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B.A.K.E.: Belladonna's Arousing Kissable Extravaganza

Page 2

by Crumpton, Teresa

  As Ella and I start on the strawberry filling for the empanadas, my phone rings. I quickly answer, placing the phone between my ear and shoulder.


  “Hey, Forest,” Jax’s honeyed voice replies over the line.

  “Jax! How are things over at Voodoo today?” I ask, and Ella turns toward me.

  Gesturing for her to keep working, I step away from the station and wash my hands before moving to hold the phone. One of the assistant pastry chefs moves in next to Ella to help with the empanadas.

  “Things are good here. I was thinking about bringing some doughnuts down and helping out if y’all will let me. CJ’s here, and there’s no need for both of us to be working today,” she adds.

  “I think I can speak for everyone when I say, we’d love for you to come help, and the donuts would be awesome. I know I need a pick me up.” I glance over at Ella who’s doing a little dance on her stool. “I’ll let Adam know you’re coming.”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you in about ten minutes.” The line goes dead, and I pull the phone from my ear.

  I open my text messages and shoot off a text to Adam about Jax then slide my phone into my back pocket.

  “So, Jax is bringing donuts, I take it?” Calla asks as she slices the hard-boiled eggs in half to make deviled eggs.

  “She is, and she wants to help with the menu,” I reply, stepping back to my counter.

  “Oh, so you get all the pretty girls’ help today?” Wes quips, turning slightly to peek at Calla and Ella. Giving Calla a wink, he gets back to working on his part of the menu.

  “Daddy, when Jax gets here, I may help everyone else since you won’t need me,” Ella pipes up, her bottom lip jutting out just a little into a pout.

  “You don’t have to. I bet Jax wouldn’t mind helping Trey or Calla, but she probably wants to stay clear of Wes.” I smirk as he glances at me.

  “Uncle Wes does like to goof off,” Ella adds.

  “That he does, Sweetheart,” Calla agrees with a grin.

  “Fuck all of you,” Wes gripes, and before Ella can say anything, Trey responds.

  “You just need to add two hundred dollars to the swear jar today...if not more.”

  Wes grumbles something as he pulls his phone back out and deposits more money into Ella’s college fund.

  After he makes his payment, we all seem to get into a groove. Calla turns on some music, and the sound of It Takes Two by Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock fills the kitchen. We all sing along, and I’m pretty sure all of us do some kind of dancing to the beat. Twist and Shout by The Beatles follows, and I pick Ella up and dance with her for a few chords. She’s smiling and laughing through it all, and I wonder, not for the first time, if she’s truly happy with me.

  Ella grabs my face with both of her hands and stares me right in the eyes. “Daddy, we have to finish the emanapadas before Jax gets here. You can dance with me tonight. Right now, it’s time to bake.”

  God I love this kid!

  I chuckle, as do others in the room, including two new voices. Setting Ella down, I follow the sound of the newcomers’ laughs and spot Jax and Adam standing at the door to the dining room. My heart rate speeds up at the sight of her. What I wouldn’t give to be able to kiss her tonight, but I know it’s not the right time. It’s still too early in my relationship with Ella to add dating into the mix. We’re still trying to figure things out, and while Jax has been helping with that, I can’t be selfish. And it would be selfish to make more changes right now, especially when Jax and Ella are so close.

  “I brought y’all’s favorites,” Jax announces, placing the boxes of doughnuts on the empty prep table. “Where do you need me?” she asks, resting her hands on her hips.

  “I could use some help,” Calla pipes up, and Jax heads over to Calla’s table.

  They put their heads together, as if trying not to break anyone’s rhythm, and it works. Everyone gets back to work on the menu items they were working on. As Ella and I finish the empanadas, she hops off her stool and runs over to Jax, giving her a long hug before heading for the donuts.

  I swear she has a donut addiction.

  “Uncle Wes, Jax brought you a Cock-n-Balls.”

  Laughter erupts around the room, and it’s only made worse as Ella carries the donut to Wes. Calla and Jax have to hold onto the table to keep themselves upright and not on the floor from laughing their asses off.

  Damn. She is definitely my kid.

  “See...she’s a stinker, not a princess,” Wes says to Trey as he takes the donut from Ella. “Thanks, Stinker.” He winks at her, and she skips back over to me, eating the donut she has in her other hand.

  Chapter 3


  I swear, working with Ella in the kitchen is a joy, but that little stinker always catches me when I fucking curse. It’s as if she has special hearing just for cuss words. At the rate I’m going, Calla might be onto something by saying we need to keep out accounts separate. With the highway robbery prices Ella charges me, even with the wealth I have, she could take it all. Though, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Having Ella in our lives is amazing, and she’s preparing me for the day when Calla and I might decide to have a little one of our own. Granted, first I have to ask her to marry me, and I haven’t found the right ring yet. Another reason I need to watch how much I’m paying Ella.

  “Uncle Wes, I’m done,” Ella says as she puts her final touches on the mini spaghetti cups she’s helping me with.

  Holding up my hand, Ella high-fives me. “Great job, Stinker. I think we’re all done until we need to warm everything up tonight before the party. What do you think?” I ask, picking up the tray and heading for the walk-in fridge.

  “I’m done too,” Calla says, carrying her last dish to the walk-in, as well.

  “So am I,” Trey adds.

  “We’re almost finished over here. We have three more Midnight Kiss shots to make. Would you like to help, Baby Girl?” Forest asks Ella from his table.

  “Can I lick the bowls?” she pleads, hopping over to his station. The remaining kitchen staff chuckle. That little girl has a sweet tooth that rivals all of ours combined.

  Opening the big fridge door, I step in and place my tray with the others. We’ve been doing our damnedest to keep every dish together to make it a bit easier tonight when we have to cook it all, but by the look of things in here, no one would be able to tell. The fridge is packed with the hors d'oeuvres, the entree bites, and of course, the desserts. Everything looks delicious, even though none of it is cooked yet, and I can’t wait to try it all.

  “Hey, can you put this over with the rest of the lasagna rolls?” Calla asks, holding her baking sheet out to me.

  Nodding, I take it and put it in the last spot next to her other rolls. Trey enters the walk-in as I start to exit.

  “I’m going to head out. I’ll see y’all around six-thirty. That’s when Nessa wants to meet, right?” Trey asks, and I shrug.

  What did she want us to do again?

  “Yes,” Calla responds. “She has someone coming in to get some pictures of us as a group before the main event. That should also give us enough time to be able to get everything cooked and out in time for when our guests arrive.”

  “Cool. Now, Darlin’, I have to ask this next question one more time…. You’re sure you want Torrance here for this shindig?”

  I’m glad Trey is the one asking and not me. Although, it’s been on my mind for the last few days, as well. Calla closes the fridge door as Trey steps out, and she wraps a hand around my arm, pulling me into her.

  “With him,” she nods in my direction, “I’ll be great. Thanks for asking, though. I know he’s been worried about the same thing but didn’t want to question it at this late date. I need this. Since we’ve made all the changes, I want to show off how far Belladonna has come now that his influences are gone. Besides, it’s not like we could’ve invited the handful of other food critics and not him. They’ve been singing our praises. And let�
�s face it, there would’ve been talk if we had left Torrance out.”

  “As long as The Grimm Reaper is here, no one would’ve said shit,” Trey replies.

  “Hell would freeze over if he wasn’t invited to New Year’s Eve here. Besides, it’s tradition for Ben and I to celebrate New Year’s with Uncle Chris,” Calla reminds us, winking.

  All three of us move away from the fridge, Trey heading for the office, and Calla and me heading for Forest’s station. That is, until Nobody But Me by Michael Buble starts to play. Reaching for Calla’s hand, I grab it and pull her toward me. We stop in the center of the room. Keeping hold of her hand, I re-adjust our clasped hands and slide my free one around her waist as we start dancing to the music. Normally, this is something we only do at home, but everytime I hear this song, I want her in my arms. It makes me want to claim her all over again. Every day, I wonder if my desire to keep her will fade, or if it will keep getting stronger as it has been.

  “Daddy, why is Uncle Wes dancing with Aunt Calla in the kitchen?” Ella asks.

  “It’s because Uncle Wes is pussy-whipped.” Adam calls out as he enters the room, moving for the office.

  “Don’t listen to Uncle Adam. Uncle Wes was a total fuck head before he started dating Aunt Calla. Those two were always meant to be together,” Trey calls out as he exits the office heading for the back door.

  “Uncle Trey,” Ella draws out the ‘ey’ in Trey’s name. “You owe me for those,” she tells him, grinning.

  He shakes his head and nods.

  “Uncle Trey is right, and when you finally find the person you’ll spend the rest of your life with, you’ll do romantic shit like Uncle Wes is doing right now.” Ella’s mouth starts to open but before she can call him on it, Forest replies, “Yes, I in the jar. My point, Baby Girl, is to never settle for anything less than what you see right there.” Forest gestures at us. “That is what true love looks like, even when they’re yelling at each other in this kitchen.”

  The song ends, and Calla and I stop dancing. Turning in my arms, Calla faces Ella. “These are the moments that make all the other bullshit worth it. It’s times like this that I don’t just feel like one of the boys––not that these guys let me forget that I kind of am. But sometimes it’s nice to feel like a girl when it comes to special moments.”

  “I’m not sure I understand what you mean, Aunt Calla,” Ella says, a confused expression on her young face.

  “Y’all all suck at this.” I move closer to Ella. “What they’re trying to say is that I’ve grown up since being with Aunt Calla. And while I still have my jackass moments, when I do sweet things like dancing with Aunt Calla here in the kitchen, it makes her feel special, and that is what I should do everyday.”

  “You’re a jackass?” Ella asks.

  Holy fuck…she is going to be a woman after my own heart. Aaaaand we’re all fucked.

  “All right, Smartass. Just wait until you have a boyfriend––” I begin then am interrupted.

  “When you’re older!” everyone in the room says in unison.

  “Yes, when you’re older––and see what we do to you,” I finish, picking her up off her stool as Dear Future Husband comes on.

  I spin Ella around the room in as close to a swing dancing motion as I can carrying her. She giggles as we twirl through the kitchen.

  “You about ready to get out of here and go get all dolled up for tonight’s party?” I ask as the music ends.

  “Yep.” She replies and wraps her arms around my neck squeezing me in a tight hug. “Thanks, Uncle Wes.”

  “You’re welcome, Stinker.” I kiss her cheek and set her back on her feet. “You’re going to save me a dance tonight too, right?”

  In true Ella fashion, she scrunches her nose, wiggles her mouth from side to side, and squints, as if thinking hard about her answer, before responding with a resounding, “Yes!”

  Little fucking stinker.

  “You are so related to your dad and Nessa,” I remind her, shaking my head.

  “All right, y’all. The desserts are done and in the walk-in. Let’s get home so we can rest a bit,” Forest proposes, coming to stand next to us.

  “Good plan,” Calla adds, checking her watch. “I may take a nap.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I agree.

  “I second that thought,” Jax pipes up. “Thanks for letting me help today. I had fun.”

  “Anytime you want out of your kitchen and into mine for a few hours, let me know. We’ll make it happen,” Calla tells Jax as we all head out of the kitchen.

  “You guys out of here?” Adam asks from the office.

  “Yes. Did you finish yet?” I call back.

  “I did, I’m about to head home too. Just need to grab a few things. See y’all tonight,” Adam responds and steps back into the office.

  As we exit the kitchen, we all fall silent as we get our first look at the dining room. While it’s not completely set up, I know it's going to be as magical as we’d hoped it would be.

  “I can’t wait to see what Neesa’s vision will look like with all the lights on,” Forest comments, admiringly.

  “It’s gorgeous,” Jax states with a hint of awe in her voice.

  “It’s going to be fucking awesome. I can’t wait!” Calla adds pulling out her phone, and I can only guess she’s making a payment to Ella’s jar.

  God, I wish I’d already asked Ben for her hand. Tonight would be the perfect night to ask her to marry me.

  Chapter 4


  Pinching the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger, I slowly massage around my eyes. It’s been a fucking day, and it’s not even close to being over yet. If I didn’t need to get home, I’d sit in this damn office and just breathe. But that’s not in the cards today. Besides, I need to get home to Nessa. Those damn hormone pills are kicking her ass, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

  God I feel so fucking useless.

  Gathering my keys, wallet, coat, and Ella's dress, I head out of the office, making my way out through the dining room. My phone buzzes as I jog the block and a half to the parking garage I parked in today in order to get in a bit of a workout. I check my watch to see who's been texting me, but can't tell who it is since it's in the group text.

  As I reach the truck, I hit the button on the key fob to unlock it, and pull open the driver’s side door. Tossing the dress in the passenger seat, I hop in and check my messages.

  Nessa: Y'all, the photographer is going to be at Belladonna around 7.

  Calla: I think most of us are heading back between 6:00 & 6:30.

  Nessa: Okay I'll see y'all in a few hours.

  Trey: Are you feeling any better?

  Nessa: A bit. I’ll be ready by tonight.

  Forest: If you need anything, you let us know. Don’t make me use the older brother card.

  Nessa: You’re only older by five minutes, so don’t try to pull that shit.

  Backing out of the group text, I go into the text that Ness and I share.

  Adam: Hey, Beautiful. Are you sure you’re doing all right? I’m in the truck about to head home. Do you need anything before I get there?

  Nessa: I really am doing better. This morning was bad, but I haven’t gotten sick again since noon. Tonight, I’ll just watch what I eat, though I want to try all of it.

  Adam: Everything I saw and could smell made my mouth water, so you’re definitely going to want to try it all.

  Nessa: I know. Get on the road so you can get home.

  Adam: Love you, Beautiful.

  Nessa: Love you too xo

  I start the truck and quickly leave the parking garage. The drive takes longer than normal as the traffic is already building with everyone getting off early and heading home to get ready for New Year’s Eve parties. While I love our house out in the ‘burbs, some days I envy Calla, Wes, and Forest. Even Trey, with his house in the city, though his place was Joe’s. It’s fucking awesome, but not really a great place t
o raise a kid. If that ever happens.

  Tomorrow, I’ll talk to Nessa about moving. It will make things easier in the long run, and we’d be close to everyone. Which means if everything goes right, we’d have even more help. We’d be doing exactly what Forest did with Ella.

  I’d be down with that.

  As I sit in this fucking traffic from hell, I start tapping the steering wheel to the beat of Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. By the time the song ends, I’m finally crawling my way home. It takes about thirty minutes for me to get to an exit where I can take the access road and get on to the surface streets to go the back way to the house. And that pretty much seals the deal for me. If I had to deal with this traffic if something happened to Nessa, there would be hell to pay.

  Where the fuck is all this traffic coming from?

  The phone rings, and I answer it on speaker.

  “Hey, Beautiful.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Taking the back way. Traffic is a bitch. I just got off the highway,” I explain.

  “That’s fucked up. Do you think it’s just the holiday?” she asks.

  “Not sure, but I haven’t ever seen it this bad. Granted, we’re normally heading into the city at this time.”

  “I’ve been doing a little thinking today, and I thought about waiting until next week to talk to you about it, but considering how long it’s taking you to get home today––and some of the other issues we’ve had lately––now’s as good a time as any. What would you think about moving closer to town...or possibly into the same building as Forest, Calla, and Wes. I mean, I want a house, and if we could find something like Trey has, I’d prefer that, but our commute really sucks, and it’s just going to get worse,” she remarks, and I do a double take at the screen.

  “Funny you should say that. After sitting in this gridlock, I was thinking about talking to you about the same thing. My plan was to broach the topic with you tomorrow.”


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