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Page 7

by L. J. Hamlin

  “I like you. I like when you kiss me. I don’t know if I’ll like other stuff, but it’s stuff I’ve thought about before, and I want to try. But I don’t want you to be mad at me if I chicken out at a bad time.”

  “It’s okay if you don’t like it. Not everyone does. We try, and if you need to stop, I’ll jerk off later. It’s not like I get laid every night, and if I get hard, I can take care of myself,” Francis says, and he sounds so cool, really relaxed about it.

  “You won’t be mad, or think I’m a stupid kid?” Danny doesn’t want to look stupid, but he’s never had anything up his ass before.

  “No, Danny. I can be an asshole, but I’m not that kind of asshole. You dig?” Francis asks.

  “Yeah, I get it.” Danny nods.

  Francis moves in closer again, one hand on Danny’s leg, the other touching his face gently, and Danny feels his breath catch in his throat before Francis kisses him. It’s just as hot as the first kiss, deep, and searching.

  Danny reaches out, pulling Francis closer, and groans when Francis pulls out of the kiss. “What’s wrong?” Danny complains.

  “We should move this to the back seat. More room, and no risk of someone’s ass setting off the horn,” Francis says, and it’s obvious this isn’t the first time he’s hooked up in a car.

  Danny would be jealous if they were dating, but he has no claim on Francis. He’s not Danny’s guy, so Danny decides not to think about not being the first. “Okay.”

  They climb into the back, leaving the beers in the front. Francis somehow manages to work things so that Danny is on his back, stretched out across the back seat, and Francis is above him, arms holding him up, his legs between Danny’s, and Danny feels breathless already. He’s glad it’s dark and they’ve fogged the windows up, so no one will see them. They’re no different than the other cars that come out here.

  They resume kissing, and it’s different like this, lying down, with Francis’s chest pressing against his and their legs tangled together. It’s hotter, and Danny feels bolder, sliding his hands up Francis’s back, under his jacket and T-shirt, to smooth skin. With a girl, he’d be pushing his luck, but he’s not trying to cop a feel of a girl’s boobs here. Francis is different from the girls Danny has fooled around with, more aggressive. He clearly knows what he wants, and Danny feels like he’s allowed to do what he wants because Francis could easily stop him from doing anything he didn’t like.

  Francis doesn’t seem to mind Danny’s hands on him, though. He even stops the kiss for a second and shrugs out of his jacket, tosses it aside, and then pulls his T-shirt up and off in a slick move that has Danny staring. Francis looks good, too. He’s more muscular that Danny, with a scar on his pec.

  “You should be a stripper.” Danny grins.

  “With this mug? I don’t see me making a lot of cash. Besides, I can’t dance.” Francis laughs. He’s not ugly, but he’s clearly not vain about his looks.

  Danny reaches up and touches Francis’s cheek. He can feel just a hint of stubble. He’d felt it when they were kissing, but it feels different against his fingers.

  “I kind of like your face,” Danny admits.

  Francis looks pleased, and then he swoops back down in a smooth motion and kisses the breath out of Danny. They make out heatedly for a while, and then Danny feels Francis’s hand on his belt. His nervousness returns; he’s undressed around other men before in locker rooms. He has nothing to be ashamed of. He doesn’t look weird naked, but Francis seems like a fantasy come to life in the dim light of the car.

  But Danny wants this, and the want is stronger than the fear, so he lets Francis unbuckle his belt and open his jeans. Francis doesn’t hesitate—his hand slides right into Danny’s underwear and cups his cock.

  The touch makes him jump a little, but Francis is solid on top of him and keeps him pinned to the backseat. Francis strokes him a few times, and when he stops, Danny can’t help the honest to God whine that comes out of his mouth.

  “Quit complaining. We need to get your pants off, then it’s going to get better, I promise,” Francis says in a rough voice, and he has a flush across his cheeks, like he’s into this, and his cock is a hard outline in his jeans too, which makes Danny feel almost smug. He might not be experienced, but Francis likes fooling around with him.

  Taking his pants off is easier said than done, and Danny ends up bent almost double, with his legs in the air, feet brushing the car’s roof while Francis tugs off first Danny’s shoes and then his jeans, tossing them into the footwell with his shirt. Francis leans down and fishes something out of his jacket pocket, then he moves so he’s between Danny’s legs. Danny feels a little weird, knees bent, feet and bare ass on the seat with a man between his legs. He feels exposed, but it doesn’t turn him off. Every sensation feels good, but multiplied. He can hear Francis’s breath and his own blood in his ears over the music on the radio.

  “This will feel cold. Try and stay still. Let me work, and I’ll promise this won’t hurt. It’ll just feel good. You tell me if it don’t feel right, though, okay? Sex is only fun if you’re both into it. I want you hollering my name because you don’t want me to stop, not you yelling in pain.” Francis presses a kiss to the soft skin of Danny’s inner thigh. The contrast of his rough but soft lips, and his little bit of stubble on the tender skin makes Danny shiver. It also tickles, and he can’t help laughing.

  “Ticklish, huh? I’ll have to remember that,” Francis says, and Danny can feel Francis’s grin against the skin of his thigh, even though he can’t really see much but the top of Francis’s head and his folded up body.

  Danny feels something slick, and as promised, cold, smear across his asshole, which makes him wiggle a little, but he tries to stay still. He wouldn’t call it unpleasant. He’d prefer it warm, maybe. It’s more that he’s not used to anyone getting up close and personal with this body part. But it’s just another body part. It’s skin. He showered after gym class, so it’s clean skin. There’s no need to make a big deal about Francis touching him there.

  At first Francis just rubs over his hole, back and forth, through the slick, his touch firm. But then, after a little while, he adds more of the slick stuff and he adds pressure. His finger seems like it’s searching for something.

  “Relaxes for me, babe. I won’t do nothing if you tell me to stop. Or if you just need a minute, you tell me. We have all night, right? I know your folks never gave Phil a curfew.” Francis rubs his stubble on Danny’s inner thigh as he talks, and that’s probably going to leave a mark, but no one is going to be looking at the skin there, so Danny figures it’s okay.

  “I don’t have a curfew as long as I keep my grades up,” Danny says, feeling weird to be talking about school when he’s in this position, but he must relax enough or something because he feels Francis’s finger pushing, and then it’s inside of him.

  “You better keep your grades up then. Feeling okay?” Francis asks.

  “Yeah, feels strange, but not like bad strange. Keep going.” Danny bites his lip and tries to relax. His dick’s hard, probably drooling on his shirt, which makes him glad he does his own laundry.

  Danny thinks he has a good idea of how to distract himself, so he reaches down and wraps his hand around his cock, stroking lightly while Francis moves his finger in and out, and it feels better. The combination feels good.

  “Good thinking, but don’t come yet. I want you to come with me inside you—if we can get that far. You’ll love how that feels. I’m going to add another finger now, and some more lube,” Francis says with a smile in his voice.

  “I won’t come. I’m not a hair trigger.” Danny teases himself slowly as things get wetter and the full feeling becomes more. He rests back on the seat as Francis moves those long fingers in and out of his body, never pulling them all the way out.

  Danny is hot all over. He’s sweating, and his heart is racing after a while of Francis using his fingers on him. He’s thinking about begging for more, even though he’s not sure
he’s ready, when Francis pulls his fingers out.

  “Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?” Danny asks, nerves creeping in.

  “No, it’s cool, I just think you’re ready for more than my fingers. Do you want a condom? I know I said I wanted to make a mess of you, but they say it’s not smart to go bare. I don’t know, but I don’t mind. It still feels amazing,” Francis says, his voice deep, and it feels kind of intimate, being here with Francis, in the cocoon of the car, talking about condoms.

  “I guess if it’s safer, we should use a condom?” Danny had used a condom at camp, but that had been Mandy’s idea. He hadn’t really thought about it till she rolled it on him with a murmur about how her dad would kill her if she got pregnant.

  “No problem. If you’re ever with some guy, and you ask for one and he refuses? You punch that sucker in the mouth and get out of there,” Francis says firmly, while unwrapping a condom. He repositions so their faces are closer again, and Danny can feel Francis’s cock brushing against his ass.

  “I will.”

  “Good. I knew you were smart. Oh, and another bit of free advice: if a guy says he wants you to go down on him, but he won’t give you head in return? He’s a chump asshole not worth your time. Tell him to go suck his own dick. There are too many dickbag straight guys out there who’ll use you like a come dump, no better than their favourite sock.” Francis shakes his head, his voice almost angry, but his hands on Danny are gentle, one stroking over his lower stomach, teasing the hairs there, and the other on his hip.

  “If they’re straight, why do they hook up with guys?” Danny asks.

  “Well, I guess maybe they’re not completely straight, but either way, I’ve heard men say it’s easier to get a guy to have some fun. And they can’t get pregnant or ask you to marry them.” Francis shakes his head.

  “How’d you learn all this?” Have any jerks tried to use Francis? That advice about punching a guy probably came from first-hand experience.

  “Experience, friends. There’s a club I go to. Maybe I can take you some time. Now you feel relaxed? I’ll stop at any point if you change your mind, you dig? But now would be a good time to tell me if you don’t think you’re going to like this. Even if your dick stayed hard for my fingers, I get that might not be a yes,” Francis offers, and Danny gets how Francis is in college, even though he’s a greaser, because he’s smart, sharp. He’s no sucker.

  “I want to do this.” As sure as he can be, anyway. He’s liked everything with Francis so far, and he wants more. He never put a name to it before, but he’s had a crush on Francis for years, and now he gets a chance to be with him. Even if it’s for one night and they never speak of it again, Danny wants to feel this.

  Francis kisses him. It’s pretty sweet considering they’re both half naked in the backseat of Francis’s car, in a local make out spot. Francis cups Danny’s hip with one hand, and Danny can’t really see what Francis is doing with the other hand, but after a few seconds, he feels fingers, and then pressure, and it hurts a little.

  “Relax, push like you’re trying to push me out. I know it sounds weird, but it’ll help. I’ll go slow. Tell me if you need a second,” Francis says, voice low and tight.

  Danny does as he’s told, relaxing himself as much as he can and pushing. He can feel Francis pushing too, and gradually Danny feels more and more full, till he can feel the gentle press of Francis’s balls resting against his ass.

  “Is that it?” Danny blurts out.

  “Jesus Christ, Danny. Way to give a guy a complex,” Francis splutters.

  “No, I didn’t mean it like that. Your dick is bigger than mine, and don’t tell Phil, but I’ve seen him and you’re bigger than him, too. I was just kind of afraid that it would really hurt, like so much I didn’t want it anymore, but it doesn’t feel bad. Don’t think I’m a wuss for being afraid,” Danny says in a rush, shifting slightly to try and get used to the feeling of having another person inside of him.

  “You’re no wuss. You take it like a man. Trust me: I’d know.” Francis grins, and he puts a hand behind Danny’s neck and lifts till Danny’s head is off the seat. Then Francis kisses him.

  Danny is so focused on the kiss that he almost doesn’t notice Francis moving, but when the feeling hits him, he groans into the kiss, clutching at Francis’s back. He’s glad he keeps his nails short and neat because otherwise he’d be making a real mess of Francis’s back. As it is, he might leave some marks.

  “Okay?” Francis asks, hardly even breaking the kiss, so close they’re sharing breath, and their lips still brush when Francis talks.

  “Yeah, feels good. I like it,” Danny replies.

  “You’re allowed to move too, you know. You know, like move with me?”

  “How?” Danny feels like a fool, but it’s all different being on this side of things, and he hasn’t been on the other side that many times.

  Francis doesn’t seem to think Danny’s an idiot, though. “Like this.” He puts one of his hands on Danny’s hip and guides him in a rocking motion. “Yeah, like that. It’s better when we both move, shows me you’re into it too. But, like, do whatever you want. Move whatever way feels comfortable. Sex is natural. Don’t let anybody tell you different. Anything that feels good, you can do it here with me,” Francis whispers in his ear, and then he bites Danny’s earlobe, dragging it through his teeth. The sharp pain feels kind of good, and it’s like Danny’s ear is suddenly connected to his cock, because he feels the spark of pleasure all the way down, and he strokes himself again. He’d almost forgotten about his dick, so caught up in what’s going on with his ass.

  Now he’s not afraid of it hurting anymore, it’s easier to relax and enjoy what’s happening. Danny even feels bold enough to move around a little and capture Francis in a kiss, which Francis seems to like. He kisses back eagerly, and they start moving together again. It’s not at all like fucking someone, but at the same time, there are things that are the same. The pleasure is similar, crashing through him in waves. The sweat slicked skin, their breath steaming up the windows feels like pleasure he has felt before. But having someone inside of him, thrusting into him while he strokes his cock, makes him feel far more desperate, like he’s going to come out of his own skin, or explode if he doesn’t keep going.

  Francis kisses behind his ear and along his neck, all the way down to his collarbone. Francis never stops kissing and touching as they fuck desperately. They both seem in a hurry to get off, now that they’ve started moving. Danny both wants it to last for forever and for his orgasm to hit. His balls and cock are aching, his blood pounding through his body. He feels like his whole body is more alive than it ever has.

  Danny moans when Francis’s hand wraps around his cock, above his own hand, and he lets Francis take over stroking him, grabbing onto his shoulder with his now free hand. He holds tight, but he doesn’t need to pull Francis close. The back seat has enough room that Francis could keep a little more distance, but Francis seems to like being in Danny’s space.

  It’s overwhelming. The big things like the cock in his ass and the hand on his dick take up a lot of room in his head, but there’s more to it than that. So many little things adding up to the sensation he’s feeling: the sweat running down his back, sticking his T-shirt to his skin; the feeling of his legs sliding against the leather seats, aching a little as they wrap around Francis, but in a way that feels good, like after a football game.

  “God, you look good like this, like you’re made to be fucked. Feel so good,” Francis says heatedly against Danny’s ear, and Danny feels his back arching and his balls getting tighter.

  “I’m going to come. Can I? Is that okay?” Danny pants out. He doesn’t want to come too quickly and ruin this, but he can’t last much longer. Every time Francis thrusts into him and hits a point deep inside of him, he feels something like a firecracker going off inside of him.

  “Yeah, I’m close, too. I want you to come first,” Francis says, and he speeds up his hand on Dann
y’s cock, still thrusting. Danny can’t keep his head up, and it falls back, hitting the door a little on his way down, but he doesn’t care. Everything else feels so good.

  ‘It feels different,’ is Danny’s first thought. Well, his second thought after, ‘Oh my God, I’m coming.’ It’s different having an orgasm with Francis inside of him. It builds differently and spreads through him in waves that start low down but leave his whole body shaking, as he comes on his shirt. He’s glad it’s white, so he might be able to hide the mess long enough to change clothes.

  Francis stops stroking Danny’s cock just as it’s getting sensitive, and his thrusts get even faster, less smooth, his hands firm on Danny’s body, but it doesn’t hurt. It feels kind of nice, having someone close, holding him tight. It stops the floating feeling that’s come ever him. Francis buries his mouth against Danny’s neck as he groans, coming, his lips and breath hot on Danny’s skin, making him shiver slightly.

  Francis bites down a little while he’s coming. It doesn’t hurt as much as it makes Danny squirm, and he thinks if he hadn’t just had an orgasm, he would be hard again from the feel of it. Francis relaxes above him, letting Danny take more of his weight, face pressed against Danny’s throat. Things become still, neither of them really moving apart from breathing, and the sound of that and the music is all that Danny can really hear.

  No one is knocking on the window, dragging them out of the car. No one even knows they’re here. For now, Danny can live in the moment. He can worry about what this means later. Francis starts moving after a little while, pressing a quick kiss to Danny’s neck before he slowly withdraws from Danny’s body. He shifts around awkwardly, opens the window slightly, and chucks the used condom out of the window, which seems a little gross, but Danny can’t bring himself to care too much.

  Francis puts his T-shirt back on, but not his jacket, and just when Danny is thinking he should get dressed too, Francis helps him with gentle hands.

  “Feeling okay? Want to finish that beer in the front?” Francis suggests.


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