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Kit: Carson Brothers #1

Page 20

by Dyble, S R

  “Women?” I knew I was pathetic for hanging onto that part of what he’d said but I couldn’t help myself.

  “The mansion was like a prostitute’s house for my father’s businessmen, there were always women to fuck and be done with straight afterwards."

  I knew Kit was experienced but I never thought he was that accomplished and it made me nervous. What if sex with me was shit?

  “You’re pulling that face again."

  “No, I’m not.” I looked down at my hands.

  “Hey.” He sat up and made me look at him.

  “Sex with any of those women before you has never been close to what I experienced with you today. I never felt a thing for any of them, do you understand me?”

  I smiled and nodded.

  “So, Jason has his own garage here, right?”

  He nodded.

  “Jax is a doctor and Eric works at the garage, right?”

  Again, he nodded.

  “So, what made you and Nick decide you both wanted to randomly enrol in a photography course midterm?”

  He hesitated and looked away before giving me his answer.

  “I may have been a grizzly fighter back in Australia but I also loved taking photos. I’ve been here wondering what the hell to do with myself, so I decided to have an education- something I never had back at home."

  I shook my head at how random it all was.

  “Nick didn’t know what the hell to do either, so he followed suit."

  I chuckled. “Sounds like Nick."

  At the mention of his name, I thought about Lilly and how she’d got caught up with Nick. What the hell was all that about? I still needed to talk to her about it.

  “Nick works at the garage a lot, too, so it’s not like he needs the college course, and I have my job at the gym teaching kids boxing but it’s something to keep us occupied and to focus on."

  “So you don’t go back to the way things where?”

  Kit shook his head. “We’ll never go back to the way things were."

  I nodded. “Thank you for telling me, you didn’t have to."

  He smiled and came up beside me to kiss the side of my face.

  “Something is still bothering you?” he asked, sitting back and studying me.

  “It’s nothing."

  “I’m your boyfriend, I’m useful for more than just making you scream, Blondie."

  I gasped. “I didn’t scream!”

  “Not yet, but you will” He smirked and it made me hit him against his chest.

  He caught my hand and popped the edge of my palm into his mouth before biting onto it.

  “Ow! Let go,” I said, pulling it back.

  I couldn’t help but smirk as Kit kissed it better.

  “Tell me, Blondie."

  He was referring to the thing that was bothering me and I hoped he’d forgotten.

  “It’s just when my parents and brother died, I promised myself I’d never love anything again… I couldn’t help but love the people I already cared about but I promised to seclude myself so it couldn’t hurt like that again. Here I am in your bed, after just admitting I love you and, well, it’s terrifying."

  He nodded and brought me to his chest. “I won’t hurt you, Eves,” he promised.

  “You can’t promise you won’t die,” I said whilst looking up at him in the eyes.

  “No. But if I do, I’ll come back and haunt your fat ass so you’ll never be rid of me."

  I pinched my lips together and tried not to laugh as I lunged at him.

  “You’re such a cunt!"

  “You’re such a Hull bird, listen to you, the mouth on you,” he teased and I landed on his chest as I fought him.

  “I am from Hull,” I answered. “Perhaps you should have brought an Aussie over."

  “’Ull,” Kit mimicked me.

  “You’re taking the piss out of me now?”

  “I just love the way you talk; you people don’t pronounce your H’s, I’ve never heard anything like it."

  I glared at him and it made him smirk before he kissed my nose.

  * * *

  An hour later Kit headed downstairs to get some drinks and snacks for our Netflix sesh and as I prepared to get a shower, I heard him talking to his brothers who must have recently come home. I prayed they hadn’t heard me and Kit having sex and as I headed over to the door, I heard my phone buzzing on the side.

  Walking back over to it I saw Lilly’s silly face plastered across my screen, letting me know it was her calling.

  I answered it and let silence loom at the pending conversation.

  “I guess saying happy birthday wouldn’t be the best thing to say?” she asked.

  “No, it wouldn’t,” I said dryly and I sat back down on the bed.

  “What were you thinking, Lil’?” I questioned whilst still hearing Kit and his brothers conversing downstairs.

  “Eve, you’re with his brother, we’re not that different."

  I rolled my eyes. “But I’m with his brother. Granted, I was probably stupid for entering into such an agreement but it’s going pretty fantastic so far. You’re not together, are you?"

  “Wait.” I could almost see Lilly biting on her lip through the phone. “Shit, have you had sex?”

  “That’s irrelevant,” I answered quickly but with a clear grin to my face.

  “Oh. My. God, Eves."

  I smiled, knowing just how much of a big deal this was.

  “I never thought anyone would be able to get so close to you."

  The thought wiped my face clean because it was true. But as I stared at the door, I smiled again, because although it terrified me that Kit had delved deep into my heart, I couldn’t have been happier about it.

  “He told me he loves me,” I said quietly.

  “Already? Wow."

  I shook my head, knowing that mine and Kit’s relationship had moved much faster than I had anticipated.

  “And did you say it back?”

  “Yeah,” I blew out a breath, “I already knew I loved him before he said it to me, it’s just so frikkin’ scary."

  Lilly didn’t have to say anything, I knew she was smiling as the silence lingered.

  “He might actually be a decent guy, after all, I’m so happy for you, Eves."

  I smiled and thought back to what we were talking about.

  “So, the deal with his brother?”

  She chuckled and kept quiet for a little. “Well, it’s no fantasy, put it that way."

  It made me frown and I had no idea what the heck Lilly was about to say.

  “You know that time at the gym, I asked you if you wanted to go out, and you didn’t end up coming?”

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  “Well, I bumped into Nick. At first, I was going to tell you that we’d just slept together and it was a mistake but somehow, we’ve kept seeing each other, not just at the club but randomly bumping into each other."

  “Maybe he was stalking you."

  Lilly chuckled. “No, Eve."

  “Anyway, what was a one-night stand has turned into us spending more time together and having numerous one-night stands. We’ve realised that we’re both just using each other for sex."

  “Really? You’re using him, like he’s using you?"

  “Yes, Eve. I like sex, it feels great…” She said simply like I was an idiot. “And I know Nick isn’t the dating type, I’m not that much of an idiot. The other night we got talking and spoke about how it would be great if we could just have sex any time we want with no strings attached."

  “Why does this sound like the scene in Friends with Benefits where they’re agreeing to be friends and just have sex?”

  “Well… Because that’s exactly what’s happened, we’ve been having sex and it’s turned into hanging out like friends do."

  “You’re fucking with me, right?” I sat on the edge of the bed and tried to absorb the info’ Lilly had given me.

  “Have you ever seen that film?” I asked.

nbsp; “Not fully…”

  “Yeah well, she actually falls for him and it gets fucked up. Of course, it was a film so it had to end pretty, I don’t see that happening here, Lil’."

  “Please, I know what I’m doing, I know that he’ll never like me like that and I’m not going to fall for him."

  “Uhuh.” I bit on my finger and scratched my face, knowing how much bullshit I’d just been fed.

  “Everything is fine, plus, I’m telling you, that guy knows what he’s doing."

  I shook my head “You’re playing a dangerous game, Lil’, but if you’re sure."

  “Anyway, where is that fine arse, AKA – your fella?”

  I smiled. “He’s downstairs, no doubt talking to your fuck buddy."

  “We’re gonna have to keep fuck buddy talk to a minimum, aren’t we?”

  “I’m never going to agree that it’s the right thing, so probably…”

  “Deal, no more talking about it. Now, I’ve gotta get back to work, I’ll be driving home in a few hours and I’ve got a ton of cleaning to do in my room first before I can check out."

  I nodded. “Okay, text me when you get home, or when you set off- actually, both."

  Lilly snorted. “Okay, enjoy the rest of your birthday."

  “Oh, I will.” I grinned before hanging up and gathering the pieces I had ready to take with me into the bathroom.

  Turning the shower on I quickly stripped bare as the room filled with steam, I moved into the shower and under the water and hummed at the sensation of the warmth trickling down my body. As I lowered my hand down my body and reached between my legs, I smiled at the thought that Kit had been there and deflowered me only over an hour ago. I continued running my hands over my body, using shower gel to lather my skin and continued smiling as I recalled his touch on my bare skin and caressing it.

  I heard rustling behind me and gasped when I saw Kit standing beside the shower and staring at me. I thought I’d locked the door but here I was watching as his shorts fell to the floor around his ankles. Stepping out of them, he climbed into the shower with me and brought his naked body up behind mine so my arse was pressed against his crotch. He already had a full erection and I closed my eyes as he kissed along my wet shoulders and up my neck. Both his hands were gliding down my body and back up again, savouring my skin.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said against my ear before kissing my cheek.

  Turning around, I brought my hands up to his face and kissed him hard. I needed to because my chest was bursting with emotion and I had to do something to show him how I felt.

  Hooking his arms around me he pulled me close so my boobs pressed up against his chest and he held me there and ran his hands over my behind. Something about being like this with Kit made me never want to leave and as we continued to kiss, it soon turned into a heated make-out session where we were gripping at each other’s skin. He pressed me up against the wall - the cold tiles drew a shiver from me but it didn’t last long because Kit’s lips were still on me and heating every fragment of my body.

  It was happening so fast and I squealed quietly as Kit reached down and lifted me up against the wall, taking both of my legs and wrapping them around his arse as his dick met my entrance and slid inside of me.

  “Kit!” I called out as his thick length filled and stretched my insides once again and holding me there, he started moving slowly.

  Kit wasn’t fucking me, he was so passionate and gentle that I now knew the full meaning of making love. Kit had me plastered against the tiles as he made my body feel things it had never felt before.

  “You’re mine, Eves,” he said against my ear, causing my eyes to roll back into my head as I whimpered.

  He had pure strength because he was able to hold me up and thrust into me and not tire one bit. His breathing could be heard but I knew it was because he was enjoying this as much as me.

  “God, you feel amazing,” he said as he lost it and thrust into me some more, it made me moan and call out his name as his dick dug into my core and released waves of pleasure.

  “God, Eve,” he moaned and gripped onto me harder, it was a clear sign that he was about to come and it made me lose it with him. Together we moved in harmony, he gripped me harder against him as we both came. I was thankful for the noise made by the shower to drown out our moaning. Then he turned around with me still pinned to his front and sliding his back down the wall, he sat on the shower floor with me still on top of him and he kissed me all over my chest and up to my lips.

  As we sat there for a while Kit lifted his head from my shoulder and cursed quietly to himself.

  “Are you on the pill?” he asked and I looked down to where Kit was still inside of me.

  “No,” I shook my head, knowing why he was asking. We’d just had unprotected sex and thought nothing of it until now. I started to panic and got up off of him, he stood up too and caught my face with his hand so he could look at me.

  “It’s okay, we just can’t do that again until you’re on the pill, I’m sorry, it was my fault."

  I shook my head, we had both got so caught up in the moment, we were both to blame.

  “I’ll get cleaned up,” I said, standing back underneath the shower and Kit moved behind me again and ran his hand down my front and in between my legs. With his other hand, he reached for the shower head and brought it further down my body, he gently rubbed in between my legs, washing away the leakage that he’d made and I closed my eyes as my back pressed against his body.

  I honestly didn’t understand the term ‘getting lost in the moment’ until now, because both of us had lost all thought, being so wrapped up in each other. I turned around after he’d finished and moved around to his back, kissing his shoulders. When I finally moved around him, I ran my fingers down his back along with the trickling water and saw up close the scars he had there. My fingers traced over the lifted skin, making my chest squeeze at the mere sight of them. I felt myself well up just thinking how deep the wounds must have been to create such scars. They must have been excruciating and having this amazing man in front of me, knowing how perfect he was, hurt every cell in my body knowing he’d hurt so bad.

  When he looked around at me, he must have seen the look in my eyes and he faced me so he could study me more.

  “Why are you getting upset?” he asked gently.

  “Nothing.” I shook my head and he gently lifted it so he could look into my eyes and kiss me gently.

  “It’s over now, please don’t let it upset you, sweetheart."

  My heart was literally gushing out for him and I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight as I closed my eyes and wished I’d never be apart from this moment.

  “Hey.” Kit let go of my body and made me look up at him again, he was no longer serious but smiling.

  “Happy Birthday, Blondie."

  It was weird texting my grandparents to say I wouldn’t be home that night. Everything about our relationship and its factors was so new to me that I felt like a little girl having her first boyfriend and experiencing everything for the first time. In fact, I was. I’d never done the boyfriend thing before, at least not properly.

  I dressed in Kit’s boxers and prepared for the Netflix session we didn’t get a chance to have earlier, we’d spent so long in the shower and I feared for Kit’s water bill. The fact that I wanted to save the planet meant we couldn’t do that again, I had guilt so deep in my gut from wasting so much water.

  “Damn, those are tight.” Kit commented as I came from the bathroom. I was tying my hair up in a bobble that I had around my wrist and I was dressed in Kit’s boxers and t-shirt.

  Letting go of my ponytail, I glanced down at my body to where Kit’s boxers hugged my thighs and arse.

  “You saying I’m fat!?” I glared at him, already feeling like a whale in his boxers.

  “Eve, how the hell am I calling you fat?” he asked, getting off of the bed and approaching me, with his eyes on my behind he walked up behind me.

>   I hopped out of his grip and stared back at him.

  “You just said they’re tight on me!”

  “Yeah, tight, it’s sexy as fuck, they show every single curve.” He turned me back around and eyed my arse, running his hands over my cheeks.

  “God, Eve, you’re perfect,” he said, kissing my neck. Then he gently swatted my arse and told me to go get comfy whilst he set the Netflix up. It made me grin. I also did as he said and made sure to climb onto the bed with my arse on full display, which meant Kit didn’t reach the TV but came back over to me like an animal stalking its prey.

  “Oh, no.” I laughed and told him to go and sort the TV but he wasn’t having any of it. He grinned at me as he climbed onto the bed and grabbed hold of my waist, only to flip me onto my front.

  “Kit!” I scolded but couldn’t help but grin as Kit’s face went down my body and he slowly pulled the boxers from my arse and kissed each arse cheek.

  I was so embarrassed by his actions that I dug my face into the cushions and yelled at him to stop.

  “It’s perfect,” he said, using both hands and gripping my arse cheeks within them.

  “Kit!” I yelled at him again and he chuckled before getting off of me.

  “Put it away, Blondie, before I do something, you’re probably not ready for."

  I did as he said and climbed up the bed whilst eyeing him. “Like what?”

  He wasn’t a secret Mr Grey, was he?

  “You don’t have a set of whips in that locked cupboard, do you?” I asked, looking over at Kit’s large cupboard that had a lock on it. I had wondered why it required a lock but figured he was just hiding his things from his brothers.

  He laughed. “No, Eve, I’m not into whipping. I am into doggie and anal."

  My eyes widened as I sat further back on the bed and against the headboard.

  “You ain’t ever putting that thing in my arse, mate. That’s an outie, not an innie!”

  Again, he just smirked. “We’ll see, Blondie."

  “Don’t threaten me, Escort, I’ll go fifty shades of ninja on your arse!” I warned him but it only made him laugh more.


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