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Lithium Waves: A Lithium Springs Novel

Page 28

by Carmel Rhodes

  “Do you have any idea who you’re dealing with, boy? I have gone the distance. I’ve been up against the likes of Apple and Microsoft and GoTech and I always come out on top. Emails can be altered. No one would believe the word of a felon over me,” Archer growled.

  “There’s an ex-senator in New York who would disagree with you,” Jamie chided.

  “There’s also an ex-Manning Solutions developer who would corroborate everything. And I happen to have a connection at WSEA-9. Look inside my jacket, Kitty Cat,” Ryder instructed.

  Jamie did as she was told and with shaky hands, she pulled out the smoking gun. Printouts of the emails along with an SD card where Ryder backed up everything, including a detailed report from the developer. It was enough information to ruin both Archer and GoTech’s reputation.

  “Appearances are everything,” Jamie whispered.

  “What do you want?” Archer bit. He didn’t have a fucking leg to stand on. He knew it. Ryder knew it. Jamie knew it. It was over.

  Ryder closed the distance between them. The two men, nose to nose, once again. “Leave us the fuck alone or I swear to God, I will move heaven and hell to destroy you.”

  Archer swallowed, dipping his chin down, accepting his defeat.

  Jared stormed up behind Archer. He eyed Ryder with distain. The smug bastard, thought he’d won. “What the fuck, Jamie? Why is the busboy here? Archer I thought you took care of this?”

  “I…um…” Archer stuttered. He wasn’t so scary anymore, just a sad, old man who’d lost everything; his family, his company, and what little power he had left.

  “Jamie is mine now,” Ryder smirked, linking hands with his girl. She melted into his side, her body’s natural reaction to his nearness. Jared noticed too, and his eyes flashed with anger. If looks could kill, Ryder would be as cold as the ground beneath them.

  “Like hell she is. James, I don’t have time for this shit.” Jared waved his hand, beckoning her forward.

  Jamie let go of Ryder and walked over to Jared, shoving the papers into his chest. “Find someone else to take to the White House. I quit. Come on, baby,” she said, giving Ryder back the SD card. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  “Are you okay?” Ryder asked as he climbed into the bed next to Jamie.

  He still wore his tux, only managing to remove his shoes and bowtie before saying to hell with it. The tension between them was so thick he could barely breathe. Jamie was quiet the entire drive from Olympia to Seattle, quiet as they climbed the stairs to his room, and quiet when his mattress creaked as she sat on the bed. That scared him most. Jamie never missed a chance to give him shit about the damn thing, but tonight, she was different, almost withdrawn. There was so much to say, but neither of them knew where to begin.

  “Are you okay?” he asked again, once the silence became too much to bear.

  “I think I’m in shock,” she confessed. Her gaze dropped to her lap, and she fingered the fluffy pink trim of her dress. “How? I mean, you and my mom aren’t exactly master hackers,” she chuckled sadly.

  “No, but your dad is an idiot. Did you know the password to his email is your grandfather’s birthday? It might as well have been one, two, three, four.”

  “How did you and Caroline even…” she mused. Her big, green eyes shimmered with curiosity.

  “Your mom came to the diner and spent twenty-minutes insulting me.”

  Jamie grimaced. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not. It was the kick in the ass I needed. A few days later, we met at a coffee shop and she said, and I quote, ‘Archer is an asshole who has pissed a lot of people off. All we have to do is find someone who hates him as much as we do’.”

  “We?” Jamie interrupted.

  “I hate to be the one to break it to you, but your mom fucking hates your dad. She only stays with him for—”

  “—appearances,” Jamie finished for him.

  “Yeah,” he nodded. “Anyway, the first few days were dead ends. Your dad keeps everything, literally, every-fucking-thing and your mom was no help. She mostly left me to go shopping and would return hours later, annoyed that I hadn’t found anything useful.”

  “That sounds like Caroline,” she giggled.

  Ryder pressed a soft kiss on her lips. “I missed your giggle.”

  “I missed it too,” she confessed. A million unspoken words passed between them in those few seconds, yet there was still much to say.

  “I scrolled through pages and pages of expense reports, meeting notes, and business proposals. Most of it I didn’t understand, then I saw the resignation email. Corporate misconduct and unethical practices sounded like a smoking gun to me, so I searched for every email sent by that user and hit the motherload.”

  “You conquered your aversion to technology for me?”

  “I mean, I may or may not have had to pay the kid behind the counter to show me how to search through the emails, but, yes, I’d do anything for you, James.”

  A strangled noise escaped Jamie’s throat and tears flooded her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she sobbed. “I’m so, so sorry. I don’t deserve you. I was such a bitch. I should have never said what I said, but I just thought it would be easier for you if you hated me. You should hate me.”

  Ryder pulled Jamie onto his lap. “Are you afraid of me?” he asked. He understood why she had said what she said, but he needed to know if there was any shred of truth to it. It was the only way he could get past it.

  “No,” she choked. “No, Ryder. I know what’s in here,” she pointed to his heart. “I know you would never hurt me. Hell, I’ve done all the hurting in this relationship. I swear, I will never hurt you again. I love you more than I love myself. I will do anything for you, too.”

  It felt as if Ryder had waited forever to hear those words, and even with all the waiting, he wasn’t prepared for how fucking elated they made him feel. Jamie was hard on the outside. A lifetime of having to protect yourself would harden anyone, but the woman beneath the savage was beautiful, kind, and so damn good, Ryder couldn’t help but fall in love with her all over again.

  “You just have to talk to me, Kitty Cat. From now on, when shit gets hard, you talk to me. We do this together or not at all, understand?”

  “I get it. I do.” Jamie nodded emphatically as a fresh wave of tears streamed down her face. “I can’t believe it,” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

  “Believe what?”

  “I’m free. Thank you for setting me free.” Jamie wrapped her arms around his neck. God, he missed her scent, fruity and light.

  Ryder turned, shifting her onto her back. He flipped her dress up, sending layers and layers of pink fluff flying. “You’re mother still hates me,” he murmured, dragging the tattered remains of her stockings down her legs. “She’ll probably try to kick my ass to the curb as soon as she finds a suitable replacement.”

  “The only man for me has a flip phone and likes pineapples on his pizza,” Jamie exhaled, pressing a kiss on the inside of her wrist.

  “What was that?” he asked, tossing the mangled fabric over his shoulder.

  “I got a new tattoo,” she blushed, extending her wrist.

  A pale pink NR, stared back at him. A slow smile spread across his face as he examined it. “What’s NR stand for?”

  “News Reporter,” she offered with a grin.

  Ryder laughed, shaking his head slowly. “I don’t think so.”

  “Nice Rack?” she giggled as he plopped on top of her. His mouth found hers and he relished the taste of her lips.

  “You want to know what I think?” he sighed, finally content.

  “I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

  “I think you got my initials tattooed on your body,” he said as he slid inside her warmth.

  She moaned, “Napoleon Ryder,” his name, a prayer on her lips.

  The Following Easter.

  The fallout continues for solutions giant, GoTech, as the biggest recall in telecommunications history grows
by an additional hundred thousand units. This comes after the company CEO, Jared Foster, negotiated an exclusive deal with Japanese retailer, Tokyo Gijutsu, to provide the motherboards for the companies MotoBlaze 8. Weeks after the Blaze 8 hit the market, customers complained of phones catching on fire.

  Photos of the flaming phones went viral on social media, prompting both GoTech and Gijutsu to launch a full investigation. The result, GoTech board member Archer Manning was fired for mishandling information regarding the new technology, which promised faster performance and an elongated battery life. Manning pushed for the release of the product while head developer, Topher Lee, insisted it wasn’t ready for market. Lee ultimately resigned and Manning pushed the product through to manufacturing.

  In an official statement, Foster claims to have been completely unaware of the misconduct and has resigned his bid for Representative Hudson’s seat in The House, stating the need to focus on rebuilding the integrity of his company. When asked about his relationship with Manning’s daughter, he simply said, there will always be a place in his heart for Jamie, and one day, hopefully soon, they will find their way back to each other.

  “Turn that shit off,” Ryder scoffed, exiting the kitchen, holding a platter full of crack ham. He was flanked by his bunny-ear-wearing band mates, CT and Javi.

  Jamie rolled her eyes, but did as she was told. Last year had been a rollercoaster of emotions. First, her baby, then the distance between her and Kensie, meeting Ryder, Chris’ surgery, and all the stuff with her dad; she was just happy to be watching the fallout—not living it.

  “Language, Napoleon,” Annette chastised, swatting her son on the shoulder. “Dinner’s ready. Everyone come and sit down.”

  Jamie stood, along with her brother, and Parker and they each took a seat around the Easter table. Pastel blues, and pinks, and purples dotted the eight-seater. Annette was elated to be able to use the table extension. Normally, Easter was just her and Ryder, but this year they had a full house.

  “Mother,” Jamie scolded, “don’t be rude.”

  Caroline sighed dramatically and stood. “I refuse to eat anything that woman cooks, but I guess it wouldn’t kill me to sit at the monstrosity she calls a dinner table.”

  “No, but I might,” Annette muttered.

  Life was beautiful. The eggs were dyed, the garland was hung, and Jamie was surrounded by her family.

  “Mom, can you pass the ham please?” Ryder asked. He was drooling.

  “Baby, you’ve got a little something right there.” Jamie leaned in for a kiss, and her tongue swiped at the saliva on the corner of his mouth. He loved his mother’s ham, and she loved him.

  “You two are gross,” Javi teased.

  Jamie grinned at Ryder. They were totally that couple, it was so fucking cheesy.

  “Caroline, dear, can you put the flask down long enough to thank the Lord for allowing us to see another Easter?” Annette arched a brow at Jamie’s mother. Those two still didn’t get along, but deep down, they were kindred spirits. Women who didn’t always make the best choices, but did what they had to do for their children.

  “It won’t kill you Mom,” Chris said, from across the table. Chris and Parker were back on the East Coast full-time and planned to get married after graduation.

  “Fine,” Caroline huffed, putting the vodka down. She stood, clasping hands with her son to her right and Jamie to her left. “Not too much ham for you though, dear,” she added eyeing her daughter. Jamie rolled her eyes.

  Some things never changed, but some things did.

  Caroline had filed for divorce shortly after the Christmas party. Unfortunately, Jamie’s father was a petty bastard, fighting her tooth and nail on every aspect of their combined estate. Caroline pretended to be unaffected, but sometimes, when they were alone, Jamie could spot the cracks in her mother’s armor.

  Annette said grace, thanking God for everything he’d done, for everything he’d given. Then they took their seats. Jamie helped herself to a double portion of ham, and Caroline nearly had a heart attack when she piled a big glob of mac and cheese onto her plate.

  Dinner was a success. Everyone, except Caroline, ate until they were stuffed. “Who wants pie?” Annette asked, chuckling at the answering chorus of groans. Everyone balked at the idea of another bite, everyone but the drummer and bass player; they were high, so it didn’t count. “Thank you, boys. One slice won’t kill the rest of you.”

  The phone rang. Annette and Ryder locked eyes. “It’s probably for you, Napoleon.”

  Jamie gave Ryder’s thigh a reassuring squeeze and he stood and stalked over to the rotary phone hanging on the wall. The spiral cord tangled into a ball as he grabbed the phone from the receiver. “Hello?” he said, his voice hesitant. The whole table watched Ryder’s back as the conversation wore on. “Happy Easter to you too… yeah, she made the ham…No, we’re just finishing up…We have a show in Oakland at the end of the month if you wanna come…Okay…I’ll tell her…bye Dad.”

  Ryder’s relationship with his father was strained, but they were working on it. His dad had been sober for a little over two years, and he worked every day to prove to his son that he was a changed man. Jamie suggested they try therapy, but Ry said he wasn’t ready and she didn’t push. For now, they talked occasionally. Sometimes the talks were good and other times they weren’t. There was so much to forgive, but Ryder’s heart was big enough to contain multitudes.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Jamie asked as Ryder returned to the table.

  He rested his forehead against hers, and their noses touched. “Never better, and you?”

  “I’m the happiest girl in the world,” she said, because it was true.

  Life was suffering; at least that’s what the Buddhists believed. James Michele Manning knew a thing or two about suffering. She’d spent her life craving the conditional love of her father, but what she really craved was to have someone to catch her when she fell. Ryder wasn’t perfect, neither was their love, but he showed up, every single day. He loved Jamie, even when she didn’t love herself.

  Love was patient.

  Love was kind.

  Love endured.

  Ryder was love, and his love was divine.


  If you’ve been a fan of my work for a while now, you’ll know I started my creative writing career with fanfiction. I’m a reader first and foremost. I fell in love (became obsessed) with someone else’s characters. They moved me to the point where I wanted to create more stories with them. Then in October of last year (2016 for anyone in the future) tragedy struck my family and I realized life was short, and I needed to follow my dreams while I was still around to chase them. Enter in Jamie and Ryder. In April, 2017 I began their journey. I went through the highest highs and the lowest lows writing them. I didn’t think I was good enough to tell a story of my own, but here we are. They are my babies, my first, and I hope you enjoyed reading about them as much as I enjoyed writing them. CT is up next. His story inspired this whole universe. For those of you who are new to my work, I can’t wait for you to read it. For those who know what to expect, I hope the new version lives up to the original.

  Thank you for reading.

  As always, Unedited & Slightly Inebriated,


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  A Lithium Springs Novel: Book Two

  By: Carmel Rhodes

  Kensington couldn’t help the small smile playing at her lips. She wasn’t used to seeing herself like this. She wasn’t a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but she’d never worn something so revealing—at least not in public.

  Jamie Manning was the only person who could convince her to buy the red, mid-length, off the shoulder, cutout dress that did little to contain her breasts. “Under boob is the latest wave, Kensie. Kylie Jenner wore something similar
last weekend,” Jam said condescendingly. It was payback for Kensie making her friend buy the burgundy Zanotti’s a few months back, when she used the other Jenner sister as a selling point.

  “Great, because that’s the look I’m going for,” Kensie quipped, rolling her eyes at the blonde bombshell applying a final coat of bright red gloss to her pouty lips.

  On the outside, Kensie played it cool, but inside, she’d never felt so hot. Too bad this hair and makeup would go to waste. “I just wish Trey were here to see me.”

  Now it was Jam’s turn to roll her eyes. She never liked Kensie’s boyfriend and she never missed the opportunity to tell her. “Well, he’s not so you’re stuck with me.”

  Kensie’s smile quickly turned into a frown. Trey was in Nevada for his brother’s bachelor party. Although he’d never given her a reason to distrust him, she couldn’t help the pit that formed in her stomach when she thought about what could be staying in Vegas.

  “Hey, no frowning,” Jam scolded. “This night is supposed to be fun.”

  “Fun for you,” Kensie reminded her friend. “Slumming it at some dive bar with you and your boyfriend isn’t my idea of fun.” She sounded like a snob, but Kensie didn’t want to waste this dress on a grunge party in downtown Seattle. She’s not even sure how she let her friend talk her into going in the first place. Kensie was more champagne and caviar than beer and chicken wings.

  “Excuse me for trying to get my two favorite people in the world in the same room. It’s weird that you guys haven’t met.”

  “We met last year,” Kensie corrected. When he showed up unannounced at their apartment after he and Jamie broke up. “Remind me again how you met this guy?”

  Jam always had a thing for bad boys. The privileged guys they grew up with were never quite interesting enough for Ms. Manning. Kensie always assumed she would grow out of it. Sure, it was fun to sneak around with undesirables when they were in high school, but they were adults now.


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