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Bamboo & Lace

Page 37

by Lori Wick

  But now Wednesday had come. After bidding the Chen family goodbye, Owen, Gabe, and his family left for Capital City They would spend the night there so as to be more rested for the flight to Hawaii on Thursday morning.

  Owen brought food to their rooms so they could have as much time alone as possible, and while Gabe and Lily ate, Owen held his granddaughter. His hands were large, and as he cradled her and Lily watched, her daughter smiled at him.

  "She smiled at you!" she said, leaving her chair to come close. She watched in wonder as it happened again.

  "She does often," Owen said with obvious pleasure.

  "She hasn't smiled at me," Lily said, her face and tone telling them she was surprised.

  "You haven't been with her for the last month," Gabe put in conversationally, not aware of how this would affect his wife.

  Lily stared at her father. She had no idea he had gone and seen the baby at the Sanyis. Traditionally men had little to do with the care of babies, so such an action on her father's part had never occurred to her.

  "Did you see her, Father?"


  "Yes, I did, every day," he stated calmly, his eyes still on the baby.

  Lily went back to her meal, asking God to help her to deal with her emotions. That Gabe knew her father had seen Jasmine every day meant they must have spoken of it. It reminded her that, to her father, she would always be a little less important.

  At the moment, Lily's emotions tumbled out of control. Eating but not even tasting the food, Lily decided never to bring Jasmine back to this place where she would always be a second-class citizen.

  "Lily," Gabe said quietly, having watched her face and even knowing that Owen could hear, "you need to talk to your father about this."

  For a moment Lily didn't respond, but when she did look her father's way, he was watching her.

  "You did not think I would visit this baby?" he asked. "No, not in a million years," she said rather brutally. "Why is that, Lily Cathleen?"

  His voice was only slightly tight, but the use of her full name told her he was angry. Right now, Lily's anger matched his own. She came to her feet and answered with a downward slash of her hand.

  "Because you're so Kashienese! And to a Kashi male, women and babies are not important. I ought to know!"

  The silence that fell after this statement was horrible. No one moved or did anything for several moments. Not even the baby seemed to have a need just then.

  "Lily," Owen spoke at last, his voice no longer indicating ire; indeed, he sounded rather helpless. "There are no words to describe how important you are to me. You and Jefferson are everything to me."

  Lily's hands moved helplessly, her voice now coming very softly as well.


  "If you could just show me, Father, or tell me once in a while." She shook her head as she worked to find the words. "I know you wanted to fit in here so you could have a ministry. And you've done that. But who better than you to show these men that according to Scripture a man is to cherish his wife and daughter. Jesus Himself gave deference to women and children, and not just the male children."

  Owen's face was so calm that Lily was swamped with guilt.

  "I'm sorry," she said, barely managing not to weep. "You've been so gracious to us, and now I treat your kindness with scorn. I'm sorry, Father."

  Owen put Jasmine into her basket. He came to his daughter and enfolded her in his arms. Lily hadn't wanted to cry, but this was too much for her.

  "I too am sorry, Lily." Owen's voice came from above her head as he hugged her slim frame. "I did think it important to be as the men of the village, but I could have been different at home. Chu Ymg and Han Zhou do this with their families, even at church gatherings. I think they may have something that I have missed."

  Chu and Han were the younger elders about whom Lily had spoken to Gabe. She had not had a chance to speak with them, but their wives had been part of the coorah, and they were some of the happiest women in the village.

  "I'm sorry, Papa. I'm sorry," Lily said again.

  "Shhh," he hushed her quietly. "We will worry about this no more. I have sinned and you have sinned, but we have forgiven each other."

  Lily leaned back to look at him.

  "I love you, Papa."

  Owen smiled. "And I love you, Lily. Do not forget that. Keep it in your heart always."

  The evening was nothing like Lily would have imagined. She sincerely regretted her outburst, but it was with total peace that Lily bid her father good night, more than happy to honor his request and deliver the baby into his room for the night.


  In the morning, their time together was just as sweet at breakfast and again at the airport. Their plane was called all too soon, however, and Lily once again found herself saying goodbye and wondering when she would see this man again.

  "Thank you, sir," Gabe said, shaking Owen's hand, his grip firm and smile warm.

  "You're welcome." Owen smiled back, thinking that God had provided a fine husband for his Lily. "I'm praying for you, Gabriel."

  "And I for you."

  Owen looked to Lily then, his eyes taking in the top of her slightly bent head and then the tiny miracle in her arms. While he was looking down at her, Lily raised her eyes, knowing that it would be all right.

  "Thank you, Papa," Lily said softly. "Thank you for our baby."

  In a rare show of public affection, Owens large hand came briefly to cup his daughter's cheek. Tears had come to his eyes, and he simply said, "Teach her the Way, Lily."

  Lily only nodded and watched as he bent and kissed Jasmines tiny head. As Lily turned to board with her husband, the tears came. Not as worried about protocol on the airplane, Gabe simply took Jasmine so Lily could compose herself.

  It took some time. They were well into the air before her tears were dry, but when she could finally see, she looked over to see Jasmine give a huge yawn. She laughed before leaning close to Gabe's shoulder to have a better look.

  "Can you believe it?" she asked, her eyes on Jasmine.

  "Not quite. When we get her home and in her own little bed, I might think it's real."

  Lily sighed softly, realizing she was tired. Another yawn from the smallest member of the Kapaia family told them she might be tired too. As they watched, Jasmine's little eyes closed, and with only a small whimper or two, she drifted off to sleep. Lily eventually joined her, her head still pillowed on her husbands wide shoulder.


  Gabe stayed awake. He'd never given Kashien much thought before meeting Jefferson Walsh, and for many years it was just the place where Jeff had grown up. Today it meant so much more. Today Kashien held a special place in his heart, and the main reasons were snuggled against him, sound asleep.


  Chapter 34


  "Do you see them?" Deanne asked Ashton as she stood on her tiptoes to gain a glimpse of the door that led from the customs area.

  "Not yet," Ashton answered, just before Carson stepped in beside them, hoping for a better view.

  "There they are!" Evan was the first to see.

  "Do they have the baby?" Gloria asked, her voice anxious.

  "Yes!" Evan said with a laugh, and the family had all they could do to stand still.

  Weary as they were, the sight of the entire family brought smiles to Gabe and Lily's faces as they swiftly moved forward, Jasmine in Gabe's arms.

  "Oh, Gabe; oh, Lily"

  "Oh, look at her. Isn't she beautiful?"

  "She looks like a doll."

  "Do you see the baby, Celia?"

  "What's her name?"

  Questions and comments tumbled all over each other as hugs were exchanged, tears were shed, and everyone tried at once to meet the newest member of the family. Since they were blocking the flow of traffic, they shifted off to the side a bit and continued the reunion right in the airport.

  Evan's voice finally got through. "What did you name her?"

  "Jasmine Ling," Gabe said as he offered her to his mother.

  Gloria took the tiny person who was just starting to cry and stared down in wonder. A tear fell down her cheek as she spoke. "God gave my son a baby," she said in amazement, looking between Gabe, Jasmine, and Lily. "God gave my son a baby that I didn't think he would ever have."

  It was a happy mob that finally made their way to the parking lot, where Gabe and Lily saw that the family had borrowed one of the church's 15-passenger vans for this occasion. They placed Jasmine in a car seat that had been adjusted as small as it would go for her first ride on Hawaiian soil. Gabe was glad that someone else was driving. He was so tired from the long flight and emotional trip that he just wanted to close his eyes. Lily had had a little more sleep on the plane, so she answered as many questions as she could. The only person who wasn't interested in all the facts and details was Jasmine's cousin Sarah, who was three months older.

  "I've got to tell you, Lily," Bailey said when there was a lull, "you had shared with me that things could fall through, so we didn't put up any banners or balloons."

  "That's fine, Bailey. I think we just want to see home the way it is."

  "Did you know," Gabe began, his eyes still closed and his head back, "that in Lily's village you haul water for everything, and when the need hits, be it rain or shine, you walk 80 feet out of the house to a pit toilet?"

  "Poor baby," Ashton teased him.

  "Oh, I'm not complaining," Gabe clarified. "That was my way of telling my sister that all I need at home right now is a hot shower."

  "I guess now isn't the time to tell you the troubles we've been having with the hot water heater, is it, Gabe?" Evan said seriously from his place behind the wheel.

  Gabe's head came up, and his eyes opened to meet Evan's in the rearview mirror.


  "Gotcha," the older man said with equal calm, and Gabe let his head fall back with a laugh. It was simply wonderful to be home.

  "Good morning, sweetheart," Lily said softly to her baby daughter about three weeks later, her breath catching in her throat when Jasmine smiled at her for the first time. Lily had checked on her when she rose and didn't expect to find her awake, but much to her delight, those dark, almond-shaped eyes were wide open, and the moment she heard her mother's voice, she smiled.

  Lily lifted Jasmine to her, and the baby just kept smiling. Distracted by the blanket touching her cheek, she lost sight of her mother for a moment, but as soon as their eyes met, she smiled again. By the time Gabe came back from the shower, Lily had coaxed smile after smile out of her and thought she might have heard a small laugh.

  "Well, good morning," Gabe said as he neared the bed to kiss his wife.

  "Watch this, Gabe."

  Gabe was just as captivated with his daughter's smile, and his distraction with her almost made him late for work. The resort had recently opened back up, and today he had an early phone appointment.

  "You'll come and see me?" he double-checked before kissing them both goodbye.

  "Yes, we will. Her doctor's appointment is in two hours, and we'll come after that."

  "Okay. I'll see you then."

  Still in her robe, Lily gave Jasmine a bath and then walked her downstairs. She found Bailey already making breakfast. "Can I ask a favor?" "Certainly."

  "Jasmine has an appointment this morning. I forgot that Gabe had to be out early, and I didn't get in the shower before he left."


  "Just leave her, Lily. We'll be fine."

  "Thank you. I'll hurry." Lily gave Sarah's little head a kiss as she passed her infant seat, but Peter and Celia were nowhere to be found.

  "Where are the kids?" she asked, her hand on the door. "Upstairs with Evan. We had a little attitude problem this morning."

  Lily left the kitchen knowing she could learn a lot from Bailey and Evan. They were very good about not correcting the children in front of others, keeping the matter private, and giving the children no reason to be embarrassed in front of their aunts and uncles.

  Just two days earlier, Peter had been very tired and cross at the breakfast table. Lily remembered it because it was so unlike him. Not even a minute passed before Evan and Peter were headed out of the room. When they returned, Peter's eyes were red, but his father had been gently rubbing his little head, telling Lily that all had been settled.

  "I could learn a lot," the newest mother in the household was still saying to herself when she hit the bathroom door for that quick shower.

  "How did it go?" Gabe asked as he lifted Jasmine from her stroller and kissed her tiny cheek.

  "The nurses fell in love with her, even though she cried as though they were killing her and that was only when she was being weighed."

  Gabe laughed.

  "You can imagine what went on when she got her shot."

  Looking into her complacent little face, it was hard to believe. But Gabe had gone with Bailey one time to the doctor for Peter. If he remembered correctly, there had been many tears.

  "What did the doctor have to say?"


  "He said she's small, but that's to be expected. He's very happy with her overall health and says that if I want to start her on a little cereal, I can do that."

  "I understand you cried," Gabe now said to his daughter before turning to Lily. "She says it's because she wanted cereal all along. Frosted Flakes."

  Lily was still laughing when Mollee came to the door to tell them they had a visitor.

  "She said her name was Ana Banks."

  "Show her in," Gabe said immediately as Lily looked to him in excitement. Bailey had told her that Ana had called when they'd been in Kashien, but Lily had found no spare time to return the call.

  "Ana!" Lily said warmly as soon as she appeared in the doorway. "Come in and meet my husband and daughter." "You got a baby! That's great."

  Introductions were made all around, and after they had talked for a time, Lily invited Ana over to the house. She declined. "My hours have changed. I work lunches now." "Oh, how nice for you. Do you see more of Nick?" "Yeah," she said with a smile.

  "So does that mean that you and Nick are free to join us for dinner some evening?" Gabe asked.

  "Yeah," Ana said with another smile, "we might be." She'd only just said this when she took a small step toward the door.

  "Jasmine and I will walk you out," Lily offered after Gabe had said his goodbyes. She put the baby back in the stroller and kissed her husband.

  "You didn't tell me he was cute," Ana said as they walked from the building.

  Lily laughed but changed the subject.

  "So will you come to dinner sometime so I can meet Nick?"

  Ana looked at her.

  "If you let me buy Jasmine a gift."

  "Why, Ana, that would be wonderful."


  "What does she need?"

  Lily had been thinking about this just that morning. "She needs the smallest, most modest one-piece swimsuit you can imagine." Ana smiled. I'll give it a try."

  On impulse Lily hugged her. "Thank you for coming." Ana didn't say anything beyond a soft goodbye, but Lily had the distinct impression that she would hear from her again.

  With Jasmine fed and put down for her nap and a load of laundry started, Lily gathered her Bible and translating materials and settled in the living room to work. She hadn't had much time for that since she'd returned and wanted so much to still make it a priority.

  "Hi, Lily," a small voice said. Lily looked up to see Celia coming her way. On some days she seemed to be at loose ends without Peter. Just the day before she'd had a friend over, but right now she looked in need of company.

  "How are you, CeCe?"

  The little girl didn't answer but sat beside Lily on the sofa and looked at her papers.

  "Are you reading your Bible?" she asked.

  "I am, yes. Do you know a verse from the Bible?"

  "In Sunny school."

  "In Sunday school? Can you tell
me what it is?" "In Sunny school."

  "Is that the only place you can say it?" "Yeah."

  Lily put an arm around her and pulled her close. "I love you, CeCe." "I love Lily."

  Lily kissed her small forehead. "Can we swim?" the little girl asked.


  "Oh, I can't, CeCe. Jasmine is sleeping, and I have to stay where I can hear her when she wakes." "Sarah's sleeping."

  She sounded so sad when she said this that it tore at Lily's heart.

  "Why don't you get a game we can play?"

  Celia was all for this, and in little time she was back with Chutes and Ladders. Lily played with her for the next hour, amazed at how long Celia could concentrate for a four-year-old. It crossed her mind several times that nothing would get translated at this rate, but looking into the small, trusting eyes of this special little niece, lily was able to push the thoughts away.

  After lunch Celia fell asleep on the sofa by the television. In the main section of the living room, Bailey had just settled down to feed Sarah, so Lily, with Jasmine and her bottle, joined her there.

  "Bailey, how can two people live in the same house and not even have time to visit?"

  Bailey laughed and admitted, "I was just wondering the same thing. How are you doing?"

  "Tell me something, Bailey," Lily said without answering the question. "This baby has become my whole life. Is that normal?"

  "If you mean you don't have any time to yourself and she's constantly on your mind, yes, that's normal."

  "And how long will it last?"

  Bailey smiled. "Not being able to think of much else will go on for a time, but eventually you'll work out a schedule where you have time for you. You'll figure out that she's not going to starve if she's not fed right now, and you'll understand that no one is going to come and take her away."

  "In other words, I'll learn to relax."

  "Well, there's that, but it's also just gaining some experience. There's no excuse for anxiety, but even with all the help you've given me with my own gang, you're still getting used to the constant care


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