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Blackmailed by the Mafia Boss

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Everyone always seemed tense.

  “You’re acting like you’ve not seen the outside before,” he said.

  She rolled her eyes. “It has been a long time, and I like watching.”

  “You’re a little voyeur.”

  “It always has to be a man to make it dirty. I like to people watch, but I have no interest in them actually having sex. That’s gross.”

  “You don’t get off on watching people fuck?”

  “Who does?” she asked.

  “A lot of people.”

  “Let me guess, you’ve got a business in that too.”

  “I’ve got business in whatever makes money. Pleasure, pain, it all makes money. Sex makes the world go round.”

  “I thought that was money.”

  “Nope. It just makes life a little easier to deal with. We all know what really makes people tick. Sex. Cold, hard fucking.”

  “What about love?”

  Gino burst out laughing. “That doesn’t make anyone tick. It’s fucking bullshit to keep people in line.”

  “I believe in it.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, I’ve seen it.”

  “With who?”

  “My parents. When my mom was alive, I’d never seen a happier couple. They loved each other fiercely. True love exists.” The car came to a stop, and she saw it was outside of a huge medical facility.

  “Let’s go.”

  Gino climbed out first, holding his hand out to her. She wasn’t going to run from him. Rather than have a battle of wills, she placed her hand within his, staring up at the imposing building.

  She knew she had nothing to hide.

  They entered, with a couple of his men following close behind. She saw the reaction of some of the women. They looked at Gino with hunger and hatred for her. She could handle that. It wasn’t like Gino belonged to her.

  She was his mere possession. A living, breathing toy.

  They were escorted up to the top floor—of course they were—to see Gino’s personal doctor.

  On entering, Gino wouldn’t leave her alone. She answered all the doctor’s questions, getting her blood pressure taken, weight, and finally her blood drawn. Next, Gino did the same, and then it was a waiting game.

  “Why did you stay?” she asked when they were alone.

  “You asked for me to get my blood work done. I figure this way, you will believe the tests that come back, and that I didn’t doctor it.”

  “I didn’t even think about you cheating.”

  He smirked. “Am I already getting to you? Have I made you fall in love with me yet?”

  She shook her head, not interested in his teasing.

  Grabbing a magazine about weight, like all of them were about, she flicked through. There were diets mentioned, but nothing that held her attention. Gino worked on his cell phone, and she leaned against his arm, being nosy.

  The moment she did, he put his cell phone away.

  “I’m not going to tell anyone.”

  “I know. I’d kill you before you left this office. It’s work, and you don’t need to know anything.”

  She hadn’t gotten a chance to see anything, but his secrecy scared her.

  “You haven’t killed my dad, have you?” She hated the thought of him hurting her father and lying to her about it.

  “Your father is very much alive. In fact, he even went back to work.”

  But she couldn’t see him. Rather than doubt Gino, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Her father was alive, and that was all she was going to get from him.


  Their blood work came back, and there were no problems.

  Gino didn’t imagine he’d have any problems with his medical. He’d also stayed with her as his doctor had a habit of trying to fuck his patients. It was one of the reasons Gino had made him his doctor. He had a lot of dirt on the man and could make him bend to his will.

  Avery was also healthy. The doctor had tried to offer her a diet regimen, but she’d shut him down, and Gino had done the same. This wasn’t about a lifestyle change. This was just so the two of them could go and fuck.

  “Can’t you just pick one?” Avery asked, cutting into his thoughts.

  He’d taken her clothes shopping. For their date to the charity gala in a few days, she needed to look the part, and well, he needed a date. It was a win-win for him.

  She held the curtain open. The dress she wore molded to every curve, but the peach color did nothing for her.

  “Not that one.”

  “I’ve tried on ten dresses, and you haven’t liked any of them. Can’t you pick one?”

  “When I find the right one.”

  “I’m supposed to be your plaything. The kind of thing you put on a shelf and only play with when you want. Why am I having to dress up?”

  “I will it. I’m starting to think I need to put you over my knee and remind you who is boss.”

  She rolled her eyes, and he got to his feet. She stepped back, and he moved right in front of her, trapping her against the corner of the stall and his body.

  “You can’t do anything in here,” she said.

  “Oh, Avery, I can do whatever the hell I want.” He reached behind her, flicking the catch and helping her out of the dress. It was worth thousands of dollars, but he let it drop to the floor.

  She wore matching white lace, and his cock went hard.

  “We’ve had our test results back, Avery, and I don’t have to wait anymore.” He cupped her hip, sliding his hand down to draw her leg up over his hip, moving so she was in no doubt of how big his cock was or what he wanted to do to her. “You feel that? I want to fuck you so badly.”

  She moaned, her teeth sinking into her lip in an attempt to try to stem the sound. He wasn’t having any of that. Letting her leg go, he cupped her pussy, feeling how wet she was for him already.

  Sliding his fingers beneath the fabric of the panties, he stroked over her wet flesh before going deep inside her. She cried his name, and he swallowed he sound as he claimed her lips. He wanted to fuck her so badly.

  No one would disturb him as he’d demanded complete privacy.

  Removing his fingers from her creamy cunt, he placed them on her lips, demanding she suck them.

  He pushed his fingers into her mouth, and she licked them clean, sucking on each one. He wanted so badly to shove his cock in her mouth, but he’d waited long enough to feel her tight pussy. He wasn’t going to wait any longer.

  Tugging on his belt and zipper, he released his cock and picked her up again. Using the wall and his body, he moved his cock to her wet pussy, and slid inside. She was so tight, just as he knew she would be.

  Avery wrapped her arms around him, and he slammed in deep, wishing he was on a bed or anywhere else. He couldn’t stop though.

  Pulling out of her tight heat, he slammed in again, over and over, pounding inside her. He made her take in every single inch of him, not giving her a chance to get accustomed to his length.

  He stared down, seeing how wet she was. Her cream covered his length as he slid in deep once more.

  Keeping his grip on her ass, he reached between them, getting her clit and working it. He stroked her, making her cry his name, begging for him.

  The moment she came, he was in heaven. He didn’t think her pussy could ever feel so wonderful, but it was. So much, and he couldn’t believe he’d waited this long to be inside her. He wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

  When her orgasm subsided, he held her against him, fucking her harder, feeling his own release begin to build. He didn’t stop, until with a final thrust, he filled her tight cunt with his cum.

  She milked him dry, her hungry pussy squeezing him with each pulse.

  Pressing his head against her shoulder, he caught his breath.

  “Now, I think you should try on the black one,” he said.

  “You do?”


  He pulled out of her, zipped his pants,
and put her panties back into place. His cum spilling out was caught by the lace of her panties.

  He dropped a quick kiss to her lips and grabbed the dress.

  “You’re standing on one of the dresses.”

  He ignored her and helped her into the black dress.

  It was perfect.

  The dress wasn’t overly revealing, and when it came to Avery, he didn’t want to risk drawing attention to her.

  It screamed class and elegance without drawing the eye.

  “This is what you’re going to wear.” He helped her out of it, and took the gown out to the waiting assistant. “Ring this up. She’ll have this.”

  “What about shoes?”

  “We’ve already picked them up.” He walked back into the dressing room, and grabbed the shoes. He handed them to the assistant before returning to his seat.

  Minutes passed before Avery finally appeared. Her face was flushed, and she’d pulled her hair into a tight knot atop her head.

  “Are we all done?”

  “You’re in a rush to make it back home?”

  She paused. “I … yes. I don’t like shopping.”

  “Really? A woman that doesn’t like shopping?”

  “It’s tedious.”

  Gino laughed. “You’re the first woman to say that, and I feel I should post it all over social media.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess some women love doing this kind of thing. Me, I just feel flustered. I’m all hot and sweaty.”

  He watched her, and if it was possible, her cheeks went a deeper shade of red. “And it has nothing to do with the fact I fucked your brains out.”

  She didn’t answer, instead picking up the clothes. “Your footprint is on this dress. What do I do?”

  “Put it on the hanger. It’s not my problem.”

  “Don’t you think that’s rude?”

  “Nope. What you’ve got to learn about this world, there are a lot of fucked-up people in it who don’t give a shit about anyone or anything. They’re only after what they can do by themselves. You’ve got to stop trusting everyone.”

  “I don’t trust everyone.”

  He got to his feet and stalked her. This time she didn’t move away or try to ignore him. “You trusted your father too easily. You shouldn’t have been at the shop that night.”

  “He’s my father, and you hurt him really bad. Of course I was going to keep doing this. Regardless of what my father wanted to do or not, if you really wanted to punish him, you’d have still found me, or hurt him. I don’t regret staying.” She opened her mouth, then closed it.

  “You don’t?”

  “No, I don’t.” Her gaze went to his lips before she pulled away. “They’re waiting for us.”

  He grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving. She wouldn’t be able to pay for any of the clothes, anyway.



  “Why don’t you regret it? I’ve taken you away from who you love. You can’t see your father, and you’ve been made bored in a room for over a week.”

  “I know, but … when you’re not being an asshole or trying to hurt anyone, you’re actually really nice.”

  His hold on her tightened.


  “Don’t mistake what we’ve got here for kindness. I’m not a good man. I’ve killed people. Skinned them alive and laughed as they begged for me to stop. I’m the last person you should think I’m nice with. Once your father is done, I’ll toss you out like trash. Don’t mistake anything we’ve got here as me being nice.”

  He saw he’d hurt her. Out of everything he’d done to her, it was this that finally got a reaction.

  She pulled out of his hold, rushing from the room.

  He took a deep breath, attempting to get his shit together. That wasn’t supposed to happen. He shouldn’t have lost it. All of his life, he’d been trained to be anything but nice.

  His family may have tried to be a normal one, but they couldn’t last. His father still needed to train him to take over. Before his mother died, she also had to learn her place.

  Everything was all fucked.

  Since Avery had been in his life, he’d thought more and more about his mother. He needed to get his shit together.

  Chapter Eight

  The drive home was quiet, but it wasn’t awkward. Avery pressed her thighs together, feeling the answering pulse from their … sex session, fucking session? She didn’t know what to call it.

  Everywhere ached, and not out of pain.

  Much to her surprise, she felt alive, invigorated, ready for more.

  When they arrived back at his home, the last thing she wanted to do was to go to her room. It had been a long day, but she didn’t want to have to go and sit by that window, watching the world go by.

  “Is dinner ready?” Gino asked.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Are you ready to eat?”

  Her stomach growled, and he laughed. “I guess you have your answer.”

  He chuckled. “Come on.”

  Gino helped her out of her jacket and made his way toward the dining room. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him to allow her to wander free and to not confine her to the room. She wouldn’t disobey him and had no intention of running off.

  He held out her seat, and she thanked him for it. She slid beneath the table, and they were served food minutes later.

  “Did you enjoy today?” he asked when they were alone again.

  “I did.” She ate some of her food. “I’m not going to run.”


  “I won’t run from you. I won’t break my promise. I’m your toy for as long as you want me, but I was wondering.”

  “What were you wondering?”

  “If I could … be free. You know, to come and go out of my room without there being a guard. I swear to you, I won’t run or try to go to the cops. I’m yours. I gave myself to you, and I want you to be able to trust me, the way I trust you.”

  He sat back, chewing on his food, watching her.

  “And how do I know you trust me?”

  “I’m not going to attempt to contact my father. I’ve taken your word you haven’t hurt him, and I know you won’t hurt me. I’m still here, and I haven’t tried to run. Today, I could have caused a scene with the doctor—”

  “It wouldn’t do you any good.”

  “But you’d have had to do damage control either way. While I was trying on dresses, I was good.” It felt weird to her to think of herself as being good.

  He smiled.

  “See, I’m not going to run. I’m not going to do anything that will break your trust in me. I promise. I will be here.”

  He kept on watching her without saying a word. His stare was so intense she felt nervous.


  “Yes. I promise you.”

  He leaned back in his seat, running a finger across his lip, contemplating her request, or at least she hoped so. Knowing her luck, he was thinking of something else entirely.

  “All right.”

  “That means I can walk around?”

  “You can walk. The house and the gardens are available for you. If you try to run, try to escape, it will be painful to you.”

  “I promise, I won’t.”

  She felt giddy. The rest of the meal went by really fast. She was so excited, but as she realized it was nightfall, any chance she had for exploring was gone.

  “I’m going to go for a swim,” Gino said, getting to his feet. “You’re welcome to join me.”

  She watched him leave and quickly scrambled to her feet to follow him. It had been a long time since she had a swim and would love the chance to. She didn’t have a suit though, and told him as such when they entered his room where he had a large swimming pool. There were palm trees along the floor-to-ceiling windows. It looked so beautiful as the night sky was overhead.

  “Oh, wow, this is beautiful.”

  “You don’t need a suit to s
wim,” Gino said, stripping down naked.

  “I don’t?”

  He winked at her and dived into the pool. She watched him do a lap of the pool. He didn’t stop to give her any instruction. Stripping out of her clothes, she stepped toward the ladder and was climbing into the pool when his hands grabbed her, helping her inside.

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me.” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, drawing her back against him. She felt the hard evidence of his arousal press against her ass. “You feel what you do to me?”


  “You drive me crazy. I can’t believe I waited so long to fuck you.”

  “Will you be waiting anymore?”

  “No. Your pussy needs to get used to having my cock inside.” His hand moved up, stroking and cupping her breast. She moaned, her head thrown back against his shoulder as his other hand moved between her thighs, teasing and stroking.

  She was so wet.

  “I love how responsive you are to me.”

  He spun her around, and she wrapped her arms across his neck and her legs around his waist. The tip of his cock teased against her core, and she didn’t have to wait before he slid to the hilt inside her.

  Gino cupped her ass and started to lift her up and down his length. She moaned his name as he filled her. His cock pounded inside her, and she couldn’t not feel his lips against hers.

  They had rarely kissed, and as she took his lips, at first, he jerked back, looking a little startled.

  She stared into his blue eyes, waiting for him to hurt her in some way, but he didn’t. Instead, he kissed her back. Sinking her fingers into his slick hair, she deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue across his lips and tasting him. He moved them through the water, and as she hit the edge of the pool, he didn’t break from the kiss but kept on fucking her. She was addicted to his touch, hungry for it, desperate for more of his brand.

  “You drive me fucking crazy,” he said.

  “Please don’t stop.”

  She didn’t want him to as it felt so good to be in his arms. There was no way anything else could be this good.

  “What have you done to me?” he asked, breaking from the kiss, licking down to her neck to suck on her pulse.

  When his teeth bit down, the sharp bite made her gasp before moaning as he sucked on the tender flesh. She whimpered, but the pleasure was so intense.


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