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Morally Corrupt: A Dark Romance (Morally Questionable Book 1)

Page 18

by Veronica Lancet

  "Then get to know her. The real her."

  "Easy for you to say," I mumble, crossing my arms defensively. Since when is Marcel Bianca's biggest supporter?

  "Sometimes, maybe even monsters deserve some redemption." He says, more to himself.


  I cock my pistol and shoot. One down. I move one meter to my left and repeat the movement. Two down. I do it again and again until I've finished the row.

  Then, I head to the targets to check my results. Bull's eye. Every single one of them.

  I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. My coke-free body is still capable of hitting the mark. My abilities have not been compromised.

  I have to admit that one of my biggest concerns was that without coke, I would suddenly stop being me... especially in the field.

  Today is the first day I picked up a gun since the withdrawal fiasco, and my fingers didn’t tremble. No, in fact, my vision is sharper, my awareness increased. Maybe being drug-free isn’t so bad.

  "Guess who's going to be here in about thirty minutes." Vlad's voice takes me by surprise, and I look back to see him heading towards me.

  "I told you it would work, didn't I?" He winks at me.

  "How did you even know?" Some of the things Vlad knows sometimes take me by surprise. It's like you can't hide any secret from him. Which is also how he'd devised his plan.

  "I have my ways. Now, you might want to change into something else." I look down at myself and notice how sweaty I am. Ever since my head had cleared, I'd been using Vlad's gym. I was now only wearing a pair of gym shorts and a sports bra.

  "Fine, I'll meet you in a few," I say and jog towards my room. Thankfully, Vlad had brought some clothes from my apartment. I’m halfway across the lawn when a car pulls up in the driveway. I stop and crane my neck. Getting out of the car, I see Marcel and Theo, both dressed in their immaculate suits. Vlad must have seen them too because he catches up with me and sniffs me.

  "You don't smell too bad."

  "Thanks," I say dryly. Both Vlad and I go over to the men and quietly greet them before heading to Vlad's office. I just really hope that Vlad's prediction will be accurate. As we head to the room, I realize that Theo keeps avoiding my gaze. He's bound to talk to me, though.

  "So, gentlemen. Welcome to my humble abode." Vlad begins with his usual theatrics, and I can see that both Marcel and Theo roll their eyes.

  "Thanks for arranging this," Theo replies. I'm standing next to Vlad, keeping my face blank and waiting to be addressed.

  "Well, now that you are both here." Vlad stops to muse before adding, "Fancy seeing you too, Marcel." Marcel just gives an almost imperceptible nod. "Let's get down to the meat of things. Hastings, you said it was urgent to talk to Bianca."

  "We've been invited to Allegra Agosti's birthday party, which is tomorrow. Enzo was hoping Bianca would be able to join when he extended the invitation." He says this without even glancing at me once, all the while addressing Vlad.

  "So, you came here to see whether Bianca was well enough to attend?" Vlad asks. I have to say, I am particularly amused by how this exchange is taking place.

  "Yes, and I see she is looking much better." Theo finally swings his eyes to me, but only briefly. I decide that it's time this stopped.

  "You really want me to accompany you?" I ask, my voice steady and devoid of emotion. He gives a strained nod, but still avoids meeting my gaze.

  "You could at least look me in the eye and ask." I feel compelled to add, seeing how he likes to pretend I am not present and have no agency.

  Theo's practically fuming at my words, but he grits his teeth and turns to me to ask.

  "Could you please come with me to Enzo's party?"

  "Fine." I shrug. I don't really care why he's asking me, although Vlad did tell me some specifics. I only care that we will be forced to share a space. Then I can begin my seduction anew. Yes, that is indeed perfect.

  "Good. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8pm." Theo turns to leave,, but Vlad tsks in his usual manner, making him draw to a halt.

  "Really, Hastings, I didn't take you to be so hypocritical. Not too long ago, you were bedeviling your wife, but now you need her help. Why don't you tell her exactly why you have to attend?" Vlad's manner is relaxed, but his words are cutting. I can see Theo's shoulders tense before he simply answers.

  "It's for work. Bianca probably already knows I've been trying to get someone named Jimenez for a long time now. Enzo's event might prove to be just the place."

  "Good. Now try again, but without the lies." Vlad takes a few steps towards Theo and adds.

  At this, I turn sharply towards Vlad. He's never mentioned anything else when he'd outlined our plan of action. What was he talking about?

  "I don't know what you're talking about," Theo replies, but his expression is closed off. Marcel, however, has been on the sidelines this whole time, observing. Odd.

  Vlad takes one more step, now wholly within Theo's personal space. I see his stance a second before he acts, throwing a punch at Theo.

  My first instinct is to grab the first weapon I see from Vlad's desk; and so I take one of his pencils, ready to draw blood. Just as I'm about to move, I see Marcel showing me a stop sign with his raised palm, followed by a hand motion towards the ensuing fight. I finally focus on what's happening and see Theo entirely holding his own against Vlad. They are both approximately the same size, but Vlad is the one with a lifetime of experience.

  But what I see leaves me cold. Theo dodges almost every single attack, even the more complicated ones. At the same time, he gives as good as he gets. The only reason they are not entirely bloody and wounded is because they seem to be evenly matched in skills.

  After what seems like an eternity of seeing one of the best fighting matches I've ever seen, they stop, both panting.

  "Anything left to say, Adrian?" Vlad retreats to his desk, where he procures a handkerchief and proceeds to gracefully wipe the sweat from his face.

  I see Theo's eyes widen a little, and I frown.

  "Adrian?" I finally speak. It feels like everyone is onto something, and I'm the only one not knowing what's happening.

  "Why don't you tell her, Hastings. Or wait, that's not really your name, is it." Vlad turns to me with an expression of fake concern. "I fear you've married him under false pretense, little goddess." I'm... intrigued.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Shall I, or shall you?" Vlad nods towards Theo, and I can see the tension radiating from him.

  He doesn't speak, so Vlad does the honors.

  "Let's see from the beginning. Tragic tale. Michael and Paulina Barnett. Killed in their home after a supposed robbery gone wrong. Left behind one son. Adrian Barnett. After some foster homes, he found himself fighting to the death for the Irish. Andrew Gallagher if I'm not mistaken. I met him a time or two, not the most pleasant fellow." Vlad scrunches his face in annoyance before continuing.

  "Where was I... oh yes. This Adrian fought for Andrew for four years. Apparently, he had almost weekly matches. Can you imagine the body count?" Vlad turns to me when he asks that, and I'm mentally already doing the math, and it's around two hundred ish. Not bad. Not bad at all. I'm almost impressed.

  "Then he just disappeared. Poof." Vlad makes a sound, and I raise an eyebrow. Get to the point already. "Around the same time, Theodore Hastings enrolled into Harvard."

  "Pretty tale, but I don't see the point." Theo finally says, but Vlad isn't done.

  "The point is that Michael Barnett was involved in a project to take Jimenez down. Allegedly he compiled a list of high-level officials and wealthy patrons investing with Jimenez."

  "So what, you're saying I'm this Barnett guy?"

  "I'm not saying. You are. That little physical exertion was my proof. But if you want more..." Vlad says before heading to his safe and opening it, withdrawing a folder. Within the folder are a few photographs that he hands directly to me. All of them depict the same man, in various injury stages, an
d within a fighting ring. While the man in the pictures is bulkier and more massive than Theo, there is no doubt they are one and the same.

  "So, you're Adrian Barnett?" I cock my head and study my husband, suddenly seeing him with new eyes.

  He's... perfect.

  My eyes eat him up as I realize just how similar we are. He's killed before too. I instinctively lick my lips. He knows what it's like to take someone's life.

  Not all is lost.

  We can be together.

  And we can kill together.

  Oh, My God!

  I'm already lost in a fantasy scenario, imagining what it would be like to have Theo... no, Adrian at my side on a mission. I'm deep in when I vaguely hear him speak.

  "How do you know that?" He's looking at Vlad, who just shrugs.

  "Maybe you haven't noticed until now, but there are no secrets I don't have access to."

  More words are exchanged, but I'm still within my own fantasy, so I don't register what's being spoken. Instead, I act on instinct and fling myself at Theo... erm, Adrian. I wrap my arms around him. I feel him tense for a seconds before untangling himself from my grasp.

  I only pout, Pink style, and plaster myself to his side. He turns and frowns at me.

  "Why are you doing this? Have you not heard a word until now? I'm not Theodore Hastings."

  "I know. Now we can be together." I hug his arm tighter.

  "What?" He exclaims and shoves me away. I cock my head and frown.

  "We're not that different. You kill. I kill. We're the same."

  "We're not the same, Bianca. I killed out of necessity. You kill because you like it."

  "Was it really a necessity? Who pointed a gun at you and forced to kill? And don't tell me there wasn't a moment when you felt human life seep through your hands, and you didn't enjoy it. "

  Theo's about to respond when Vlad intervenes.

  "Enough of that. I think we have more important things to discuss. Don't worry, Hastings, your secret is safe here. Now, let me put things this way. You want to get Jimenez. I want information on Enzo. I think we can help each other."


  I'm trying my hardest to resist this proximity to Bianca. She's still at my side, and her scent keeps on invading my nostrils. When I first saw her, I couldn't believe how good she looked. I was almost taken aback by my body's response to seeing her again, even if it's only been days.

  So I tried to ignore her.

  I didn't address her, and I didn't look at her.

  But then Vlad happened.

  I should have guessed he had something under his sleeve when he started sparring with me. I just didn't realize how much he knew about my old identity.

  And now Bianca knows too. I was almost apprehensive about her reaction. But then she threw herself at me saying how similar we are, the expression on her face almost dreamy. I was caught in her eyes for a second.

  Just for a second.

  Then I remembered she can't feel.

  And now, Vlad's saying he wants to help with Jimenez. I almost snort. Why do I feel that I can't trust him? There is just something about him that rubs me off. Mostly when he seems to be too cheerful without reason.

  "So let me see if I have this right. You want us to bug Enzo's house. How do you even know the party's going to be at his house?" I ask. I'm surprised that Marcel has been quiet this whole time, but he seems to be more interested in observing than participating.

  "I knew about it long before you did. Rest assured; it's going to be at his home."

  "But why don't you do it?"

  "Enzo and I are not the best of friends." Vlad smiles ruefully. "Thankfully, he has no idea you know me, or believe me, you wouldn't be invited either."

  "We'll do it." Bianca readily agrees, and I frown at her.

  "We won't do it." I correct, and she cranes her neck to look at me.

  "I'll do it then." She says shrugging, and her ready support of Vlad is getting a rise of me.

  "No." The word slips my lips before I even think it through.

  "What? I'll do it, don't worry." She dismisses me by redirecting her attention to Vlad, and I'm...flabbergasted.

  "No," I say again and add. "Why should we do anything for you" I motion to Vlad, a little more aggressively than I would have liked.

  "I said I'll do it, for fuck's sake. You don't need to concern yourself with it." Bianca's exasperation is fueling my own unreasonable ire.

  "That's it, children." The subject of my displeasure intervenes, and my lips compress in irritation. "Hastings, if you don't want to get involved, don't worry. Bianca can do this on my behalf. On the other hand, I will also not be giving you any information on Jimenez."

  I snort at his vanity. What does he think he has that's so valuable?

  "What kind of information could you possibly have?"

  "Nothing much..." he starts sarcastically. "Only the location of the club he frequents."

  "You're bluffing." I accuse, given how elusive Jimenez has been for years.

  "Do I... "

  "He's not bluffing," Bianca affirms, and Marcel shifts nervously in the corner.

  "I'd trust his word." He adds on a strained tone, but I don't have the time to ponder that.

  "So what will it be? The offer will expire in five...four..."

  "Fine," I put one hand up to stop him while the other is rubbing at my temples.

  He smiles.

  "I knew you'd come around. You and Bianca will make a wonderful team." He winks at her, and my fists clench. Why is he winking at her?

  "Enzo expects Jimenez to show up at the party," Marcel interjects, and Vlad shifts his focus towards him. Is it just me, or is there something going on between the two of them?

  "He won't. But that doesn't mean all is lost. I'm sure he will send someone close to him."

  "How do you know?" I ask.

  "I have eyes on Jimenez. He hasn't left his location, and no arrangements have been made for him to leave any time soon."

  "Damn," I mutter. Not that I trust Vlad, but all will be confirmed tomorrow.

  "Now that we've decided to work together, we can start planning." Vlad goes around his desk and shuffles some files, withdrawing a big sheet of paper.

  "Is that...?" I ask, squinting to get a better view.

  "Yes. The plans for Enzo's house. You need to be in and out of the office without raising an eyebrow. Best to be prepared." Ok, wow. Vlad certainly takes himself seriously.

  As he starts spreading it onto the table, we all get closer.

  "It's quite similar to Martin's house," Bianca notes, and I have to agree. They are both two-story mansions, but Enzo's seems to have a more traditional design.

  "Where does his father live?" I ask.

  "With his mistress in the city. This used to be the family home for the Agostis, but now it's only Enzo, his wife, and son that live there."

  "What about the other sister?" Bianca suddenly chimes in, and all eyes are on her.

  "Which one?" Vlad carefully asks.

  "The unmarried one. When I looked into their family, there were three sisters, and two were married. What happened to the third? Catalina was her name, I think." There is an immediate silence, and Marcel's shoulders stiffen for a second. Vlad seems to take note of this when he answers.

  "She disappeared. Years ago. Probably dead if you ask me." Odd.

  As Vlad says this, Marcel immediately averts his face, but not before I catch a glimpse of pain on his features.

  "Back to the blueprint. This is the ballroom, and will most definitely be where the party will take place." He points to the east wing of the house. "Now here," His finger moves to the west wing. "is the study. It's on the same floor, but it's separated by the kitchen and the drawing-room. You will need to pass those without seeming suspicious."

  "How many people invited?" Bianca asks.

  "From what I heard, at least a hundred."

  "Good, they are our best cover. Worst case scenario, I'll distrac
t Enzo."

  "You're not distracting him. We'll do it together." Just the image of Bianca and Enzo together in an intimate setting is enough to make my temples throb.

  No, that's not an option, especially with how Enzo was eyeing my wife at lunch.

  "I thought you said you didn't wanna do it."

  "I changed my mind." I retort. I realize I'm probably sounding infantile right now, but I don't want her near Enzo.

  "So it's settled. In case of an emergency, there are options." Vlad starts walking us through all the nooks and crannies of the house and shows us how to use them to our advantage. He insists that the bugs must be placed in Enzo's study, in the drawing-room and in the kitchen.

  "The kitchen?" I ask, curious.

  "You'd be surprised by how the staff gossip. Especially in households like this."

  "Ok. Sounds good." Bianca agrees, but then suddenly asks. "They'll search us for weapons, no?"

  "Yes, they will. Likely metal detectors too." Vlad replies, and Bianca purses her lips.

  "What type of bugs do you have?"

  "Non-metal," Vlad smiles sheepishly, and I chuckle.

  "Can I borrow your 3D printer? I need at least a pistol."

  "Take an obsidian blade. That should pass muster."

  Bianca scoffs at this, "You know I don't like blades."

  "You do when you must." The back and forth between the two of them makes me feel like an outsider. I also cannot help but notice how different Bianca is. She exudes a serenity that she didn't have before. She's also forward and bold.

  Is this the real her?

  "What about him?" She suddenly asks and points at Marcel. "He's not coming, is he?"

  "No, I'm not," Marcel replies.

  "Then what is he doing here?"

  "He's my trusted friend," I emphasize trusted to let her know precisely what she's lost. She doesn't seem to react, though, and I end up being the one annoyed.

  We finalize the plans, and both Marcel and I turn to leave. I see Bianca look me with an indescribable look on her face. I shake myself and force myself to disregard it.

  Later, when we're in the car, Marcel mentions the visible tension between Bianca and me.


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