she had on were accented with the exact same shade of purple as Nemris’ dress.

  “It’s … good,” I managed as I dragged my eyes up her thighs.

  The four women burst out laughing as I failed to express even a sliver of how much I was enjoying the ensemble, and I chuckled as I rubbed the back of my neck.

  “Yeah … ” I mumbled. “I wasn’t prepared for this. Give me a second.”

  Aurora was relentless about making me speechless though, and she gave a flirty wiggle to show off the short, silky white skirt that plumed from her hips. Her bodice ended just above her nipples with fiery red silk, and an alluring ruby nestled beneath her breasts.

  “Get over here,” I commanded of the half-elf, and she giggled as she pulled Shoshanne with her.

  The two women settled themselves under both of my arms, and I couldn’t help but glance down to admire the view from above.

  “I was tired of leather,” Shoshanne said with a shrug.

  I immediately agreed. “Me too.”

  My palm slid down to cup the supple curve of Shoshanne’s hip, and I decided the deep purple velvet against her caramel skin was my favorite combination. The slinky dress was scandalously short, but it still had a little slit to expose one of her thighs, and the entire dress was held on with only two delicate straps at her shoulders. The velvet dipped low enough in the front to reveal the pillow of her cleavage, and as I instinctively pulled the two women closer, the healer let out a husky laugh that jostled her breasts against me.

  I groaned and wrenched my eyes away. “I’m not going to be able to get anything done with the four of you looking this fucking sexy.”

  Cayla smirked, and as she and Deya came over to join us, my blood began to burn.

  “Good,” the princess purred, and she gripped me by the collar of my shirt to give me a fiery kiss.

  The heat of the three women’s bodies radiated against me, and when Cayla finally loosened her hold on me, I realized I had a vice grip on Aurora and Shoshanne’s waists to brace myself.

  I let out a steadying breath as I lightened my grip, and then I glanced down. “I take it you’re not tired of leather?” I teased.

  Cayla sent me look of mock insult. “Never,” she assured me with a wink.

  Cayla’s full leather bodice was so tight it moved like a second skin, and her porcelain breasts practically begged to be released. The jet black of her hair matched the ensemble to a tee, and as she turned away, my eyes darted to the trail of black ribbon that crisscrossed down her spine like a corset.

  I fought the urge to rip the ribbons loose right there, and just as I realized I couldn’t actually seem to resist the temptation, Cayla casually turned back around and settled her hands on her hips.

  “You were saying something … ” she said and leveled her icy blue eyes with mine. “About getting work done.”

  I considered the boots that pinched around her thighs. “What did you have in mind?”

  Aurora giggled. “Our surprise,” she cut in, and she slipped out from under my arm.

  “Nope,” I countered and managed to catch the half-elf’s elbow before she rounded the wall I’d accidentally installed. “Don’t you dare, it’s not nearly finished yet.”

  Shoshanne sighed at my back. “How much longer?” she moaned. “We miss you.”

  “Can’t you let us help?” Aurora added, and she blinked up at me as she wriggled her hips once more.

  I chuckled and pulled her against me by the frill of her silky skirt. “Not if you actually want me to finish the surprise,” I told her, and I eyed the thin rim of silk across her breasts. “I’ll come inside in time for bed, though, I promise.”

  Aurora curled her lip into a coy smile. “Good,” she purred. “We’re having a sleepover.”

  The half-elf glanced toward Deya, and when I turned my head, the beautiful elf blushed.

  I raised my brows once more. “I will definitely be there.”

  The women decided they’d teach Deya how to use their favorite weapons in the gardens to pass the time, but as they turned from the workshop, the beautiful elf suddenly looked back with a glint in her violet eyes.

  I grinned and sent her a wink, and this was all it took for the beautiful elf to come to me.

  Deya giggled and leapt up to lock her arms around my neck, and I caught the feather light woman as she slipped her tongue between my lips. Heat immediately coursed through me as my blood rushed downward, and when Deya left a light bite on my lip, a soft shiver trickled down my spine.

  “I had fun last night,” the beautiful elf whispered.

  I chuckled.
“Did you ever make it to breakfast?”

  “Of course not,” Deya said sweetly, and then she let another silvery giggle fall from her lips as she swiftly hopped back to the ground.

  Before I could say another word, she trotted off to join the three women, and my eyes glued themselves to the lithe muscles of her fully exposed backside as she went.

  Then Deya flicked her gaze back over her shoulder and casually tied the scraps of her skirt back on.

  I noticed I hadn’t breathed since I let go of her, so I took a deep breath as I scruffed my hair to get my blood back in order. I could still feel Deya’s teeth along my lip, but I forced myself to turn back to the shop, only to run straight into a wall.

  “Godsdamnit,” I muttered and checked to make sure my nose was still in once piece.

  I chuckled and shook my head as I lowered the wall, and on the other side, Stan stood impatiently tapping his little metal foot on top of a half-assembled suspension system.

  Chapter 16

  I let out a long sigh and dropped back to sprawl across the floor once I had the double wishbone suspension system fully assembled and secured to the frame. My head spun lightly, and I furrowed my brow as I tried to remember the last meal I’d eaten. My stomach let out a stubborn gurgle at the prospect of missing lunch as well as breakfast, plus dinner the night before.

  Unfortunately, if I headed up to the main house, I ran the risk of being intersected by Aeris, and the last thing I needed was him accompanying me back to the workshop. It had been three days since the head of House Aelin ordered me to give him an arsenal. At this point, the only way I was leaving this place was if I could make a break for it.

  I craned my neck toward the worktable.

  Wine would at least hold me over, and at the pace I was working at, I could definitely use some extra fuel. The jug was over half full when I picked it up, and I toasted to the progress I’d made so far before taking an unnaturally long swig. A bit of wine dribbled down my beard, and I swiped my arm up to catch it as I eyed the frame suspended on the blocks. I figured I could bang out the last three suspension assemblies within the hour, and hopefully move on to installing the axles and differentials next.


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