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Delivering His Gifts: A Mountain Man's Baby Christmas Romance (Mountain Men of Liberty)

Page 16

by K. C. Crowne


  “Fire!” Eli’s voice cut right to my soul. I dropped the phone without even realizing it and rushed toward the back of the house, where Eli was calling me from.

  “Open the doors! We need to get the animals out,” I yelled.

  Out of the corner of my eye, something moved. I turned and saw a man running toward the woods.

  “There’s someone heading toward the woods!”

  Eli was already at the back door. I counted the animals, happy that Skyler had given me the grand tour. All the cats and the dogs rushed out of the burning house. We’d have to find them later, but there was no time to corral them.

  “There are guinea pigs and a rabbit,” I called out to Eli.

  “Got ‘em,” Eli yelled. “Catch the guy, I’ll be right behind you.”

  I could hear sirens in the distance. Help was on the way. Eli had the animals, they were alive.

  I took off toward the treeline. I cursed at the fact that I hadn’t thought to bring a gun. I had a knife that I almost always carried but wasn’t sure it would be enough.

  I was surrounded by trees, which were blotting out the remaining sunlight. Acrid smoke filled my lungs as I searched for the person I saw running from the house.

  An explosion caused me to turn back toward the house, and my heart raced as I saw the back part - where Danielle’s bedroom would be - completely gone.

  She’s safe, I reminded myself. She’s not here. But had she been… My stomach dropped at even the idea of her being home, in her room or anywhere in that house, for that matter.

  There was no sign of my brother. And no sign of the man I saw running into the woods.

  Dammit. I was about to let everyone down again and could lose my brother in the process. I had to make a decision - to go after Eli or to keep looking for the man in the woods.

  It was only a split second, but it felt like I had wasted an eternity. I was about to sprint back to the house when something collided into my body, slamming me to the ground. The earth seemed to crack underneath me as I landed, catching myself before my head bounced into the ground.

  The person who tackled me was smaller than me and only managed to take me down because I hadn’t been prepared. But once I was down, I managed to roll the both of us over. I stared down into dark eyes behind a red and black ski mask. I’d never seen such a mask before, with red lines down the front as if to make it look intimidating.

  I held the man to the ground as he fought against me. He was smaller than me, weaker. But he was wily. His small frame allowed him to move quickly. I ripped off the mask just as there was a sudden, sharp pain in my side. The man sneered as he pulled the knife from my flesh and buried it in my side once again.

  The surprise caught me off guard, and the man kicked me off him. The knife was still buried in my flank, and I knew I needed to leave it be. Pulling it out could be dangerous; I could bleed out in minutes.

  The man grabbed the mask and took off into the woods as I pushed myself up with the help of a nearby tree. The pain was staggering, as was the blood loss. My head was spinning; I couldn’t chase him. I had to let him go, which filled me with a new rage despite the pain

  I didn’t recognize the man, but I had his face imprinted into my brain. I recognize him if I ever saw him again, with his narrow, harsh features and thin lips. His head had been shaved, though his hair was growing in dark.

  I kept going over the details in my head as I tried to keep moving toward where I last saw him. The blood seeped through my side, soaking my clothing.

  Footsteps. I heard footsteps.

  Was he coming back to finish the job?

  “Mason!” Eli’s voice called to me as I leaned against the tree, the dizziness overwhelming me. He was at my side a second later, giving me a shoulder to lean on.

  “The firemen are here. The fire is out,” he said. “Let me call for help.”

  “We need to find—him,” I said, my voice wavering as I spoke. It felt like I was slipping away. “Let me go, I need to…”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” he said. “The cops will be here soon. They can search the woods.”

  “No, he’ll get away,” I murmured weakly, hating the weakness.

  Eli kept a firm grip on me, making sure I didn’t try to get away, though I wouldn’t get very far if I tried.

  “Over here!” he yelled as he helped me. “We need some help over here!”

  “I’m not going to the hospital,” I said.

  “The hell you’re not,” Eli scoffed.

  “I need to get back to Danielle.”

  “Graham is with her. She’s safe. She’s not going anywhere,” he assured me.

  There were more footsteps, and two firemen took Eli’s place and helped me to the ground.

  “He went that way,” I said, pointing in the direction the man had run.

  “I’ll go search for him,” Eli said.

  “No. He’s armed,” I said.

  “I’m going—”

  More footsteps and a familiar face.

  “Teddy, thank God.” I winced as the fireman pulled my blood-stained shirt away from my skin to get a better look at the stab wound.

  Teddy was the sheriff of Liberty, and a good man. With friendly eyes and a serious expression, he knelt beside me.

  “Who did this to you?”

  “A man. Shaved head, but dark hair growing in. Dark eyes. Medium build, probably around 5’11 and 190 pounds,” I said, closing my eyes to picture the man again. “Red and black ski mask. He went that way.”

  Teddy nodded at the two deputies with him, and they took off in the direction I’d been pointing. “Let’s call an ambulance,” he said, speaking softly to the fireman.

  “No, I’m fine,” I said through gritted teeth.

  Both Teddy and Eli gave me a look that said I was not fine. Eli managed to convince me. “Danielle needs you to be at your best.”

  And he was right. Dammit, I knew he was right, so I nodded.

  The deputies came back and said they couldn’t find anyone, and they’d even called in backup. Time seemed to be moving so slowly.

  “Cameras,” I said.


  “There are cameras all over the house,” I said. “You can probably see what happened from them.”

  The firemen shared a look.


  “The house is completely destroyed. It’s gone.”

  “But you can still get the feed up to that point, right?”

  “We’ll keep looking,” Teddy reassured me. “We’ll try to find any scrap of evidence we can.”

  “Thanks, man,” I said.

  I heard more footsteps, and two EMTs arrived with a stretcher.

  “I can walk,” I said, pushing myself to my feet. That was a very bad idea, however, as the world began spinning.

  “Careful, you’ve lost a lot of blood,” was the last thing I heard before my world went black.


  “Oh my God, Mason,” I said, pushing past the curtain hanging around his bed. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and they hadn’t stopped falling since I heard about the fire. Once we got in the room, I dropped Skyler’s hand and took his hand in mine. She stood beside the bed, quiet at first. I hadn’t had a chance to explain anything to her, other than Mason was injured, but she didn’t know how or why or what had happened to our home yet. I wasn’t sure how I to tell her.

  As soon as I saw Mason in the hospital bed, a sense of relief washed over me. His eyes were open, and he seemed alert. Besides looking a little pale, he was the same strong man I knew.

  I don’t even know what got into me - I leaned down and pressed my lips to his. He seemed surprised but kissed me back, his rough hands stroking my hair.

  “I thought I lost you,” I whispered against his lips.

  “Nah, you aren’t gonna lose me. I’m stubborn as hell,” he joked. “It’ll take a lot more than a couple knife wounds to take me out.”

little voice piped up from beside us. “Are you okay?”

  I pulled away from Mason but kept his hand in mine. He turned to Skyler and answered, “Oh yeah. It’s just a little scratch. Doctor says I can head home soon.”

  My gaze narrowed. “Did he really?”

  “Well, I had to persuade him a bit, but thankfully the wound isn’t that deep. It didn’t hit anything major. I lost some blood, but they stitched me up. I’m gonna be just fine.”

  “Yay!” Skyler said, pushing between me and the hospital bed to get closer to Mason. “Mommy was scared. She wouldn’t stop crying.”

  I wiped at my tears and chuckled. “Yeah, I was really worried, Mason. You have no idea how happy I am to see you okay.”

  “Nothing to cry about,” Mason said soothingly. “In fact, I have some good news for you.”

  “Oh yeah?” Skyler asked.

  “Yeah. All your pets are being delivered at the rental as we speak.”

  Skyler’s grin widened. And I was so thankful that everyone - the guys and the animals - made it out alive. According to Sam, the house was gone. There was no salvaging it. But thanks to Eli and Mason’s quick action, they were able to rescue all the critters and no lives were lost.

  It had taken Sam some time to find the cats. Chewie had never really been outside before, but they found her hidden underneath one of the trucks. Cinder was in the same bushes Skyler had found her the day we met Mason. Marshmallow came right up to them once the noise calmed down. She was always an affectionate cat and drawn to humans.

  The dogs came once they were called - even Zeus. Sam said he growled a little when he picked him up but didn’t bite and eventually calmed down once he was in the truck.

  “Thank you, Mason. You and your brothers are beyond amazing, do you know that?” I couldn’t hide my gratitude. These grown men risked their lives for our pets. I squeezed Mason’s hand tightly.

  “It’s the least we can do, considering, well, you know.”

  “I know.” I sighed and looked at Skyler. She was so happy and carefree right now, but what would happen when she found out about our home? I would have to break it to her gently. I stroked her hair back with a free hand and listened as she talked Mason’s ear off, telling him all about the house we were staying in and how much she loved it.

  Mason looked past her, at me, and smiled.

  And I no longer felt alone. Not with Mason at our side.


  “Zeus! Gris!” Skyler squealed as we opened the door to the rental.

  Both dogs were waiting for us, bodies wiggling and tails wagging. Zeus let out an excited bark as soon as he saw Skyler.

  Skyler picked the little terrier up and hugged him tightly, as if they hadn’t seen each other in days. “I missed you, little guy.”

  Graham was standing in the entry to the living room, arms crossed and smiling down at my daughter. “She’s adorable.”

  “Thank you. I hope the critters didn’t give you any trouble?”

  Graham shook his head. “Not at all. The little one even came around to me after a while. He sat on my lap for a whole five minutes. Never a problem with the big one.”

  I scratched Grizzley’s head. “Not surprised. He’s a gentle giant.”

  “The cats are hiding somewhere. Last I heard, they were running around upstairs,” Graham said.

  “Probably exploring the new digs,” I chuckled. “I need to get their litter boxes set up or we’ll have a mess.”

  Mason walked in the door behind us, moving a little slower than normal.

  “And what about you, man? How are you doing?”

  “I’ve been better, but can’t complain too much,” Mason said.

  “Did they stitch you up?”

  “Yep. Thankfully, the cut wasn’t that deep. They were mostly concerned with the blood loss.”

  Graham walked over to his brother and patted him on the shoulder. There was a look between the two men, a brotherly love that warmed my heart. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Me too.”

  Graham looked between me and Mason, then over at Skyler, who was distracted and rolling on the floor with Zeus. He leaned in close and whispered. “Did they, you know, figure out what happened?”

  “Not yet,” Mason said softly. “They’re still working on that.”

  “What about the cameras? Did they catch anything?”

  “All gone,” Mason said.

  My stomach dropped. I’d already known all this, but I kept trying to forget. I couldn’t believe our home - and everything we owned - was gone.

  Mason must have seen the look on my face because he draped an arm across my shoulder and leaned in close.

  “I’m going to take care of you and Sky, don’t worry about a thing.”

  My initial reaction was to freeze in place and panic. How could I ever trust a man after everything Greg put me through? Then I saw Skyler on the floor with Zeus, with Grizzly sitting nearby, wagging his tail. The cats were upstairs, and I could see the guinea pigs and Jellybean in their carriers in the living room.

  This man, along with his brothers, had risked their lives for animals.

  It truly said a lot about them. I remembered how I felt about Mason, how terrified I was when I thought he could be hurt or worse. I cared about him, and from the way he looked at me, I realized he cared about me too.

  Relax, Danielle.

  I turned my head toward Mason, and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Graham raised an eyebrow and grinned but didn’t say anything.

  “I think I’ll stay here tonight, just to keep an eye on things, if that’s alright?” Mason asked.

  “I planned on it, too. Already told Emmy I might not be home tonight,” Graham said.

  “I’ll sleep on the couch. There’s an extra bedroom upstairs for you, Graham,” Mason started to say.

  “No,” I said.

  Mason looked ready to argue with me. “Danielle, after what—”

  “No, I mean, you’re not sleeping on a couch,” I said. “There’s a double bed in the master upstairs?”

  “A king size, actually,” Graham said. “I already scoped out the house, just making sure it’s secure.”

  “Well then, I see no reason you can’t join me in the king bed,” I said, biting my lower lip as I met Mason’s gaze. “I think you need a good night’s rest with that injury and all.”

  “If you’re okay with it, so am I.”

  “I’m more than okay with it,” I said.

  Mason and I stared into each other’s eyes, and I found myself smiling.


  “She went down fast tonight,” I said, closing the door to Skyler’s room.

  “Well, it’s been one heck of a day for all of us,” Mason replied.

  Graham had given us some space, retiring out on the back patio with a beer. Sam and Eli had also stopped by, and there was a decent chance they might all spend the night. I wasn’t sure where they’d all sleep, but Mason said they would find a way. There was a couch and several chairs in the living room.

  It was weird being surrounded by his family, but they were all so kind. And it made me feel safer than I’d felt in a very long time.

  “Want to go down with your brothers?” I asked.

  “What are you going to do?”

  My heart fluttered as I stared at him. “I think I’m going to call it a night. It’s been a long day.”

  “I agree,” Mason said softly.

  He took my hand in his and walked me across the hall to the master bedroom. With everything going on, I hadn’t even stepped into the room until that moment. And the moment I did, I was in awe.

  The bed was a king - a four poster bed with privacy drapes pulled back and showcasing a luxurious mattress. It had a thick, velvety soft blanket in burgundy, just like the drapes. Large windows overlooked the backyard, and the curtains were open so I could see the trees and mountains in the distance. The ceilings were at least ten feet high, making the already large room f
eel gigantic.

  “I think this room is bigger than my entire house,” I laughed.

  “Well, what can I say…I want only the best for you and Sky.”

  Mason walked me over to the bed, and he slowly began to undress me. His rough hands grazed my skin as he lifted my shirt, letting it fall to the soft, lush carpet at our feet. He helped me slip out of my yoga pants, the band of which was already way too tight around my growing belly. Then he did something that surprised me.

  He knelt slowly and placed his lips against my stomach. I ran my hands through his hair, feeling like my heart might explode in my chest as his grey eyes stared up at me.

  “I will do anything for you and this baby,” he promised. “And Sky too. I love you. All of you. So much.”

  I reached for him, my hands shaking as I pulled him to his feet. He leaned down, and I pressed my lips to his. I gave myself to him.

  I believed him.

  He loved me.

  He explored the curves of my body as we kissed, and he slowly moved me back toward the bed. He nudged me to sit, then dropped down to his knees again.

  “What are you—” Before I could finish the question, he parted my thighs. “Mason, do you think we should—”

  The warmth of his mouth against me surprised me. I forgot how to speak as his tongue worked my most sensitive parts, gently teasing my clit.

  “Oh God, Mason… we shouldn’t,” I whimpered. “You’re injured.”

  “We can be gentle,” he said, barely lifting his head to speak. I felt the vibrations of his words against me. “But please, Danielle, I need you.”

  “I need you too, but—”

  My head rolled back and my eyes clenched shut. For a moment, I was lost to the pleasure. I’d forgotten everything except the way his tongue circled my clit. My hands were in his hair, and I had to fight myself to not pull him into me, to beg him to fuck me with his tongue.

  Before I knew what was happening, a ripple of pleasure washed over me, and it quickly turned into a tidal wave. I could no longer control the pressure on his head. My back arched upward, and I cried out, “Oh God, Mason! I’m coming!”


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