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Liberation: Diaries:1970-1983

Page 119

by Christopher Isherwood

  “London” flu 312

  Long Beach, California 531

  Long, Tom 583, 647, 675

  Lonn, David 471

  Loos, Anita 168, 221, 306, 308, 453, 509, 510, 614, 615, 616–17, 763–4

  Loos, Mary 453, 615, 616–17

  Lord Byron (opera) 226, 230–31, 233

  Lorenz, Konrad, On Aggression 285

  Los Angeles: high rise developments 81, 122, 133, 140, 144, 159, 162, 249, 287, 311; smog 113, 437, 582, 619, 649, 677; freeway construction 117–18; mayoral election (1973) 363

  Los Angeles City Council 16, 611

  Los Angeles County Museum of Art, “Change Inc., West” exhibition 598

  Los Angeles County Public Library 353

  Los Angeles Film Festival (Filmex) 286, 290, 297

  Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsdall Park 293, 345, 358, 374–5, 376–7, 497, 609

  Los Angeles Music Center 133; Mark Taper Forum 3n, 226, 229, 232, 252, 492, 648; Ahmanson Theater 179, 259, 589n, 610

  Los Angeles Times 1, 87n, 119n, 132, 150, 157, 232, 377–8, 386, 406, 460, 501, 551, 630

  Los Angeles World Affairs Council 280

  Lost Horizon (film) 244n

  Lost Years: A Memoir 1945–1951 (C.I.), reconstruction of diaries 119, 197, 211, 213, 239, 249, 271, 288, 292, 354, 395, 410, 411, 429, 534

  Loud, Lance 376, 379, 764

  Louisiana 149, 609; see also New Orleans

  Love Me Tonight (film) 684

  Loved One, The (film) 405, 417, 539

  Lovelace, Linda 368n

  Lowenkopf, Shelly 527, 528

  Loy, Myrna 172, 307, 764

  Loyola University, New Orleans 432

  Lubitsch, Ernst, To Be or Not To Be 270

  Luce, Clare Boothe 189, 191, 195, 764

  Luce, William, The Belle of Amherst 496

  Luckenbill, Dan 254, 602, 764

  Luckinbill, Laurence (Larry) 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 238, 292, 293, 298, 306, 307, 308, 764

  Lucky Lady (film) 492

  Lüdecke, Wenzel 65

  Ludington, Wright 211, 764–5

  Luke, Peter, Hadrian VII 2

  Luminous Procuress (film) 267

  Lusk, Mr. and Mrs. (party hosts in Fremont Place) 154

  Lyme Hall, Cheshire, England 53

  MacAndrew, Eddie 52

  McBey, Marguerite 517

  McCallister, Lon 124, 127

  McCallum, David 347, 380, 769–70

  McCallum, Rick 498, 501, 551, 770

  McCallum York, Pat 238, 239, 240–41, 244, 254–5, 308, 492, 498, 501, 658, 823–4

  MacCarthy, Desmond 562

  McCarthy, Frank 507, 559, 770

  McCarty-Cooper, Billy 69, 70, 507, 770

  McCord, James 360

  McCormick, Geoff 258

  McCormick, Kevin 317

  McCowen, Alec 291–2

  McCoy, Ann 492, 494, 770

  McCullough, Rohan 385–6

  McDermott, Keith xii, 605, 608n

  McDermott, Mo: in London 49, 315, 319, 320, 324, 335, 352, 505, 506, 523; in California 505, 506, 523; 770

  McDonagh, Michael 273

  McDonald, Graham/Graeme 514

  McDonald, Joe 500

  MacDonald, Madge 178, 189, 448, 574–5, 765

  McDowall, Roddy 263, 376, 386, 400n, 448, 770–71; and Paul Anderson 244, 263, 270, 286, 401, 491, 496, 497, 559, 682

  McDowell, Malcolm 511

  McEwan, Geraldine 11n

  McEwen, Romana von Hofmannsthal 323

  McGonigle, Dr. John 560–61

  McGovern, George 235, 246, 299n

  McGuire, Dorothy 611, 771

  McHattie, Stephen 497

  Macht, Stephen 293, 298, 306, 765

  McKellan, Ian 41

  MacLaine, Shirley 641

  MacMillan, David 411

  McShine, Kynaston 650

  McWhinnie, Donald 24, 25, 771

  Macy, Gertrude 93, 312, 765

  Madigan, Leo (Larry) 43, 324, 330, 459, 514, 765

  Madrid, Spain 517–18

  Maeterlink, Maurice: L’Oiseau Bleu 449n; Sister Beatrice 383

  Magic Flute, The (Bergman film) 492

  Magnin, Jerry 289

  Maharaj see Brahmananda, Swami Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 404

  Mailer, Norman 157, 362, 765–6

  Main, Bob (carpenter) 127

  Malcolm X, The Autobiography of Malcolm X x, 14

  Maley, Ken 586, 587, 597, 631

  Malick, Terrence 579

  Mallory, Margaret 492, 766

  Maltin, Arnold and Mrs. (pseuds.; accountants) 26, 133, 234, 271

  Man Who Fell to Earth, The (film) 510

  Man Who Would Be King, The (film) 395, 491

  Manaus, Brazil 351

  Manchester, England 53, 683

  Mandeville Canyon, Los Angeles 592, 593

  Mangeot, André 9, 766

  Mangeot, Olive 9, 37, 54, 766

  Mangeot, Sylvain 8–9, 146, 766

  Manhattan Beach, California 373

  Manionis, Anthony (Tony) 293, 298, 766–7

  Mann, Daniel (Danny) 534

  Mann, David 28, 46, 52

  Mann, Erika xxxi, 677, 767

  Mann, Heinrich Klaus xxxi, 677, 767

  Mann, Thomas xv, 339

  Manning, Cardinal Timothy 590

  Manson, Charles 146, 290n

  Mantilla, Faride (cleaner) 250, 352

  Manulis, Martin 610

  Mao Tse-Tung 128

  Marchand, Leslie A., Byron: A Portrait 193

  Margaret, Princess 144, 588, 589, 590

  Margo (actress) 417

  Marie Antoinette (film) 582

  marijuana see pot

  Marin County, California: Civic Center 89; College of Marin 630, 631

  Marina del Rey, Los Angeles 187, 249, 281, 487

  Mark, Mary Ellen 497

  Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles 3n, 226, 229, 232, 252, 492, 648

  Markovich, John (Mark; later Swami Tadatmananda) 124, 155, 191, 768

  Marlborough Gallery, New York 467

  Marple Hall, Cheshire, England 6, 84, 768

  Marrakech, Morocco 517

  Marre, Albert 556, 557, 561, 562, 563–4, 566, 569, 581, 600, 602, 603, 604, 605, 607, 608n, 768

  Marre, Joan 603, 604

  Marshak, Daryll 497

  Martel, Alan 171

  Martin, Anne 443

  Martin, Gene 664

  Marx, Fred (surgeon) 672

  Mary, Queen 330

  Marymount College, Los Angeles 263

  Masefield, John, “Biography” 570

  Mason, James 347, 380, 768

  Mason, Marshall 479

  Masselink, Ben: break up of relationship with Jo Lathwood 4, 80, 98, 143, 181, 284; father’s ill-health 98, 359; marriage to Dee Hawes 98, 359; drinking 181; meditation 181; 1954 trip to Mexico 287; 768

  Masselink, Jo see Lathwood, Jo Masters, Brian 516

  Mathews, Ernest 258

  Matteson, Rob 236, 261, 264, 269, 450, 494

  Matthews, Philip 29

  Matthewson, Mr. (friend of Doug Walsh) 160, 161

  Maugham, Liza 390

  Maugham, Robin, Conversations with Willie 568

  Maugham, William Somerset (Willie) 2, 33, 36, 286, 389–90, 533, 568, 769; The Constant Wife 471, 474; Home and Beauty 383; The Razor’s Edge 389, 594

  Maupin, Armistead 586–7, 597, 631, 667, 769; Tales of the City 577, 638

  Maupiti, Leeward Islands, South Pacific 472

  Mayer, Louis B. 633

  “Mayor of Casterbridge, The” (television adaptation) 585

  Meador, Richard 643–4

  Mechtold, Hans 289

  Medina, Patricia 519

  Medley, Robert 9–10, 28, 29, 56–7, 511, 515, 771

  Meeting by the River, A (C.I.; novel) 42, 50, 68–9, 425, 560

  Meeting by the River, A (C.I. and Don Bachardy; draft screenplay): negotiations about possible productions 292, 378, 384, 391, 394, 400, 405, 409, 414–15, 419,
422–3, 424–5, 429–30, 430–31, 433–4, 439, 441; writing and revision 310, 350, 354, 359, 378, 395, 397, 557

  Meeting by the River, A (C.I. and Don Bachardy; play): Broadway production xvi, 479, 544, 545, 551, 556, 557, 561, 563, 565, 566, 568, 569, 572, 581, 600, 602, 605, 606, 607, 608n; small stage productions xvi, 81; writing and revision xvi, xxii, 1, 7, 8, 11, 12–13, 17, 24, 46, 67, 80, 231, 233, 561, 562, 563–4, 569, 584, 603, 606, 607, 608; possible London productions 4n, 8, 11, 12–13, 16, 18, 24, 25, 40, 41, 44, 48, 50, 52, 53–4, 55, 57, 59, 61–2, 63, 67, 71, 76–7, 79–80, 81, 176–7, 233, 238, 253, 281, 288, 291–2, 345, 394, 441, 451; proposed Leicester production 89–90, 91, 222–3, 307; possible San Francisco production 91, 93, 99; possible Los Angeles readings and productions 121, 126–7, 130, 171, 206, 233; Mark Taper Forum production 226, 227–8, 228–33, 234, 235, 238, 243; reviews 232–3, 234, 238, 243, 296, 307; possible New York productions 281, 441, 445, 450, 455; New Phoenix Repertory production in New York 292, 296, 297–8, 300, 306–8

  Melnitz, William 369–70

  Melo, Juan 9

  Memorial, The (C.I.) 593

  Mendelson, Edward 433, 475, 509, 771

  Mendelssohn, Felix, A Midsummer Night’s Dream 386

  Mengers, Sue 462, 537–8, 594

  Merced, California 366, 367

  Merchant, Ismail 419, 424, 429–30, 431, 433–4, 451, 771–2; The Wild Party 437–9, 441, 455, 470

  Meredith, Burgess 3, 772

  Meredith, Mona 444n

  Merlo, Frank 102n, 772

  Merrill, James 465–6

  Mesic, Penelope 529

  Methuen (publishers): and Kathleen and Frank 125, 127, 155, 177, 202; Richard Simon leaves 205; and proposed publication of John Lehmann’s correspondence with C.I. 379, 392; and Christopher and His Kind 513; and My Guru and His Disciple 612, 630; and October 644; 772

  Metropolis (film) 193

  Metropolitan Community Church, Los Angeles 45, 154, 183

  Mexico 143, 444, 536, 538; C.I. reminisces about trips to 95, 287; Don Bachardy visits with Bill Franklin 602, 603, 604, 605–6

  Meyer, David and Tony 29, 773

  MGM studios: picketed 348, 355, 361; C.I. filmed at 505

  Michel, Ted (Tat Twam Asi) 498

  Michener, James 443

  Midler, Bette 549, 626

  Midnight Cowboy (film) 492

  Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (ballet) 49–50

  Miles, Sarah 319, 519

  Miles, Stephen 491

  Millard, Paul 236–7, 269, 271, 450, 494, 773

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent 251–2

  Miller, Arthur, After the Fall 464

  Miller, Dorothy: C.I. visits 103, 216, 284; on Elsa Lanchester 103; and Unity church 103, 284; pneumonia 271, 284; on Jo Lathwood and Ben Masselink 284; operation on leg 458; death and funeral 461; 773

  Miller, Jonathan 516

  Miller, Larry 447, 454–5, 456, 463, 468–9, 470, 473, 483

  Miller, Merle 147

  Miller, Robert 541, 665, 674; show for Don Bachardy 646, 649–51, 652–3, 665

  Mills, Bill 595

  Mills, John 543

  Milow, Keith 29, 60, 510, 773

  Milton, John xxxv

  Minneapolis, Minnesota 536, 538

  Minnelli, Liza 289, 350n, 422, 467, 492

  Minter, Mary Miles see O’Hilderbrandt, Mary Miles Minter

  Mischwitzky, Holger (Rosa von Praunheim) 65

  Mishima, Yukio 118–19, 169, 773; Forbidden Colors 249; Runaway Horses 358; Spring Snow 249, 310; Yukoku (film) 169

  Miss Europe (Prix de Beauté) (film) 538

  Mission Inn, Riverside, California 437–8

  Mississippi, tornadoes 149

  Missouri Breaks, The (film) 508

  Mitchell, Arthur 478n

  Mitchell, Charlie 175, 602, 774

  Mitchell, J.J. 169, 307, 509, 774

  Mitchell, John 358–9

  Mitchell, Julian 59, 60, 61

  Mitgang, Herbert 612

  Modern Language Association (MLA), conventions 466, 467, 490

  Moffatt, Ivan 50, 68, 325–6, 335, 478, 500, 774

  Moffatt, Katharine (Kate) see Smith, Katharine

  Moffett, Judith 466n

  Moffitt, Peggy (Claxton) 253, 714

  Mokshada (earlier Meta Evans) 348–9, 352

  Molière, The School for Wives 171

  Mollison, Denis 21

  Molly Maguires, The (film) 78

  Mon Oncle d’Amérique (film) 663

  Monday, Anna see Urbashi

  Monday, Jon see Dharmadas Monday, Rachel 499

  Monet, Claude 80, 329

  Mong, Bud 439

  Monk, Nancy 585

  Monkey (C.I. and Don Bachardy; proposed screenplay for Steven Arnold) 267, 271, 272–3, 274–5

  Monkhouse, John (Johnny) 15, 104, 774–5

  Monkhouse, Patrick (Paddy) 104, 774–5

  Monkhouse, Rachel 15, 774–5

  Monroe, Louisiana 609

  Monroe, Marilyn xiii, 111

  Monsieur Verdoux (film) 137

  Monsters, The (C.I. and Don Bachardy; play) 97–8

  Montague, Mary 515

  Montague, Richard 154

  Montecito, California: Paul Wonner and Bill Brown’s house 99; brush fire 204–5; Vedanta temple see Sarada Convent;

  Montel, Michael 292, 293, 297, 298, 307, 775

  Montgomery, D. Harry 583

  Moody, Robert L. 30, 775

  moon landing (1971) 138

  Moore, Charles 532

  Moore, Dudley 514

  Moore, Eric 490, 491, 529

  Moore, George 613, 671

  Moore, Susanna (Sylbert) 601

  Moorea, Polynesia 126, 131

  Moreau, Jeanne 3, 35, 775

  Morgan Library, New York 170

  Mori, Grace 268, 270

  Moriarty, Michael 425, 441, 443, 445, 450, 455, 479, 545, 775

  Morita, Masakatu 119

  Morocco 516–17; see also Tangier Morocco (film) 241

  Morris, John 510

  Mortimer, John 215, 776

  Mortimer, Raymond 365, 776

  Mortmere (imaginary village) xviii, 310, 685, 776

  Morton, Tom 495

  Moses, Avilda 188, 218, 419, 494

  Moses, Ed xix, 107, 188, 218, 333, 419, 498, 776

  Mosheim, Grete 176–7

  Mosley, David 183, 185–6

  Mostert, Noël 517, 776

  motorcycle racing 112

  Mount Baldy, California 124

  Mount Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles 16, 133, 134, 201, 664, 665

  Moya, John 495

  Mr. Lucky (film) 520

  Mr. Norris Changes Trains (C.I.) xxxvii, 283

  Mrabet, Mohammed 517

  Muchnic, Suzanne 630

  Muktananda 660–61

  “Mummy, The” (C.I. and Don Bachardy; proposed television film; working title “The Lady from the Land of the Dead”): negotiations for 199, 214, 221, 287–8, 328, 381, 385; writing and revising 226–7, 228, 235, 236, 239, 241, 252–3, 253–4, 255, 256, 257, 265, 288, 291, 292, 293, 310

  Murad, Sirri 230

  Murder by Death (film) 518

  Murdock, James (Jim) 90, 307, 776

  Muscle Beach, Santa Monica, California 410

  Museum of Modern Art, New York 650

  Musicant, Dr. (anesthetist) 202

  My Guru and His Disciple (C.I.; earlier title Another Kind of Friend): reviews x, 634, 639, 644; title xii, 559, 569, 606; use of diary extracts xxvii–xxviii, 534, 538, 568, 600, 626, 627; style and literary technique xxxv, xxxvi–xxxvii, 562, 572, 579, 610, 614; planning, research and writing 523, 525–6, 534, 538–9, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 550, 553–4, 555, 557, 559, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567–8, 569, 572, 575–6, 577, 579, 581, 584, 588, 591, 601, 609; themes 538–9, 550, 565, 572, 581, 591, 592, 607; afterword 550, 553–4, 555, 565; publication and promotion 609, 610, 612, 630, 632, 634–5, 643, 645, 656; reaction among Vedanta community 609, 611, 612, 618, 623, 644;
proofs 625, 626, 628; Gavin Lambert’s views on 631; paperback edition 638–9; sales 638

  Myers, Carl 50

  Myers, Gordon 501, 504

  Nabokov, Nicolas, Love’s Labour’s Lost 335

  Nabokov, Vladimir x, xi, 544

  Nader, Ralph 147

  Nahas, Nabil 649

  Nashville (film) 499

  National Gay Archives 634–5

  National Institute of Arts and Letters 199, 404, 777

  National Institute of Mental Health 154

  National Observer, The (newspaper) 178

  national parks, signs in 271

  National Portrait Gallery, London 132, 391, 514, 515–16, 777

  National Students Gay Liberation Conference (1970) xxv, 97

  National Theatre, London 345

  National Youth Theatre (Britain) 288

  Nauman, Bruce 407–8

  Navigators, The (evangelical Christian group) 164

  Nazism viii, xxv, 270, 285, 522, 555

  NBC (television network): C.I. interviewed on 17, 552, 570–71; and “Frankenstein” film 256, 372, 381, 406; and proposed “The Beautiful and Damned” film 481

  Neal, Warren 505, 506, 508, 518, 520, 562, 591, 593, 594, 777

  Ned Kelly (film) 3n, 27, 120

  Neddermeyer, Heinz: C.I.’s attempts to acquire Mexican passport for 54; C.I.’s relationship with 54, 142, 398; Kathleen Isherwood’s dislike of 54, 398; appearance 255; on deaths of Auden and Jean Ross 394; portrayal in Christopher and His Kind 398, 428, 464, 589, 590, 591, 596, 597, 602, 684; arrest in 1937 428; retirement 596

  Nelson, Allyn 353, 777

  Nelson, David 374

  Network (film) 586

  Neville, John 25

  Neville, Richard, Play Power 8

  New Hampshire, Bill Brown and Paul Wonner’s house in 271, 293, 300

  New Orleans, Louisiana 432–3, 475, 609, 610

  New Phoenix Repertory Company 292, 306, 307, 309

  New Theater for Now (theater company) 232, 234, 238

  New Writing (magazine) 115n, 329

  New York: C.I. visits en route to London (1970) 5, 7; C.I. and Don Bachardy visit following Stravinsky’s death (1971) 159, 166, 168–74; C.I. and Bachardy visit for promotion of Kathleen and Frank (January-February 1972) 218, 220, 221; C.I. and Bachardy visit for performance of A Meeting by the River (December 1972) 293, 295, 296, 297–8, 300–301, 302–4, 304–5, 305–9; Bachardy visits alone (October-November 1973) 397, 400, 402, 403; C.I. and Bachardy visit for Bachardy’s Cultural Center show (February 1974) 419, 421–2, 423, 425–6, 430; Vedanta Center 420; skyline 425–6; Bachardy visits for work on The Stepford Wives ( June 1974) 439; C.I. and Bachardy visit at Christmas (1974) 465, 466; Bachardy visits alone (April 1975) 474, 477; C.I. and Bachardy visit en route to and from Europe (1976) 508–510, 518; C.I. and Bachardy visit for promotion of Christopher and His Kind (December 1976) 529, 530; C.I. and Bachardy visit for Broadway production of A Meeting by the River (1979) 607, 608; C.I. and Bachardy visit for Bachardy’s Robert Miller Gallery show (September-October 1980) 646, 648–53


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