Immortal Awakening: A STANDALONE Vampire Romance (Vampire Mates)

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Immortal Awakening: A STANDALONE Vampire Romance (Vampire Mates) Page 4

by Renea Mason

  Colin reached inside his jacket, pulled out a small envelope, and handed it to Elena.

  She opened and glanced inside the envelope. “Very good. There are a few things you need to know. All auctions are silent. Here is your bidding number. At the base of each display case is a keypad for you to enter your bid. All winning bids will be handled by our proprietor, Baron McCaffery. Lord McCaffrey will conduct all final transactions in person. You are welcome to as much food and drink as you like, but you will need to have your car ready to take you home, no later than 11:30. Only those with personal invitations from Lord McCaffrey are permitted to remain for the after-party. Are there any questions?”

  I wanted to ask her to confirm Colin’s suspicions that the ‘after party’ was a kinky fuckfest, but allowed manners to take precedent. “I don’t have any, do you, Colin?”

  His gaze was locked on the beautiful young woman before us. Her flirty grin and side glances at him were all too familiar. He’d have her before the night was out, and the idea made my blood boil. I wanted to tell her that he was mine, but he wasn’t. A fact I was singularly responsible for. What the fuck was wrong with me?

  Colin thankfully interrupted my thoughts. “Thank you, Elena. I can’t think of anything at the moment. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

  With a starry-eyed gaze, she made sure to leave the evening open to other possibilities. “Well… I’m here to help you throughout the evening with anything you might need.”

  Colin nodded. “That’s most appreciated.”

  Before sauntering off into the crowd of people, she pointed to the bar. “Please, help yourself to a drink and enjoy your evening.”

  Colin’s hand pressed against the small of my back. “What would you like me to drink?” he whispered in my ear.

  I turned my head and looked back and up into his eyes. “You’ve got to stop asking me that.”

  His expression held a hint of something playful. “I want you to enjoy my flavor, Lillie.”

  Heat flooded my cheeks as visions of drinking straight from his femoral artery flashed through my mind. Would he come in my hair with the first pull of his blood into my mouth?

  “Lillie, did you hear me?” He rubbed his hand down my arm.

  I shook my head and took in my surroundings, trying to dislodge the thoughts from my mind. He had enticed my imagination with images of midnight sex parties and my body didn’t want to let the idea go. Squeezing my thighs together, I tried to get control of the lust. “Absinthe and champagne.”

  “A Death in the Afternoon, it is. Quite appropriate for our agenda.” He pressed a kiss to my cheek and made for the bar.

  I scanned the crowd looking for…what? No one could tell my secret. It wasn’t like I had vampire written on my forehead. Starting after Colin, I locked gazes with a man seated in a large, semi-round booth. His commanding presence, the gaggle of people around, his outstretched arms resting on the back of the booth and his relaxed state spoke of power and confidence. He was someone important. His intense stare caused me to look away. When I looked up again, he was gone. The booth empty.

  A hand clutched my elbow. It was him. Without having seen his face, I somehow knew. So tall, so intimidating up close. His close-cropped hair and facial hair were impeccably trimmed. His eyes, dark and mesmerizing. His scent…intoxicating. His expression and words pulled me from my trance. “Lillie, what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here.” He pulled on my elbow.

  I yanked my arm out of his hand. “I’m sorry, but do I know you?”

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Not exactly. But I know you, Lillie. You shouldn’t be in a place like this.”

  Maybe he was a fan? It wouldn’t have been my first run-in with an overly friendly admirer. There was something about him that made my skin tingle. Perhaps it was the alpha-male mystique he exuded.

  “I appreciate your concern, but…”

  He moved in front of me and grasped my upper arms. “Look at me.” His intensity and commanding stare felt like he was trying to bend me to his will.

  Now he was creeping me out. But his magnetism… It was electricity surging through my veins. The feel of his fingers on my skin made me want him to touch… Colin. I needed Colin. I glanced over his shoulder, looking for my lifeline.

  The stranger’s dark, mysterious eyes commanded my attention. “Look into my eyes, Lillie.”

  When my gaze met his there was something familiar, though I knew for certain I had never met this man. The way he made me feel caused my chest to tighten with anxiety, but my body to ache with need.

  He bushed a thumb over my cheek as his large hands held my head between them. “That’s it. Look at me. Know me. Know who I am to you. You must leave. If they find you, you won’t ever be safe. Go now.”

  I stared back into his wide concerned eyes. Even with so few words shared between us, I couldn’t find it in myself to doubt his sincerity, but his sensitivities were the least of my concerns. “I appreciate your concern, but I can take care of myself.”

  “You most certainly cannot. Not here.” His voice was rough and demanding.

  Colin appeared with a drink for me in his outstretched hand. “Care to introduce me to your friend?”

  The tall stranger scolded Colin. “Why would you bring her here?”

  I held the champagne flute in my hand. “Colin doesn’t make decisions for me and neither do you, Mr.…”

  “McCaffrey. Baron McCaffrey.”

  “Mr. McCaffrey, I appreciate your concern…”

  Colin straightened, interrupting me. “Wait. The Baron McCaffrey who owns this place?”

  “The very same, dear Colin. So now maybe you can understand why my concern for her wellbeing might be worth your consideration?”

  Did he know Colin too? I was done playing games. “How do you know me?”

  Baron crossed his arms. His gaze drifted over my body, scrutinizing. “That’s unimportant, dear. Why are you here?”

  Colin sipped his drink. “Vampire teeth.”

  McCaffrey raised an eyebrow. “That’s a joke, right? You’ve come to my establishment looking for vampire teeth.” A wicked grin spread across his face as he leaned in close to my face. His breath caressed my neck. His voice was soft enough that only I could hear. “Come now, love. That’s not really why you’re here. Does he know you already possess what he’s looking for?”

  How did he know? Could this man tell I was a vampire? Was it possible he was too? It was too soon to make any type of assumption. “Colin knows everything about me.”

  McCaffrey’s nose pressed against the pulse point of my neck, and I shivered.

  Colin grabbed his arm and pulled the older man away from me. “Why don’t you give the lady her space?”

  Baron ran a finger across my wrist. “I don’t think she wants her space. Does she belong to you?” He waited for Colin to answer while running his fingers over my skin.

  “I belong to no one.” I jerked my hand away from his touch.

  Colin shot me a condemning look and then tipped his glass to finish his drink. “Do you know where we can get the teeth?” Setting the glass on a nearby tray, he took the drink from my hand.

  Baron slipped his fingers between mine and raised my hand to his lips. He pressed a soft kiss to the back of my hand. “Come, I think I have exactly what you came for.”

  Intimacy with this stranger felt weirdly comforting. So familiar. As though I’d known him forever. “Are you?” I stared up at him.

  He paused and smoothed a hand over my hair. “Later, but I do have the answers you seek. Come with me.”

  With my other hand, I grabbed Colin’s. “Not without Colin.”

  McCaffrey nodded. “Very well. Your human familiar may join us. But let’s go before you attract any more attention.”



  Baron McCaffrey led us upstairs to his private residence. At the top of the grand staircase stood two armed guards, who opened and held the door for ou
r entrance. A large sitting room greeted us. A fire in the fireplace surrounded by a carved stone hearth added ambiance to the space.

  A tall, beautiful woman with long, flowing blonde hair, approached from the doorway to our right. “Baron, you didn’t tell me we were receiving guests.” Her gaze dropped to our hands and then she raised an eyebrow before pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.

  Baron cleared his throat. “Constance, this is my Lillie.”

  His Lillie? There had better be a good reason for his declaration, but now was not the time to stand on ceremony.

  Her mouth dropped open. “But you said…”

  “Yes, well… Futures cannot be foretold, now can they? Let me introduce you to Colin, Lillie’s familiar. Do you think you could be a dear and keep him entertained while Lillie and I do a little catching up?”

  She eyed Colin with a predator’s stare. “I’m sure we can find some way to pass the time.”

  “You will leave him untouched.” Baron’s tone left no room for debate.

  The cheery expression disappeared from her face. Clutching Colin’s elbow, she led him toward another doorway. “Come, let me give you a tour of the building.”

  Colin stopped, causing the woman to stumble. “One moment, if you please.” He strode back to me. “Lillie, I just, I… I want to make sure…we’re still meeting for breakfast in the morning, right?”

  I couldn’t help but smile. The reassurance was usually for my benefit, but this time, as he glanced from me to Baron and then back, it was for him. “Of course. You should know that.”

  He nodded and lifted my hand and pressed a kiss to it. “Be safe.” He turned and strode to the gorgeous woman’s side.

  I was grateful for his confirmation. He had taken fewer lovers as of late and I had never been so thankful. Our heightened connection made it harder and harder to hold my feelings at bay.

  Baron placed his hand on my back. “You have no reason to worry about your safety, Lillie. I assure you, I mean you no harm.”

  “I don’t know why, but I believe you. Colin is protective of me and he’s important to me.”

  Baron’s hand smoothed up and down my spine. “Good. I’m glad to hear that.” Without another word, he led me to another set of large double doors with guards stationed outside. “This is my study, Lillie. It should be comfortable and private enough for our conversation.” His hand slipped down to grasp mine.

  As soon as the door clicked closed, I couldn’t wait any longer. “Are you a vampire?”

  His brow furrowed, eyes narrowed, only softened by the slight grin that tugged at his lip. With his fingers still linked with mine, he turned to face me. His other hand smoothed over my shoulder. “You certainly do cut to the chase, love.”

  “Are you?” I gazed deep into his dark eyes, trying to pull forth an answer.

  Seeming to contemplate his response, he paused. “Yes. Does that frighten you?”

  Was I scared? The attack seemed like a dream, and well, I was one too… “No.”

  “Good.” He smiled. The large room was lined with built-in shelves filled with books. In the center was a large desk and to the right, a velvet settee where he motioned for me to take a seat.

  I stared at him, trying to discern his game. “Did you…was it you who attacked me? Did you…did you make me?”

  He sat beside me. “I would never attack you. But as for your unfortunate circumstance…I am partially to blame.”

  I reached over and took his hand in mine and turned it so I could see his wrist. Running my fingers over the vessels that saved me that night, I needed to hear him confirm what I already knew. “You were the one who held me? Put me back in my hotel room?”

  Baron rubbed his other hand along the seams of his pants and took a deep breath. “Yes. I never intended for it to happen this way. You were supposed to live out your mortal life. We were supposed to protect you. We had agreed.” He gritted his teeth. “But you would have died if I hadn’t intervened.”

  “I have so many questions.” I watched as his fingers hovered above my knee. The digits trembled. He wanted to touch me, and something in me wanted him to. The pained look on his face knotted my gut. All were signs he fought to maintain control over our shared need for each other. “Who are you to me? Are you my…my sire?”

  He swallowed hard. “Why don’t you tell me what you know and I’ll try to fill in the blanks?” His hand cupped my knee and we both sighed. Physical contact eased an unexplained ache.

  I traced my fingers over the top of his hand. “Well… I think I’m a vampire. I have fangs. I crave blood.”

  His thumb rubbed back and forth, gathering the fabric of my dress until the slit exposed the skin on my thigh, then he caressed my bare flesh. “How do you get blood?”

  Suddenly, I was overcome with a wave of embarrassment, or was it shame? I looked away for him and wrung my hands. “Colin. The first time…I almost killed him. I didn’t understand. Now, he donates to me every week. I feel terrible about sticking him with needles, but I can’t risk hurting him, and I’m afraid if I keep taking it from him…”

  “Oh, Lillie…” Anguish laced each word. He cupped my face in his palms and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’m so sorry. Allister… He… I don’t even know where to start. He was desperate. You are very special, Lillie. Allister, he knew, but I don’t know why...”

  My brow furrowed. “So this Allister, he’s my sire? How do you know him?”

  Baron pressed his cheek against my forehead for a moment. He pulled back and stared into my eyes. “Allister and I were once part of a vampire sect intent on hunting the Vessel—a human birth that occurs only once every thousand years, making the evolution of the supernatural possible. A conduit capable of creating life in ways that would otherwise be impossible. A Vessel can mate among the races and species of all supernatural kind. And they may have multiple mates. As you can imagine, a human capable of such a thing would benefit from the devotion and longevity of each mate, rendering them most powerful. The sect wanted the Vessel captured, contained, and imprisoned before she could amass her power.”

  I blinked, trying to take it all in. “So there’s more out there than vampires?”

  He stared at me for a moment. “Your question makes me wonder if Colin doesn’t know what he is or if he just hasn’t told you.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, what he is? He’s Colin. He’s been my friend for as long as I can remember.”

  His palms caressed my cheek. “Lillie, love, Colin was a gift to you.”

  I leaned back for a moment, taking in his expression. “A gift? You can’t give one person to another. He’s not my property. I’ve never heard such a ridiculous thing. What century are you from?”

  Baron chuckled. “Certainly not any in recent past. I’m much older than you can imagine, Lillie. To our kind, age means very little. Colin was a gift to help protect you.”

  Fighting my thirst for knowledge and the need to process what he was saying made me weary. “Do you mean he isn’t human? What is Colin?”

  He grasped my hands in his. “Lillie, some things are best left for Colin to share.”

  “Oh, no…” I scooted away from him. “You can’t just toss that information out there and expect me to wait.”

  His body moved toward mine, our legs touching once more. “I promise you. I won’t withhold any information. I’m simply trying to be respectful of Colin. If he doesn’t know what he is, shouldn’t he know before you do?”

  Staring down at my hands, I nodded. He was right. Colin deserved to know first. I changed the subject. “So you’re some kind of prophecy hunter for the vampires.”

  He smirked. “I was. I am no longer. I decided I needed a bit of a career change.”

  I glanced around the room. “So, this place. What is it?”

  “I consider it to be the counterbalance. The Vampire Council is all about order and the rule of law. They see humans as a means to an end. Nothing more than cattle. Our o
ther supernatural brethren…well…they are seen as inferior to vampires. But in my time hunting this millennia’s Vessel, it occurred to me that there is strength in solidarity. As you can imagine, my departure was not looked upon keenly. I needed a means of protection. So what better way to fight order than with chaos?”

  I shot him an incredulous look. “So what? You’re a vampire crime lord? Supernatural mob boss?”

  He laughed. “The publications call me the Lord of the Underworld. It used to be irksome, but I’ve grown quite fond of the title.”

  I scrutinized the man sitting beside me. “So why did you stop hunting the Vessel?”

  “That, my dear, is a very long story.” He patted my leg. “Where are my manners? Are you thirsty?”

  I blinked. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand. I haven’t been able to eat or drink anything, besides…Colin.”

  He brushed a strand of hair over my shoulder. “Maybe it was a gift you stumbled in here today. I thought Allister would have taught you everything.”

  “I’ve never met Allister. Well, beyond that night, and he wasn’t much for talking. I’ve been searching for vampires ever since, and you…you’re the first I’ve met.”

  “Allister hasn’t been helping you?” His look of concern was overpowering.

  How could this stranger have such an emotional impact on me? It was as though I could feel what he was feeling. “No. I woke up in my hotel room thinking I had been drugged or something. I figured it out when I was draining Colin dry in the front seat of the van. For a long time, I could go out in the sun, but now only minutes at a time or my skin blisters.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight against his body. On a whisper, he asked, “Allister never returned to you?”

  “No.” I rested my head against his chest. There was no thud against my ear. No beating heart.

  “What have we done?” His thumb brushed over my cheek. “That night, a bounty hunter and his team found Allister. They had been hired by the council. They injured him critically, trying to apprehend him. There isn’t much that can kill our kind, but his wound was likely fatal. He called me in a panic. I went to him. They had captured him. I dispensed of the council’s minions, and he told me of you. He begged me to save you. So, I did.” His eyes focused on the floor beyond me for the first time.


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