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Waiting for Love

Page 15

by Lacey Black

We lie in complete comfort, just breathing and being. Besides not really knowing what to do when I left the bathroom, there isn’t any awkwardness between us. Not the way I might have expected. Theo seemed a bit eager to keep me here and is just as content since we climbed into bed.

  He continues to lightly touch my shoulder, letting his fingertips graze across my arm. It causes goosebumps to pebble on my skin and fire to spread through my veins in only the way Theo seems to know how to do.

  “Just over two years ago, I was engaged to be married.”

  His statement catches me completely off guard. My hand stills on his chest, even though he continues to slowly brush my skin.

  “Her name was Rachel. We had met many years ago when she ordered a few pieces of my furniture to outfit her house. At that time, she was married, so I stayed far away. A year or so after that initial meeting, she called me up to discuss a table. When she showed up at my house, she wasn’t wearing her ring anymore and said they had recently divorced. I was a little hesitant to get involved with her, since she was so fresh out of a divorce, but Rachel wasn’t used to being told no.

  “Eventually, we started seeing each other and things moved forward pretty quickly. About a year after we began dating, I proposed. She said yes.”

  I realize I’m holding my breath, my lungs burning from lack of oxygen, and inhale deeply. My palm rests against his chest, his heart thundering beneath my touch.

  “Her parents owned a furniture store here in Seattle and she convinced them to sell my pieces at their store. It was a great partnership. They promoted my work, helping secure custom orders, and only kept a small portion of the proceeds.”

  He pauses for several long seconds, and I can’t help but wonder where this is going. Why is he telling me this now?

  “We were planning the wedding, but looking back now, I should have known something wasn’t right. Rachel was accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Her ex owned several businesses, including an international shipping company, which helped cater to her expensive taste. I was a furniture maker who worked crazy long hours, especially in the beginning.

  “About six months before the wedding, she started disappearing more and more. Her favorite pastime was going to the spa, and she seemed to go every day at that point. She claimed it was because she was preparing for our wedding, wanted to look and feel the best she could. Turns out, her ex owned it. And he’d meet her there almost daily.”

  My blood runs cold as realization sets in. She cheated on him? On this sweet, caring, hardworking man? What kind of woman does that?

  “I confronted her, and she didn’t even try to deny it. She just told me she had needs that his money could provide. So I broke off the engagement, even though she happily told everyone who would listen that she did, and went back to her ex. They were remarried the week before our scheduled wedding.

  “Her parents made excuses for her. Even though they were nothing but nice to me, it was just too hard to work with them. Everywhere I went, someone knew about what happened, and that’s when I made the decision to leave Seattle. I had no idea where I wanted to go, but I found the listing for my house online and jumped on it right away, making an offer without even seeing it in person. I moved to Appleton as soon as I could close and get the hell out of here.”

  My mind spins with these details of Theo’s life before he moved next door to me. “Wow,” I mutter, clearing my throat from the dryness.

  He adjusts us, turning us both on our side so we’re facing each other. He swipes my hair off my cheek, slipping it behind my ear. “That was probably a huge information dump for you, but I just wanted you to know. I’m over it, over her, but being back here in Seattle has kind of made me a little edgy. When I arrived, I felt like I was looking over my shoulder, waiting on someone to recognize me and say something. But when I’m with you, I realize I don’t care about any of that bullshit. I don’t care if someone says something. It’s all in my past, and all I want to think about is my future. A future I really want you to be a part of.”

  A smile spreads across my face. Gah, this man knows how to say all the right words. “Yeah?”

  He tucks his hand under my chin and gently lifts, his lips meeting mine in a sweet kiss. “Yeah.”

  “I thought we said we’d start with dinner,” I quip, recalling his invitation for tomorrow night back home in Appleton.

  He snorts a quick laugh. “I still plan on taking you to dinner tomorrow night, sweetheart. Just because we may have gotten things a little out of order doesn’t mean shit. Dinner with you tomorrow will mean just as much, if not more, than having you in my arms and my bed tonight.”

  I close my eyes as he kisses me once more. Wiggling against him, I brush my hand over his abs, slowly trailing them lower and lower.

  Before I hit pay dirt though, he reaches down and stops my movement. “We only had one condom,” he whispers, linking our fingers and setting our joined hands back on his chest.

  Realization sets in, and it makes me pout a little. I rest my cheek against his shoulder once more, getting comfortable in his embrace all over again. “We’ll have to get some first thing in the morning.”

  He chuckles and kisses me on top of the head. “Agreed. I’ll go out and get some at first light.”

  “Okay,” I reply through a yawn, exhaustion settling in around me.

  “Sleep, sweet Pen.”

  I close my eyes, feeling myself succumbing to the long day and the night of incredible orgasms. “Night, Theo.”

  “Night, sweetheart.”

  I feel him brush his lips across my forehead once more as sleep claims me.


  For the second morning in a row, I wake up in Theo’s bed. This time, I’m completely naked and gloriously tender in all the right places. I stretch my arms over my head, unable to keep the grin off my lips. Recollections of yesterday’s events come back to me, a reminder of the incredible night I spent with Theo. Reaching to the side, I’m surprised and a little saddened to find the bed empty.

  I sit up on my elbows and glance around, not seeing him anywhere. I even listen for movement or the sound of running water in the bathroom but hear nothing.

  Then it hits me. Theo mentioned getting up and going to buy more condoms, so that must be where he is.

  Smiling, I throw the covers off and slip into the bathroom. After using the toilet, I wash my hands and brush my teeth with my finger. I can’t stop staring at the reflection in the mirror. This woman’s hair is wild and there’s a slight glow to her skin. And her grin? She looks insanely happy right now.

  Hard to believe this woman is me.

  Deciding I could use a quick shower, I throw on the hot water and wait a few seconds for it to heat. Maybe Theo will get back while I’m still inside and join me. With a fresh box of condoms, I’m sure he’ll have plenty of chances to dirty me up all over again.

  After my shower, I’m a little disappointed he hasn’t returned yet. Well, I guess there’ll be more opportunities to shower together later, right?

  Returning to the main sleeping room, I glance around once more, realizing I have two options. Well, three, actually. Wear last night’s dress, sans underwear since those are a mangled mess on the floor, wear nothing, or throw on one of Theo’s shirts I spy hanging in the closet. However, before I make my decision, I spot my suitcase sitting on the table, my keycard and credit card still in the sleeve, as well as another keycard lying in front of it.

  Another smile breaks out on my face at the gesture. He went next door and retrieved my belongings so I had my own clothes and personal effects when I woke.

  I throw open the lid and grab a fresh pair of panties, smiling as I picture Theo ripping them from my body when he returns. Once those are on, I grab a basic white lace bra and slip that on too. Then I stare at the contents, wondering what I should do now. Do I get dressed while I wait for him? It might seem a little odd if I were standing here in just a bra and panty set, right? And what
happens if someone stops by to visit?

  Decision made, I reach for the pair of jeans and blue and white sweater I had planned to wear for the drive home. Just as I slide my first leg into the pants, it hits me.


  A glance at the alarm clock confirms my suspicion. “Shit!” I mutter, throwing on the jeans as quickly as possible. We were supposed to meet downstairs in the restaurant for brunch a few minutes ago. He’s probably down there wondering where I am.

  I fire off a quick text to Teagan, letting her know I’m on my way and reach for my top. Once the sweater is in place and my feet are stuffed in a pair of tan ballet flats, I run a brush through my hair, pull it up on top of my head in a messy bun, and swipe some mascara over my lashes. I’m not a big makeup person, but a girl always needs a good mascara. With one final glance in the mirror, I decide I’m presentable enough for brunch. Grabbing the keycards and credit card, I fly out the door, anxious to get downstairs.

  Of course, it takes several minutes before an elevator arrives, and when it does, it’s fairly full already. Fortunately, they don’t complain too much about squeezing a little closer so there’s room for me.

  The elevator reaches the ground floor, and I take off toward the restaurant. The hostess stand is empty, so I slip inside, glancing around in search of Theo’s family. I spot familiar heads on the opposite side of a short wall, a few plants strategically placed along the top to give the appearance of a separate seating area.

  Walking in that direction, my heart kicks up a few beats at the thought of what kind of statement this entrance is going to make. Sure, his mom invited me, but I imagine me taking a seat right next to him, neither of us unable to keep our eyes and hands off the other is probably a big deal.

  Though, I’m pretty sure his mom suspected a lot more than just riding up the elevator together last night.

  As I approach the plants, I hear the group laugh. “Oh, Rachel, that’s hilarious.”

  I stop in my tracks. Rachel?

  Rachel Rachel?

  Peeking carefully around one of the plants, my eyes land on Theo. He’s sitting beside his mother and another woman. She has long blonde hair, perfectly styled and framing her heart-shaped face. Her skin is tanned and toned, her makeup flawless, and she reaches over and places her hand on Theo’s arm so naturally, it steals my breath. I blink several times, waiting for the image of the beautiful woman to disappear, but it doesn’t.

  She’s here.

  At brunch with Theo and his family.

  Panicking, and trying not to let the sound of my heart breaking be heard by anyone in this room, I back up and retreat. My gait is fast, as I zero in on the exit.

  “May I help you?” the hostess asks as I rush by.

  “No thank you,” I reply, not slowing down until I reach the elevators once more. Fortunately, one is loading now, and I can slip on practically unnoticed.

  After two quick stops on lower floors, I’m finally back where I started and make a beeline for my room. Only to realize all of my belongings are now in Theo’s room. I pull all the cards from my pocket. Clearly, my card won’t work in Theo’s door, but does this mean this extra card is the spare one for his room?

  Taking that card to the door, I’m pleasantly surprised to see the green light flash when I hold it up to the pad. He gave me a key to his room. Why? Why was Rachel, his ex, sitting with him at brunch?

  I try to ignore all the questions swirling around in my brain. Right now, all I want to do is get out of this room and home where I can think. I rapidly toss all of my things into my suitcase, not bothering to sort and fold the way I usually do. It doesn’t matter at this point what kind of shape my dirty clothes are in.

  Just when I start to close the lid, a piece of paper catches my attention. No, not just one piece of paper, but two. They’re unfolded and tucked underneath my suitcase. The moment I pull them out, my blood runs cold. I know what these are. What I don’t know is how they got here.

  My hands tremble as I read my original letter to The Love Vixen, as well as my list of characteristics I’m looking for in a partner. They’re both here. In my hands.

  I remember folding them up and sticking them in my luggage at the last minute when I was packing. Why? I don’t really know. Maybe I was a little sad to be attending yet another wedding for a friend, and I was dateless. Again. Maybe I wanted the reminder of what to look for.

  Or maybe I’m just a sad, desperate woman who winds up looking for love in the worst place possible.

  Next door.

  Mortification doesn’t cover how I feel right now. For the man I spent the night with to see this list and my letter, to know I’m desperate enough to write a letter to The Love Vixen.

  Clearly last night meant more to me than it did Theo, which means, once again, I’m a fool. I jump in with both feet, focusing solely on what I want to see instead of the whole picture. I do this time and time again—bad date after bad date—and this one might be the worst of all.

  Because my heart is actually involved this time.

  It wasn’t just a terrible date.

  This meant more.

  At least it did to me.

  Swiping angrily at the tears falling down my cheek, I crumple up the list and toss it in the trash. I zip up the suitcase, drop the key to Theo’s room back on the table, and take off out the door, doing all I can not to look at the rumpled sheets left on the bed.

  I made a huge mistake last night. I let my heart do the talking, and look where it got me? Hurt and alone once more.

  Just like always.

  I make a quick stop at my own room and finish gathering up the few things left behind. Once I make sure I have everything I arrived with, I head for the door. Before I pull it open, I hear another door open and close, this one sounding directly next door.

  Theo’s door.

  Once I know he’s inside his room, I quietly exit, carefully shutting my door so it doesn’t make noise. With what’s left of my pride and dignity, I go to the elevator.

  It’s time to go home.

  To forget all about Theo, his kisses, and the way he made me feel.

  He’s a mirage.

  A fake.

  Heartbreak in a tight shirt.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I’m seething mad as I jerk my arm from beneath Rachel’s hand, careful not to make a scene. “Well, as nice as this chat has been, I need to get back upstairs,” I state, standing.

  “You’re not staying for brunch?” Mom asks, a worried look on her face. She was just as surprised as me when Rachel walked over and sat down in the empty seat beside me.

  I was actually planning to skip brunch. I have a box of condoms in the paper bag at my feet and two now-cold coffees sitting on the table beside me. But as I was walking into the hotel from my little trip down the block, I stumbled upon my mom and dad, as well as my brother and his new wife. They, of course, were heading to the restaurant, where they were expecting to meet me and Penelope.

  When I mentioned I was going to skip brunch, it was my evil brother who insisted I tell them why. Mom just gave me a knowing smile, while Teagan seemed a bit eager for details. But it was Trevor who kept requiring me to join them at the table, for Grandma’s sake. Finally, I just gave in, stating I could only stay a minute, to appease my seventy-three-year-old grandma.

  No one questioned why I had two coffees, but they all knew.

  It was written all over their faces.

  I barely sat down at the table, joining my grandma, aunt, uncle, and immediate family, when Rachel approached the table, taking the empty seat as if it was saved for her. Everyone seemed shocked by her appearance, even Teagan, who didn’t know her from Adam. But she could sense my discomfort, and that of my brother’s.

  “Rachel, would you mind stepping into the hall for a quick word?” I bite out, my jaw tense with anger, as I retrieve my bag and the coffees.

  She follows, a
s if she doesn’t have a care in the world, the clicking of her expensive heels grating on my very last nerve. The moment we step outside the restaurant, I turn. “What the hell are you doing, Rachel?”

  She sighs dramatically, something she used to do all the time when she didn’t like my tone or something I said. “Well, it’s good to see you too, Theo.”

  “Cut the crap, Rachel. What do you want?”

  The blue eyes I used to love so much stare at me in surprise. She even bats them a few times, a move that generally would have me eating out of the palm of her hand. However, right now, all I can think about is the woman I left in my bed. The one I plan to use every single one of these condoms with, just as soon as I can get out of here.

  “I wanted to say hello. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you or your family.”

  “Because you made the decisions you did,” I point out, referring to her affair that ended our relationship. When she doesn’t say anything, I add, “And I made the ones I did.”

  She steps forward, taking in the two coffee cups that are now cold, bats her overly blackened eyelashes at me, and says, “I thought we could hang out for a bit. It would be so great to catch up.”

  I already know she’s referring to sex. Rachel has never had a problem using it to get what she wants. She did it all the time throughout our relationship, and at one time, it always worked. But not now. Not when I see her standing before me in her designer clothes, wearing a diamond on her finger big enough to sink the Titanic. It makes me realize the feelings I once felt for her are truly gone.


  All I feel now is a sense of relief.

  I have no idea what her endgame is, but it doesn’t matter. I want nothing to do with her or whatever she offers. Shaking my head, I step back. “No thanks. I closed that chapter on my life a long time ago, Rachel, and have no desire to revisit it. I have someone waiting for me upstairs. In fact, I’ve been gone far too long. I truly do hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for in life. If you’ll excuse me,” I state, stepping around her and heading for the elevator.


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