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Walk of Shame Series (Books 1-6)

Page 76

by Victoria Ashley

  I find myself smiling as I look through the screen door to see Kash running up to the porch, tossing a baseball up and down in his hand.

  He’s looking so damn handsome tonight, dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a fitted button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just below his elbows.

  The sexy smile on his face and the way his eyes look me over with admiration has my heart going crazy with excitement.

  “Are we playing ball tonight?” I nod at the ball in his hand. “It’s been a while since I’ve played with someone over the age of five.”

  “Me too.” He smirks and tosses the ball up once more, before catching it and holding it out to me as I step outside. “I brought it for your son, but I’d be down to play anything you want, Eden. Just as long as I get to take care of you afterward.”

  “Is that so?” I take the ball from his hand with a smile. “Happen to have an extra ball in that truck of yours?”

  He laughs as if it’s a silly question. “Oh of course. Never leave home without some.”

  “I think I might like you even more now.” I toss the ball up and catch it, feeling pretty damn enthusiastic about playing ball with Kash. It’s a beautiful night to be outside. “I’ll put this inside for Alec.”

  Kash’s eyes widen, but quickly goes back to normal as if I was just imagining it.

  Who knows . . . maybe I was. It’s been a long day.

  “That’s a good name.” He smiles. “So much better than Bob, George, or Kenneth. For a bit there, I was worried for your son’s reputation.”

  Laughing, I push his chest, my eyes widening when it doesn’t even cause him to budge. He’s rock solid. Even harder than Knight. “Someone spend a lot of time at the gym or is that just from all that erotic dancing and stage humping you do?”

  “Both.” He flashes me the sexiest grin and reaches behind me to open the screen door. “Toss that inside so I can have fun with you.”

  Keeping my eyes on him, I toss the ball inside and watch as he locks the door and closes it for me.

  “Where are we going?”

  He opens the door to his huge truck and boosts me up by my ass, making my heart jump from the firmness of his touch. “To play baseball, of course. And if you’re lucky . . . to get a naked massage from me later.”

  His face stays serious as he leans across me to buckle my seatbelt.

  “What makes you think I want a naked massage from you?”

  He’s still leaning across me, his minty breath hitting my lips, as he speaks. “Are you saying you don’t?”

  He smirks, when I don’t respond, as if he already knew what the answer would be. “I thought so.”

  With that, he closes the door and hops into the driver side, a satisfied smile on his face as he drives off.

  Oddly enough, that has me smiling too.

  I like Kash. I really, really do . . .


  AS MUCH AS I TRY not to think too hard about the fact that Eden’s son’s name is Alec, I know without a doubt that it’s the same Alec I’ve been spending time with at my sister’s house for the last six months.

  It has me feeling extremely nervous, but I’m doing everything I can right now not to ruin this night for Eden and give her a reason to back out of our date.

  Hannah told me when she first started babysitting that it was for a single mother, but I had so much shit going on at the gym and the club that her name slipped my mind.

  I feel like a complete idiot now.

  But to be honest, the idea of Alec being her son only makes me feel more connected to her, drawing me even closer to her and giving me more reason to want to get to know her.

  It sure as shit doesn’t scare me away. I’m not like most men who run at the idea of taking care of another man’s child, and knowing that it’s a child I care about; there’s no way in hell I’m backing down from her now.

  But I know without a doubt that she’d push me away if she knew I’ve been spending time with her son and becoming close with him.

  Eden is extremely protective of Alec, afraid he’ll get hurt again. Just like his asshole father hurt him and I don’t blame her.

  It’s easy to see how much she cares about the little guy. I don’t need her telling me she’s afraid to let another man in to know.

  That’s exactly why I’m taking it slow when it comes to learning about her son, not wanting to push it and make her feel uncomfortable.

  The last thing I want to do is scare her off before I even get a chance to show her the real me.

  When the time is right, I’ll bring it up.

  “Everything okay over there?” she asks in a soft voice.

  I reach over and grab her hand, pulling it into my lap. “It’s perfect since you agreed to spend time with me. Was hoping you wouldn’t run from me for a third time.”

  I catch her smile from the corner of my eye, her face turning bright red. “Who says hanging with me is even enjoyable? I could be extremely boring and doing you a favor by running. Never know.”

  “Nothing about you is boring, Eden.” I laugh and pull her closer to me, wanting her to feel how excited I am to be with her. “Trust me.”

  Her eyes widen, her face turning a deeper shade of red when she gets a feel of my hardness just an inch away from her hand. I know she can feel my pants bulging out, but I don’t want to put her hand there until I know she’s ready.

  I’m down for having fun and showing Eden a good time, but damn if I want her to want it just as bad.

  “Maybe I still have a little fun in me after all.” Her voice is soft and a little breathless. “Shit, Kash. If you’re trying to work me up . . . it’s working.”

  “Have you been with anyone other than your ex?” I have to ask, because it seems as if she hasn’t touched anyone other than him. I can tell by the sound of her breathing at just being so close to my dick.

  “No,” she answers, quickly. “He was my first . . . there hasn’t been anyone since.”

  “Fuck Eden . . .” I squeeze her hand in mine, just thinking about being the only other guy to be inside of her other than the father of her child.

  I have no idea why that turns me on even more, but fucking shit, I want to be her next.

  I want a chance to show her how a real man takes care of a woman and gives her everything she needs, and craves.

  “What?” She squeezes my thigh, causing my cock to jerk. “Does that make you want me even more? Knight never did it for me.”

  I nod my head and grip the steering wheel with both hands, fighting so damn hard to control myself. “You have no idea the things that makes me want to do to you. To give to you.” I place my hand over hers again and squeeze. “Especially knowing he never gave you what you deserved. A woman’s needs should always come before a man’s.”

  The rest of the drive to the baseball field is spent with me trying my damned hardest to keep some kind of restraint.

  It’s not easy, especially with her hand gripping my thigh, but I need to do it.

  A real man knows when a woman’s ready and when that time is right; I’ll let go of all restraint, holding nothing back.

  “Oh look, there’s no one here,” she says, while jumping out of my truck and shutting the door behind her.

  I quickly jump out after her and reach into the bed of my truck for some balls, a bat and a couple mitts.

  “You know . . .” she spins around and faces me, while walking backwards. “I’ve gotten pretty good over the months, while playing with my son. Just a warning.”

  I believe it. Alec is damn good at playing ball. I know because I taught him.

  “I guess we’ll see just how good. But I should warn you . . .”

  “Let me guess . . .” she says teasingly, while looking me over. “You play better in the nude.”

  I laugh and hand her the bat. “I do everything better in the nude. Again . . . a proven fact.” I arch a brow and grab a ball, tossing it up, before catching it. “But, I was gonna say I hit pretty far
. Not sure it’ll be a fair game.”

  She keeps her eyes on me, trying her best to look intimating as she strips her light jacket off and tosses it at the fence with a cocked brow.

  Her confidence is pretty damn sexy right now.

  “Oh yeah. Let’s play a different kind of game them, Mr. Cocky. Show me how good you are when there’s a little distraction.”

  “Okay.” I laugh, dying inside to hear what she’s about to come up with. “Your rules. Like I said . . . I’ll do anything you want.”

  She lifts a brow and steps around the fence, up to the batter box. “Whoever hits the furthest out of three balls, gets to choose an item of clothing for the other person to take off. The first person down to their underwear, loses.”

  I smirk while stretching, letting her know, I’m not taking it easy on her. “You do know I strip for a living, remember? Getting me out of my clothes is pretty fucking easy.”

  “Yes. But a challenge is sort of fun . . . don’t you agree?” She’s the one looking cocky now, as if she expects she won’t have to take much off.

  “More than you know.” I undo the top few buttons of my shirt to give me some more wiggle room and walk over to stand at the pitcher’s mound. “Game fucking on.”

  Placing the bat between her legs, she holds up a finger. “One sec . . .” I watch as she messes around behind her back as if she’s either loosening or undoing her bra. “You’re not the only one who needs a little more wiggle room,” she admits with a grin.

  “Hey . . . I don’t have a problem with that. It’s the only thing you’re gonna have on by the time this game is through, so you might as well make sure it’s comfortable. Ready?”

  “I love your confidence,” she says with a grin. It’s cute on you.” She nods and gets into a batter stance. “I’m ready.”

  I grin and hold a finger up. “Wait . . . I’m not quite ready yet.” Placing the ball under my arm, I slowly undo my shirt and pull it open, making sure she gets a nice view of my chest and abs.

  “You play dirty, I see.” She shakes her head and puts on a serious face. “Show me what you got, big guy.”

  “You sure you want me to?” I lift a brow and reach down to unbutton my jeans.

  “That’s not what I meant!” she yells.

  “Oh.” I smile. “Just checking . . .”

  I catch her gaze zone in on my chest, watching it flex as I prepare to pitch the ball.

  “Hey!” I yell. “Eye on the ball.”

  “Just throw it,” she demands, while looking up and pretending she wasn’t just staring at my body. “I’m ready.”

  Keeping my gaze on her, I throw the ball and smile when she misses.

  “That was my warm up swing,” she says with a small smile. “Don’t judge me just yet.”

  “I wasn’t going to blame it on my body or anything . . .” I reach up and catch the ball as she tosses it back. “I swear.”

  “Good. Because you’d be wrong anyway.” She smiles and gets back into position, clearing her throat a few times and fighting to keep her eyes off me. It has my confidence spiking.

  After Eden takes all her swings, only hitting one out of three balls, I take a swing, hitting the first ball so far that we just let it go.

  “I believe that means I’m the winner of round one . . .” I nod down at her feet. “I’ll start out easy so you’re not naked within the first two rounds. Lose the sandals.”

  Surprising me, Eden strips her shirt off with a confidence that has my cock jumping. “I’m not worried, Kash. I won’t be naked within two rounds. So don’t take it easy on me.”

  Apparently, she’s going to play by her own rules, just not the ones she set for the game.

  Holy fuck . . .

  I have no doubt she’s doing this as more of a distraction than anything. A way to get back at me for screwing up her first three swings.

  And seeing as I can’t seem to take my eyes away from her perfect breasts; it might just help her at least get my shirt the rest of the way off.

  “I’ve mastered multitasking pretty damn well. I’ll prove it in more ways than one, Eden.” I say next to her ear as we pass each other to switch places.

  You can tell my words have worked her up a bit, because she doesn’t seem quite as confident as she prepares for the second round.

  She shakes her head. “No talking . . . cheater.”

  I laugh at her calling me a cheater. “You’re the one standing across from me topless, when all you had to lose were your shoes. You want to play . . . so I’m playing.”

  And apparently, my dick wants to play too, because it’s standing at full attention as I take her in, standing across from me in that red, lacy bra.

  “Any day now,” she taunts. “Who’s distracted now?”

  I pitch her three easy balls to hit this time, wanting to make sure this game doesn’t end too fast. I’m enjoying myself with her way too damn much to let this game be over soon.

  I’m actually surprised when she hits the third ball far enough to just let the ball go and use a new one.

  It’s pretty fucking hot.

  Especially the way her breasts bounced as she swung.

  Shit . . . how can I play this off?

  Fuck it. I won’t.

  I let myself be distracted as I take my swings, not hitting them far for shit.

  Truthfully, I want out of these damn clothes anyway. I want us both naked, our bodies pressed together as I give up my restraint and take her.

  I want to feel her warm skin against mine, our sweaty bodies rubbing together as I bury myself deep and make her forget about Knight all together and how shitty he was to her.

  I want to erase her memory with any other man, only allowing her to think about me.

  Setting my gaze on hers, I pull my shirt off and toss it, before unzipping my jeans and yanking them off too.

  This has her pulling her eyes away from mine to scan over my entire body.

  “Your turn,” I say, not giving her a chance to ask me why I took off two items of clothing instead of one.

  She’ll find out soon enough . . .


  I DON’T KNOW WHAT KASH is trying to do to me, but I can tell you what he is doing to me.

  He’s making me want him so damn badly, that it’s making me wish I never suggested playing this game with him.

  Now I want to run my hands over every hard inch of his body, feeling him beneath my fingertips.

  Every time I even look his direction or hear the deepness of his sexy voice, I have to clench my thighs and take a deep breath.

  I just wanted to have fun with Kash. For us to run around and laugh and just let loose, be free. Something I haven’t done in a while.

  I didn’t mean for it to turn into me wanting his hard body against me.

  All I can think about is him kissing me, our half-naked bodies molded together as his tongue runs along my lips, tasting me.

  I’m trying so damn hard not to picture him slamming me against this fence behind me with his body between my legs.

  “Any day now . . .” Kash teases with that sexy little smirk of his. “If you think you can focus on the ball, that is.”

  I clear my throat and point the bat at him. “That’s the only thing I’m focused on.” I lie.

  “I see.” His eyes follow mine down to his package as I lose my battle and look down again. “That’s not the balls you should be focused on, darlin’.”

  “I can’t help it.” I laugh and then quickly gather my composure. “It’s the white boxer briefs. They’re distracting in the dark.”

  “I know,” he responds, cockily. “Why do you think I took my jeans off too?”

  “Oh, you ass!” I hold the bat into position, feeling my pulse racing. “So now what happens if I win this round? You have nothing left to take off.” I bite my bottom lip, trying to hold back my smile as I watch him tossing the ball up and down.

  He grins and snaps the top of his boxer briefs. “Sure I do. If you win
. . . I lose the briefs.”

  My eyes widen, not expecting that answer. “Seriously! You’re going to get completely naked . . . out here? What if someone sees you?”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been nude outside in public, Eden. I’ve done far worse things than just be naked in public. Trust me.” He arches a brow, trying to hold back a smile. “Batter up.”

  He’s getting under my skin and he knows it. He’s good with that mouth of his, always knowing just what to say to keep my curiosity piqued.

  As hard as I try to stay focused on the ball, his confession and those damn underwear keep pulling my attention away, causing me to hit all three balls like crap.

  I toss the bat down and meet up with Kash in the middle, smiling as his hand grips my waist. “I should kick your ass for distracting me. That’s not even fair.”

  He smiles and grabs my chin now, causing me to look up at him. “You should,” he whispers against my lips. “But we both know it’s making you want to kiss me instead.”

  With that, he releases my chin and walks away, leaving me standing here, breathing heavily.

  He’s right. I do want to kiss him, but I want him to kiss me even more.

  And we both know what this next pitch will lead to . . . us both in our underwear, out here, alone, in the night.

  The thought has my heart fluttering and my skin burning with need.

  “Ready?” I watch as he hits the bat against the dirt and then gets into batter position. Holy shit, this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

  A man playing ball in his underwear.

  I’m crazy for suggesting this game with Kash. I’m even crazier for thinking it wouldn’t make me want him more than I already do.

  Taking a deep breath, I slowly release it at the same time I release the ball.

  My gaze stays locked on it flying through the air as Kash’s bat smashes against it with a loud thud.

  I don’t even have to look to know I’ve lost. The look on his face says it all.

  “Looks like we’ll both be out here in our underwear.”

  Shaking my head, I undo my jeans and slowly strip them down my legs, feeling excitement course through me at the thought of being out here in just my underwear.


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