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Waiting for Love

Page 10

by Lacey Black

  This has bad idea written all over it. No way should I go inside of Theo’s hotel room, even just for a bit to escape the noise across the hall. Yet, somehow, my brain and my mouth don’t seem to communicate because I find myself saying the exact opposite of what I should.

  “Sure, I’d like that.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  First off, I was surprised by the invitation that flew from my lips, but even more shocked by her response. I push open my door wide enough for her to enter and try not to stare at the way her flannel pants hug her ass.

  The moment my door clicks closed, the room feels smaller. Maybe it’s the sweet scent of whatever lotion she’s wearing. Perhaps it’s seeing her in pajamas and not regular clothes. Or maybe it’s just the fact Penelope’s in my hotel room, late at night, and all I want to do is invite her to join me in bed.

  Any way you spin it, this probably has bad idea written all over it.

  Penelope takes one of the small chairs over by the table, drawing her sock-covered feet beneath her. She looks positively adorable, her hair slightly askew from sleep and a sleeping sloth is on her top. I probably never would have considered those types of pajamas sexy but seeing them on her is doing inappropriate things to my groin, especially when I’m only wearing cotton sleep shorts.

  I make a quick stop at the dresser and pull one of my T-shirts out of the bottom drawer. As I’m pulling it into place, I risk a glance at Penelope, ready to apologize for my lack of clothes, but find her eyes locked on me. They’re following my movements, trailing the hem of the shirt down my chest and stopping on my still-exposed abs.


  “So…” I say, drawing the word out and watching as it breaks through the trance she’s caught in.

  “So,” she parrots, crossing her arms over her chest as she looks around my room. I’m grateful I’m not a messy guy. At least she’s not finding yesterday’s clothes strewn across the floor.

  I notice again how she seems to curl into herself, and it hits me. She’s cold. Even though I’d much rather see her snuggled up in the blanket from my bed, I opt to grab the spare one they keep in the closet. “Sorry, I sleep on the hot side, so I tend to keep the temperature set colder,” I state, unfolding the blanket and draping it across her.

  “I didn’t realize there was an Antarctica setting,” she quips, the corner of her mouth turning upward as she wraps herself in a beige blanket cocoon and rests her head against the material.

  Jesus, she looks stunning.

  “Can I get you something to drink? I have…” I stop and look the dresser. “Well, I have a warm bottle of water and coffee.”

  She flashes a quick smile. “I’m okay, thank you.”

  I take the other chair, pulling it out from the table and making sure I’m not crowding her too much. Once the room is quiet again, the now-familiar thumping sound can be heard from outside the room.

  A light blush creeps up her face, making me smile. “So, tell me about your furniture. What’s your favorite thing to make?”

  I lean back, extending my legs in front of me, trying to get comfortable. “That’s like asking me to pick a favorite child.”

  Another soft grin spreads across her lips. “Humor me.”

  “Well, I really enjoy making table and chairs sets. They’re probably the hardest to produce because of the intricate work and attention to detail. I love armoires too. Each one is different, but probably my favorite is custom kitchen cabinets. I don’t know why, but there’s something special about crafting cabinets to go in someone’s home. Something they’ll look at every day, and hopefully, loving them as much as they did when they picked out their design.”

  “That’s pretty special,” she whispers from across the space.

  We talk and talk until the clock reads almost four. Long ago, the thumping against the door stopped, yet neither one of us mentions it. Instead, we visit, getting to know each other on a whole new level. One that isn’t hindered by first impressions or what someone is doing daily to drive the other person crazy. I’ve never really considered myself a talker—Lord knows Rachel and I weren’t exactly the best at communicating—but there’s something so calming, so right about just sitting there, chilling, and getting to know someone.

  Even though I’m learning a ton of new things about Penelope, I feel like I’ve known her forever.

  I excuse myself to use the restroom, knowing our time is probably coming to an end. She’s been yawning pretty frequently, and I don’t want to keep her up any later than I should. Selfishly, I want her to stay here, with me, but realistically, I know I need to walk her to her room so she can get some sleep.

  After using the facilities and washing my hands, I step back into the room. “As much as I love hanging out with you, I’m sure you’re—” I stop in my tracks, my sights locked on the beauty in the chair. She’s sound asleep, nestled in the blanket I wrapped around her two hours ago. Her head is flopped to the side, her mouth slightly agape as she breathes deeply.

  My God, she’s breathtaking.

  Like a creeper, I stand there for several minutes and just take in the view. The right thing to do would be to stay the course. Wake her up, escort her next door, and let her sleep in her own bed. Yet, that’s not what I do. When she shifts, as if trying to get comfortable, I head her way, carefully picking her up from the chair.

  She’s cradled in my arms, her head nestled against my neck. Her lips brush my skin, fire spreading through my veins. “You smell amazing,” she murmurs softly, her warm breath tickling my throat.

  With Herculean strength I didn’t even know I possessed, I softly deposit her into my bed and tuck the beige blanket around her. Penelope curls on her side and sighs in contentment but never wakes.

  Moving to the chair I just removed her from, I take a seat, kicking my legs up on the other. It’s not the most comfortable position, but it’ll have to do, because the only other option is to climb in beside her. Even though that’s what I prefer, that’s not the right thing to do.

  So, I make myself as comfortable as possible, leaning my head back against the wall and crossing my arms over my chest. Then, I close my eyes, and try not to think about the woman sleeping in my bed.

  Try, being the keyword.


  I’m startled awake by a sound, but I instantly know, this time, it’s coming from inside my room. My back protests as I move, a sign I spent too long sitting in an uncomfortable chair in an even more uncomfortable position.

  I crack open my eyes and find Penelope sitting up in my bed. She’s looking around, as if trying to figure out where she is, and most likely, how she got there. When those green eyes zero in on mine, they seem both shocked and relieved.

  “Morning,” I mumble, stretching my arms over my head.

  “Hi,” she replies, her voice a little squeaky.

  Leaning forward, I rest my elbows on my knees. “I guess we both fell asleep.”

  She glances around once more. “Yeah. Umm, how did I get in the bed?”

  “I put you there. You fell asleep in the chair, so I moved you to be a little more comfortable. I was going to wake you so you could go back to your room, but you were out. You barely even stirred.”

  “Oh.” She meets my gaze once more. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” Standing up, I try to not think about how perfect she looks in my bed. “Do you want to grab breakfast?” I ask, at the exact same time she says, “I should probably go back to my room.”

  We both chuckle a little awkwardly.

  “I need to shower,” she mumbles, the slightest blush creeping up her fair cheeks.

  “Yeah, of course. Me too.” I glance at my watch. “We could meet in the hall, in say, one hour? Does that give you enough time to get ready for the day?”

  She nods and clears her throat before climbing out of my bed. She stands and stretches, giving me another amazing view of her in those adorable
pajamas. Penelope quickly makes her way to my door and reaches for the knob. “I’ll see you…soon.” She opens the door and practically bolts from the room, leaving me alone and not liking it.

  Sighing, I glance in the mirror and run a hand over my stubbled jaw. I should probably clean this up today. I don’t think my brother would mind if I had it for the wedding, but my future sister-in-law might.

  Ripping off my T-shirt, I toss it on the bed and head for the bathroom. Just as I cross the threshold, there’s a knock at my door. I retrace my steps and glance through the peephole, surprised to find Penelope standing there.

  “Everything okay?” I ask the moment the door is open.

  “Oh, uh, yeah.” Another blush stains her cheeks as her eyes dart to my chest for the briefest of moments before returning to my face. “I might have locked myself out of my room.”

  “Might have?” I ask, my eyebrows arching in question and my lips curling into a grin.

  She huffs in annoyance. “Okay, yes. Apparently, I locked myself out when I went into the hall early this morning to investigate that noise. I didn’t realize I didn’t have a key.”

  Crossing my arms and finding complete delight in watching her eyes follow my movements, I lean against the doorjamb. “So, let me get this straight. You went out into the hallway to investigate a noise and didn’t think to take a key with you? What if there was someone in the hall who wanted to cause you harm?”

  Her gorgeous eyes narrow as she crosses her own arms in front of her chest. “Can I use your phone or not?”

  I nod toward the nightstand and step back, granting her entrance into my room. Penelope practically stomps over and grabs the phone, dialing the number for the front desk. I listen as she requests a new key, asking if someone could bring it up. I’m assuming that’s so she doesn’t have to traipse down to the lobby in her pj’s.

  When she hangs up the phone, I ask, “All set?”

  She nods, standing up. “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” I wait until she’s near me before I open the door and add, “See you in a bit.”

  She meets my gaze before stepping back into the hall. Penelope stops after a few steps, glances over her shoulder, and replies, “I look forward to it.”

  As I secure my room door, I have the biggest smile on my face.

  I do too, sweet Pen. I do too.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “So what is going on with you and Trevor’s brother?” Teagan asks the second she slides onto her seat in the restaurant. Faith is already here, so her eyes instantly pull from her phone screen to turn my way.

  “What? Nothing’s going on,” I insist a little too defensively, reaching for my glass of ice water.

  “My mom said she saw you and him down here for breakfast. Sitting together.” Her face is void of emotion, but her eyes are super focused and observant. She’s in lawyer mode, and her scrutiny makes me slide down just a bit in my seat.

  “It was just breakfast. We’re neighbors,” I argue, though my words fall on deaf ears.

  “They were awfully chummy last night walking home,” Faith adds, grinning over her cup as she takes a sip.

  My eyes narrow at my friend, which only makes her laugh. “Anyway, what’s on the agenda today?” I ask, trying to divert the attention away from me.

  “Well, after lunch, we have manis and pedis at the salon down the block. Our appointment is in an hour. Then we’re going to the bookstore next door and to a small boutique across the street,” she says, reciting everything from the agenda we’ve all been given.

  “Can’t wait,” I reply, glancing over the menu placed in front of me.

  “Look who I found at the elevator,” Shannon announces, Molly, Elle, and Silvia hot on her heels.

  I jump up, so happy to see our other two friends have arrived. We share hugs and quick greetings before taking our seats to begin our group lunch.

  “So what’s going on with everyone?” Silvia asks, taking a sip of the champagne poured into our glasses.

  “Yes, Shannon, did you bring the triplets? I can’t wait to see them. It’s been too long,” Elle adds, turning toward my best friend.

  “They’re here. Mom and Aaron took them down the street to the park for a bit, then they’ll come back and swim. We’re bringing them to the rehearsal for a little bit, but they’ll stay with Mom for the dinner.”

  “Great! I can’t wait to snuggle them later.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t use this weekend away for just you and Aaron,” Carma says.

  Shannon chuckles. “It’s harder on Mom with all three of them for long periods of time. She can handle one night with them, but three is pushing it. So, after talking with Teagan, we decided to use this weekend as a mini family vacation. This way, Aaron is around more to help keep them from burning the hotel down.”

  “Yes, I’d appreciate it if they didn’t play with matches until after Sunday,” Teagan chimes in with a big, playful grin.

  “How about you, Penelope? Are you seeing anyone?” Elle asks.

  I knew this was coming, I just hoped we could focus on everyone else for a while and I’d had an opportunity to drink more champagne. “Umm, no, not right now.”

  As if on cue, I get the collective “Uhhs,” “darn its,” and “I’m sorrys.”

  “You know you’re going to meet your special someone soon, right?” Silvia says, a bit of pity in her tone that only grates on my nerves.

  Before I can reply, Faith jumps in. “Oh! Trey was just telling me there is another guy in the lending department who just went through a divorce. I know it’s Seattle, but that’s not too far of a drive to get to know someone, if you want me to—”

  “Or there’s a guy at my gym who seems really sweet—”

  “There’s this new dating site I heard about online you could try—”

  “I bet I can give you the number for my assistant’s cousin who is single—”

  “No thanks!” I say a little too loudly and with a ton of over-the-top, fake excitement. When everyone stops talking and seven sets of wide eyes turn to face me, I add, “I really do appreciate all the offers and suggestions, but it’s not necessary. I’m kinda, well, I’m sort of over the whole dating thing for a while. I’m taking a break.” That’s when I grab my glass and practically empty the contents.




  “Listen, guys, it’s okay. I haven’t exactly had the best dates lately,” I reason, thinking back to my date at the diner with Jonathan.

  “I hate that, Pen,” Elle mutters. “You know, I was listening to The Love Vixen the other day, and she had some great advice for a woman in Washington.”

  “Yes! I heard that one! It was the woman who said she was through with dating and was…always the bridesmaid,” Molly says as her eyes widen, and her words slow in question.

  “That was you?” Elle whispers, leaning forward, as do the rest of the group.

  “Good afternoon, ladies. I’m Doran, and I’ll be serving you today. What can I get you all to go with that delicious champagne?”

  We go around the table ordering off the lunch menu, and even though I’m not super hungry, thanks to my breakfast with Theo, I order the crab stuffed tomatoes and pray it’s a small portion.

  After Doran leaves to place our orders, I hope someone changes the subject, forgetting about our previous conversation, but no such luck.

  “Did you write to The Love Vixen?” Teagan asks, her words a hushed whisper.

  I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. I look to Shannon for help, but she just gives me an encouraging nod. Reaching for my glass, I down what little champagne is left and square my shoulders. “Yes, all right? I wrote The Love Vixen. I was completely surprised when she actually read my letter and offered advice.”

  No one says anything for a few minutes, and I hope that means end of conversation. Unfortunately, m
y luck isn’t that great right now, so it doesn’t surprise me when someone asks, “What did she say?”

  I sigh, realizing they aren’t going to drop this. At least not yet. “She said there isn’t a timeline for these sorts of things, and I should do some soul-searching. It’s just frustrating, you know? You all have found the person you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with, and all I’ve had is a string of lousy dates.”

  “I’m sorry, Pen.” Teagan offers me an apologetic smile.

  “Don’t be,” I insist as my champagne class is filled once more. “I’m fine, really. I mean, what’s a few crummy dates in the grand scheme of things?”

  “That’s right!” Elle proclaims. “You’ll meet him, Pen, I know it. Or as The Love Vixen said in her reply, he could be closer than you think.”

  My mind flashes to Theo. Why? I’m not sure exactly. Maybe it’s the fact I’ve seen a different side of him these last few days. Sure, he’s still a little cocky and arrogant, but he’s also been super helpful and interesting to talk to. And don’t get me started on how he looked this morning after waking up. I never expected to see that view of him, let alone to like it so much. His hair was a mess from sleep, but it was his eyes that really caught my attention. They held a youthful excitement, as if he was downright thrilled to see me in his room in the early morning light.

  That thought sends a shiver of delight down my spine.

  I’m relieved when the subject has finally changed back to Teagan’s wedding. I listen as plans are shared, and even find myself smiling at the joy radiating from her. Sure, I might be slightly jealous of my friends and what they have, but I’d never begrudge any of them for it. I’m truly grateful for them and the friendships we’ve maintained all these years. I want the very best for them, even if my own love life isn’t up to par yet.

  Another image of Theo flashes through my brain. This time, one of him opening the door without his shirt. My mouth instantly goes dry, and I take a much smaller sip of champagne to try to help wet my throat. I may never be able to forget how he looked, standing in his shorts, his hard, chiseled chest on full display.


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