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Sweet Chaos (Love & Chaos Book 2)

Page 20

by Emery Rose

  “Younger sibling syndrome. It’s a thing, you know. Prevalent in dysfunctional, rich families.”

  I laughed. “I guess so. I have that and other things. I’m the family rebel,” I said with a sigh. “But I’m trying to be on my best behavior tonight.”

  “You’re doing an admirable job.” There was amusement in his voice, but it didn’t sound like he was mocking me. It felt like we were on the same team.

  “I know the feeling. I’m the black sheep of the family.” He smiled, his teeth so white in the moonlight, and I found myself wanting to know more about him and his family dynamics.

  “Do you and Chase get along?”

  “For the most part,” he said, and I sensed that he was holding back the same way I did whenever I talked about my relationship with Sienna. “He loves your sister. They’re good for each other.”

  “In what way are they good for each other?” I asked, my curiosity piqued. I’d only seen Chase and Sienna together a few times, and it was always at family occasions, so it was hard to tell what they were truly like as a couple.

  “Chase needs to lighten up. He has an unfortunate tendency to act like he has a stick up his ass.” That made me laugh. “It’s getting better now that he’s with your sister. And Sienna…”

  He hesitated, not sure if he should go on.

  “And Sienna?” I prompted, encouraging him to finish his train of thought.

  “I just get the feeling that she needed someone reliable. Someone she can depend on. Chase is that guy. He’s always been the more responsible one. Truthfully, he’s a good guy.”

  “Dependable and reliable.”


  I mulled over Logan’s words. I guess I could understand why Sienna would be drawn to that kind of security after having been with Dylan. Chase was the safer bet. I wondered how difficult it would be to seek shelter with someone who was reliable and dependable after surviving the storm that was Dylan.

  “Do you have a boyfriend?” Logan asked, holding up his hands. “I’m not hitting on you. Just curious.”

  “Um, well… no, I don’t.”

  “You don’t sound too sure.”

  This was one of those times I needed to keep my mouth shut. Confiding in my sister’s future brother-in-law didn’t seem like a smart move. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Do you have anyone special?”

  “I have a lot of someone specials,” he said with a crooked grin. It didn’t surprise me that he was a player. He was the whole package. Rich, handsome, charming. Not my type but he was fun to hang out with.

  I told him about my designs. He told me he lived in LA—Venice Beach—and we talked about his recent backpacking trip around South America.

  Logan’s phone pinged with a message and he checked it before pocketing his phone. “What do you say we get out of here?”

  “Yes,” I said a little too enthusiastically, making Logan laugh. “Did you drive? Do you think I could bum a ride?”

  He nodded. “I drove, and my chariot awaits.” He held out his arm and I looped mine in his.

  “You’re a lifesaver.”

  “And you’re just the excuse I needed.”

  “Let’s go,” I said, hurrying us through the house, in a rush to get out of there. My father’s voice brought us to a halt in the great room.

  “I’d like to make a toast,” my father said, commanding the attention of everyone in the room. His arm was wrapped around my mother and she was beaming, so thrilled to have his attention even though it was just for show. He was putting on airs and graces for their guests. “To Sienna and Chase and their upcoming marriage. Margot and I are delighted to welcome Chase into our family. He’s become like the son we never had. I think I speak for both families when I say that I couldn’t imagine a better union. Chase and Sienna share the same core values and life goals, and I anticipate a bright future for both of them.”

  My father’s little speech earned him a splattering of applause and everyone lifted their glasses to drink to Sienna and Chase. Sienna hugged Dad and he held her at arm’s length, his smile brimming with pride and joy. “I’m so proud of you. For all that you’ve achieved. And for being the best daughter I could ever ask for.”

  With great restraint, I resisted the eye roll. He was laying it on thick tonight. Sienna was lapping it up, her smile dazzling, her eyes glossy with unshed tears. I guess it must be intoxicating to earn my father’s praise and admiration. Why else would my mother and sister be vying for it? Why else would they try so hard to please him?

  I’d spent so many years convincing myself that his opinion of me didn’t matter that I’d almost started to believe it. But on nights like this, when he heaped praise on my sister, I felt like the world’s biggest loser.

  Logan slung an arm around my shoulders, tucking me close to his side like he was protecting me. Though I appreciated the gesture, I quirked my brows at him in question.

  He grinned and leaned in close, his voice low. “Nobody puts Baby in the corner.”

  I burst out laughing at the Dirty Dancing reference. Inadvertently, my laughter drew my father’s attention. His brows rose in surprise, and he looked from me to Logan who kept me tucked into his side as we crossed the room and stopped in front of my parents.

  “I’ve offered to drive your daughter home.” His smile was polite, unlike the genuine one he’d given me earlier.

  “And I said yes,” I said with a big smile like I’d just accepted his marriage proposal.

  “Oh. Well, that’s lovely,” my mom said, clapping her hands together, her smile mega-watt. “Isn’t that lovely, Simon?”

  My father’s eyes narrowed, trying to figure out what game I was playing. He hated that he couldn’t control me. What more could he take from me? His money? His love? His approval? I’d lost them all a long time ago. “Indeed. Thank you for taking care of her,” he told Logan.

  “My pleasure.”

  We said our goodbyes. Air kisses all around. My parents drifted away to mingle with their guests and the front door beckoned but first I needed to say goodbye to my sister. She was talking to our cousin Phoebe.

  “Thank God you came to your senses,” Phoebe said. “I was worried there for a minute. I mean, can you imagine him at tonight’s party?”

  “Not really,” Sienna said, forcing a smile that I knew was fake.

  “Slumming it with the trailer trash was not a good look for you,” Phoebe said with a laugh, taking a sip of pink champagne that matched her dress.

  For someone who was absent from this party, Dylan got a lot of press.

  Never far from her side, Chase swooped in and wrapped his arm around Sienna and I took that opportunity to say my goodbyes.

  “You’re leaving already?” she asked, disappointed.

  I nodded. “I have to get up early for work. But I had a great time.”

  Sienna rolled her eyes. “You’re a shitty liar. But we’ll make plans soon. You can come to LA and we’ll hang out. We could double-date,” she joked, giving Logan a little slug on the arm that told me they were close enough to tease each other. “Although I’m pretty sure Scarlett isn’t the kind of girl your parents have in mind for you. She’d rock the boat too much.”

  “My kind of girl.” Logan gave my shoulder a little squeeze. “Let’s run away together.”

  I winked at him. “Just give me the date and the time and I’ll be there.”

  “Don’t say something like that to Scarlett,” Sienna said. “She’d do it in a heartbeat.”.

  “At least Scarlett has a job,” Chase said. “Logan spends his nights clubbing and his days sleeping it off.”

  “And it’s time to go,” Logan said. “Always good to see you, bro.”

  After suffering the little digs, Logan and I got out of there as quickly as possible and stopped next to a gunmetal gray Tesla parked at the end of the cul de sac. “Slumming it tonight,” I joked when he opened the scissor door for me.

  “Left the Maserati at home.”

; “Next time.”



  While I’d been sitting on the hood of my car waiting, I’d had plenty of time to think this through. I hadn’t called or texted to let her know I’d be here. Something like this had to be done face to face.

  And tonight, I was planning to tell her everything. I’d just lay it all on the line.

  I wanted her to know that I liked her. I more than liked her. Over the past month, I’d missed her more than I would have thought possible.

  And it wasn’t just the sex I missed. It was her. Her face, her smile, her laughter, her unfiltered mouth, her honesty.

  Right or wrong, I wanted Scarlett in my life and I was feeling pretty damn good about my decision.

  Headlights illuminated the darkness and I watched from my spot across the street and a few houses down as the car stopped under a streetlight in front of Scarlett’s building. I tossed my cigarette on the ground and crushed it under the sole of my boot, my eyes on the Tesla. The driver’s door opened, a man stepped out, and I took it all in—the expensive tailored suit, his height and build and stupid-ass hair, like he’d styled it for a GQ photo shoot.

  Rich. Handsome. Entitled.

  This scene was giving me flashbacks. Been there, done that, got the fucking T-shirt. Last time this happened, his name was Chase Fucking Carruthers. The jury was still out on whether Sienna cheated on him or on me. In the end, it didn’t matter. She chose him.

  Everyone, including Scarlett, seemed to think that Sienna and Chase hooked up at her cousin Phoebe’s wedding. After we broke up for the last and final time. That’s not the way it happened. Sienna met Chase at Phoebe’s New Year’s Eve party eight months before that wedding. I hadn’t been invited to the party or the wedding.

  Now, I watched as Prince Charming opened the scissor door and held out his hand. I saw red when Scarlett emerged from the car in a little black designer dress, six-inch stilettos, and a dazzling smile. For him. Not me.

  She hadn’t seen me skulking in the shadows like a fucking stalker.

  Her laughter, sweet and melodious, reached my ears and hit me like a sucker punch in the gut. They were standing close. Too fucking close for my comfort. He said something, his voice too low for me to hear and she nodded, smiling up at him like he was the answer to all her prayers.

  Before he could get his goodnight kiss or lure her into bed, I stalked toward them.

  Scarlett’s eyes widened when she saw me and she quickly averted her head, focusing on the GQ model standing in front of her. “Thanks for everything,” she told the douchebag.

  What exactly did everything mean?

  “Anytime.” His eyes ping-ponged from me to Scarlett, waiting for an introduction or an explanation for the guy glowering at him. When none was forthcoming, he said something in Scarlett’s ear. She nodded, and he kissed her on the cheek and squeezed her shoulder.

  With a final glance at me, he climbed into the driver’s seat. Scarlett waited until his taillights disappeared before she turned around to face me.

  “Who was that?” I asked, voice deceptively casual. No need to jump to conclusions.

  “A friend.”

  “A friend. Huh. Are you fucking this friend?”

  “I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” she said breezily, sauntering past me in her fuck-me stilettos. I shouldn’t be noticing her legs or the sway of her hips or the way her dress hugged all her curves but I was. Because she’d worn that fucking dress for a Tesla-driving GQ model douchebag. Not for me. For him. She was mine, all fucking mine, and I wanted her back.

  “You’re my business,” I growled, stalking after her.

  “Oh my God.” She spun around to face me, hands on her hips, blue eyes flashing with anger. If anything, she looked even more beautiful when she was angry. My eyes dropped to her heaving chest. Sick bastard that I was, it made me hard.

  “You’re unbelievable. I haven’t seen you in a month. You left me. So you don’t get to show up here and question me or act like anything I do is your business.” She got right in my face, taunting me. “I can fuck whoever I want.”

  Her words hit me like a slap on the face followed by a swift kick to the nuts. I staggered back a step. Looks like baby sister was armed for battle. Two could play this game.

  My eyes raked over her in a slow, leisurely descent, taking in the little black designer dress and heels before returning to her face. She didn’t look like herself tonight with that smoky eye makeup and perfect hair.

  “You know what’s funny?” I wrapped a loose curl around my fingers. She lifted her brows, waiting for my next words. “I thought you were different. I thought you and Sienna were night and day. But I was wrong. Because here you are with your shiny new boyfriend and your designer clothes.”

  I released her hair, ignoring the flash of hurt in her eyes, and hooked my finger in the strap of her dress, sliding it up and down, feeling the shiver go through her. “I bet Daddy will give you back the keys to the kingdom now that you’ve fallen into line. Are you letting him choose your boyfriends now, too?”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” she gritted out, shoving my hand away and turning to go. I gripped her waist and pulled her against me, her back flush with my chest, my arm locking her in place.

  “I liked the old Scarlett better.” Moving her hair aside, my teeth grazed her neck, soft but bruising, her scent heady and delicious, like her. But destroying good things was my specialty so I delivered the final blow. “This just looks like a desperate attempt to follow in your big sister’s footsteps. But guess what? You’ve fallen short, baby sister.”

  Tears welled in her eyes and she swallowed hard, forcing them back as she turned to face me. “You know what’s funny? Really funny? I’ve always defended you, Dylan. Always.” Her voice quavered on the words, but pride forced her to look me straight in the eye when she dished up my just desserts. “I never believed that you were an asshole. I never wanted to believe it. But I was wrong to give you the benefit of the doubt. You are an asshole. Congratulations. Just when I thought I couldn’t feel shittier about myself, you proved me wrong.”

  She walked away from me, her back ramrod straight, her blonde hair glowing in the moonlight and it was safe to say this night had not gone to plan.

  It was also possible that I’d fucked up.

  Why would she have felt shitty about herself?

  As I stood on the street and watched her leave, it slowly sunk in. The realization that I was repeating old mistakes. Someone hurts you, you retaliate and hit them where you knew it hurt most.

  Scarlett wasn’t Sienna. Scarlett had never betrayed me. Had never cheated on me. Had never made empty promises or told me lies. She had never done anything to deserve the way I’d treated her.

  And I had this sinking feeling that if I let her go now, I’d lose something precious to me.

  “Scarlett.” I strode after her and climbed the stairs to her apartment, stopping outside her front door. “Wait.”

  The door slammed in my face and I heard the locks click into place with a ring of finality. I pressed my forehead against the wood and banged my head against it a few times.




  I uploaded my new design photos to my website. While they were loading, I gathered my hair into a messy bun and secured it with a pencil.

  Should it be taking this long? I stared at the laptop screen and drummed my fingers on the surface of the glossy white desk, resisting the urge to dive into the gold foil box of hand-dipped chocolate covered fruit. Orange slices and cherries. My favorites. I grabbed the box and tossed it in the trash can under Remy’s desk. Then I stared at the box for a few seconds before retrieving it and setting it back on the desk. No sense in wasting perfectly good chocolates. I’d give them to Ryan. His girlfriend liked chocolate.

  My phone vibrated on the desk and I glanced at the screen.

  With a sigh, I answered, surprised she�
�d waited three days to call me. “Hey Mom.”

  “Hello sweetie,” she sing-songed. Someone was in a good mood. While my mother recapped the highlights of Saturday night’s engagement party, I typed up the description for my Voodoo Surf collection. “So, did you make any plans to see Logan again?”

  I rolled my eyes. “No. He just gave me a ride home. That’s it.”

  “Hmm. Well, you could make an effort. He comes from a very good family. They own a big pharmaceutical company.” She’d only mentioned that a hundred times since Sienna and Chase had gotten together. “They said we’re always welcome to use any of their vacation homes. I thought it would be nice if we all went away together. With Chase and Logan, of course.”

  Of course. One big happy family. I’d rather stab myself in the eyeball with a red-hot poker than go on a family holiday.

  I spun around in the swivel chair and stared out Remy’s office window at the salmon pink façade of the electric bike shop. Jewel-toned flowers cascaded from the hanging baskets and the sun peeked out from behind a wispy cloud, bathing the alley in sunlight.

  “I’m pretty busy with work so…”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s not like you have a real job. I’ll arrange everything and send you the dates.”

  “Mom, the last time we went on a family vacation, it was a disaster. I’d really rather not put myself through that again. And I’m not going to go away with Logan or do anything else with him for that matter, so you can stop matchmaking. It’s not happening.”

  “Well, that’s what your sister said before we fixed her up with Chase.”

  My gaze swung to the framed surfing photos of Shane. Give me Zen, dude, I could use it right about now.

  “I’m not Sienna,” I said through my clenched jaw, still feeling the blow from Dylan’s words. I’d never really seen Dylan’s cruel side before, but I should have known he’d be capable of hurting me more than anyone ever could. I’d provoked him, had incited his jealousy, and he’d retaliated.


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