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Relics- The Chronicles of Solomon Drake

Page 15

by Robert York

  Morgan led us to the far end of the conference table where the lone foreboding chair rested. Bart and a few of his men remained near the conference room doors glaring at us. I really couldn’t begrudge him his scowl. He and his men were just shown up on their home turf and Bart seemed to be the sort of person that wouldn’t let that slide without enacting some measure of revenge. Morgan gestured to the chairs on the left side of the table then spoke.

  “If you all would have a seat Ms. Thorne will be with you momentarily. Can I get you gentlemen anything while you wait?”

  “Yes,” I said... “Your phone number would be nice.”

  I felt the end of Barnabas’s battle staff thump against my breastplate and saw his disapproving glance in my direction. Morgan smiled a very adorable smile of consideration then replied.

  “You’re very sweet, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to say no. Is there anything else I can get you?”

  She glanced around to each of us in turn. We all smiled shaking our heads in the negative, remaining silent as we did. I think that her answer would qualify as strike three just in case any of you were keeping score. The Mighty Casey just struck out, again.

  “Well then, if you gentlemen will excuse me I have a few things to do before I leave for the day.”

  Morgan turned to head out of the room, but paused. Her eyes fixed on a point behind me to my left. She flashed a huge grin and an interested wink before she turned exiting the conference room. I glanced behind me to my left; I watched Race’s eyes follow her out. Bart closed the door behind her, leaving us to wait. When the door finished closing Race turned back catching me eyeing him. He shot me an arrogant smile.

  “Can I help it if she has a weakness for bad boys Sol?”

  I turned away; a surly crestfallen curtain had descended upon me. Here I thought I was the one that she’d been making the eyes at in the waiting room in reality however Race, the “dog boy” had caught her eye. If I could’ve sagged onto the floor in a depressed heap I would have.


  A short stocky Werewolf that looked an awful lot like a young Hugh Jackman walks into a place carrying two-bound leather clad Vampires over his shoulders and the women go weak in the knees. I needed to work out more.

  The double doors opened, a tall and extremely attractive woman strode into the conference room flanked by four other people. Bart and his men however didn’t accompany her into the room. When my eyes fell upon this woman I felt a subtle wave of sexual energy flowing over and around me. The feeling was not unlike walking from an air-conditioned home out into a sultry summer day around sundown, however this was infinitely more pleasurable. The air in the room seemed to just part like a curtain as she approached. This was I presumed Adrianna Thorne and by her bearing and confidence it couldn’t be anyone but her.

  She was a tall statuesque woman, five eight or five nine, the four inch heels she was wearing put her over six foot. Her outfit was tailored to fit her every line and accentuate her every curve, which would’ve put any well-known supermodel living or dead to shame. Adrianna looked to be twenty-five or twenty six years old judging by her nearly flawless skin. Though pale as is the accustomed hue of any Vampire, her skin still retained a remnant of what I assumed to be a Mediterranean cast. Her long thick mane of deep mahogany hair fell just over her shoulders moving like spiders silk on a light breeze. I noticed a tiny mole just above the right corner of her mouth. Her eyes were the color of pale jade - the eye color that all Vampires share - and looked as though they contained countless centuries of experience and knowledge. Something else resided in those captivating eyes, I saw dominating absolute power.

  Adrianna flanked by her retinue walked around to the opposite side of the conference table. They stood across from us keeping the table as a barrier between our two parties. There was a slight pause as she surveyed the situation; a wide businesslike smile appearing on her face then she spoke.

  “Good afternoon gentlemen, to what do I owe this visit to my place of business today,” she said in a polite yet commanding tone.

  Her voice, like her outward appearance was beautiful. I detected a slight hint of an accent, Greek or maybe Italian, I wasn’t sure which, even after the hundreds of years she’s been alive her accent though subtle was still noticeable.

  Barnabas moved forward bowing, never taking his eyes off her.

  “Ms. Thorne,” Barnabas began. “My apologies for the rudeness in which it was necessary to gain an audience with you. We meant no disrespect, it was necessary however because my associates and I have a matter of the utmost importance to discuss with you.”

  Adrianna remained impassive to his apology.

  “That much I gathered. There are few in this world that would’ve dared to be this bold risking the severe consequences if the matter were not of importance Mr. Blackmane. Had it been anyone other than you,” She paused considering her next words. “Well let’s just say they wouldn’t have gotten so far.”

  Barnabas smiled, inclining his head to the amount of respect, which he was being shown. I was a bit surprised that Adrianna Thorne knew Barnabas. It sounded like they had known each other or more precisely knew about one another through some past dealings. The expression on my face probably reflected my surprise, because Adrianna’s eyes swept to mine, she regarded me for what seemed like a very long span of time, but in reality it was only for a few seconds. Then she turned her attention back to Barnabas.

  “How may I help you and your associates today Barnabas Blackmane?” she asked.

  “First, Ms, Thorne, I’d like to return a few things that I think belong to you.” Said Barnabas.

  Barnabas turned to Race still keeping his eyes on Adrianna.

  “Race” he continued. “If you please.”

  Race being Race smiled, and then forcefully hurled the hooded Vampire twins one after the other on the floor at the head of the table, knocking over the big chair with a crash. Race is a Werewolf as I’ve mentioned before and has absolutely no love for Vampires, I really don’t think that he intended to knock the chair over out of spite.


  The twins bounced and skidded a few feet huffing out muffled breaths coming to rest against the conference room windows, the big chair lying upon them.

  Adrianna glanced to a tall wiry looking Vampire with long shaggy brown hair standing to her left. Their eyes met and he walked over to the twins. He righted the chair placing it back at the head of the table before raising them both to a sitting position. He leaned them against the window, pulled their hoods off revealing the Vampire twins faces, mouths still gagged with pieces from Glum’s hanky. They looked over to our side of the room pure hatred for us lurked in their eyes. Then they looked over to Adrianna, hatred and murder burned in their gazes for her.

  “Zoe and Isabel, I might have known,” she said, disappointment in her voice. “Still causing problems I see.”

  Adrianna turned her attention back to Barnabas.

  “I’d offer you my apologies for their behavior Barnabas, sadly these two are no longer part of my house... I expelled them over six months ago for joining a group of anarchists called the Pure Bloods. I will however do you a favor and get rid of them for you if that is your wish.”

  I could see the wheels working in his mind as Barnabas pondered her words, then he said.

  “I’ve heard of the Pure Bloods,”

  Barnabas reached into his cloak. Adrianna’s bodyguards tensed visibly reaching for concealed weapons under their jackets. Barnabas’s hand halted its progress he eyed the bodyguards.

  “Relax gentleman,” Barnabas said calmly. “Had I wished to harm Ms. Thorne there’d be nothing you could do to prevent it,”

  Adrianna glanced at her bodyguards. Their hands were once again at their sides. Barnabas produced a folded piece of paper.

  “I was wondering if you’d be so kind as to tell me about this,” he said unfolding the paper, placing it on the table then sliding it to Adrianna.

the paper drawn in thick pencil lines was the mark that Bobum had drawn in the smear of ketchup. The triple “X” mark. She glanced at the image without picking it up. Her eyes widened perceptibly returning to their normal impassive size. She was familiar with the mark though it remained to be seen if she’d share any information with us.

  “How did you come by that,” she asked flatly.

  Barnabas smiled genially.

  “Where I got it is not as important as what you can tell me about it Ms. Thorne... I must confess that my sources have limited information regarding this mark. It’s my belief however that you and the other houses might be interested in the knowledge I possess. After all our people may have a common enemy, the Pure Bloods are a group of rogue Vampires bent on ruling humanity which are causing unrest in both our worlds… It might benefit us both if you’d tell me about them?”

  Adrianna’s body assumed a thoughtful posture bordering on sultry as she pondered Barnabas’s proposal. After a pause long enough where you would’ve been able to sing the entire song of “Happy Birthday” and a few bars of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”, the corners of her mouth twisted up into a wry smile and Adrianna said.

  “Barnabas, Barnabas, Barnabas, you know very well that question carries with it information that might prove harmful to myself and my people and therefore is a very valuable commodity. What do you have to barter with?”

  “How much do you think is a fair price Ms. Thorne?”

  Adrianna giggled. The sound was so charming you couldn’t help but smile at hearing it.

  “I don’t want money, I have enough of that already.” She said crossing her arms and tapping an index finger thoughtfully on her chin.

  “It’s been such a long time that I’ve had an adequate diversion, one that has kept my attention for more than a few hours that is,” a wistful tone in her voice.

  Her eyes rested on me, she seductively nibbled on a long well manicured thumbnail through a roguish smile.

  “What about either of these two young men” She said regarding me occasionally glancing in Race’s direction. “They look fit with plenty of energy.”

  She scrunched up her nose looking Race over.

  “The Werewolf is far too savage and hairy for what I need. But, he’d make a suitable pet… Is he paper trained,” She asked off handed her eyes locking onto mine. “But this one would make for an excellent, distraction.”

  She turned back to Barnabas.

  “Would you consider parting with either of them or both if you have grown tired of them.”

  Barnabas was about to say something but was cut off abruptly by Race.

  “Fuck you leech, I ain’t nobody’s pet!”

  I watched as Race’s hair bristled, anger building inside him, the seams of his clothes strained as his body puffed up. He was going to blow his stack and I was in close proximity to the eruption. Adrianna turned her head lazily in his direction hooding her sultry green eyes. It took me a second or two to realize she was using her glamour.

  “Hush little puppy,” she said in a smoky tone reserved only for the bedroom.

  I felt a wave of potent sexual energy released in our direction. It flowed, eddying around us, not unlike water flowing around a large stone in the middle of a gently moving stream. Except this sensation was warm and inviting, laced with an inescapable compulsion to kneel and worship at Adrianna’s feet. There was also a need, a desire to do quite a few other acts with her that would require at least an NC-17 rating. The affect on Race was intense and immediate. He stalked toward her, a low lust filled rumbling echoed deep in his chest. He tore frantically at his clothes ripping them off his body. He reached the table crawling over it to get to her, his libido fueling his urges. Race’s progress abruptly stopped midway over the table. He didn’t move a muscle; he was simply frozen in place. I heard Adrianna giggling like a little girl that just got tickets to have breakfast with the Disney Princesses for Christmas. Glancing in Barnabas’s direction I realized he had his right hand extended, subtle magic swirling around his outstretched hand. I was sure he was using the same spell to immobilize Race he and Oswald used back at the magic shop.

  I turned my attention back to Adrianna. I was surprised to see a shocked expression, her eyes resting on me. After a short moment I realized something. I hadn’t been affected by her glamour the way that Race had been. Don’t get me wrong I was experiencing stirrings in.


  You know...

  The place where my other brain resides making poor decisions from time to time. My “Love Rocket” was, for lack of a better expression standing at attention and that was it. I wasn’t experiencing anywhere near the mind haze Race had been hit with. A Vampire’s glamour is very powerful. Years ago it was used mainly for hunting as a way to draw prey closer to them. Nowadays, they still use it for hunting however amusement has become its main use. Being a Vampire over a millennia old, I should’ve been a misshapen blob of goo at Adrianna’s feet yet I wasn’t. Given her expression I just became the new flavor of the month.

  Her lips parted.

  “Intriguing,” She said thoughtfully in a distant whisper.

  “Adrianna,” Barnabas said. “Stop this now.”

  She mockingly stamped her foot like a spoiled child.

  “Oh very well,” she replied reluctantly.

  And with that the lust filled glint in Race’s eyes disappeared, he returned to his normal self, albeit slowly. Barnabas didn’t release him though; he was giving Race an opportunity to cool off his temper.

  “You were going to tell us about the Pure Bloods,” Barnabas encouraged.

  “Yes of course,” Adrianna responded. “May I suggest a mutual exchange of information regarding this subject?”


  Adrianna leaned over touching the glass surface of the conference table. A bright touch screen keyboard activated blinking into operation under her fingertips. Her fingers glided over the keys at a rapid eye crossing pace as she began to speak.

  “Our information is incomplete at best,” Adrianna began.

  The monitors above our heads flickered to life. Images along with text flashed on and off the screen so fast I didn’t think I could keep up with her furious typing pace.

  “Over the last few years all the Vampire houses have reported members of their families going missing,” “Even in my own house, ten have left never to be seen again.”

  Adrianna paused glancing at the twins.

  “Eight now thanks to you,” she said continuing.

  “An insignificant number at first however the exodus is becoming a problem we can no longer hide. The frightening thing is that new vampires bearing this mark have turned up recently.”

  An image froze on all the monitor screens in the room. The image was of a simple design, the triple “X” that was on the paper Barnabas had given to Adrianna. The same mark I found on one of the Vampires that attacked me at Stumpwater’s

  “Yes, the Elder Council is familiar with this mark,” interjected Barnabas.

  “We’ve yet to determine the Pure Blood’s leadership,” she continued straightening. What we do know however is that they’re gaining power and influence along with amassing large sums of money.” “Our conservative estimates put their financial resources close to five hundred million dollars.”

  I whistled reflexively. That was a lot of money.

  “That’s far more than the Elder council has estimated.” Barnabas said thoughtfully.

  “Unfortunately I think both our peoples were far too slow to realize this threat and it is a threat Barnabas,” she said bitterly.

  “High ranking Vampires have been attacked and some killed in what looks like attacks from Wizards. The only thing that’s kept the peace on our side are the old ones. They see these attacks for what they are, an attempt to cause a rift between our two peoples… The younger ones are the problem however… they want war,” she finished.

  “Yes, Wizards too have been attacked by wha
t appears to be Vampires, the Elder Council has come to the same conclusion… So far they have been able to keep our people in line, but I don’t know for how long… Tempers are strained on both sides,”

  I didn’t notice the shadows passing in front of the conference room windows until it was almost too late. Adrianna’s glamour distracted me, however I had the presence of mind to get my defensive spells ready. Barnabas’s teachings and repeated practice had prepared me for at least that much.

  It was a trap I thought, about to spring on us. We’d been foolish and stupid. We marched right into the serpent’s lair only to get ourselves captured or killed. Adrianna’s glamour was just a sinister way of getting our attention off the situation at hand and off our ability to defend ourselves so her people could take us down unawares. Have you ever felt like a complete and utter dumb ass? Well, if you haven’t, good for you. But if you have I think we can both feel for one another, because I was feeling like the stupidest person on the face of the earth at that moment.

  In the split seconds I had to look over the situation I noticed a few things. First, Adrianna’s people were reacting by pulling their weapons and brandishing them as they looked to the window. The second thing I noticed was that Adrianna’s playful smile had vanished, replaced instead with surprise and anger. She had no idea that this was coming, which meant they weren’t her people and we were all in for a world of hurt in the next few moments.

  Barnabas had already turned his attention to the window as well. Race was still in a daze. I reacted by throwing myself over the glass table in a baseball player’s slide attempting to put myself between Adrianna and the window. Don’t ask me what compelled me to do so; I just felt I had to do it. Maybe her glamour affected me more than I realized or maybe it was because she was a woman and I thought she needed to be protected - male chauvinism at its worst, I know - or maybe just maybe if I didn’t try to save her, they - meaning the Vampire clans - would think this attack was our idea and quite frankly we didn’t need that sort of aggravation when this attack was over.


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