Book Read Free


Page 25

by C E Johnson

  I’ll help filter his essence, Xena promised. Get some sleep. We’ll assimilate him later. Xena gave Emily a small dog-grin. Who knows? Maybe we’ll need components of his fire-ball spell in the future. He had that one nearly perfected. Emily snorted while closing her eyes with a sad smile on her face. Luke pulled the covers up to her neck. They allowed their bondsmates to take the evening watch for them, and they slept huddled together under the blankets, skin touching skin, one and the same, as the family they had become.



  Malachi moved his reins to the right side of the neck of his horse guiding his large brown gelding around a gray sports utility vehicle which was stranded on the road. KC was on a dappled mare riding at Malachi’s right side. Astride a slightly smaller white filly, Amanda was on his left. The three were leading their entire war contingent to the Luray Caverns.

  “So, the stone mages have truly finished?” Malachi asked KC. “It seems as if they’ve been working forever.” He put his heels into the flank of his gelding, but the horse pointedly ignored his directions. Instead, his steed moved his head down to take a bite of some weeds at the side of the road. Malachi jerked on the reins, but the horse simply snorted at him and took a second bite.

  “They’ve truly finished,” KC answered. He appeared impressed by the feat of the stone mages. “The cave kingdom is ready for its king.” KC laughed good-naturedly as he studied the antics of Malachi’s feisty steed before wheeling expertly in a circle and reaching down to grab the halter of the misbehaving warhorse. Pulling on the head of Malachi’s destrier, he guided the beast into a new direction where it could resume a slow stride next to KC’s steed. The brown warhorse snorted once again, this time at KC before accepting his fate.

  “Was it all made according to Drogor’s intricate plans?” Malachi asked KC. “He was so detailed about this fortress.”

  He had an eternity in Ater to plan his castle on Earth, Vuk whispered.

  “Down to the inch,” KC admitted as he reduced the speed of his dappled mare. Pulling on the reins, he decelerated to a slower walk to keep pace with Malachi. “That wraith is extremely particular. I guess it’s the devil in the details.”

  “This horse is killing me,” Malachi moaned with a laugh. All at once there was a roar from Malachi’s bondsmate. Vuk had appeared from nowhere and was snarling at Malachi’s mount. The horse dashed forward with the panther urging him onward, and Malachi laughed out loud. Thank you, Vuk, he whispered affectionately.

  He shouldn’t bother you again, but if he does, I’m here, Vuk growled warmly.

  “Are you certain we should go to the caves?” Amanda asked in a soft tone. Appearing deep in thought with her lips pursed, she was staring straight ahead. Her white filly was moving more rapidly with a smooth gait to keep up with Malachi’s new pace.

  “You know, you’re a natural on your horse,” Malachi said while studying her beauty. She had perfect posture and innate grace.

  “Something about this doesn’t feel right,” Amanda continued in a low voice while giving Malachi a dismissive wave for his flirting at a moment when she wanted to be serious. She looked to KC for reassurance with her pale blue eyes wide and questioning.

  “She’s right, you know,” KC agreed. “This is your army, Malachi. We don’t have to follow Drogor’s orders.” Without warning, he turned his mare away from the edge of the road pointing at something. “Watch for that snake!” The serpent that he identified was at the edge of the road. “It’s a copperhead.” Drawing a pistol from a holster on his hip, he deftly shot the snake barely breaking his horse’s stride. He gave his horse her head and continued on as if nothing had happened.

  “Thank goodness we have a warrior whose eyes miss nothing,” Amanda gushed. She inclined her head toward KC, “Thank you, fair knight.”

  “Nice work, KC,” Malachi called out. He balled his hand into a fist which he raised triumphantly toward his warlord.

  Amanda is waiting for an answer, Vuk whispered in Malachi’s mind, and so am I. I don’t trust Drogor, Vuk added slowly.

  I know she’s waiting, Malachi responded to his panther, but I don’t know exactly what to tell her. Drogor did coordinate linking us together after all.

  Amanda sighed and continued, “Besides, we were close to your father and my family in Washington.” Her voice was timid and still sweet, but Malachi could hear the subtle edge in her voice suggesting she was disgruntled.

  “We can visit them whenever you want,” Malachi said tenderly.

  “If we ever have a child, it would be nice to have them around.” Amanda’s tone was teasingly soft, and Malachi couldn’t imagine having a child with someone so gentle, loving, and gorgeous. Glorious in its perfection, her blonde hair streamed behind her like a banner. Every strand was in harmony. She urged her filly over to the grass at the side of the road and peered into the vegetation where her clouded leopard bondsmate paced, sniffing the dead snake. “Atarah, get out of there,” she scolded dramatically. “Snakes can still bite after they’re dead.”

  “Drogor has done so much for us,” Malachi said slowly, trying to sound confident, but he felt torn inside. “Drogor has taught us magic, given us bondsmates, and even brought us together.” Why do I defend Drogor so? Malachi asked himself.

  Simple. Vuk answered. You are an elven prince, a warrior of honor, a man of your word. The wraith has cunningly infused a sense of obligation in you.

  Malachi sighed. He shifted position in the saddle trying to move his weight off the saddle sores that were spreading across his bottom daily. Amanda was becoming skilled with healing spells and she was preventing the wounds from blistering, but they reformed after each ride and he felt so weak having to ask her to help him with his back side. Running a hand over his inner thigh, he grunted with pain, his body felt chafed nearly to the bone. He was no horseman. Pulling his blackstone out of his pocket, he began to roll it through his fingers. The stone always gave him confidence to follow Drogor’s orders.

  “You’re playing with your magestone again,” Amanda gently chided Malachi. “You do that when you’re upset.” She rolled her eyes with a giggle and dismounted expertly with her hair of hammered gold dancing on her shoulders in a wreath of glory. Atarah appeared from the brush and dashed lightly to Amanda from across the grass. After kissing her link and burying her face in her soft fur, Amanda rubbed her leopard once more lightly before leaping back into the saddle. Malachi smiled at how sweet Amanda was. She had to have physical contact with her bondsmate every few hours. “I just thought our wedding would be different,” Amanda began wistfully. “I guess it will be interesting to be married by Drogor in the world he has created, but I imagined us being married in the church where I grew up. I pictured all of my relatives there.” She pouted, and her lower lip moved out slightly in a gesture that was so authentic and transparent that Malachi’s breath caught in his chest.

  “I’m sorry,” Malachi said in a gentle, halting manner. “I love you with all my heart and I feel terrible about what I’m doing. Sometimes I wish we could walk away from all of this.” He stared back at the massive army lumbering behind them. Without warning, Amanda’s aura burst into Malachi’s eyes. Her yellow aura was becoming stronger day by day, and she was enveloped by a dazzling halo of brilliance when it flashed out.

  “What spell did you cast?” Malachi asked curiously, “I could see your aura. It’s getting stronger.”

  Amanda flashed Malachi a triumphant smile. “I was verifying the truth in your words.” She peered at him with her wide blue eyes as soft and sweet as a doe. “You’re telling the truth. You do love me with all your heart.”

  Malachi laughed at her audacity. “I can see I had better never cheat on you or even lie to you.”

  KC chuckled at their quarrel. He circled his horse around the pair showing off his supreme horse-riding skills before reining to a halt. “Iscar will attend the wedding,” he informed them both. The hooves of the thousands of warhorses behind them
pounded on the asphalt sounding like drums of war. KC’s mare raised and lowered her head impatiently, stomping on the asphalt like the other steeds as if to say, Let’s get moving. “There are rumors that Maaca may even show up for it,” KC added.

  “She’s alive and on Earth?” Malachi asked. KC nodded. A shiver ran down Malachi’s spine. “I’ve heard so much about her. She sounds almost more like a god than a girl. I’m scared to meet her.”

  “What if we don’t like her and we don’t like Drogor,” Amanda began in a hushed voice. Her doubts continued to make Malachi feel uncomfortable. “What will we do?” she asked. Her golden hair buckled and swayed uncertainly.

  “Then we leave all of this,” Malachi promised. “We’ll bring across his council just like he asks. Then we’ll ride away from this place as fast as we can. If he’s not what we can accept, we’re out.” Malachi swiveled his head to study his army which stretched in a long trail behind them across the horizon. “Emily Dalton seems kind and honorable,” he began slowly. “I could fight for her. I haven’t given Drogor my dragon-oath yet.” The sun sparkled on the tips of scores of spears and lances in his entourage. “And if Drogor challenges us, we could battle against him. As you say, this is my army.”

  “I like that daring plan the best,” KC thundered. “Scouts, out!” he roared. Twenty riders moved from behind them at a fast trot. They dashed forward to meet a contingent of an equal number of riders sitting motionless astride their mounts ahead of their position spaced evenly across the road. “We’ve arrived at your castle of caves,” KC announced. “I hope you two like your new love shack.”

  Amanda threw back her head and laughed. “We aren’t married yet.” She batted her eyes at Malachi in a seductive manner, and he felt his pulse respond by beating much more rapidly than he thought was possible. He felt both excited and a little sick at the thought of their wedding night, and he prayed he would make her happy for the rest of her days.

  KC roared with laughter himself before urging his horse into a run. The dappled warhorse was built for speed and her muscles rippled under her shining coat. She ate up the distance between the awaiting riders. KC talked with the guard contingent and returned. “Iscar is here,” he revealed what he had learned while smoothing his reins. “He’s waiting to talk with you both. He says it’s urgent.”

  Malachi’s mouth felt dry. His hand unconsciously went to his blackstone and he felt his mind settle down. He coughed to hide his discomfort. “Iscar?”

  We will have to talk with him eventually, Vuk whispered. It might as well be now.

  Okay, Malachi said to his bondsmate. Malachi inclined his head to KC. “I’m ready to talk with him, KC. Will you take us to him?”

  KC nodded, but he didn’t move just yet. He was silent for a moment while calming his mare as she pulled forcibly against her bridle. “I’ll stay with you if you want,” he offered. KC ran his hand along the neck of his steed which was lathered. “Every king should have an honor guard.”

  Malachi’s breath came easier. “If I have you, Amanda, and Vuk at my side, I’m ready to face anyone except maybe Drogor.”

  KC awarded Malachi with a wide smile. He turned his horse and led the way. The ears of KC’s mare twitched this way and that, reflecting her uncertainty, but KC appeared sure of his course. Malachi and Amanda followed at a brisk trot. They arrived at the doors to the main caverns, huge doors made of tan stone with a large arc at the top of the solid stone frame. A portcullis of steel was just in front of the doors, and the steel was steadily raised by a hidden winch upon their approach.

  Amanda gestured toward stone sculptures embedded in the massive structures. “The figures are all depicting half-deads,” she whispered with her eyes as wide as saucers. “I don’t really love half-deads.” She appeared child-like in her innocence.

  Malachi rolled his eyes at Amanda. “I didn’t get to pick any of this. I wonder if it’s all of Iscar’s choice or Drogor’s.” He studied the figures. The majority were vampires, but there were also ogres, shades, goblins, and were-creatures staring down at him. Some were as large as gargoyles. “Probably Drogor’s,” he said weakly. There were ramparts and guard stations built into the stone, and magicians patrolled the wall. Malachi saw primarily red and blue auras with fibers suggesting obedience and dedication. The doors slowly opened outward to reveal an enormous statue of a male nude vampire with an equally naked male ogre at his right side.

  “Disgusting,” Amanda blurted. She rolled her eyes and put a finger near her throat to simulate she was vomiting. Malachi laughed out loud at her antics.

  A woman came forward out of the shadows to stand before them. The light danced on her black hair which appeared as lustrous as a polished blackstone. She had eyes as large as a doe with brown irises, high rounded cheekbones, and full sensuous lips. “My name is Brytam,” she announced. “Welcome Prince Malachi, I will take you to your king.” Malachi was in awe of her beauty. She was a polar opposite to Amanda’s golden features, but she was stunning nonetheless.

  Amanda elbowed him in the side. “You can stop gawking, my young prince.” Malachi could feel a flush forming on his cheeks, and Amanda laughed with a tinkling sound that warmed Malachi’s heart.

  As their eyes adjusted to the shadows, Malachi realized there was a half-dead at Brytam’s side. The man was one of the largest shades that Malachi had ever seen. His muscles appeared to be directly drawn from an anatomy book, but there were extra fibers present for which Malachi knew no name. “Ullr, our half-dead warlord, will take your steeds and then he will join us,” Brytam announced as she nodded toward the shade. “Time is of the essence right now. We need to get moving.”

  They dismounted as Ullr moved in their direction. He was tall and athletic with a hairless round head. He wore a black leather armor that was so tight it appeared painted on his skin. His muscles continued to flow and ripple through openings in the outer tunic like a brawny ocean. “You can stop gawking, yourself,” Malachi teased Amanda, and he was delighted to see spots of a rosy red color appear in her cheeks. “Maybe you do like some half-deads,” he teased. Amanda hit Malachi’s shoulder playfully. They picked up their step to walk with Brytam.

  “Is this talk with Iscar about the wedding tomorrow?” Amanda asked hesitantly. She played with her luxurious hair rolling it around her index finger.

  Malachi could feel a sudden panic form in his chest. I hope I don’t faint in front of everyone, Malachi worried. What if I faint and stumble while saying my vows?

  I’ll give you energy. You won’t faint, Vuk assured Malachi dryly. Vuk was loping merrily at Malachi’s side.

  They were walking down a corridor of stone bedecked with even more intricate sculptures of a council of twelve half-deads talking together, but Malachi couldn’t focus on them at all. The room was suddenly hot and somewhat airless. He felt his mind sinking into a sense of worry, and he again hoped he wouldn’t look like a fool at the wedding. Wanting to scream at his weakness which sometimes felt like it would overwhelm him, he purposely slowed his breathing.

  “No, it’s not about the wedding,” Brytam said in a warm tone with honey dripping off her tongue. She turned abruptly and gave Amanda an excited hug. “I’m so happy for you.” She continued walking. “That will be tomorrow.” She began to descend a stone stairway into a grand room with a patterned stone floor of cream and black. The walls were straight and orderly, but the stone mages had left stalactites in the ceiling for a dramatic effect. The room was well lit by magelights. “Drogor has changed things,” Brytam began with a frown. “He wants you to pull him back from Ater tonight instead of in the morning.” She gave Malachi a long, measured look. “We have to get working.” She rolled her eyes at them in a conspiratorial manner, “You do know he has written an entire book on how everything is to be prepared.”

  “He scares me a bit,” Malachi blurted. Now why did I tell her that? he wondered.

  Brytam leaned toward Malachi and whispered, “When all is said and done, he’s just
going to be a half-dead. You will rule over him.” She paused giving Malachi a solemn look that spoke volumes. “And please don’t ever forget that or you and your fiancé might be in deep trouble.”

  Malachi forced a smile on his face, but he wondered if it looked as artificial as it felt. Glancing at Amanda, he realized he would do anything to keep her safe. I love her, he thought passionately.

  Of course you do, Vuk whispered. We’ll protect her. His black panther bondsmate held his head high as he moved to pad silently at Amanda’s side.

  Warm bile was flooding up into Malachi’s throat and he felt as if he were going to gag. “I didn’t really think it would be tonight,” he stammered to Brytam. He wished he were stronger. His heart was pounding again, and he could feel his body suddenly become coated in a layer of cold fear-sweat. Feeling only slightly soothed by his blackstone which was instantly in his hand, he tried to mentally go to his relaxation spot—a beach with only Vuk, Amanda and himself.

  “You’ll do fine, son,” KC encouraged him. “Er, I mean Prince Malachi.” KC put a hand on Malachi’s shoulder, and Malachi felt warmed by his presence. He took a deep breath and finally succeeded in slowing the racing of his overworked heart.

  Iscar has a bat for a bondsmate, Vuk whispered to Malachi as they entered a throne room where a mega-bat hung upside down on a stand staring at them. I could take that thing down with one bite. Malachi couldn’t suppress a nervous chuckle.

  Brytam followed Malachi’s gaze. “Oh, that’s Tengu, Iscar’s bondsmate,” she taught. The bat dropped from its stand catching air just before it hit the ground. Tengu began soaring between the larger tapering icicle-like structures hanging from the ceiling. The creature looked somewhat like a fruit bat, but it was much larger with a wingspan of over six feet. Its leathery wings were attached both to its body and legs, and the light sparkled on a series of overlapping black and brown scales protectively covering its body. Tengu abruptly made a turn before descending as fast as a rock downward. A man stood up from a throne and somehow caught the beast in his arms as if he were catching a large football staggering under the weight of his bondsmate.


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