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His: Dominic: The Sabatini Family

Page 14

by Fiona Murphy

  Stiffening, I consider ignoring him, except it’s childish and stupid. I get up and go into the living room. He’s on the long leather couch. I sigh, he looks awful. I see Dominic’s warning now. How the hell could I have been so blind in New York?

  He nods at me. “You look good, like a woman now. I have picked well for Dominic. He’ll thank me later. Come, we go shopping for your house. Dominic thinks he’s going to leave you in this place. No, you need a real home.”

  I don’t even hesitate to look to Dario, positive Dominic won’t like this. Only Johnny doesn’t give me or Dario the chance to say otherwise. His hand is around my arm and he’s dragging me behind him. Dario attempts to follow us, texting fast to Dominic. Dario might work for Dominic, but Johnny was his Don, and he didn’t dare tell Johnny otherwise.

  Johnny frowns. “No, you stay. I got my own men. She’s not going anywhere.”

  Dario opens his mouth to argue then glances down at his phone to read his text. Clenching his jaw, he stares me down. “Dom is trusting you.”

  My stomach twists at what he’s really telling me, the warning behind his words. Even though I nod, it’s a lie. This time it won’t affect Dario and Marco—I’m taking my chance. “Of course,” I look to Johnny, “I need to grab my purse and my phone.”

  Johnny nods. In my room, I grab my purse that Dominic had given me back minus my wallet, ID, and passport. When I went through my books I had found the photocopies I had stashed in one of them. It was a common thing suggested for travelers—in case the items were stolen, it made replacement easier. I’d kept them hidden, and thankfully they hadn’t been found. I leave my phone, aware it’s tracked by Dominic. I’d also hidden close to three hundred dollars in a few of my books while I was in New York for no other reason than it was a habit I had in Italy. I moved the money into the lining of my purse. It’s not much, but better than nothing.

  Downstairs a pinch-faced man is waiting in a black Suburban. He begins a spiel on the houses we’ll be looking at today. I’m barely listening as my mind starts racing. It has to happen today or I won’t get another chance.

  It’s the fourth house of the day when Francis has given up and stayed outside at the front of the house. Johnny is harping on there not being a fence around the backyard, considering the house has a grocery store behind it. When Johnny goes inside, he assumes I’m right behind him. I’m not, I’m already on the edge of the backyard, and I take my opening.

  This is meant to be is all I can think as I manage to catch a cab dropping off someone in front of the grocery store. I tell him to take me to the train station as I check behind me, shocked at how easy it was.

  I’ve been researching and plotting since the day Dominic laughed at the idea of love. The safest, quickest way out of Chicago is the train. There is a branch of my bank at the train station. I’m hoping they’ll let me pull out cash. Even if they won’t I can afford a train to Kansas City. Once I’m there I’ll figure out where to go from there.

  For the Midwest, Kansas City seems to be the next big hub of travel after Chicago. I don’t know a hundred percent where I’m going, but I’m sure it needs to be far away from Chicago and New York.

  As the cab pulls up outside of Union Station, I don’t understand why my stomach is twisting in fear as I get out. The fear isn’t of Dominic coming after me, it’s from the fear that he won’t. Tears blind me as I stand on the sidewalk, unable to move from where I stepped out of the cab.

  A hand comes around my arm, instantly I know it’s him. “Regina.”

  Thank god is all I can think as I throw my arms around him and cling tight. “I’m sorry. I had to do it. Then I couldn’t.”

  His arms are tight around me. “Silly girl,” he whispers as he presses a kiss to my temple.

  He picks me up, swinging me effortlessly into his arms, then gets into the back of a car.

  In Dominic’s arms I’m home. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.



  Regina sniffles as she presses her face into my neck. In the twenty-four minutes it took from me getting the call she had run to the time it took to get her back in my arms, anger had grown to fill every damn cell in my fucking body. Bringing up her tracker on my phone, I had stared at it unblinking as Vincent sped after her.

  It took a moment for me to realize she hadn’t stopped out of necessity, she simply wasn’t moving. I spotted her crying on the sidewalk, unaware of everything going on around her. Her face buried in her hand. Relief at the sight of her safe and sobbing with regret was the only thing that allowed me to put my hands on her without worrying I was going to hurt her.

  I understand she felt the need to run, she owed it to the last part of herself to take the chance. If she hadn’t it would have hung over her, over us—the what-if. The way she threw herself in my arms then clung to me soothed the worst of my anger. That doesn’t mean I can allow it to go without her suffering the consequences of running. Not a chance in hell. Boundaries were set, she broke them. If I don’t mete out her punishment now, then she won’t respect them in the future. Regina needs it ingrained into her that she belongs to me in every fucking way.

  Back home, Vincent opens the door for me, and I slide out with Regina clutching my neck. I carry her inside. She weighs nothing in my arms, she fits perfectly. It’s been too damn long since I touched her, not trusting myself to stop, to wait for our wedding night for those stupid sheets Johnny wants. Every time I slept I dreamed of her in my bed, and woke hard and hungry for her.

  I walk us into the library she loves so much. At the end of the long leather couch I set her down slowly. Her face is buried in my chest, I bring my hand up under her chin. Those eyes are soft chocolate. Even red around her eyes and nose, her face swollen, she’s so damn beautiful she makes my cock ache.

  Regina doesn’t see that though, thank goodness. Her intake of breath is loud as she tries to take a step back from me. The couch is right behind her, I send my hand into her long, silky hair. Stopping her from moving completely.

  New tears are in her eyes at the way I tighten my grip when she tries to get away. “I told you not to run. You promised me you wouldn’t. Johnny was so fucking stressed at the shame of you running he’s in the emergency room getting checked out.”

  Her eyes widen even further.

  Bending her neck back I get as close as I dare, needing her to see every ounce of my fury. “I told you. You belong to me. I will always come after you. I will always find you. Whether it’s tomorrow, ten years from now, fifty fucking years from now. There is nowhere you can run and hide from me.”

  She swallows, her long, beautiful neck working. I barely restrain myself from nipping at the base of her neck. Instead I put my lips against the shell of her ear and whisper what I need her to know. “I would follow you into hell itself. Nothing will keep me from you, until I breathe my last fucking breath.”

  Before I lose all control, I yank her away from me, then use her hair to bend her over the arm of the couch. I don’t give her time to think; with my other hand, I pull her dress up. Sonofabitch. She’s in a white lace thong, her plump, perfect ass on display for me. My cock turns to steel, raging to be there between those globes of soft flesh.

  “No, Dominic—”

  “No one tells me no,” I growl at her. How dare she after everything she has done? I bring my hand down on one cheek, hard. The sound echoes loudly in the room. That’s what I focus on as I give the other cheek the same treatment, back and forth until I get to ten on each.

  Now I can breathe. I suck in air, lungs starving for it. As my vision clears I study the vibrant red of the silky soft skin beneath my hand. Fuck. I didn’t want to do this. I like to be rough, to lose myself in a woman, but inflicting pain doesn’t make my cock hard.

  Slowly, I stroke over her skin, hoping she doesn’t hate me for this. Pissed at myself for being hard at the sight of—no fucking way. My cock jumps as it catches her scent a second before I see it. Regina is soaking

  Those flimsy thong panties are so wet I can see every inch of her as if she were naked. Savoring the moment, I rub the heated flesh of one cheek then the other before slowly, very slowly allowing my middle finger to slide down the crack of her ass. I’ll be here, soon, very fucking soon. Her breath hitches as I go further down along her dripping wet pussy.

  “Princess, it’s not a punishment if it makes you wet.” I groan as I remember the taste of her on my tongue. I swear it was like sucking on a damn Jolly Rancher, no pussy has ever tasted so sweet. “Running down your thighs, sweet, so fucking sweet.”

  My control snaps, a growl escapes me as I tear the thong off her. I’m hungry, starving for every drop of her. I suck deep on her swollen, hot lips coated with the sweetest juice. Regina is gasping my name, pleading for more. She goes up on her tiptoes, pressing her mons against the edge of the couch. It catches my attention. No.

  I bring my hand down against her swollen pussy with force.

  Regina screams.

  “No, Regina, this is a fucking punishment. You don’t get to come. Why don’t you get to come?” I yank her head back to meet my eyes. “Tell me why you don’t get to come.”

  “Because only good girls get to come.” She pants the words.

  Fucking hell, her eyes are glazed with desire. Her chest is heaving as she fights to take in air. Savage need has me pulling her down to her knees. I don’t even have to say it, she’s fumbling with my zipper, then my belt, freeing my cock.

  Regina is on my cock as if she’s starving for it. God damn, she sucks me deep, humming low in her throat, getting almost half of my more than nine inches in her hot, hungry mouth. Not only am I long, but I’m thick. I’m stunned at how much she’s able to take, deeper and deeper, then ah, fuck, her teeth graze me.

  I suck in air. “Slow, Regina, good girl. Such a good girl. Ah fuck.”

  Her small hands are tight around the base of my cock, squeezing tight as they move up then down. I fight not to take over, she is taking her time now, learning me. It hits me, a virgin, my virgin, in three days she’ll be my wife. I’m such a fucker. This should be done a whole hell of a lot more carefully, gently.

  It takes every ounce of control I have. I catch her by her chin, try to pull away, but she doesn’t let me. “Regina, sweetheart, this wasn’t a part of the plan. A part of your punishment—”

  Another small squeeze of her hand around my cock, then she allows it to fall from her mouth. Her smile is stunning. “I’m sorry I ran away, again. This time I swear I’ll never ever do it again. I want to do this. I’ve wanted to do this again almost every day since the last time I did this.” Her eyes cloud. “Is that bad? Am I—”

  I tighten my grip on her chin. “Don’t even start thinking like that. It’s not bad, it’s not dirty, it none of that bullshit. All that matters is you and me. What makes you feel good is what makes you feel good. The why doesn’t matter. You getting turned on by the spanking, princess, I was not expecting that.”

  She blushes, I can’t hold in my chuckle. “Even though it kind of negated the whole punishment, I think we can do it again. I have a feeling as much as you promise to be a good girl, you won’t quite succeed at all times.”

  Shimmering honey eyes glint up at me. “I never said I was going to be a good girl. I said I wasn’t going to run away again.”

  My cock jumps, she sees it and smiles. All the air in my body disappears at that smile. It’s the smile of a woman, aware of her attraction, aware of the power she has. Grasping me tight, she leans forward and brushes her cheek against my cock. She is teasing me now.

  Slow, so damn slow she licks up and down, ignoring the leaking tip. I can’t take it anymore; I take control. Her hum of happiness urges me on. Then she’s cupping my balls, massaging and I’m trying to pull out, not to come in her mouth. Regina grabs me tight, working me in and out of her mouth, swallowing with a moan of pleasure that slides down my spine.

  It takes a hard minute to get control over myself. Opening my eyes, I find Regina has her hand running over her slick pussy. Screw it, she’s learned her lesson, she won’t run again. This time I believe her. I need this as much as she does.

  In seconds I have her on the couch, tugging her to the edge, on my knees. Her gasp is followed by a moan of my name that feeds my cock and leaves me hungry for her cream. If she is the only thing I could eat for the rest of my life I’ll never go hungry; I’ll be thankful for this every fucking day.

  Slipping my tongue into her tight channel isn’t easy. Her hips fly up even as her cunt tightens, fearful of my intrusion. I work my way in, needing all of her, then she’s grasping me tight, not letting me go. Regina is chanting my name, like a prayer. “Yes, princess, I’m your new god now. The only thing you need to please, to pray to is me, and I’ll make your every fucking wish come true.”

  Eyes wide, she nods. Perfect. Mine, all fucking mine. I tease her clit, needing her to come now, to coat my tongue in her sweet cream. She comes screaming my name. I’m in agony, my cock is jerking without me even touching it. Grasping it tight, I give in to instinct and come all over her pussy. Regina moans as she runs her fingers in my come, then tugs my cock to her skin, running it over her. Holy fucking shit.

  It takes a minute for me to move, to fall onto the couch beside her. My mind shuts down as I yank her into my arms, needing her body against me. She hums low in her throat as she cuddles into my chest.

  Time passes, but I’m not aware of it. Gradually, I feel Regina slip into sleep. I just hold her, unwilling, unable to let her go. My phone goes off with a text, pulling me out of the weird dream state I’m in. Even though I try not to wake her, I do as I pull it out of my pocket.

  “What is it?”

  “The hospital wants to keep Johnny overnight for observation. He’s refusing. I need to go.”

  “Should I go too?”

  Remembering how pissed off Johnny was when he called me to tell me she escaped from him, I shake my head. “No.” I press a kiss to her forehead. “Rest.”

  The moment she’s out of my arms, they feel empty, I feel empty. Trying to shake it off, I give in to the need and kiss her hard and fast on her lips. Then before I forget my duty, I get as far away from her as quickly as I can.

  When I get to the hospital the doctors aren’t happy. I’m not happy. Johnny looks like shit.

  “If you die before my wedding day, it will fuck up everything.”

  The old bastard laughs. “You can’t wait, can you? I did good.”

  Shaking my head, I allow a smile. Fuck it, marriage isn’t what I wanted, but I don’t know if I’ll ever not want Regina. “Maybe.”

  He knows me well. “You going to buy her a house now? She needs a nice big house. Women, they need to make a home.”

  “If you stay in here overnight, I’ll buy her a house.”

  A dark frown. “I’m not dying in a hospital.”

  “You aren’t dying in a hospital. You’d better not fucking die until after I have my ring on her finger. One night, they make sure you’re good. I’ll come get you tomorrow. Take you to the hotel, get you checked in.”

  The asshole shakes his head. “No, take me to the hotel now. I’m not dying until I get back to New York, Mama won’t come to the wedding, she’s still on Long Island.”

  I give up. A call to the Drake Hotel and they’re willing to open his hotel room today instead of tomorrow as planned. It takes a few hours to get him out of the hospital and settled into his room. Then it’s late enough I stay for dinner. We discuss business, the things I need to know to wrap up his personal business once he’s dead. Johnny is past depression; acceptance is all he has left. Death is always a lingering thing hanging over you in this life. At least he had time to prepare for his.



  Tomorrow is the day. Tonight, in just under an hour, I meet Dominic’s cousins and father in a less stressful environment than during the wedding. They are coming to the club tonight, which has been shut d
own. We’ll have dinner with his family, then what is essentially a bachelor party will happen in the gambling area in the lower level. I ask Dominic if they know the truth about us.

  He shakes his head. “No. I told them it was lust at first sight. However in the family, who you were, who I was, it was marriage or nothing. They think we’ve been too busy wrapped up in each other to meet up.”

  A small exhale, almost a laugh comes out of him. “They said they understood completely. With their wives it was that way, so it’s all good. I explained you were shy, once they meet you and know it’s a lie, they’ll think I just wanted to keep you to myself.”

  I try not to take offense to his mocking of his cousins falling hard for their wives. I don’t succeed. As I walk away I don’t dare look his way, terrified he’ll see how badly his words hurt.

  After a quick shower I flat-iron my hair to within an inch of its life. In the closet I stand helplessly lost at what to wear.

  Fifteen minutes later, I’m fighting a smile as Dominic takes one look at me and growls like a mean, big-ass junkyard dog. It’s weird—I kind of expected to still be shy after that hot-as-fuck moment in the library when he blew my mind by making me come so hard I was pretty sure my soul left my body.

  Yet the embarrassment, the shame I thought I would feel is nowhere to be found. It wasn’t dirty—okay, it was obscenely dirty. That didn’t mean it was wrong. As far as Dominic was concerned he was already my husband, vows or not. He was right, the whole right-or-wrong thing and shame wasn’t something that mattered. All that did was what brought us pleasure. Right now, Dominic is very displeased.

  “No.” He shakes his head. “Change, you’re too fucking sexy.”

  “Dominic, it’s not that sexy. It goes all the way to my ankles.”

  “It’s a halter dress, it’s red, your breasts are on display. You aren’t wearing a fucking bra. Fuck that, no. This is a family dinner. I don’t need to worry about kicking someone’s ass tonight. Change. Now.”


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