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Waiting for Love

Page 13

by Lacey Black

  Now I just have to get through the next hour or two, and then I’ll make my move. It’s time to tell Penelope how I feel and ask her on a proper date.

  It’s time to make her mine.


  “May I have this dance?” I ask as the rest of the wedding party makes their way to the dance floor, joining the bride and groom for one song.

  There’s a nervous energy coming from Penelope, but she smiles softly and places her hand inside my own. I lead her out to the dance floor and pick a spot along the side before pulling her into my arms. I love the feel of her hands on my shoulders, the heat of her fingers seeping into my blood. I had shed my suit jacket right before dinner was served, and I’m glad I did. Not only is it cooler as the room starts to warm up, but I can feel Penelope’s touch so much better.

  Once I place my hands at her lower back, we start to sway to the beat of the love ballad. She glances up under her lashes and smiles. “Your speech was really wonderful,” she says, as if needing to fill the time with conversation.

  “Thank you. It wasn’t what I was originally planning to say, but the words just seemed to flow from the heart, so I went with it.”

  She offers me the softest grin that sends butterflies into flight in my stomach. Honestly, I didn’t know that was possible with guys. I’ve always heard women talk about those butterflies, but never have I experienced anything like it. The excitement, the anxiousness, the anticipation. It’s all there, in spades.

  “It made me realize you may not be as bad as I originally thought,” she states, her teeth nibbling on her lower lip.

  I long to touch that lip, to pull it from her teeth, and then capture it with my own mouth. Clearing my throat, I lean in just a little closer. “I promise I’m not bad, Pen. Not unless you want me to be.”

  Her eyes flash with desire and perhaps a touch of shock as she worries harder on that bottom lip. Her grip on my shoulders tightens, her short nails digging into the flesh beneath my shirt as I finally give in and reach up. My finger grazes across the plump flesh and softly pulls it from beneath her teeth. She gasps, a puff of air escaping her throat and tickling my hand. The tip of her tongue slips out, wetting her lips in anticipation. “Theo.” My name is both a plea and a promise, and it makes my blood rush to one concentrated area.

  Before I can say another word, applause interrupts us as the song comes to an end. An upbeat tune fills the speakers as partygoers flock to the dance floor. Even though I don’t want to, I release my hold on the woman who has wormed her way into my head, and quite possibly my heart.

  She steps off the dance floor, returning to our table to retrieve her drink. I do the same, chugging a little too much of the amber liquid, reveling in the burn as it slides down my throat. Shannon quickly grabs her arm and pulls her back out to the floor we just vacated. With my drink in hand, I get comfortable and watch as Penelope dances with her friends. She laughs and sings along to the music, but her eyes keep darting my way, like she’s watching me watch her.

  It’s like foreplay.

  My body is a live wire, fully charged and humming with electricity.

  Desire aimed solely at her.

  After a few songs, she returns to the table, her face a little flushed. “Would you like another one?” I ask when she drains her glass.

  She contemplates my question, nibbling on that damn lip once more before she nods. I place my hand on her lower back and guide her in the direction of the bar. There’s a short line, but even as we wait our turn, I don’t move my hand. I like touching her too much, and frankly, at this point, I don’t care who sees.

  When it’s finally our turn, I step forward and order her another red wine and myself a beer. She arches her eyebrow in question. “If I keep drinking whiskey, I’ll be drunk before the night’s over, and that’s not what I want.”

  The bartender places both drinks on the hardwood and takes the cash I hand over. We step aside to allow the next in line to order. “Theo! Isn’t this such a lovely wedding celebration?” Aunt Agnes asks, stepping up and offering her cheek. Once I’ve placed a kiss on her cheek, she turns to Penelope. “You must be Theo’s girlfriend. I’m his Aunt Agnes, and the horrible dancer in the middle of the floor is his uncle, Bert.”

  We all turn our attention to the dance floor and watch as my uncle swings his arms around like he’s trying to fly away. “I see Uncle Bert hasn’t learned any new moves lately,” I quip, making my aunt laugh.

  She rolls her eyes. “Of course not.” To Penelope she adds, “The man can’t dance to save his life, but he has fun.”

  “And that’s all that matters,” Penelope states. “It’s very nice to meet you, but I’m Theo’s neighbor, not his girlfriend.”

  Aunt Agnes gives us both a skeptical look. “Are you sure about that? Oh, there’s David! I’ll talk to you both soon,” she replies before hurrying off to see my cousin David.

  “Sorry about that,” I say, returning my hand to her lower back and guiding her back toward our table. “My aunt doesn’t have a filter.”

  Penelope waves off my comment and takes a seat when I hold out her chair. We sit together, watching the action on the dance floor. My parents are out there, along with most of the wedding party, the bride and groom, and crazy Uncle Bert. When my brother spots us sitting at the table, he waves us over.

  “What do you think, Pen? Want to go show them how it’s done?” I ask, the challenge thrown down.

  She just grins back at me, sets her drink down, and jumps up. “Let’s go.” Penelope takes off for the dance floor with me hot on her heels.

  For two songs, we dance with family and friends, but my mind and body are very much aware of where she is at all times. In fact, my eyes too. They keep seeking her out entirely on their own. Okay, that’s a lie. Not on their own. I rather enjoy knowing where she is and watching her move.

  She’s like Kryptonite to this Superman.

  When another ballad begins, I recognize the intent written on Shane’s face as he spots Penelope across the dance floor.

  Fuck that.

  I step up to Penelope and hold out my hand, the invitation clear. She doesn’t hesitate, just places her hand in mine and steps into my arms. Once she’s settled against me, I look up to see Shane standing there, smiling and shaking his head before walking over to another guest and asking her to dance.

  I’m sure he’s harmless and one dance won’t hurt, but the jealousy seed has been planted and the thought of seeing her in his arms the way I hold her now is enough to make me see red.

  “I love this song,” she whispers right before she rests her cheek against my chest. I wonder if she can hear the loud thunder of my heartbeat, as it thumps almost out of control with her pressed against me.

  I love the way you feel in my arms.

  That’s how I want to reply, but I choose to keep that tidbit of detail to myself.

  For now.

  We dance together, much closer than earlier in the evening. I can feel her entire body brush against me as we move in unison. I’ve never been a big dancer, even though I’m not that bad at it, but with her as my partner, I suddenly wish for an endless supply of slow songs.

  Finally, the song comes to an end, and when I look down, I notice her rapid inhale of breath and the dots of sweat along her hairline, mostly because it mirrors my own. I’ve never wanted to kiss a woman more than I want to kiss Penelope right here, right now. That tantalizing tongue slips out once more and wets her lips in anticipation. It’s as if she knows my thoughts and agrees.

  “Want to step outside in the garden for a few minutes to cool off?” I ask, praying she agrees.


  I ignore everyone around us as they start to sing along to Billy Idol and reach for her hand. She stays close, her front almost pressed to my back, as we leave the dance floor and head straight for the exit. I hear someone shout my name, but I ignore that too, needing both the cool fresh air and a few minutes alone w
ith Penelope.

  It’s time to lay it on the line.

  To tell her how I feel about this attraction I can’t seem to let go of.

  To see if she not only feels the same but is willing to explore it.

  Tonight, I make Penelope mine.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My blood is swooshing in my ears as we step through the garden entrance and head toward a private area away from where other hotel and wedding guests congregate. When we reach a small grouping of flowers, trees, and shrubbery that looks secluded, he turns to face me. I instantly step into his strong arms. The very ones I’ve watched and fantasized about for months. Hell, for two years, since he moved in next door.

  Now I know exactly how amazing they feel wrapped around me, and all I can think about is…more.

  “There’s something I wanted to discuss with you,” he says, his voice husky and his eyes dilated.

  “Me too,” I say, going up on my tiptoes and pressing my chest to his. I wait a few heartbeats before I do the same with my lips, sliding mine against his the way I’ve been fantasizing about.

  The kiss seems to catch him off guard. I can feel him stiffen, at least for the briefest of seconds. Worry starts to root in my brain, that perhaps I’ve misread the entire situation, when Theo finally relaxes and moves his lips. No, moves his lips is the wrong phrase. He claims. That’s the only way to describe the way he kisses me.

  His lips are powerful and demanding as he slips his hands down my back and holds me close. I can feel every hard muscle—and I do mean every—as he completely takes over the kiss. I might have initiated it, but Theo Emerson is clearly in charge.

  And I realize I don’t mind in the least because this man knows how to kiss.

  I feel myself moving backward, being pressed against something hard. My leg hitches up and wraps around his strong thigh as I grab onto his shirt, hanging on for dear life. Theo rocks forward, his hard length pressed exactly where I need him to be. He grabs my leg and helps hold it up, while the other hand slowly glides up my neck and grips my jaw.

  “This wasn’t…” he starts, pausing as he nips at the sensitive skin below my chin. Theo takes a deep breath. “Shit, I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

  The words are like an ice-cold bucket of water being dumped on my head. I try to pull back, but he won’t let me.

  “Shit, Pen, that came out wrong. That’s not how I meant it.” He inhales and pulls back, meeting my gaze head-on. “What I meant was I hadn’t planned on kissing you yet. I had something I wanted to say first, but then you kissed me, and my brain just sort of shut down. All I could think about was how amazing your lips felt against mine.”

  “Oh.” I glance around for a moment before my gaze returns to his. “What was it you wanted to say?”

  He doesn’t release his hold on me. In fact, he flexes his fingers up into my hair, sending shock waves of lust through my veins. “I actually wanted to know if you wanted to have dinner with me sometime. Sometime soon, actually. Like maybe tomorrow night after we get home? If that doesn’t work because of traveling and just getting home, I understand. Maybe another night,” he continues, rambling as if he’s nervous.

  I place my finger against his lips, stopping his onslaught of words. “Actually, tomorrow night is perfect.”

  The smile he gives me is breathtaking. “Yeah?”

  “Mmhmm,” I murmur, wrapping my arms tighter around his waist. “Now, let’s get back to more of the kissing.”

  He chuckles as he lowers his mouth and glides it along my neck. “I can do that.”

  When his mouth claims mine once more, it’s fierce, powerful, and full of unbridled passion. I don’t even care that I’m pressed against a tree. Being in his arms, having his body pressed to mine, feels too good.

  Too right.

  His hand cups my ass over my dress. Goosebumps rise on my flesh, and I rock into his hard body. Theo bites out a curse. “You’re killing me, Pen.”

  “It’s killing me that you haven’t touched me yet, Theo.”

  He hisses as his hand flexes, gripping my ass hard. “I’m trying to be a good guy here,” he argues.

  I meet his gaze. “What if I don’t want you to be a good guy? What if, for tonight, I want a bad one?”

  His eyes are fire as he stares at me without moving. “If you come up to my room, you’re mine, Pen. This isn’t just for tonight.”

  Nodding in understanding, I swallow hard and reply, “I’m yours.”

  With a growl, Theo slams his lips down on mine in a hard, chaste kiss. He releases his hold on my leg and steps back, reaching out to make sure I’m stable on my feet. However, he doesn’t touch me, not the way I want him to. “Do you want to go back into the reception for a little bit?”

  I shake my head.

  “Then let’s go.” He takes my shaky hand in his big, rough one and gently guides me out of our private garden nook.

  When we reach the door, he stops and takes a few calming breaths. I can’t help but glance down and notice his erection. The sight of the tented material makes me giggle.

  “What are you laughing at? You did this to me,” he grumbles before throwing me a smirk and a wink. “Give me a second.”

  I watch as he closes his eyes, clearly doing all he can to get himself under control. I wonder if this is the wrong time to tell him I prefer the tent.

  After a few minutes, he opens his eyes and all seems to be back to normal. Well, except for the lust-filled fire still burning in those brown orbs. He reaches for the door and holds it open for me to enter. The moment I’m inside, we practically rush down the hallway to where the elevators are. Rounding the corner, we both stop in our tracks when we find another couple already standing there, waiting.

  “Oh, Theo, there you are. We were looking for you,” his mom says with a polite smile.

  “Sorry, we stepped outside to cool off,” Theo replies, though anyone with eyes can tell I’m probably flushed pink with desire. Going outside did anything but cool us off.

  “I understand. Your father and I were just heading up to our room,” Cora adds as the elevator car arrives and the door opens. They step inside and turn, expectingly. “Are you coming?”

  Both Theo and I hesitate, but it would be rude to pass on the car. Why would we pass on the car? Well, I was strongly considering jumping him the moment the doors closed to whisk us to our floor.

  “Of course,” I reply with a little too much gusto moments before I practically run inside.

  Theo follows at a much cooler, much calmer pace and looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. The faintest smirk toys on his lips as he reaches out and presses the button for the sixth floor.

  Once the door closes, the air turns thick with sexual tension. Theo’s dad leans against the back wall, his hands shoved casually in his pockets as he stares down at his shoes. Cora, however, watches us with a knowing grin. It’s as if she can read our thoughts or perhaps knows exactly what’s about to happen the moment we get to her son’s room.

  I clear my throat and twist my hands together.

  Theo chuckles at my jumpiness.

  When the elevator stops on the fourth floor, Cora turns and asks, “Will we be seeing you at brunch?” Her gaze flashes between her son and me so often, it’s like she’s watching a tennis volley.

  “I’ll be there, Mom,” Theo answers, ever so cool and calm.

  She nods as Tad holds the door. “I’ll see you in the morning,” she adds, stepping up to her tiptoes and kissing Theo’s cheek.

  “Night, Mom.”

  “And, Penelope, so wonderful to get to know you better. I hope you know the invitation for brunch is extended to you as well.”

  “Oh, uh, thank you. I’m not sure what time I’m heading out in the morning yet.”

  She gives me a quick smile. “Well, if you’re still here, please join us.”

  I nod, my throat so thick, I can’t speak.
/>   “Good night, dear.”

  Then they’re both gone. The door closes and moves up two more floors. We step out into the hall, that familiar buzz of anticipation returning once I spot his door. He takes my hand, something I love more than I probably should, and leads the way. Once we hit my door, I hesitate, wondering if I should grab anything. I mean, it’s not like he invited me to stay all night. We both know where this is heading, but that doesn’t mean we’re sharing a bed after the sex part is done.

  Theo stops. “Have you changed your mind?”

  “Oh, no,” I quickly reply. “I just wasn’t sure if I should grab anything.”

  A wicked grin spreads across his face. “Sweetheart, all I need is you.”

  Nodding in understanding, we continue to the next door. He produces his keycard from his pocket and unlocks the door. As soon as we step inside, the sound of the door securing with a loud click echoes through the room. Theo tosses his keycard on the dresser and turns to face me.

  “There’s something I’ve been wondering,” he says, placing his hands on his hips.

  “What’s that?” My voice sounds all breathy.

  “Where is your keycard? Did you lock yourself out of your room again?”

  His question catches me by surprise before a giggle slips from my mouth. “No, I didn’t lock myself out,” I confirm, as his eyes sweep my body in question.

  I reach into my top, slipping my hand along the side of my breast, and pull a small plastic cardholder from my strapless bra. “I stuck my key and my credit card in here. This way, I didn’t have to worry about carrying a small clutch or bag around all night.”

  His eyes flash with need as they drop to my chest. “I might have to see that again,” he quips, the corner of his mouth turning upward. But then his gaze meets mine again, and any humor disappears just as quickly as it arrived. Theo steps toward me, placing one big hand on my hip. “You sure you want to be here? With me?”


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