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Iron, Steam & Money

Page 39

by Roger Osborne

  Stephen Switzer (1729) Hydrostaticks and Hydraulicks, London.

  J. Tann (ed.) (1981) The Selected Papers of Boulton & Watt, Volume 1, Diploma Press, London.

  Keith Thomas (1971) Religion and the Decline of Magic, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London.

  Maurice Thomas (1945) Young People in Industry, 1750–1945, Nelson, London.

  E. P. Thompson (2002) The Making of the English Working Class, revised edn, Penguin, London.

  Alexis de Tocqueville (1835) Journeys to England and Ireland, English edn, Faber, 1958.

  Joseph Townsend (1786) Dissertation on the Poor Laws, London.

  Martin Triewald (1734) A Short Description of The Fire and Air Machine at The Dannemora Mines, English translation published 1928, Newcomen Society, London.

  R. F. Tylecote (1976) A History of Metallurgy, Metals Society, London.

  Alfred Ubbelohde (1963) Man and Energy, Penguin, London.

  Jenny Uglow (2002) The Lunar Men, Faber, London.

  R. W. Unger (1984) ‘Energy Sources for the Dutch Golden Age’ in Research in Economic History, IX, pp. 221–53.

  R. W. Vernon, G. McDonnell and A. Schmidt (1998) ’An integrated geophysical and analytical appraisal of early iron-working: three case studies’ in Historical Metallurgy 31 (2), pp. 72–5.

  James Walvin (1999) The Slave Trade, Sutton, Stroud.

  J. T. Ward (1970) The Factory System, Vol. 1 Birth and Growth, David & Charles, Newton Abbott.

  J. T. Ward and R. G. Wilson (eds) (1971) Land and Industry; The Landed Estate and the Industrial Revolution, David & Charles, Newton Abbott.

  Lorna Weatherill (1988) Consumer Behaviour and Material Culture in Britain 1660–1760, Routledge, London.

  Christopher A. Whatley (1997) The Industrial Revolution in Scotland, CUP, Cambridge.

  Richard Whitworth (1766) Advantages of Inland Navigation, Baldwin, London.

  Keith Wrightson (2002) Earthly Necessities, Penguin, London.

  E. A. Wrigley (1988) Continuity, Chance and Change: The Character of the Industrial Revolution in England, CUP, Cambridge.

  E. A. Wrigley (2004) Poverty, Progress and Population, CUP, Cambridge.

  E. A. Wrigley (2010) Energy in the Industrial Revolution, CUP, Cambridge.

  Arthur Young (1768–70) A Six Months Tour Through the North of England, 4 vols., Strahan, London.

  Arthur Young (1769) A Six Weeks Tour Through the Southern Counties of England and Wales, Strahan, London.

  Hans Zinsser (1934) Rats, Lice and History, Little, Brown, New York.

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  Epub ISBN: 9781446483282

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  Published by The Bodley Head 2013

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  Copyright © Roger Osborne 2013

  Roger Osborne has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs

  and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work

  Illustrations originated and adapted by Alan Marshall

  Portrait of James Watt (here) © English School/Bridgeman Art Library/Getty Images

  Image of engine construction (here) © Mary Evans Picture Library

  Portrait of Richard Arkwright (here) © Joseph Wright of Derby/Bridgeman Art Library/Getty Images

  First published in Great Britain in 2013 by

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  ISBN 9781847921895




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