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Page 5

by Elliot Watts

  "The pods," said Walker.

  Dr. Baldwin nodded her head and continued. "Yes, that's part of the process. Eventually they develop into a fully functioning clone of the original, but something without memory of its former self and quite violent."

  "They aren't human after that, are they," said Chavez.

  Dr. Baldwin shifted and shook her head. "No, they aren't. Hence, the red and green dots on the screen. At first RMPC-28's onboard AI couldn't detect them, but after we did more research, we found a way... but it was too late. I hid myself in the cryogenic chamber, it seems they can detect the uninfected somehow."

  "The cryogenic chamber, it must disrupt their sensing abilities," said Walker.

  Dr. Baldwin paused and continued. "From what we've gathered, these things had no exposure to large amounts of oxygen before we arrived and mining started. After being exposed, they became active."

  "So the Federation Corp. picked this rock out of millions to mine and lucky us, they picked the one with a dangerous alien species?" said Chavez.

  "Yes, but I have an idea. We need to get to the station's filtration unit, here." Dr. Baldwin pointed to the map. "We need to shut off the air and flush it out into space."

  Delaware said, "That's not far from here, Sergeant. Coast is clear, too."

  "Wait, we don't have another suit for you, you'll die." said Asher.

  "I'll be fine," said Dr. Baldwin. "There are maintenance suits in the filtration control room. Give me a moment to grab a few items."

  "Okay then, let's do this," said Dixon.

  "Corporal Delaware, lead the way." said Asher.


  Alpha Team and Dr. Baldwin reached the Filtration room. The red dots map has been flawless in detecting the parasites.

  "Corporal Delaware, tap into the filtration unit system. We need that air turned off, and flush as much oxygen from this rock as possible," said Dixon.

  "On it, Sergeant." Delaware accessed the main computer system on RMPC-28. He found the schematics and did a quick read on the operation of the unit. "Ok found what we need. It requires an override authorization."

  "I figured as much," said Asher. "Use the override card and let's get this over with."

  "No, I meant, we need an additional authorization. That's two authorizations needed, Sergeant. I wasn't counting our card."

  Sergeant Asher looked at Dr. Baldwin.

  "I don't have an override card," said Dr. Baldwin.

  "Sergeant, there are red dots all in and around the medical bay now." said Chavez. "We got out of there just in time."

  "Yes, I expected so much," said Dr. Baldwin. "They are following our trail. Think of it like a wolf pack that tracks its prey by scent."

  "Our path to Bravo Team's shuttle has red dots swarming it now, too," said Dixon. "If we don't flush the air, I don't think we'll make it, Sergeant."

  "We're frigged," said Chavez.

  "Doctor, you might have just signed our death warrants," said Asher.

  "There's another way... retinal scan." said Dr. Baldwin.

  "None of us have that kind of clearance. That's way above our pay grades," said Asher.

  "Sergeant Asher, the red dots are getting close," said Walker.

  "There were four of us left so we enacted emergency protocol procedures and gave ourselves retinal override access," said Dr. Baldwin. "The others tried to make it to the command center, but didn't make it."

  Dr. Baldwin continued, "When I realized I was the only one left not turned, I knew I couldn't escape by myself and knew damn well I couldn't just broadcast this situation over radio. If this fell into the hands of the wrong people, it would be catastrophic for the Federation Corp. So, I went into hibernation. I put my faith in the Federation Corp. - I put my faith in you and your team, Sergeant Asher. Looks like I made the right decision." said Dr. Baldwin.

  "Don't thank us yet," said Chavez. "Red dots are closing in."

  "Put on your suit, Dr. Baldwin," said Asher.

  "There are no maintenance suits," said Dr. Baldwin.

  "What do you mean? How are you going to make it to the shuttle without oxygen?" said Asher.

  "Hopefully with this." Dr. Baldwin pulled out a medical syringe and handed it to Asher. "This is a drug to stop my vitals - just don't take too long getting me to the shuttle. Revive me within a few minutes and I should be fine."

  "That's a suicide mission," said Dixon.

  "There's something else I need to share... I'm infected with the virus."

  "What did she just say?" said Chavez.

  Johannes stepped back. "Are you saying you could turn into one of those things out there at any minute?"

  "No, it doesn't work that way," Dr. Baldwin let out a long breath. "The host must die of natural or unnatural causes in order for the virus to begin its life cycle and take over."

  "But you're showing up on the map as a green dot," said Walker.

  "Yeah, that's the kicker. The infected are technically still human because the virus lies dormant and waits for the inevitable," said Dr. Baldwin.

  "Sneaky bastards," said Chavez.

  "How do we know that we're not infected?" said Walker.

  "You don't," said Dr. Baldwin.

  Alpha Team got quiet and just stared at Dr. Baldwin.

  Johannes spoke up. "So, you're saying that we could be infected and someday turn into alien goop zombies?"

  "It's possible. We hadn't yet discovered how the virus transmits," said Dr. Baldwin.

  "Sergeant, the red dots are just down the hall, now," said Delaware.

  "You could die on the way," Asher said to Dr. Baldwin.

  "I'm aware of the probabilities of survival. If I don't make it, you'll know within a few minutes of getting there. It only takes a few minutes after vitals stop for the process to kick in. Something that has the appearance of roots will extend from my body and a pod will form. My body will decompose, and the pod will then clone me. If this occurs, put me in an oxygen-less state. It will put the virus back into dormancy so they'll be able to use my body for research."

  Dr. Baldwin held out her closed hands.

  She opened her left hand. "My notes are on this flash drive. This will fast track Federation scientists on my research... I know I might die, but this is the only way to keep this from becoming epidemic. And honestly, the best chance I have at survival."

  She then opened her right hand. It was another syringe. "And this will bring me back. Nothing special, just epinephrine but enough to jolt me back."

  "I'll carry you myself. Doctor, we have to do this now," said Asher.


  Dr. Asher's vitals dropped and then stopped all together.

  Asher turned to Delaware. "Flush it, now!"

  Delaware hit the button and there was a loud suction sound.

  Alpha Team turned off their suits' external filtration and turned on their internal air.

  "Turn on your anti-grav boots, it'll help you keep traction with the pressure loss we're experiencing," said Dixon.

  Asher picked up Dr. Baldwin, knowing using the anti-grav boots would slow their movement to Bravo Team's shuttle. He only hoped that Dr. Baldwin had taken that into consideration when she hatched this plan.

  The red dots stopped their movement and alpha Team bolted for the shuttle but were careful not to step on any aliens.

  They reached it with no further contact with the goop zombies. But, did they make it in time?

  As soon as they shut the shuttle's doors, Asher placed Dr. Baldwin on the floor and drove the epinephrine injector into her chest.

  They all watched and waited to see if she would take a breath.

  Johannes broke the silence. "She's not gonna make it, is she?"

  "She'll make it," said Asher.

  Another few seconds went by - it felt like minutes.

  Dr. Baldwin's lungs drew in a deep breath and she sat up. She had a look of fear and then a look of relief and cried out a smile.

  She looked at Asher and said, "We m
ade it."

  "You gave us a good scare. Glad you're still here," said Asher.

  "Me too," said Dr. Baldwin.

  The shuttle docked in the docking bay of the Patriot.

  When Alpha Team stepped out of the shuttle, personnel donned in bio suits greeted them.

  Captain Greesley looked on from a safe distance. He was in the control room above the bay. He spoke into a microphone, "You'll be in quarantine for a while. At least till we know that you're not infected or contagious or something. Dr. Baldwin, your cooperation in this matter will be mandatory."

  "Yes, of course," said Dr. Baldwin.

  Asher turned around when he heard another shuttle land. It was their shuttle that had floated away. The Patriot must have recovered it.

  The crew of the other shuttle exited the craft. They were in bio suits and were carrying a container about the size of a coffin.

  Asher squinted when they walked by and could see who it was. It was Sergeant Tallahassee and his crew.

  Asher turned to Captain Greesley and said, "What's this?"

  "Plan B."


  Thanks so much

  Thank you so much for reading Reinstated. This is the first book in the Federation Corp. series. I’m so excited you took the chance to read it and I really hope you liked it. If you could leave a review for me, that would be awesome because it helps others find my books.

  Thanks again. I hope you like what I’ve written!

  About the Author

  Hi, my name is Elliot Watts. I’m an emerging indie author of Science Fiction. This is my first book.

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