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Page 23

by C E Johnson

  “Her name is Lia,” Elizabeth said in a hushed voice once she could speak again appearing too weak and dazed to even lift her head from Emily’s lap. Her bondsmate, though, regained her strength much more rapidly. Lia crept forward and settled on Elizabeth’s chest delicately licking the sweat from her brow. “Her tongue is so rough,” she laughed as the wind creaked through the trees around them.

  “I can’t believe it,” Emily raved. She felt like bawling with the sweetness of the moment. Blinking away the tears that formed at the corners of her eyes, she kissed Elizabeth lightly on her forehead. Once the residual tremors in her friend had completely stopped, Emily could feel Elizabeth exhale with a large sigh that shook her body. Standing up with her ocelot cradled in her arms, Elizabeth began humming a gentle and loving tune.

  This is life, Emily thought to herself. This is right. The fear and death in this world that the half-deads bring aren’t normal.

  We can make it better, Xena whispered in her mind, and suddenly Xena dashed into the clearing. Her lip was pulled back in a dog-grin, and Emily threw her arms around her own bondsmate. Oliver will be here soon, Xena added.

  You didn’t tell me you were approaching, Emily chided her link before chastising herself, I should have known where you were, but I was busy watching Elizabeth. I thought I heard you.

  I tried to hide my position, so I could surprise you, Xena gushed as she rolled on her back, legs up in the air. The birds continued to sing, and the two shared love and thoughts that no words could ever hope to convey. Fur merged with skin, and they were one again. After a time, Emily separated from her bondsmate and rose from the ground. Xena nosed Lia while Emily helped Isabelle to her shaky feet.

  “Thank you, Isabelle,” Elizabeth blurted. She wiped tears out of her eyes with the back of her hand before hugging her friend again. “I’ll help you every night from now to eternity to make sure you also find your link.”

  “I’m going to take you up on that,” Isabelle laughed weakly with a satisfied grin on her face. Emily sighed contentedly. She could see Luke and Rune, glorious in their own reunion, running and playing together not far away.

  This is a peaceful time, Xena observed. She sniffed the air and studied her surroundings. You should incorporate more from Shadoe after you put your friends to bed. You need to gain all the knowledge from him you can. I’m sure there’s more in his words and deeds you need to know. I can feel it’s important.

  Emily wasn’t sure why Xena was being so insistent about Shadoe. You’re right, but sometimes he overwhelms me. She listened to the wind sighing through the leaves in the trees. She swallowed hard. I can tell it’s important to you. I’ll do it, Z. She would do anything Xena felt so strongly about. Her face tightened with determination as she led Isabelle and Elizabeth to their beds. Anna volunteered to take the first watch. Emily returned to the clearing that was a short distance from the main camp and sat back down in a lotus position.

  Let’s finish this, Xena whispered encouragingly.

  Emily called Xena to her. She held Xena’s great head in her hands and she rubbed her bondsmate under her ears and on each side of her muzzle. Okay, Z, Emily thought. She closed her eyes and began deep inhalations through her nose. Xena lay next to her and joined her mind with Emily’s so they both could absorb the final aspects of Shadoe’s spirit.

  At first, they delved into Shadoe’s magical abilities because that was particularly fascinating to Emily. As if he were present and teaching her, Shadoe first granted Emily the knowledge of his favorite spells. He prized the spell of prophecy above all others, but he was also extremely skilled at using a freezing spell. Emily had been good with both of these talents, but not to Shadoe’s degree. She learned the intricacies of both incantations committing the fine details to her memory and categorizing them into her spell bank.

  She then went deep into his inner core beliefs. The blood began pounding in Emily’s ears as she assimilated Shadoe’s final revelations. A door opened in her mind, and she stepped away from the gloom and into the light. Her trepidation vanished, and she pictured herself in a grove of trees surrounded by life and warmth. Birds wheeled around her and Shadoe taught further revelations like a wise mentor. He told her aspects of his life that were important, and instead of hearing simply words, she experienced the scenes. Shadoe had found love in life and he was certain that sacrifice for others was the key to his inner joy. Emily understood his passion, but she felt an inner chill as she pictured what he had done to save his companions.

  If we were able to accomplish what he’s suggesting, it wouldn’t be just for your companions, Xena whispered. It would be for Earth, Acacia, and mankind.

  What are you talking about? Emily asked Xena in confusion as she ended the final assimilation.

  Truth, Xena whispered, hope.

  You seem so caught up in Shadoe’s words, Emily teased lightly. She could tell Xena was fully won over by Shadoe’s theories. Teach me what you’re seeing in his life, Z. I feel as if I’m missing something.

  Shadoe is now a key component of our soul, Xena began. He lives in our mind. He thought like a pack animal, so I can understand him. Sometimes we do things for those in our group to save the other members. I just want you to see that. I would sacrifice myself for you without question.

  I would save you also, Z, but we aren’t some sort of a savior for this world. We can barely survive against a cluster of half-deads on a bridge. She felt angry inside, but she knew the anger wasn’t directed at Xena, it was directed at herself. For all her power, she felt weak. She could never accomplish what Tiamat or Shadoe had done.

  I believe Shadoe saw something in our future, Xena whispered slowly. That’s why I wanted you to finish absorbing all he gave.

  Our future? Emily was confused.

  I believe Shadoe saw a possibility forthcoming, Xena said. I don’t know if it will occur, or even what form it will take, but I think we should consider the possibility of helping others with a great sacrifice if it should come to pass.

  Emily reeled in her mind. The fog twisted and swirled around them and she felt suddenly stiff. I’m not strong enough, she whispered to her bondsmate. I can fight enemies, but I don’t think I’m a true hero.

  All at once, trumpets split the night, and drums began to pound out a deep rhythm. “Wuldur and his half-deads are coming!’ Anna screamed into the darkness from her watch position on a small rise by the camp. Emily stood. She could see her friends assembling their weapons. Luke had drawn his great sword, Joyeuse, and it shone to the heavens. The girls were stringing their bows.

  We need to help them, Emily thought frantically. She began to scramble toward camp when she heard a noise coming from the clearing behind her that stopped her in her tracks.

  Wuldur separated into two groups, Xena realized before Emily. He’s attacking the camp with one squad, while another group is coming from the woods behind us. Let Luke battle the first company. We need to fight this force.

  Emily wheeled around with Xena to see a cluster of the enemy magicians burst from the trees. They were led by the red magician advisor of Wuldur. Milo, whispered Emily’s ki as it revealed his name. Emily’s heart lurched into her throat and a cold chill went down her spine as she realized both the danger she was in and how close the enemy had come to sneaking up on them unawares.

  Milo’s eyes were wide, and he wore a startled expression on his face. “I thought you’d be asleep in the tents,” he stammered.

  “What do we do, Milo?” one of his magician underlings asked him. “Should we capture her for Iscar or kill her?”

  Milo’s surprise melted away as quickly as it had come, and a confident expression replaced it. “This is the end,” he said in an even tone. “We kill her.” All at once, his aura burst into Emily’s vision. It was a crimson red and it surrounded him in an impressive halo of power. She knew he was casting a shield spell.

  “I’ve seen your aura signature before,” Emily exclaimed. Her heart was thundering worriedly in he
r chest. “In Washington D.C. with Droth.” While dropping into her favorite spell-casting position, she cast her own shield spell. Studying the magician’s aural characteristics, she identified only faint wisps of kindness in the man with the majority of the fibrils of his character suggesting brutality and cold-blooded evil. Milo was handsome with shoulder length hair in ringlets that bounced on his shoulders, but his face revealed as much cruelty and ruthlessness as his aura. Even now, his demeanor turned hard, calculating, and callous.

  “You should have attacked me then before I was an arch-mage,” Milo taunted. “Before I learned your secrets.”

  Circle left, and I’ll go right, Xena growled. Preparing to launch herself at Milo, Xena moved away from Emily.

  Don’t get near him, Emily warned desperately, knowing Milo had the potential to hurt Xena.

  “This is between us,” Milo blurted to Emily while glancing at Xena warily. “A dual to the death. He pulled a glass flask of liquid from his pocket, a potentiating potion, and threw it at Emily in a bold maneuver while mouthing a spell.

  Kill spell, Emily realized. He’s an arch-mage and he must think he has a similar power to my own. Initiating the spell and using the potion will give him the advantage.

  He’s an arch-mage and he’s strong, Xena whispered angrily as she moved out of the circle where the dual would take place. Knowing the rules of this spell, Xena took up a position behind Emily ready to give her advice while not interfering in the process.

  “Step back,” Milo ordered his own squad. Gathering in a cluster behind him, his troop of magicians also took a step back.

  You’ll have to make quick work of him. The rest of our squad are going to be in trouble battling Wuldur, Lyall and Kirbee without you, Xena warned. Xena glanced toward Luke and her friends, and Emily could see their impending danger through her bondsmate’s eyes.

  “I select fire,” Milo called out. His cloak swirled around him as he began to chant the words of his fire spell.

  I can block it with my shield spell and push it back into him, Emily thought excitedly. She wet her lips in order to call out her selection and to begin to speak the words of her own favorite spell.

  No, Xena roared in her mind. He’s too self-assured and satisfied. Don’t call out the shield spell. It doesn’t feel right for the dual. He mentioned he knows your secrets.

  What do you mean? Emily asked. She hesitated as she tried to see into the mind behind Milo’s bold eyes. Milo was bursting with joy, unable to hide an arrogant and brash smile that was forming unbidden on his lips. She realized Xena was right.

  He’s studied you, and he knows you used that spell with Suci, Xena thought anxiously. That spell won’t work this time. He’s prepared for it.

  “This is going to be easier than I thought,” Milo chortled. “You can’t even decide upon a spell.” He put magus into his flame which began to build and flow from his hands. Emily continued to hesitate in her choice of incantation even as the fire flew from Milo’s hands. Flames leapt from his palms and she began to feel the heat dancing on her skin, penetrating her shield.

  What should I do? Emily choked out to Xena, delaying the announcement of her choice of incantation. She could see death burning in Milo’s eyes and she knew she had to act quickly. The fire was eating away at her defense sending daggers of lancing pain through her skin.

  Your ice spell, Xena panted while sharing as much of the damage coming from Milo as possible. The one you just refined with Shadoe’s teachings.

  Tears of pain brimmed in Emily’s eyes as the fire threatened to liquefy her shield. “I select ice!” she yelled. She followed her decision by screaming the word for her incantation, “Glacies!”

  “Ice?” Milo’s cruel smile faded abruptly. “Ice?” he repeated, eyes wide, mouth open.

  Replaced instantly by a cold numbness, Emily felt the acid bathing her body fade. The air itself began to hiss and rumble as ice and fire met in a spectacular cloud of steam. Black scorch-marks appeared to hang in the very air as the chilly ice and snow came face to face with fire and heat. The air around them groaned with the severity of the battle. Ice crystals and precipitation faced off against sparks and flames. A tempest danced around them in a hurricane of flowing particles.

  It’s working, Xena whispered.

  All at once Emily began to feel a burn again. It’s not working, she moaned to Xena. Her heart was in her throat and she could taste bile. A layer of vapor appeared to form between the two extremes of temperature as a buffer materialized where heat exchange could occur. The layer moved back and forth as the battle waxed and waned, but Milo had the upper hand from his potion and his initiation of the battle. A searing fear smoldered warmer and warmer in Emily’s heart. I’m in trouble, Z, she groaned.

  Never surrender! Xena roared infusing her animalistic will to survive into Emily’s soul. Emily had never felt so alive as she battled for her life with her every breath. Drawing upon Xena more than she ever had before, her senses themselves were on fire as she put more and more of her magus into her incantation. Abruptly, Milo pulled a red magestone from his cloak, and his fire roared with new life baking her skin with a redoubled charring blaze.

  Use the power from your own four magestones in your set, Xena thundered as she realized the benefit Milo had gained. I doubt if he knows all of your secrets.

  Emily was amazed she hadn’t yet thought of this. She was wearing her greenstone necklace and her redstone ring, but she hadn’t drawn from her blackstone or bluestone. Tears of precipitation blurred her vision as she pulled out her stones. Slippery as eels in the steaming water, she clutched her treasures in her left hand with a steely grip. Her pyramis immediately formed an extra protective shell around her. Switching Cadux to her right hand, she expanded it and twirled the staff over her head. A green light similar to an aura instantly formed from the augmented greenstone on her necklace, and the ice streaming from her soul took on a red tint, sparked by a resurgence in the magic from her redstone ring glittering deadly on her finger. She made a tighter fist around her blackstone and pulled a rush of energy that thrummed through her core. She was ice now, from her mind to her bones to her heart, she knew everything that this spell was meant to be. She watched the rise and fall of Milo’s chest as his breath began to move faster and faster. She was winning. I don’t want to kill him, she whispered all at once to Xena in horror. I can still see the half-deads burning on the bridge. I remember Suci’s face in the final moment. Is there another way?

  You must, Xena roared. I will help you. Xena infused Emily with another wave of her own inner will to survive. Emily opened her vulnerability to her bondsmate while she went into a safe mental cocoon as Xena did what needed to be done with her more primal animal instinct. Xena wasn’t hesitating. Emily was mentally far away as the hammer of magic slammed into Milo. The red magician screamed in pain, and Emily closed her eyes tightly as he shattered into a million facets of ice. Glimmering and shining to the heavens, the ice fragments flashed in the light of her staff, hanging a second in the air before swirling in a small tornado and falling toward the hard ground. Emily lifted her arm to shield her eyes from the razor-sharp borders of the tiny cold particles.

  Relax, Xena whispered. It is done.

  Emily couldn’t instantly let down her guard. Instead, she remained in her safe mental hideaway for a time. Her body bled from a multitude of wounds formed by the sharp ice fragments, but she didn’t move to stop the flow just yet either. Slowly, ever so slowly, she returned to her body. Acid rose in her throat as she thought of the needless death. The insufferable heat Milo had created was gone, and she regained control of her body with a haunted shiver that shook her core. Her teeth were clenched and gritted so hard that Emily had to gently relax her jaw while letting her arms fall limply to her side. Leaving her eyes closed while reducing the anger that was vibrating off her in waves, she took a deep breath to unleash her stomach which was rolled into a hard ball. She had won the kill spell, and Milo’s thoughts and memories t
apped gently on Emily’s peripheral consciousness. I can’t assimilate him now, Emily groaned at the thought.

  We will assimilate portions of him later, Xena assured her. I will help you. Xena was warm as honey in her mind soothing her, taking away the haunting moments of battle and war.

  Thank you, Z. Emily felt as if her heart would burst from the love and protection she felt flowing into her from her bondsmate.

  Your aura has changed already, Xena whispered. She showed Emily her aura through her eyes. There are fibers of red woven through your colors. Emily didn’t want to see anymore. She opened her eyes and realized the other magicians had fled. We have to help our friends, Xena urged Emily. They won’t survive much longer without you.

  Emily swallowed hard and put the dual behind her. Xena was right. She had to help the others. She scrambled toward the sounds of fighting while still dripping blood. Nervous energy bounced off of her as she flew over the ground. She wondered in amazement how her heart could beat so quickly. It thundered so loudly in her ears that she could hear nothing else.

  Luke may need our help first, Xena warned. Emily could see Luke fighting a sword dual with Wuldur. Their steel blades, each kissed by the flames of a mighty smith, rang against each other time and again like a bell tolling a gathering for a time of death. Electricity vibrated in the air around them. Each used a sword that was crafted for one sole purpose, to kill. Emily had studied Luke’s majestic sword in the past, but Wuldur’s sword was a thing of even greater beauty. She was mesmerized by its balance and smooth form as it danced through the air with a sterling aura. Something about it was calling to her, and it took great effort for her to pull her eyes away from its perfection. Glancing blows were made on their round shields and off their armor which gleamed silver in the faded light of the moon. The deadly points of their steel glowed red by the luminescence thrown by the fire pit. The clinks of war screamed to the heavens whenever steel blades scraped over chain mail. The eyes of the two men gleamed and glimmered as they worked at their craft. Wuldur was a majesty of assimilation using moves from a thousand deaths fused in his mind. Luke meanwhile was something else. Having read scores of treatises on the art of swordplay while training with masters of the art, Luke was a work of study.


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