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Copper (RBMC: Tulsa, OK Book 2)

Page 2

by K. Webster

  I pin her with a hard glare. “Behave and you’ll make it to my place in one piece.”

  Genuine fear shines in her eyes because she knows I’m right.

  Dragon is fucking nuts.

  “You won’t get away with this,” she threatens me.

  I lean forward into the truck, gripping her jaw in my hand. “Little storm, I already have.”


  I’m so fucked.

  But Hadley’s not dead. I’ll count it as a win as far as she’s concerned. I, on the other hand, am headed that way. Dragon has me in his wicked grip and that can only mean one thing.

  Some shit is about to go down.

  He doesn’t even try to cop a feel, which is my first warning about how bad this is. Dragon is one or the other. Hot or cold. Flirtatious or cruel. Playfully taunting or painfully vicious.

  I’m about to be on the receiving end of his wrath. I’ve seen what he’s done to others. The last thing I want to do is become chopped meat for Dragon to later beat off to. As if inside my head, he nips at my ear.

  Not a sexy bite either.

  One that warns of lots and lots of pain.

  My mind is going a mile a minute. How did I think I would prance in there and then make my way back out alive? I’d been so blinded by saving Hadley, I forgot to save myself. I should have known better, though. Koyn is different with Hadley. She weakens him and he doesn’t care. It was all some big game. He was never going to kill her.

  Which means I blew my cover for no reason.

  And the only two people who knew I was even there are lying dead on the slaughterhouse ground. Guilt niggles at me for bringing them into this situation. Brad could be a total dick, but he didn’t deserve to die.

  “You killed them,” I accuse, meeting Copper’s hard stare in the rearview mirror.

  “No, you did that all by yourself,” he grunts back.

  “Where are you taking me? Why didn’t you just shoot me back there? We all know you’re not going to honor your word to Hadley. You’re Royal Bastards after all.”

  Dragon tenses, making me want to curl in on myself. He’s the last person I want to piss off.

  “I’m taking you to my house.”

  “Why?” I demand.

  “Because you’re my problem and I’m going to deal with you myself.”

  “If you can keep Filter away from her,” Dragon says, his hot breath tickling the side of my neck.

  “Filter won’t do shit,” Copper mutters.

  A derisive snort leaves Dragon, making me shiver. Dragon’s right. Filter, if I’m kept alive, will want revenge. I betrayed him and used him in the worst possible way. But being in Copper’s clutches might buy me some time.

  I haven’t ever been to Copper’s house, but I know where it is. Back before I weaseled my way into Filter’s bed at Koyn’s Man Mansion, I staked Copper’s place out online. He lives on some property about forty-five minutes north of Sand Springs on Skiatook Lake. The Koynakovs aren’t your typical biker and Fed. No, the Koynakovs are financially loaded and most of that Koyn obtained the legal way long before his family was killed. Of the time I spent in Koyn’s compound, I certainly got spoiled to the lavish lifestyle.

  “Your heart races,” Dragon murmurs, his lips against my neck. “You’re scared.”

  “No shit, Sherlock,” I bite back. “Stop touching me.”

  He boldly gropes my tit. “What are you going to do about it, traitor?”

  I scowl but give up my fight. Dragon loves a fighter. I’ll be damned if I give that filthy freak what he wants. My body relaxes and I give in to the fact I won’t get away under the watchful glares of Dragon and Copper. It’ll have to be when I’m left alone.

  I will escape.

  Even if it means having to use my body, I will. It’s not like I didn’t spend the past eight months in Filter’s bed trying to get information. If I had to, I’d fuck Copper to get my way out from under the Royal Bastards.

  Dragon, on the other hand, can go to hell. I will never willingly crawl into bed with someone like him. Copper and Filter have cracks in their hard façade. I know I can slip through those cracks. Dragon is a dark, impenetrable fog I want no part of getting lost in.

  All the adrenaline that’s been running through my veins for the past hour begins to drain out of me. My eyes drift closed of their own accord.

  Don’t be stupid, girl.

  But I am because I fall asleep in the hands of a monster.

  I wake to being hauled out of the truck in Dragon’s firm hold. My legs kick out, hoping for purchase, but I hit nothing. Copper trots ahead and whistles loud. My blood goes cold as dogs start barking from the woods surrounding his massive home. I go from kicking to deathly still.

  I’m terrified of dogs.

  A childhood incident made sure of that.

  “Aww, Stormy’s about to piss her pants,” Dragon taunts as two Dobermans come running full speed toward us.

  Copper glances over his shoulder, his brows narrowed in confusion, before he turns his head back to the dogs. The closer they get, they take note of Dragon and me, and start their vicious growls. My heart pounds so hard in my chest I grow dizzy. When one of them snaps at us, I black out from panic.

  I wake in a dark room, disoriented by my surroundings and unsure how long I slept for. Slowly, I sit up and squint. I can’t make out anything but the scent of…popcorn. The smell is confusing to me. I rise to my feet and creep across the room I’m in, careful not to bump into any furniture. When I reach the doors where a crack of light shines through, I twist the knob.



  Fumbling around, I manage to find a light switch. I turn my back to the doors and survey the room I’m in. A media room. He trapped me in a freaking windowless media room. I suppose it sure beats chained to a radiator in a basement. At least this cell has reclining chairs, a huge screen, a bar full of snacks and drinks, and an adjoining bathroom.

  “Let me out!” I yell, pounding on the door once I’ve thoroughly searched the room for weapons to no avail.

  A growl has me shrieking. Another growl joins it.

  Stumbling back, I edge away from the door toward the bathroom. With a whimper, I rush inside and close it behind me. A sob lodges in my throat, but I refuse to accept defeat. I’m only trapped in here because those damn dogs are guarding me. Otherwise, I would’ve figured out a way to slip out and into the snowy night.

  It’s wishful thinking but for now I take it. I need all the hope I can get.

  I turn on the bathroom light and look over my reflection in the mirror. God, I’m such a mess right now. My makeup is smeared, my hair is limp, and my blue eyes flicker with defeat.

  I can’t believe I fucked it all up.

  That’s all I ever do.

  Rather than wallowing in self-despair, I opt for a hot shower. I strip out of my clothes and climb into the steamy shower. The hot water hits my sore muscles, relaxing me. There isn’t any shampoo or conditioner or soap in this bathroom, which annoys me. Typical man. If it weren’t for me, Koyn’s place would have stunk like frat boys. Every bathroom had toiletries and candles and a variety of soaps. They didn’t deserve me.

  After washing the best I can, I turn off the water and grab the towel I set out. I wrap it around my body, tucking it in under my armpits. When I don’t see my clothes, anger explodes through me.

  “Seriously?” I snap. “You’re such a big man, Jeremy. You showed me a lesson by stealing my fucking clothes.”

  I storm over to the door, ready to throw it open, but then hesitate. If the dogs are in here, I don’t want any part of it. Slowly, I twist the knob, peeking out.

  “Are you done throwing a bitch fit?” This growl is of the human variety.

  “You stole my fucking clothes—”

  He shoves through the door and pushes a bag against my chest. “If you’re done being a snotty brat, I brought your shit.”

  I blink at him in shock. Sure enough, one of my bag
s from Koyn’s is in my grip. He walks out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. I frown for a minute, wondering about his angle. When I come up with nothing, I dig around in my bag for clothes. Unfortunately, since I spent my time undercover as a biker bitch who was seducing the VP, my clothing selection is inappropriate at best. With a resigned sigh, I throw on a white camisole and a pair of tiny red cotton shorts. It’s not like Copper’s not used to seeing me dressed this way. After pulling my hair up in a messy bun, I peek through the door again.

  “Are the dogs in there?”

  “They’re outside.” A pause. “Come out so we can talk.”

  I pull the door open, still nervous the dogs will attack me. They’re not here, though. Copper leans against the wall, his arms crossed over his bulky chest, a scowl on his handsome face.

  “What?” I snap.

  “You hungry?”

  “Stop the nice guy act, Copper. We both know you’re going to torture me or rape me or whatever. The mind games aren’t cute.”

  He rolls his eyes. “I’m not going to torture you and I certainly don’t have to rape you. I’m sure you’ll be begging for my dick by tomorrow morning.” He sneers at me. “That’s your MO, right? Use your golden pussy to get what you want? How’d that work out with Johnson?”

  Heat floods through me, painting my skin crimson. I hate that he knows I slept with Hank Johnson, my commanding officer when I was with the FBI before I got put on administrative leave.

  “Screw you,” I snap.

  “Apparently everyone has.” He flashes me a maddening smirk that outrages me. “I’m not interested in your voodoo pussy, Stormy. I’m interested in answers.”

  “I have nothing for you,” I grind out. “Where am I sleeping?”

  “If you don’t cut your shit, it’ll be with the dogs.”

  I freeze, my blood running cold. “Don’t be an asshole.”

  “Too late for that, little storm.” He steps toward me, his dark brown eyes sweeping over my face as he studies me. “As much as I want to terrorize you over the fact that the dogs will rip your throat out if you try to leave, it’d be a lie. They’re not going to hurt you.”

  Images of them chasing me as I run filter through my mind.

  No, thank you.

  “I’m cold,” I lie to explain my shivering. “Do you have a blanket?”

  “I’ll get you what you need. But first things first.” He walks over to the counter beside the snacks. “Let’s get you fitted for your collar.”

  My lip curls up. “Go ahead and fuck yourself with that thought.”

  “If you don’t want me to string you up like a fucking hog and leave you in the goddamn barn, then you’re going to let me put this on you.”

  I glower at him. “I’m not letting you collar me like one of your mutts!”

  “This isn’t the Stormy show,” he snarls. “You’re going to do as I fucking say and be grateful I didn’t put a bullet in your blond head. If you don’t come willingly, I’ll force it on you. We both know if I have to assert my strength over you, you’re going to get hurt.”

  Furious, but knowing he has a point, I stomp over to him, lifting my chin so he can see the hatred shining in my eyes. He laughs like an asshole as he picks up his collar. I keep my glare pinned on him as he slips it around my neck and tightens it.

  “Swallow,” he instructs. “I have to make sure it’s not too tight.”

  I make an exaggerated show of swallowing. The strap is snug, but I can breathe. His fingers brush against my neck as he fastens it. Then, he picks something up off the counter and hooks it on.


  I reach my hand up to feel a padlock pushed through a hole on the metal mechanism that latches it closed. “What the hell, Copper?”

  “It stays on. Always. Don’t try to take it off. You’ll regret it if you do.”

  He pats the top of my head and walks away. My fingers touch the collar and I finger a square plastic box hanging off it. Oh no, this motherfucker did not.

  I let out a scream of fury as I launch myself at him, my claws bared and ready to cause real fucking damage. As soon as I reach him, electricity jolts through my neck, making me stumble, and I land on my knees. The jolt disappears as quickly as it hit, but my eyes are watering from the sting of it.

  “You bastard.”

  He turns around and crouches in front of me, a remote device in his grip. “I’ll teach you the same way I did Hansel and Gretel.”

  “You’re a monster.”

  “And you’re a bitch who betrayed me and my brother. Seems we all have our faults.”


  Like the dutiful pet she’s become, Stormy trails after me. She normally has plenty to say, but at the moment, she’s as quiet as a church mouse. I hadn’t been lying when I said Hansel and Gretel were outside. They love the snow and the chilly weather. Most days, I have to drag their asses out of the lake, even if it is cold as fuck. As I wind my way through my massive home and down the stairs, I can’t help but wonder what her hang-up about dogs is. Since no one had any at Koyn’s, I never saw this side of her.

  “Take a seat,” I instruct, motioning for one of my red leather barstools. “I’ll make you a drink.”

  The chair scrapes across the wood floors as she hops up on the seat, shooting daggers at me. I’ll give it to Stormy. The bitch has balls. It was only hours ago she showed her hand pissing off one of the most notorious MC gangs alive, yet she sits here being a mega bitch like she has reason to be angry.

  I walk into my kitchen that’s rarely used and over to my Keurig machine. Once I get a cup of coffee started, I leave her to hunt down a blanket. Her slutty biker babe clothes probably feel stupid now that she’s been ousted. I grab a gray chenille blanket off the sofa and toss it at her on my way back into the kitchen.

  “Sugar? Creamer?” I glance over my shoulder to discover her already wrapped up on the blanket.

  “Both,” she mumbles, absently fingering the shock collar.

  I start a cup of my own and then fix them both up. After I set hers down in front of her, I sip on mine, leaning my ass against the island so I can watch her.


  “I already told you,” she snaps. “Because you and your brother are terrible men who need to be brought down. Especially you, dirty Fed.”

  “Spare me the morality lesson. You spread your legs for information. We’re not as on uneven ground as you think.” I sip my coffee, enjoying the reddening of her cheeks. “I needed information. Only difference, I didn’t suck dick to get it.”

  “Fuck. You.”

  “Sorry, babe, but it’s not happening. Keep trying, though. It’s cute to see you thirsty for my dick.”

  Her blue eyes flash with fury. “I hate you.”

  “Feeling is fucking mutual.” I sit my mug down and scratch at my scruffy cheek. “Why do you have such a hard-on for justice when it comes to Koyn and me? What did we ever do to earn your obsessive need to take us down?”

  “What didn’t you do?” she huffs. “You’re awful criminals!”

  I approach the counter in front of the bar, placing my palms on top and leaning forward. “I know this. Koyn knows this. Question is…how do you know this?”

  “I’ve watched you kill—”

  “Before, Stormy,” I bark out. “When you were a Fed in Montgomery, Alabama, how in the fuck did the Koynakovs get under your radar?”

  Koyn is a mastermind at computers. Before losing his family to a psycho motherfuckers MC gang, Koyn amassed a fortune with defense contracts with the NSA and other government affiliations because of his extensive hacking and programming abilities. Koyn was and continues to be the very best in this game. Anything relating to the Koynakov name was essentially erased from existence and any new information on us was rerouted to Koyn so we’d never be under anyone’s watch.

  “You were too clean, Copper. Stood out like a sore thumb.”

  I shake my head at her. “Stop bullshitting me and tell me.
All it’d take is letting Hansel and Gretel in to make you squeal like a pig. Do not make me be an asshole.”

  “Too late,” she seethes.

  My dogs are big pussies, but she doesn’t know that. I almost feel bad about using her fear against her. Almost. When I start past her, she grabs my bicep, her fingernails digging in.

  “Jesus,” she yelps. “I’m trying to get to it. Do not let them in.”

  “Start talking.”

  She shrugs, allowing the blanket to fall off one shoulder. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t ever think Stormy was hot. Hell, any man with a working dick got a chub whenever she’d walk in the room. If she and Filter hadn’t been a thing, I would’ve probably fucked her until she couldn’t walk straight. But now, after the traitorous shit she pulled, all attraction for this woman is gone.

  Her body is still fine as fuck, but a monster lives in that head of hers.

  “It all started with Erin.” She sighs. “My best friend.”

  “Living room. Let’s go,” I instruct. I grab my coffee before settling on one end of my L-shaped couch. She sits on the other side, as far away from me as she can get, hugging her coffee mug to her like it’s her lifeline. “Continue.”

  “Erin and I met in college. She and I were friends even when I went to Langley. We kept up with each other. Erin took a job in Houston as an accounts manager for a huge oil and gas firm.” Stormy’s lips curve downward, pain etched in her features. “She called me not long after asking if I could look into someone for her. A guy named Urbano Vidal. When I pulled him up, he came out clean, but there was just something about his picture that gave me a weird vibe.”

  I would tell her that Feds don’t work on weird vibes, but that’d be a lie. Being good at your job means listening to your gut. I nod for her to continue.

  “Vidal is in the modeling business. Recruits some of the biggest names to ever grace the covers of magazines. He found her in a club one night in Houston and all but begged her to do some modeling for him. Erin is gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, but in more of a girl next door kind of way. She’s not magazine or runway material.” Stormy sighs. “I told her he sounded like he just wanted to get in her pants and to stay away from a sleazeball like that.” Her blue eyes lift to mine, pain flashing in them. “She got angry with me. Said I was jealous—that I was always jealous of her.” She swallows hard and absently tugs at the collar around her delicate neck. “We ended the call on bad terms.”


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