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B.A.K.E.: Belladonna's Arousing Kissable Extravaganza

Page 4

by Crumpton, Teresa

  Forest: Fuck. That’s not happening for many years. I didn’t tell you...two boys are already calling for her. One from Houston. I think he’s one of the team member’s boys. And one from her school here. I’m not happy.

  Jax: You’ll be fine.

  I untwist my hair from the towel and pat it dry as I head into the bathroom to hang up the towel. Walking back into my room, I pull the covers back and slide into bed in preparation for my nap.

  Forest: You want us to pick you up for the party tonight?

  Jax: Oh. I made plans to meet C.J. at Voodoo since the invite said 8.

  Forest: Sorry, I meant to ask you earlier, but with everything going on, it slipped my mind. If you want, I don’t mind you riding with us. I can drop you off at Voodoo.

  Jax: Can I think about it? I was going to take a nap before the party, and I know you need to be there earlier.

  Forest: That I do. Take your nap. I think I might see if Ella will take one too...if I can get her out of this new outfit. Call me when you wake up.

  Jax: Perfect. Give me about an hour to hour and a half.

  Forest: That works. Talk to you later.

  Backing out of my messages, I search for my alarm app and set it for an hour.

  Chapter 7


  “It’s perfect!” I exclaim as Adam removes the tie he has covering my eyes.

  He truly outdid himself earlier. Hell, I’m not sure I would’ve had it looking this amazing, though I would’ve loved to help him.

  Damn hormones.

  “Thanks, Beautiful. I’m glad it’s what you wanted,” Adam says, sliding his hand gently down my spine to rest on my lower back.

  The caress sends sensual tingles along every nerve in my body. I swear if we didn’t have this event, I’d have him in our bed right now. Though, since I was sick this morning, nothing would happen even if we were home. Just like nothing happened when I tried to get things started earlier. Sure, he’ll play and tease me all day long, but when it comes down to actually having sex, if I’ve been sick, it doesn’t happen. I understand Adam’s concern, but sometimes it sucks, especially when he hits my sweet spots.

  Adam leans toward me and whispers, “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  This man. I mean, seriously, he knows how to make me gooey, and I love him more and more every day. Even when he tests my patience.

  “No, you haven’t told me that lately.” I grin with the lie.

  “Liar,” He scolds, kissing my cheek. “I need to finish a few things behind the bar. You want to come sit with me?”

  “Yes. Plus I want another ginger ale too.” He guides me toward the bar area.

  Adam steps around me at the bar, pulling out a barstool for me. I take the seat and watch as he removes his jacket and places it on the back of my chair. As he walks to the end of the bar, he meticulously rolls up his sleeves, showing his amazing tattoos. The image of him with his suspenders, blue tie, and black dress pants as he steps behind the bar reminds me of the prohibition days. All he needs is a fedora.

  Havana fills the room from the speakers, and since I know Adam didn’t turn on the music from behind the bar, I guess someone has come in the back door and is in the office. A red wine glass, with very little ice and my ginger ale is placed in front of me.

  “Thanks love,” I say reaching for the glass and taking a sip.

  “Anything for you. Do you want me to see if the guys will make you something special tonight?” he asks.

  “No, I want to try everything they’ve made. I also want to at least take a sip of all you’re concoctions,” I respond with a wink.

  “How about we start with sharing everything? That way you can have a bite, and if something causes issues, I can eat the rest of it,” he suggests.

  “Works for me,” I agree, taking another drink of my ginger ale.

  Commotion has me turning to face the front door. The staff, along with Calla, Wes, Forest, and Ella make their way through the door followed by the photographer and her assistant. Sliding out of my chair, I pick up my glass and make my way to the door so I can show the photographer where to set up before getting everyone together for our group picture.

  “Looking good, Nessa,” Wes calls out as he passes me on his way to the kitchen.

  Always a flirt.

  Calla drops Wes’s hand as she stops next to me. “You feeling any better?” she asks.

  “Yes, however I’m going to sip this ginger ale for a bit.”

  “If it’s helping, keep drinking it,” she agrees as Ella comes up to us.

  “Aunt Nessa, sorry I couldn’t wear your dress.” Ella’s twisting from side to side, but she seems a bit nervous.

  “Can you hold this?” I ask Calla as I hold out my glass, and she takes it from me. I try to sink into a squat, but with the dress I have on, I’m unable to do it.

  Wicked laughter has me glancing up at my brother, and if Ella wasn’t standing in front of me, I’d flip him off.

  “Come here, Baby Girl before Aunt Nessa splits her very lovely dress,” Forest says, picking Ella up so she and I are at eye level.

  “Ass,” I mumble under my breath, hoping Ella doesn’t hear me. But of course she does. Those cute intelligent eyes light up with a mischievous gleam.


  “Ella, sweetie, you look gorgeous in this outfit. I think Calla’s choice fits you perfectly for tonight. It you want, I’ll see if I can either get a new dress or have that one fixed so when you and your dad go to the father-daughter dance for school, you’ll have something for that...if that will make you feel better.” Stepping closer to them, I wrap my arms around them both.

  “Yes, please,” Ella whispers in my ear. She releases me and turns to look at Forest, giving him her best innocently pleading look before asking, “Daddy, can we pleeeeease go to the daddy-daughter dance?”

  He fake glares at me as he answers, “Yes,” and I stick my tongue out at him. I swear sometimes it’s like we never grew up. Calla shakes her head at us as she hands me back my glass.

  “You two make me glad I don’t work with Ben.”

  “Hey, that’s not fair!” Speak of the devil.

  Ben heads straight for us. He stops beside Calla and picks her up in a bear hug which has her squeaking.

  “You’re early. Does this mean you have a hot date and will be leaving early?” Calla questions.

  “He’s supposed to talk to Aunt Piper,” Ella pipes in and Calla, Forest, and I look from Ella to Ben and back.

  “Piper?” Calla asks, and from the sheepish look on Ben’s face, I can tell Ella’s not lying.

  Not that I thought she would be. I’ve seen how Piper is when Ben’s around. I also know how Ben goes through women, and Piper won’t be able to hold his attention like she thinks she will.

  “Do we need to have a conversation?” Forest asks, and Ben simply shakes his head.

  “No. I’ve been trying––in the most tactful way––to tell her that, while I love having her as a friend, I’m not interested in her in that way.”

  Sometimes I have to wonder about this man. From the way he says, “in that way,” I’m not sure if he’s saying he doesn’t want to fuck Piper because Ella’s with us, or more for Calla’s sake. I’m hoping it’s for Ella, but he’s still so overprotective of Calla that I really don’t know.

  “Do us all a favor and just tell her,” I encourage him. “Now, if y’all will excuse me, I need to show the photographer where to set up.” I kiss Ella’s cheek and step away from the group.

  Chapter 8


  I don’t know which is worse, Christmas or New Year’s Eve. Both holidays suck and remind me of all that I’ve lost. There are days I hate Joe, and others where I don’t know how I’ve gone on without him. Today, it’s a toss up. He’d be so proud and excited for this party...and the direction Calla is taking us in. In some ways, it’s as if he’s here with us. Nessa and Calla really captured his spirit for this, though I doubt that
was their plan. But...maybe?

  Come on man, get your head out of your ass.

  Staring down at my wedding ring, I wonder if I’ll ever know when it will feel right to take it off. Closing my eyes, I take a few deep breaths to center myself. This pity party needs to be over––it’s time to start the ovens. As the song that had been playing ends, Lean On filters through the speakers, and it’s as if I’m getting the push I need to move forward. Like Joe is giving me his blessing to be happy again. I open my eyes and glance at my ring once more and make the decision to finally remove it at midnight.

  Sliding my suit jacket off, I hang it on the back of my chair before heading out of the office. As I cross the kitchen, a loud commotion draws my attention to the swinging door leading into the dining room. My family and crew spill into the room, Ella leading the way.

  “Uncle Trey!” Ella dashes over to me in the cutest fucking outfit I’ve ever seen on a kid, and I’ve seen a lot of kids over the years. Calla really outdid herself with it. The tutu style skirt is girly enough to fit Ella’s personality perfectly, with the understated sweater to downplay how expensive the outfit probably was, and still lets Ella feel pretty––and like herself.

  “Well hello, Darlin’,” I say, picking her up so we’re eye level. “You ready for the party?”

  “Yes. Did you know there’s a photographer here to take pictures? I want to get pictures with all of you.” She turns her head and looks over at Forest. “Daddy, can I get pictures with everyone, one-on-one and as a group, pleasssse?” she begs, putting emphasis on the ‘s.’

  Everyone laughs, because she is the cutest fucking thing, and Lord help us all when she’s in her teens.

  We’re going to need guns. Lots and lots of guns.

  “You’ll need to talk to everyone else, but I’m okay with you getting pictures with anyone you want,” Forest tells her as he passes us on the way to his oven.

  “I’m game to get my picture taken with you, Princess,” I say, kissing her cheek before placing her back on the ground so we can finish cooking.

  “Yay!” She skips over to Forest, her skirt bouncing as she goes.

  Joe would have fucking loved that.

  As we all get to our stations and fire up the stoves and ovens, Kool and The Gang’s Celebration fills the room, and as I watch my family do what we love most, my melancholy mood fades. In fact, I actually lose track of time after the song ends. That is, until Nessa enters the kitchen an hour and a half later.

  “I need all of y’all to get your asses in the dining room so we can get our group picture! Now quit fucking around, put your damn jackets back on, and move it!” she yells at us.

  “Daddy, does Aunt Nessa always cuss like that?” Ella asks, and I have to chuckle. “I kinda want to say, ‘damn,’ after that.” She slaps a hand over her mouth and mumbles, “Sorry.”

  That literally breaks the stunned silence left by Nessa’s well-timed outburst. Laughter erupts from around the room.

  Chuckling, Forest answers Ella, “Aunt Nessa rarely curses that much, and before you ask, no, she didn’t curse all that much before we found out about you. Normally when she does, she’s madder than hell––or really needs to get our attention as she just did.”

  Ella’s pinched, puzzled expression as she glances between Forest and the swinging door Nessa just exited through doesn’t help the situation, either.

  “All right, y’all. You heard Nessa. It’s time to turn off everything so the party can begin. Let’s let the front-of-the-house staff know they can start putting the food on the tables so we can get these pictures taken,” Calla directs as she turns off her own oven and stove.

  We all head out of the kitchen in a single-file line, as if we’re attending school with Ella, which in itself is comical since many of us goofed off when we actually were in school. It seems that not only has Ella stolen our hearts, but she’s also making us want to act right––at least right now. Ella exits the kitchen the same way she entered, leading everyone out like the Princess she is. Before I follow, I make a quick detour to the office.

  If I’m going to do this, why wait until midnight? Why not start the new year right now...with a new future in front of me when I walk out that kitchen door?

  Turning my palm up, I study the titanium and whiskey barrel wedding band on my ring finger. With my other hand, I grip the band with my thumb and forefinger.

  “I will always love you, Joe. I hope you know that,” I whisper as I ever so slowly slip the ring from my finger.

  Closing my eyes, I fight back the emotional turmoil that’s clawing its way through me, begging to be released.

  “He does you know.” Wes’s voice breaks the silence, causing me to jump.

  “I didn’t realize anyone was still in here, Fucker. You should’ve made some noise or something,” I rasp.

  “Dude, I can’t believe I’m about to have this conversation with you, but it needs to be said. Although, if you say anything to Calla about this, I will kick your ass.”

  I watch as he steps further into the office, closing the door behind him to give us privacy.

  “You know you’re family. Fuck, you’re my brother in every way, even if we don’t share the same blood. You kicked my ass into fighting for Calla, all while you’ve been existing in a living hell ever since Joe passed. I’m not going to say it’s about time you took that off and started living, but it is time. We all love and miss him. Granted, not in the same way. But he was yours...and therefore, ours.”

  I blink, and I so want to fucking punch Wes so the tears threatening to fall don’t.

  “Everytime you go out, whether that be to The Escape, Crave, or any other club, you’re not really there. With that ring on, and Joe at the forefront of your mind, you can’t let go and let yourself have fun. Or God forbid, find someone that might help fill the void that Joe’s passing has left in you. I hate seeing you this hollow. So,’s that you seem ready. And I think I can speak for everyone when I say, we are with you and will do whatever we can to make this a little less difficult.”

  “Fucker.” I’m so fucking stunned, I can’t think of any other words to say.

  “Yeah, yeah. It’s really why y’all love me and keep me around, and you know it.” He comes closer and man hugs me, which is the oddest fucking thing for us, but it’s what I actually need in this moment.

  He steps back, and I catch him wiping the corner of one eye. “Now get your fucking game face on. We have pictures to be taken, and I know you don’t want Nessa to come back in here and yell at us again.” Wes turns and heads out of the office, giving me the time I need.

  Touching the ring to my lips, I kiss it before sliding it into the inside pocket of my jacket. Knowing it’s as secure as I can make it, I put my jacket on, patting the ring one last time and making my way to the dining room.

  Chapter 9


  As soon as we exit the kitchen, Nessa has complete control of the room. If people didn’t know better, they might think the restaurant is hers.

  “Where the fuck are Wes and Trey?” she asks before continuing, “I just kicked everyone out that isn’t staff, so we need to get a move on!”

  I glance back, noticing for the first time that they aren’t right behind me.

  I wonder what happened?

  “I’m sure they’ll be right out. Trey probably had his jacket in the office,” I stall, praying I’m right.

  “Fine, fine. We’ll start with other pictures first, instead of the group ones,” she grumbles, moving staff around to start this show.

  Adam steps up beside me, handing over what I can only guess is his whiskey kiss by the look of it. Lifting the glass to take a sip, I breathe in the vanilla and caramel aroma of the whiskey.

  “Thanks,” I say taking a sip. “This is really good.”

  “I’d hope so. Making sure I had the right whiskey kiss for you was a pain in my ass. You know, when it comes to your whiskey, you’re a bit of a snob.” He chuckl
es, bumping my hip, and I glare at him for almost spilling the drink.

  “Come on now, no party fouls. I want to drink it, not wear it.” I grin, winking at him.

  “Calla! Adam! Put down the drink and get your asses over here,” Nessa yells at us over the music and conversations. “We need to get all these other pictures done while waiting for Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb.”

  “Wonder which one is Tweedle Dee?” I ask Adam, taking another sip of my drink.

  “The better question is, who is she calling Tweedle Dumb? I mean, I’d say Tweedle Fucker or Asshole over Dee or Dumb for Wes.”

  I have to swallow hard so I don’t spit out the delicious liquid, and even then it goes down the wrong pipe as I start laughing and choking at the same time.

  “Fuck! Sorry, Calla.” Adam pats my back, trying to help, but in reality making the situation worse.

  Talk about a comedy of errors.

  “I’m waiting!” Nessa glares at us, her hands on her hips as she taps a foot on the floor, trying to express her frustration but not quite hitting the mark.

  Oh this is sooo going to be a night to remember.

  “Coming, Dear,” Adam and I say in unison.

  The closer I get to the area Nessa has set up for the photographer, I can see the giddiness radiating from Ella as she waits for everyone to have their pictures taken.

  Her birthday is coming up soon.

  With ideas for Ella’s birthday running through my head, I walk over to where she’s standing with Forest and Nessa.

  “Okay, we’re here,” I announce to Nessa then nudge Ella. “You ready to do this? You and I will get a picture while we wait for Wes and Trey. Deal?”

  Ella’s eyes sparkle in delight. “Oh yeah!” She does a little wiggle then takes my hand and pulls me toward the photographer.

  The photographer takes a ton of shots of Ella and me, mainly because we’re having so much fun with the different props she brought, and we keep having Forest and Adam jump in pictures too. We’re taking one last picture when I hear Nessa fussing.


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