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Just a Bite

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by Charlie Tran

  Just a Bite


  Charlie Tran

  Copyright © 2019 by Charlie Tran

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictiously.


  1. Liam

  2. Liam

  3. Oliver

  4. Oliver

  5. Liam

  6. Liam

  7. Oliver

  8. Oliver

  9. Liam

  10. Oliver

  11. Oliver

  Mailing List

  Chapter 1


  I jumped, waking up from my daydream as soon as I heard a glass bottle slam onto the table. I looked away from the window to turn my gaze towards my brother. He wiped off his lips, smearing the small bit of beer foam on the back of his long sleeved sweater as he rose to stand.

  "Want another?" he asked.

  "Sure, James." I downed the remnants of my beer, though there was still a good half left. I didn't want to slow down too much, he was already two beers ahead of me. He could handle a lot before even appearing the slightest bit tipsy.

  It wasn't long until he returned from the kitchen, instead of two beers, he had another full six pack in his hands and plopped it down onto the table we were relaxing at. I pulled a beer free, careful to twist the top off. The way he slammed the drinks down I figured they'd be ready to spurt out beer straight into my face. He popped the cap off of his and downed half of it before sighing. Oh, good, no foam spray.

  He slouched onto the table as he watched me take tentative sips.

  "What's up?" I asked him, coughing as I put my drink to the side.

  "Nothing at all. I'm just dreading having to go to work."

  "You have to work tonight? Why are you drinking?" I was surprised. We both worked at the same grocery store down in Worj, although we lived about half an hour away from the city. It was overnight stocking, which was the only job we could find to work at night and out of the sunlight.

  "It helps the time go faster," he replied with a shrug, tilting his drink back to guzzle down more of the alcohol.

  "What is Oliver going to think?" I teased, arching a brow as I leaned towards him.

  "Who cares what he thinks?"

  I frowned, grabbing the remote control from the arm of the sofa next to us to turn the television on. I didn't want to get into an argument with him over his relationship, so something else for us to focus on would be helpful.

  Even after the few years they'd been together, I still never understood what Oliver saw in my brother. Sure, he was a good looking guy, and he had a personality that drew men and women to him, but he was a total asshole. It wasn't simply sibling rivalry that made me covet his ability to pull anyone he wanted, however.

  I'd been in love with Oliver since I’d first met him in grade school. My brother had drunkenly told him he was a vampire before, and he didn't think anything of it. He was so calm, and chill, so sweet despite anything thrown at him. My brother and I hadn't been turned until high school, yet he never viewed us differently.

  With a sigh, I took another drink as the news played.

  There will be a celebration at the de Beauregard Castle next week. Just outside of the new raised walls to protect this historical place, we will commemorate the history of our beloved town of Worj. Access to the building has been cut off for almost a year now due to decay and public safety, but the celebrations will continue as usual for All Hallow's Eve.

  "Are you going to take your boyfriend?" I asked, watching as James flicked a bottle cap into the small collection that had been building up on the table as he continued to drink. It knocked the small stack over, scattering the caps everywhere as if he was playing a game of marbles.

  "What for? He doesn't need to go down there, anyway. You ever heard of the curse?" he grumbled under his breath, making me roll my eyes.

  "We all know the curse isn't true. It's not what killed those cops, or that priest. It was Sebastian."

  "Exactly my point. Sebastian is the curse. He's too protective over his dumb castle. I bet he goes out there and attacks anyone at that festival, even if they're not actually inside the walls."

  "That's not true. Those guys went into his home, he's never killed anyone for no reason before."

  James shrugged again, leaning back in his seat to finish his beer as quickly as he had started.

  "Either way, I wouldn't risk it. That dude is crazy."

  "You're crazy if you think he'd be willing to risk everything just to drive some humans away. The church wouldn't be having that. They'd douse the entire building in holy water."

  Everyone knew who Sebastian was and his history. At least, all the vampires did. Humans made up their own tales when it came to it, saying de Beauregard Castle was one of the most haunted places in the world.

  "What about holy water?" I heard Oliver say as he walked into the small house, the screen door slamming shut behind him as he sat down a few groceries onto the kitchen counter.

  "We're talking about the All Hallow's Eve festival outside of the castle," James said, popping open another drink.

  "Oh, are we going? I'm excited, I still haven't gone with you, yet." James' boyfriend smiled, offering me a small wave. "Hey, Liam."

  "Hey," I nodded. I pushed my half empty beer to my brother, unable to drink anymore now. "Finish this."

  "Slowing down?" he teased before turning his focus back to his boyfriend, "And no, we're not going. I tell you year after year that I don't want you going to that shit."

  "It's like you're afraid of the vampire who lives in there," Oliver chuckled, but I could spy the annoyance on James' face, his eye twitching slightly.

  "Is it bad that I'm worried about you?" he argued back.

  "What? That's not what I meant..." Oliver pouted as he reached into his back pocket to produce his wallet. "By the way, I thought I had another hundred in here, but I'm missing money. Again."

  "I'm, uh, gonna get water real quick," I said awkwardly, excusing myself from what I knew was an oncoming argument. Watching from the corner of my eye as I slowly strolled into the kitchen, I could see Oliver approach James, trying to talk in hushed tones. But James wasn't having any of that, his hands already waving wildly as the drink he held splashed out of the top of the bottle.

  It's not like I was intentionally trying to eavesdrop on their conversation, but while I slowly turned the tap on to fill up my glass, I couldn't help but to hear everything they were saying.

  "I'm not accusing you, but I'm just saying it's suspicious, and now you have all this beer around."

  "You know I work a job too, it's not like I can't buy my own shit!"

  "But last time we had this discussion, you said you spent everything on your half of the bills. And when we had this same conversation before, you actually did steal money from me. You don't have to do that, just ask me."

  "I don't steal shit, why don't you get out of my face?!" I could hear James shouting, even while Oliver was trying to deescalate the situation. His voice still soft and calm, though it wavered. Was he crying?

  "I don't hate anything more than a thief. There's never a reason to steal from others, James. Please, just ask me next time. That's all I'm saying."

  I turned off the tap to take slow, tentative steps back to the table next to the couch. James had stood up and was in Oliver's face, pointing at him with the hand free of a beer. It made my
heart hurt to watch him shouting like that, but it wasn't right for me to get in the middle of their argument.


  "I swear if you ask me about this again, I'm gonna snap."

  "James, please..."

  "Shut up!"

  "You need to chill out," I said, setting my water down and walking right up in between the two.

  "Don't get in the middle of this, alright?" James snarled.

  It's not like I wanted to get involved!

  I shoved him, making him stumble backwards and catch himself on the side of the couch. I took back what I thought before, he definitely was tipsy, if not drunk. The way he staggered wasn't normal.

  "Leave Oliver alone," I growled, approaching him.

  "No, fuck this, I'm going to work." He looked around my body, staring behind me at Oliver. "Don't text me, I need to chill and all you do is stress me out!" James chugged the remainder of his beer and dropped it to the floor as he stormed off. Slamming the screen door open, I watched him leave the house without giving us a second look. And now I was alone with his boyfriend who held his arms, shaking.

  This was awkward.

  "Are you alright, Oliver?" I asked, approaching him and placing a hand to his shoulder. He sniffled slightly as he wiped at his eyes.

  "I'm fine. I didn't mean to make him mad."

  "It's not your fault. He's always like that when he drinks, he needs to go to rehab or detox or whatever," I said spitefully.

  "Those are for humans, Liam. I don't know what they could do with a vampire."

  He had a point. Most of the medication they gave to someone was formulated for the human body. But that didn't mean it wasn't worth a shot. It's not like it would kill him. But it's not like James would ever go.

  "Yeah." I wish I could have offered more, but the words escaped me. How was I supposed to make him feel better?

  What more could I tell him? Leave my brother? Run away with me and cause even more of a hassle?

  His shoulders fell slack as he let out a deep sigh, his hands still shaking at his sides.

  "A-are you hungry? I bought some specialty things that you could eat..." Oliver spoke up suddenly.

  "I'm fine. Why don't you take a seat and relax? Want me to make you anything?" I offered in turn. I took his hand, assisting him as he sat down on the sofa. I couldn't help but notice how his shaking stopped once I held onto him.

  "You can cook?"

  "No, but I'll try. For you." I gave him the best smile I could manage, though admittedly it must have been pretty cheesy. Enough for him to laugh as he released my hand.

  "I'll be alright."

  "Okay, let me at least clean up his mess." I scooped up the beer James had dropped and gathered the rest of the empties on the table. I took what wasn't opened and placed it into the fridge, tossing the rest into the trash. I could hear the clinking of other glass bottles at the bottom of the bin. James must have been drinking long before I came over to visit.

  "How often do you have to deal with his attitude?" I asked as I returned to the table, sipping on my water as we both stared at the news channel still playing on the TV.

  "Only when he drinks."

  The better question was when wasn't he drinking. But I couldn't push it that far. He wasn't my boyfriend, and James was still my brother after all.

  "I really want to go to the festival this year." Oliver sighed, placing an elbow onto the arm of the couch and resting his chin in hand. I reached over, ruffling up his hair.

  "We could go."

  "But what if James found out? He'd be livid."

  The way he looked at me with those big, doe eyes... I didn't know how James could ever say no to him.

  "You're right. But trust me, everyone knows who Sebastian is. His fears aren't warranted. Plus, I heard he has a family now. There's no way he'd risk attacking some people hanging outside of the walls they built around his home."

  "I know it's more than that, though. The stuff about Sebastian is just a front."

  "Eh? What's the big issue then?"

  I was curious, even if it wasn't my business. James was so adamant about staying away from the festival, and had never taken him before, either. What other reason could there be?

  Oliver's jaw flexed as he reached for the remote, quickly changing the channel away from the local news as he flipped through the channels. He never answered my question, and neither did I push the issue further. But I really wanted to know what this issue was that made James so mad.

  But for now, it was fine to just sit here together in silence, enjoying his company. Which was the most I'd ever have from Oliver. A quiet friendship, nothing more.

  And that was fine.

  Chapter 2


  If I wasn't cranky already waking up on my day off, I sure was going to be now that I had to drive back over to my brother's house to give him a lift to work. He couldn't drive, apparently, but I could tell from his slurred speech that it was because he'd been drinking again. He'd been drinking more and more over the last month, but when it came to the point where he was interrupting my much needed nap, he was finally going to hear it from me. At least he didn't live far, but the half hour drive to work was going to be long.

  I should've let him walk there. I wasn't going to pick him up afterward, that much was sure. He better sober up before his shift was over.

  And since we did live relatively close to one another, it wasn't very long until I pulled down his street. I could see him standing outside of his home even in the darkness, flailing about like a maniac. And in front of him was Oliver shouting back at him.

  I rolled down the window of my truck, pulling alongside the curb of their home to shout at James.

  "What are you two doing?!"

  They didn't pay any attention to me though, and had no regard for their neighbors either. It wasn't even a week ago that I'd been at their home and witnessed another one of their fights. At least now they were standing at quite a distance from one another, so no need to place myself right in the middle again. At least, not yet.

  "I told you to ask me! Why do you keep doing it?" Oliver shouted, tears in his eyes. He must have stolen from him again. I hopped out of my truck, shoving my hands into my pockets as I approached James.

  "Can't you guys ever just relax?" I said casually once I finally stood next to James. He turned to me, stumbling back but managing to catch himself on the large oak tree next to him. James' head swayed left and right as he fought to stand back up, his fangs glinting menacingly in the street light.

  "What're you doin' here?" James asked, his eyes shaking as they tried to focus on me.

  "You asked me to come. Don't you remember? You have to go to work, but seeing you like this, I'm thinking it might be a smarter idea just to call in tonight."

  "Fuck off. And tell him to chill out."

  "Why don't you stop stealing from him and he'll chill out?"

  "I hate thieves! Why are you always doing this?" Oliver sobbed, the sleeves of his over-sized sweater hanging past his hands as he lifted them to rub at his eyes. It was pretty chilly out, and he wasn't wearing any pants either. At least the sweater covered him up to the middle of his thighs. But it was still cold as hell out here.

  "Go inside! You're going to get sick," I tried to warn him, but of course he wasn't listening. They were both too caught up in their feelings to think rationally right now.

  "Yeah, get outta here," James said, finally able to stand up and push himself off of the tree.

  "You need to get in the truck, now." I warned him, but he ignored me as he made his way closer to Oliver. I stayed next to him as he got even closer. I was certain he wasn't going to hurt him or anything, but just on the off chance he slipped and lost his balance, I'd be there to help him back up.

  "Tell this ass to shut up about the money." James shoved a finger into Oliver's face until his boyfriend seemed to have enough of it. He slapped my brother's hand out of the way, only for James to lean forward, pushing him
haphazardly out of the way.

  "Don't touch me, bitch," he grumbled.

  "Don't put your hands on me!" Oliver shouted back at him, still crying.

  "Alright, that's it! That's enough! James, get the fuck out of here. I don't care where you go, but you gotta leave."

  "This is my house! I'll do what I want." He continued to argue, nothing was getting through to him. Clearly he was not going to make it to work tonight.

  "This is our house!" Oliver argued back.

  "Not anymore. Get your shit and get out of here. Go on!"

  I kept looking back and forth between the two before I finally shook my head and came to Oliver's side. I placed an arm around his shoulder and gently nudged him back into the house.

  "Come on, let's go get your shit and let him wallow outside in his misery."

  "I can't believe him. I didn't do anything and he's going to kick me out?"

  "Yeah, I'm kicking you out. And I never wanna sees your face around heres..." I could hear James continue to hurl slurred insults, but I refused to let Oliver turn back to him.

  "Let's be quick." I followed him up to their room after grabbing a few empty grocery bags from their kitchen cupboard to stuff some clothes into. He already had a few changes of clothes ready, quick to grab another pair of shoes and his toothbrush.

  I stuffed everything he had laid out on the bed into the bag, tying it into a knot and grabbing his coat from the hanger on the back of the bedroom door. He said nothing as I covered him up with it, lifting his arms to allow me to place it onto him quickly before guiding him out of the home and towards my truck. Thankfully it was still there, and James hadn't decided to hijack my vehicle. But he was nowhere to be seen. I wasn't sure where he went, but I didn't want to have to worry about him coming back and fighting with Oliver further.


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