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Blackmailed by the Mafia Boss

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  She pressed her hands to his chest.

  “Don’t even think of pushing me away, I’m your master, Avery.”

  She kept her hands in place but made no move to push him away even as she wanted to.

  “Will you force me?” she asked.

  “You can’t rape the willing, darling, and you came here willingly for me.” He stood up, and she didn’t fight him as he opened her jeans, and in one yank, he had them off her legs. She gripped the blanket as he opened her legs wide, his large hand cupping her between her thighs.

  He laughed. “You’re a dirty girl at heart. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t want a good girl as a toy. I want her to be fucking filthy.”

  The panties were gone, and she cried out as his fingers spread open the lips of her pussy.

  “Touch yourself.”

  Staring into his blue depths, she knew there was no choice for her. She couldn’t fight him—what was the point? He’d only win. He was the one in charge of everything.

  You don’t want to fight him because you like him ordering you around.

  He takes the control and choice away from you.

  She touched her pussy as he held her.

  “Get your fingers inside, feel how wet you are.”

  She pushed her fingers into her pussy, and she heard the noise of how wet she was. Closing her eyes, she allowed feelings to take over. There was no judgment here for what she wanted. It was pure feeling, and she could handle that.

  You’re strong.

  You want this.

  Don’t fight it.


  Pulling her fingers out of her pussy, she stroked them across her clit, gasping as that small touch ignited so much pleasure. She hadn’t dared touch herself, but it had been so hard to do so. The women on the DVDs looked so heady and full of arousal. She didn’t know if it was fake or real.

  The men were always so hard and ready, and the women were begging for more.

  She had yearned for something like that.

  She’d never experienced it in her life and didn’t even know if she’d be able to do so with Gino, but what did she have to lose?

  Gino let go of her pussy, and she opened her eyes, watching him as he removed his suit. She continued to play, waiting and watching as he got naked. His body was covered in ink. She, herself, had ink along the base of her back. She wondered if he’d seen it. It was the tattoo she’d gotten after she lost her virginity. It seemed right to her, a symbol of what she’d done. To her, it had been a radical, crazy move, but she loved it.

  He wrapped his fingers around his dick, watching her as he worked his length.

  “You want this?” he asked.

  She stared down at him and nodded.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you?”

  He moved to the bed, putting his hands on either side of her head. “You have me.”

  She knew what he wanted. “I want your cock?”

  “To do what?”

  “To fuck me.” Her face flamed, but she didn’t back down. She watched him, waiting to see what he’d do.

  “Was that so hard?” he asked. He moved, standing up tall. “Spread your pussy lips.”

  She did as he asked, opening for him. She tensed as the tip of his cock slid across her slit, bumping her clit.

  “You like that, don’t you?” he asked.

  “Yes!” She couldn’t help but moan as he started to pump his cock between her slit. She stared down, watching him. There was no need for lubrication as she was so wet. It was easy for him to move between her pussy lips. “Please.”

  Gino didn’t slow down his thrusts. She expected him to put his cock inside her and to finally fuck her, but he didn’t do that.

  He worked his cock between her slit, rubbing her, getting her all excited, and when she came, it shook her to the core. Even without hands, Gino knew what he was doing.

  When he followed her into orgasm, his cum pulsed across her pubic hair and stomach. She breathed fast, watching him, unsure what to do.

  Gino, however, didn’t seem affected. He stepped away from her, disappearing into the bathroom only to return seconds later with some tissue.

  She didn’t say a word as he wiped his cum from her body. He left again, and she heard the sound of the toilet flushing.

  She sat up as he came back.

  He didn’t say anything else, and she watched, waiting, but he grabbed his clothes, shut the door, and the lock flicked back into place.

  Avery couldn’t believe what was going on.

  They nearly had sex, and he’d come. She licked her lips, running fingers through her hair. He didn’t even kiss her.

  Staring at the TV screen for a few seconds, she looked for answers but couldn’t find any. She got to her feet with a growl and disappeared into the bathroom. She didn’t soak in the tub this time, but took a long shower. There had been towels supplied with the meal, and she’d put everything in the right place.

  Slowly, they were moving her into this room. It wasn’t a bad place to be. Turning the water down, she had it blast her cold in an attempt to calm her nerves. Her hands still shook. The orgasm had been incredible, but she got the sense there was so much more waiting for her, if she only gave herself time.

  She pressed her face against the cold tile and counted to ten.

  “I can do this. You’re just a toy, and you can have fun. Don’t overthink this.”

  Lifting her head back, she let the water run off her body. Tomorrow was a new day. She wouldn’t fight this. She’d be the perfect little toy, and in doing so, she’d get what she wanted.

  Turning off the water, she wrapped a towel around her. Walking back into her room, she saw the television was still there, but the dinner tray was gone.


  The next day, Gino sent her up some toys to play with. Not dolls or lockets. He sent up some dildos, vibrators, and lingerie for her to play with.

  Turning on the security cameras, he watched her looking over the presents. She sat in the same spot as she always was to eat breakfast. He wondered if she was going stir-crazy yet. She had yet to earn a punishment or even a reward.

  She’d been a good distraction last night, but he wasn’t going to make it easy for her. He clicked on the different cameras, watching her face as she looked at each item. She looked confused, and he liked that.

  Arriving at the hospital, he turned off his cell phone and climbed out.

  No one stopped him as he made his way toward Avery’s father’s ward. Mr. Finch still hadn’t gotten out of bed, and was now claiming all different problems.

  He didn’t for a second believe the man couldn’t be at work. There were always means to get around. He stood in the hospital doorway.

  The man who owed him a lot of money was lying in bed, glasses perched on his nose, reading the newspaper. Both of his legs were in casts, and there appeared to be even more damage to his fingers as well, as they were bound up. His face didn’t look any better either, battered and bruised.

  “I find this all fascinating,” Gino said, entering the room and closing the door. His men waited outside. No staff would be allowed to come, even if they heard his screams.

  “What are you doing here?” At least he looked scared. That was something.

  Gino always liked to make an entrance. “You and I had a deal. You think because you let Avery work in your shop, I wouldn’t come calling?”

  The man before him swallowed, getting even paler. “This isn’t about her. I’m the one who is indebted to you. I’m going to go back to work. I’ll get you the money.”

  “Our agreement was for two weeks ago. I’m still without my money, and you’re still in this hospital bed. I’ve given you plenty of time. Thankfully for you, your daughter struck a deal.”

  “A deal?”


  “So, I’ve got time.”

  “You’ve got all the time in the world. Avery was more than willing to help you.”
r />   Her father smiled. “My Avery is a good girl. I know she’d do right. I haven’t seen her around. She’s working hard.”

  Gino smiled. “She is working hard.” He watched as Mr. Finch grabbed the phone.

  “I must call her. Thank her.”

  “You won’t reach her,” Gino said.


  “Forgive me. I seem to have confused you. You won’t reach Avery as she’s not at home, nor will you ever talk to her, not while you’re in this hospital bed and your debt hasn’t been paid.”

  “But you said that she’d helped me.”

  “She did. Avery now belongs to me. She’s agreed to be my toy. For however long that really is up to you.”

  “You’re lying.”

  Gino put his hand on the man’s leg, stroking up and down. “Do you really want to tell me what you think I’m capable of? I know very well how to hurt every single bone in your body, and to make you live through it. You should be proud, Mr. Finch. While your daughter is in my very capable hands, it means you don’t have to worry about the debt. She’s paying off your interest.”

  “Leave Avery alone.”

  “Too late. She already gave herself to me. The only chance you’ll ever get to see her is if you get out of this fucking hospital bed and earn me back my money. Until then, you’ll never see her again.”

  “You think this is fun and easy for me? I don’t want you to take my daughter.”

  “Then tell me, Mr. Finch, why did you allow her to see me?” Gino smiled as the man before him closed his eyes. “It’s a shame, really. You don’t hold the same kind of passion to keeping her safe as your daughter does to keeping you alive. The clock has stopped ticking, but I will use your daughter in any way I see fit.”

  “She had nothing to do with this. I didn’t think you’d take this out on her. She’s innocent.”

  “And by the time I’m done with her, she won’t be.”

  Gino got to his feet and walked out of the door. He didn’t say a word as he left the hospital, climbing into the back of the car.

  Drawing out his cell phone, he saw Avery pacing once again. A brand-new porn collection had been sent her way.

  He hadn’t taken the time to watch any of the stuff he’d sent her. He knew the work the porn crew did was good quality. The sex toys, however, he was interested in.

  The fire in her eyes, he wanted that directed at him.

  Her father didn’t deserve her compassion. Regardless of what he thought, the man should have known he’d come for his money. When Gino was owed a debt, he’d find any means to take it. Her father was clearly stupid if he thought he was going to get away with shit like this or that Gino wouldn’t take Avery in his place.

  Pocketing his cell phone, he finished his errands for the day, stopping by his office, to discover which debts had been paid, and the others that were outstanding. When he discovered the mayor hadn’t paid that week, he knew he’d have to pay the man a personal visit. The one way to do that was at the charity gala in two weeks’ time. It gave the mayor the chance to pay, plus interest, but also put him at a disadvantage. The good thing about politicians was they always wanted a squeaky-clean reputation, but often had very dark skeletons in their closet.

  Gino didn’t believe in hiding his true self. By hiding who you are, it only risked the wrong kind of person finding out that information and destroying you. By the time night had fallen, he was hungry and ready to see his little captive.

  Her dinner hadn’t been sent up to her yet, and on entering his home, he found it waiting for him, just as he’d requested.

  Taking the tray, he made his way upstairs, going to the top floor where her room was located.

  There was a guard outside the door, and he nodded his head to relieve him.

  Entering the room, he saw no sign of Avery. Closing the door behind him, he removed his shoes, jacket, and released his tie.

  Seconds later, she came out of the bathroom, dressed in only a towel.

  She paused the moment she caught sight of him. “I didn’t think I was getting fed today.”

  “You had breakfast.”


  “We will be eating lunch together.”

  “At a table.”

  “No. Right here in this room.”

  “You said I could earn the chance to leave this room.”

  He raised his brow, waiting for her to say more.

  “I want to leave this room. It’s driving me crazy being here. I’ve been good. I don’t understand what else it is you want from me.”

  He smiled. “I don’t want anything from you. Good behavior was all I requested, and all you need to do to win, is to earn it.”

  “How? If it’s through sex I can’t do anything until we actually do something. You won’t sleep with me.”

  “Sleeping is the very last thing on my mind.”

  “Look, I don’t want to spend any more time staring at sex toys and watching porn. This isn’t fair.”

  “You thought taking your father’s place would be easy?”

  “I don’t know what I thought, but I’ve never done anything to you. I’ve never taken your money or gotten involved. I’m here of my own free will to be your toy. Can’t I at least go for a walk? Read a book? Sit at a table like a civilized human being?”

  “You want to start eating at the table downstairs?”

  “Yes. Is it so hard to ask?” She looked close to breaking. Out of everything he’d done so far, which wasn’t a lot, being trapped in a room was getting to her.

  “I have conditions.”

  “I’ll meet them.”

  “Every single meal you will have to sit with me. You will share your food with me.”


  “I will expect you to dress for me. I want you to look stunning.”


  “Every single meal time. Breakfast or dinner, you will look like a star, understood?”

  “Yes.” It came out reluctantly, but she consented. “What else?”

  “Tonight, you will use one of those dildos on yourself, and I will watch you come before you suck my dick. That is what you will do to make it down to breakfast tomorrow.” He folded his arms, waiting.

  She nibbled her lip, as he’d noticed she did a lot. Especially when he wasn’t there. He found himself wondering what was going on in that head of hers. What was she thinking, feeling, wanting? She truly was an anomaly to him.

  He’d known of men losing themselves in a woman, but he’d never fallen for it.

  “Deal,” she said.

  “Good. I look forward to it.” He took a seat on the floor. “Serve me up.”

  Chapter Five

  Doing a deal with Gino should have been easy, and yet it was far from it. Avery didn’t know if she’d won anything. She took a seat beside him, very much aware of him beside her. It was hard not to be. He’d rolled up the sleeves of his shirt to reveal his heavily inked, muscular arms.

  She tried to focus on her fettucine alfredo, but she was waiting for him to strike. What if there was a huge “but” against this deal she made? She had to make herself come or make him come within a certain time limit. She’d never sucked a cock before. Now she was wondering if she should have set new boundaries.

  The thought of spending another day watching porn or pacing the room, or even sitting on the floor to eat her meals, drove her crazy. She’d always been the kind of girl that liked to get out, go for a walk, explore.

  Her freedom was important to her, and she’d given it up for her father.

  Her father.

  Gino hadn’t said anything about him. She hoped more than anything he was keeping to his part of the deal. She didn’t want him hurt, ever.

  She twirled her fork into the pasta, scooping lots of sauce with it. She sucked it up and closed her eyes, enjoying the explosion of taste. It was really, really good.

  Once she was done, she opened her eyes and saw Gino watching her.

�� she asked, trying to wipe her face. “Do I have something on my chin?”

  “No. I’m just curious about you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why you would give yourself over to me even if it meant not knowing what I would request?”

  “You’re wondering why I’m loyal to my dad?”

  “Did he beat you when you were younger?” he asked.

  “Is that what you think? Loyalty can only be won through sheer terror?”

  “I think loyalty is one of those tricky little bastards that you don’t have much wriggle room unless you use fear.”

  “So the only reason your men are with you is because of fear?” she asked.

  “And money. Men and women alike are greedy.”

  She laughed. “Well, seeing as my father has no money, otherwise he wouldn’t have come to you, you know you’re wrong.”

  “Then tell me, why did he inspire this loyalty with you if he didn’t beat you?”

  Avery sighed. “My dad would never lay a finger on me. He’s a great man.”

  “Apart from the fact he couldn’t pay me and he made sure you were available instead.”

  “Ugh, it wasn’t like that.”

  “I can read the situation.”

  “You’re wrong. You read the situation from your crappy views on people. I know and love my dad, and I know he’s been through a tough time since my mom died. He’s struggled. We both have. Whenever I’ve lost a job, or failed on a test, or done something I shouldn’t, he’s been there for me. I love him, and I know he only wants the best for me.”

  Gino snorted.

  “Look, I’m sure you wouldn’t understand what us mere mortals are like.”

  “I’m no god, Avery. I think you give your father way too much credit.”

  “Are you kidding me right now?”

  “Think about the fact your father knew I was coming. I’d already given him a warning and an extension. Rather than warn you away, he did no more than send you right to the lion’s den.”

  “You’re lying. My dad wouldn’t believe you’d take me. You’ve known him a handful of hours. You don’t know the real man my father is.”


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