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Real Men Shift Volume Two: Paranormal Werewolf Romance Boxed Set

Page 49

by Celia Kyle

  Persia didn’t need to look around the table to know they were questioning where her loyalties lay. Even as she stared down her own father, their shocked gazes burned her flesh with their suspicions she was a traitor. Or a plant. Some kind of sleeper cell, just waiting to pounce on unsuspecting victims. Like father, like daughter. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. A chip off the old block.

  Nothing could be further from the truth, but she couldn’t tell them that. Not at that moment. Not with him smirking down at her, as if she were giving some childhood performance no one liked but had to suffer through to boost the kid’s confidence.

  Maybe she should have bailed on the meeting as she’d been so tempted to do. Not because facing Dick McNish scared her—it didn’t. What really scared her was the thought Warren might believe his initial assumption. After researching his proposal, she’d realized how brilliant it really was. It deserved to be presented, not just for the sake of Wolf Woods, but he’d earned the right. Naturally, she fully expected her father to be pissy about it, but maybe the new offer and the evidence regarding the stink beetle might make him do the right thing for once, as unlikely as that might seem.

  Dick finally sat at the head of the table and waited. With all eyes trained intently on her, Persia cleared her throat and shuffled the files and paperwork in front of her. She wasn’t there to play around. It wasn’t a family counseling session. She was there to do her damn job. And by god she was going to do it. So, she heaved a deep breath and slid directly into lawyer mode.

  “Thank you for taking this meeting with us, Da—” she coughed to cover up her faux pas “—Mr. McNish. We come from opposing sides of the issue, the issue being the future and preservation of local lands, which carry an immense amount of historical, cultural, and environmental value. Not only is the land in question integral to the survival and livelihoods of the local community, but the woods are also home to another creature worthy of preserving: the blue marmorated stink beetle, which is a protected species found only in these woods.”

  “The…what?” McNish repeated with a little chortle as he leaned back in his chair. “We’re here to talk about a beetle? Really?”

  Persia’s jaw clenched involuntarily as she turned her withering gaze in her father’s direction. “Yes. But it’s not just us who are worried about protecting this threatened species. I’m sure I don’t need to educate you on how our government tends to react regarding the preservation and protection of such species. The courts will almost always side in favor of defending nature, particularly when an endemic species is at risk.”

  “Almost always,” he retorted. “Those are your operative words, princess.”

  “I’m not your princess,” she shot back, letting her resentment toward her father get the better of her.

  Not anymore.

  “Hmm, not anymore, it seems.” He echoed her thought. He folded his arms over his chest and glanced around at everyone with mild amusement. “Is that the best you could come up with? I can’t build homes that would bring in jobs and stimulate the local economy because of a bug?”

  “Actually, we assumed you wouldn’t be moved by the plight of an endangered species and suddenly halt all construction.” Warren’s voice spilled from his lips like molasses on a hot day. At least that’s the effect it had on her nervous system, soothing her and heating her up at the same time.

  “That so?” McNish tilted his head, ignoring Warren and giving her a curious look.

  “That’s right,” she continued, flipping through the folder in front of her. “Mr. Edgecomb here came up with an alternate plan for your development—a plan that would benefit both sides equally.”

  She slid a stack of photos and paperwork across the table to her father and waited while he scanned them. His brow furrowed, and then his eyes grew wide for a moment before he caught himself.

  “What the hell is this, Persia?” he demanded.

  “It’s an opportunity. That’s what it is. The property is on the site of an abandoned chicken farm on the other side of town and it’s been on the market for years.”

  Dick looked less than impressed. “That’s your big proposal? A smelly, old chicken farm?”

  Persia leaned toward her father, no long worrying about keeping up appearances. She had to convince him Warren’s proposal was the best solution for everyone.

  “Daddy, listen to me. The city seized the property a few years ago for unpaid taxes. I called them and you could get the land for a tiny fraction of what Wolf Woods will cost. For more land! That has to appeal to you.”

  Dick didn’t react, just continued leafing through the papers and photos. That was his favorite stalling strategy, but Persia didn’t want to give him time to think of a way to refuse. If she kept pushing the pros of Warren’s plan, maybe…

  “You always talk a big game about building up local communities and economies. This is the perfect chance to do that. Snatch up that land for a song and turn it from an eyesore into something people want to see. Wolf Woods remain wild for tourists and locals, as well as the beetle. Everyone wins. Just look at those photos, Daddy. I know you can see the potential.”

  She knew her father better than anyone in the room, yet even Persia couldn’t read his face. The concept was sound, but he had a stubborn streak she’d inherited.

  “I’d think by now you’d want a little positive PR, Mr. McNish.” Warren’s warning drew her attention for a moment.

  She loved his passion, but her father wouldn’t appreciate being reminded of the bad press he’d been dealing with lately. Strangely, though, he didn’t seem bothered.

  “That’s old news, son. People have a short attention span these days. Tomorrow some random celebrity will get pulled over for drunk driving and I’ll be forgotten.”

  “You sure about that?” Zeke sneered.

  Persia warned him with a silent glance and Val laid a steadying hand on his arm. He needed to reel it back in. There was no use trying to start a fight. Her father would simply walk away if Zeke continued pressing. Then they’d be right back where they’d started.

  “Imagine the goodwill and trust you’d earn within the community if you took over that chicken ranch and turned it into something beautiful,” Persia continued. “A beloved landmark would remain for future generations, plus you’d save a ton of money on the land.”

  “Sure,” her father admitted, “but it would require more work, which means hiring more people.”

  “Perfect,” Val added. “More jobs for the locals equal even more goodwill.”

  “And on a more personal level,” Persia said, “you wouldn’t have to deal with my protest group anymore. I’m sure you would jump at the chance to remove that particular thorn from your side.”

  “On top of that, you could start building right away,” added Warren.

  McNish pursed his lips as he stared at a photo of the ranch, taking it all in with his fingers steepled in front of him. Persia couldn’t help holding her breath as she waited for his next move. For a brief moment, he looked to be actually considering Warren’s proposal. She should have known better.

  Leaning back in his chair, he leveled a smug smile at his daughter and gave her a patronizing slow-clap. “Well done, princess. Well done. A for effort.”

  Fury and humiliation blazed in her for thinking he might actually consider anything she brought to the table. “This isn’t a school project, Mr. McNish. I don’t want or need your approval. What I do want is an answer to this very serious proposal.”

  “Mmm hmm. Of course. Yes. Very serious.”

  No one could piss her off like her condescending, cruel dad. Closing the folder with a snap, he slid it across the table as if he couldn’t get it far enough away from him. He cast a complimentary nod at Warren.

  “Good effort, but honestly, I like my original plan much better. Really, who wants to live on Gizzard Road or Chickenshit Lane? I know I wouldn’t!”

  She’d come into the meeting suspecting he’d blow her off on pri
nciple alone, but she still had one more card to play.

  “I know something else you won’t want, Mr. McNish. If you don’t give up your plans for Wolf Woods and switch over to the chicken ranch, first thing tomorrow morning I’ll file an injunction against McNish Development Corporation on behalf of the protected blue marmorated stink beetle. That will be a federal judge, Daddy. Not some county or state schlub you can bribe with your dirty money.”

  A vein deep in her father’s neck pulsed quickly, barely noticeable on the surface, but she recognized it as his tell. She had him on the ropes. But as soon as it appeared, it disappeared, replaced by his more typical smirk as he stood. Reaching over, he patted Persia on the head like she was some kind of well-behaved puppy.

  “That’s right, princess. Put that law degree I paid for to work.”

  Chapter Nine

  Warren felt an overpowering urge to leap on Dick McNish’s back and tear him to shreds as they watched him saunter out of the trailer. Murdering his mate’s father probably wasn’t the best way to convince Persia they’re fated to be together. Besides, the smell of his pack mates’ anger at Persia drew his attention away from the slimeball walking out.

  One by one and without a word, they filed out of the trailer, unable to tolerate remaining in the close confines of a trailer filled with McNish’s nasty scent. They were just in time to watch the asshole peel out of the parking lot in his late-model BMW, throwing them a cocky waggle of his fingers out the window.

  As soon as he sped out of sight, Val spun on her. “What the ever-loving fuck?”

  “I know,” Persia grimaced, as if expecting their wrath and willing to take it.

  “What happened to Moonshadow, Ms. McNish?” Zeke growled.

  “That’s just my protestor name,” she tried to explain, clearly eager for them to believe her. “No one uses their real names.”

  Warren wanted to believe her, but how could he? His wolf insisted she’d never been dishonest, but his human half didn’t agree. It wasn’t as if she’d fibbed about her weight or how fast she could type. This was a major omission, one that shook his very faith in her.

  “Fine, but you still should have told us he was your dad,” Val insisted. “Why did you lie?”

  “She’s a lawyer, remember?” Zeke snapped, as if that explained everything. Val sniffed in disgust masked as amusement.

  “We need to give her a chance to explain herself.” Warren surprised everyone, including himself. He wasn’t defending her exactly. Not yet, anyway. Turning a hard look on her, he demanded, “So explain.”

  Persia sighed. “I use Moonshadow to fit in with the other protestors and to…” She chewed on her cheek for a second, as if debating whether to admit everything. “And to keep them from knowing he’s my dad. If they did…”

  “They wouldn’t trust you?” Zeke finished, arching an ironic eyebrow at her.

  Persia’s fair skin flamed pink as she struggled to find the words necessary to incite trust from the rest of them. She was backed into a corner, and he hated it. Fate had brought them together, in an odd way perhaps, but the deed was done. Persia was his fated mate, and nothing and no one would ever be able to convince him otherwise. But his primary duty was to protect the pack, no matter what. Yet here stood his mate, the daughter of their most dangerous enemy.

  He should have realized the truth. Wolves were known for their sniffers, and he should have caught the familial scent between Persia and Dick. Maybe it was the patchouli that clung to her like a skunk’s stench. Maybe it was the fact matcha and nag champa covered the connection better than perfume. Maybe it was denial on his part. He didn’t know for sure, but he couldn’t ignore the feelings of betrayal eating at him.

  The truth of the matter was that Warren knew more about Persia than Zeke and Val—and probably even McNish. Their one-way conversations when he was in his wolf form had proven she truly wanted to stop her father. Of course, Zeke would argue that she could easily have been aware of the pack’s true nature and had been feeding Daddy Dearest every bit of information she could.

  “How do we know you aren’t a plant, that you’re not feeding your dad everything you can about us?” Zeke snarled.

  Warren felt a headache coming on. “Zeke, she’s not—” he started, but Persia interrupted him, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

  “You have to believe me—”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Zeke cut her off.

  “Hey, guys!”

  They all froze mid-sentence, slowly turning at the sound of heavy boots pounding on asphalt. Randy Leeper hurried toward them, holding something in his arms. Probably another bouquet of wildflowers. He stumbled to a stop in front of them and held out his hands, grinning proudly.

  “Mew?” A tiny grey kitten poked its head over Randy’s fingers and chewed on his thumb adorably.

  Val and Zeke stared at the kitten like they’d never seen a cat before. Certainly, they’d never seen a murderous asshole-turned-toddler cooing over one, anyway.

  “Where did you find—” Val started and then stopped when a diesel engine fired up behind them and the smell of popcorn filled the air.

  Even though they hadn’t mated yet, Warren felt Persia’s distress over the situation. It was no wonder she’d slipped away as soon as Randy had distracted them. By the time they all turned toward where she’d parked, her Westfalia was rolling out of the parking lot, leaving the smell of a movie theatre lobby in her wake.

  “Of course she’d use biodiesel,” Zeke snorted.

  “Well, shit,” Val said. “Are we chasing her, or what?”

  “No point,” Zeke replied, heading for their SUV with clenched fists.

  Doors slammed and soon they were on their way back to the pack house, Zeke’s anger overpowering them all. It wasn’t as if Warren had been pleased to learn the news of Persia’s parentage, but Zeke and Val’s reaction had been unwarranted, considering all the help Persia had offered.

  “You know, we might have learned more about her and her father if you two hadn’t jumped down her throat like that,” he pushed the words through clenched teeth.

  “Excuse me?” Zeke shot him a bone-chilling look in the rearview mirror.

  Bucking tradition, Warren scowled right back at his alpha. He wasn’t about to back down where his mate was concerned. No, he didn’t like the fact she’d hidden a vital piece of information from them, but facts were facts. Persia was his mate and he sensed she hadn’t been playing a double agent.

  “You two acted like she was McNish himself.”

  “That’s because she is a McNish, knucklehead,” Zeke growled, returning his blazing gaze back to the road. “Whatever she’s done so far, she’s still his daughter. That’s a bond that goes soul deep, Warren. We can’t trust her anymore. Hell, I don’t know if I can even trust you since you think she’s your mate.”

  Warren’s loyalty had never been called into question. Ever. And he wasn’t about to allow it now.

  “How can you say that to me, Zeke? Of all people. After all we’ve been through?”

  Zeke’s shoulders slumped and he sighed. “Fine. I do trust you for the most part, but come on, man. You thought Chloe was your mate for years. Look how that turned out.”

  “I was wrong then. I’m not wrong now.”

  “Sure…” Zeke grumbled.

  Warren’s teeth felt like they might be ground to nubs by how tightly he clenched his jaw. “I understand your hesitation, but I don’t think Persia is my mate, Zeke. I know, and I’d appreciate a little support. Just like how I supported you when you decided a random human was your mate.”

  Frankly, it wouldn’t have surprised Warren in the slightest if Zeke had pulled over so they could settle their beef on the side of the road. But instead Val stifled an amused smirk at all the testosterone zipping through the SUV and Zeke shot him a warning glance in the mirror.

  “You’ve been a good and faithful beta, Warren, so I’m going to let that one slide. Don’t push it.”

  Warren knew when to shut his mouth. Pack politics were about more than just pecking order. For a pack to survive, all members had to work within a very specific hierarchy. Sassing the alpha—even when you were his second-in-command—could get your ass handed to you. If any other pack members had been with them, Warren would have faced sharper blowback for his jibe. It was a testament to Zeke’s respect for his beta that he gave him some latitude.

  “Regardless of what you think about her, Warren, I’m in charge of protecting the pack, and I’m not about to get blindsided by McNish again. Until I have proof I can trust her, she might as well be McNish himself.”

  That didn’t sound promising. “Any ideas on what might earn your trust?”

  “Only when she pledges her loyalty to the pack will I fully trust her. But first, since you’re so damned sure this one is your mate, you’ll have to give her the claiming bite and transform her into one of us. Do that, and we can talk about our trust issues again.”

  “B-but…” his head swiveled between Zeke and Val. “She doesn’t even know what we are.”

  Zeke shrugged. “Not my problem. If you want me to trust her, the ball’s in your court.”

  Warren slumped back into his seat and stared out the window as the scenery blew by in a blur. When Zeke had discovered Val was his fated mate, he’d had a leg up Warren didn’t have. Val had known about werewolves for years by the time they’d met. Persia was as clueless as most other humans. Werewolves were the stuff of movies and folklore, not reality hidden in plain sight.

  How would a woman react to not only learning the truth, but then also being told she was destined to be the mate of such a mythical creature? Not well, he figured. He’d have to move slowly, but fast enough that Zeke would trust her before it was too late. It would be a delicate balance.

  The SUV sped past the entrance to Wolf Woods along the forested highway. Persia’s van sat parked near the campsite and his heart lurched just a little that she hadn’t returned to Trina’s cabin. Looking inward for guidance, he thought for a moment and then nodded.


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