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The Stand-In Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 5)

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by Christina Benjamin

  That summer, Parker watched as Beth and Jared’s romance blossomed. He’d even listened as she gushed about him, all the while keeping his mouth shut and his feelings locked up. He couldn’t tell Beth that she was making a huge mistake. That Jared was a player and she should know better. He’d seen what happened when Beth’s parents tried to tell her sisters not to date certain boys. More often than not they ended up married or knocked up, or both. So Parker held his tongue when he could and made sarcastic comments when he couldn’t. But until he could prove Jared was the douchebag he knew him to be, Parker had to keep his mouth shut and eyes open. That’s why he came up with his method for survival—rules for surviving a crush on your best friend. It became his mantra and he repeated its simple bullet points often:

  Never admit how you truly feel if it’s not going to be reciprocated.

  Keep negative comments about crush’s current relationship to yourself.

  Avoid being alone in romantic settings.

  And always remember what’s at risk . . . it’s better to be friends than nothing at all.



  Beth Bennett was a ball of nerves as she sprinted down the hall to her last class of the day. She’d just kissed Jared outside the boys’ locker room and ran all the way across campus to get to her class in time. Jared was on the Stanton lacrosse team, so he got to skip last period to practice with the team. It was super inconvenient that the athletic facilities were all the way across campus. But Beth wanted as much time as possible with Jared, so she didn’t mind putting in the extra effort. Honestly, she was still blown away that a guy like Jared even gave her the time of day, let alone wanted to be her boyfriend.

  It’s not that there was anything wrong with Beth. She was five foot five with brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. She got average grades, drove an average car, had average friends—but that was it, everything about her was just average. She knew this from growing up the youngest of six girls, all of whom were well above average and they never let Beth forget it.

  But Jared . . . well Jared was anything but average. He had James Dean looks, abs that should be illegal and a crooked smile that said he knew exactly how to use all the God given perfection. When he’d kissed her in the middle of the movie theater six months ago she actually thought she’d fallen asleep and was having an insanely vivid dream. Or maybe she’d fallen into the movie somehow and was being seduced by the heartthrob right before the gruesome murder scene. Either of those scenarios seemed more likely than a boy like Jared Collins liking her. Especially since she was so inexperienced.

  Beth had never had a boyfriend. For a while she’d hoped Parker would ask her out. She’d always liked him, but was entirely too shy to put herself out there. He was her closest friend and the potential embarrassment of being shot down by him was too much to risk. And it didn’t help that Beth’s least favorite sister, Brenna, flirted with Parker relentlessly. Why would Parker ever look at Beth when he could have Brenna?

  But then all of Beth’s problems were solved on the Fourth of July when Jared stepped out of that moving truck. Well, maybe not all her problems. There was that tinsy little problem of still being a virgin. But in a few short days that problem would be over too.

  Beth squeaked into her desk just as the last bell was ringing. She slid her chair closer to Caroline’s. “Did you bring them?” she asked.

  “Do I ever disappoint?” Caroline asked with a wicked grin.

  Caroline started to reach into her bag but Beth grabbed her hand. “Not here!”

  “Why not?”

  “Are you crazy? Mr. Fletcher will shame the hell out of us if we get caught passing around a box of condoms in class.”

  “Condoms and sex toys,” Caroline added.

  Beth’s cheeks burned.

  “You should see your face.” Caroline snickered. “It’s like fifty shades of scarlet.”

  “Shut up, Car.”

  “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I think it’s cute that you’re still a virgin queen.”

  Beth ducked her head in humiliation. “Thanks, Car. I don’t think the whole school heard you.”

  Caroline just brushed Beth off as usual. “When do you want the contraband, ya prude?”

  “Are you coming to the lacrosse game tonight?”

  “Ew, no.”

  “Come on, please come?” Beth begged.

  “I could be persuaded.”

  “Fine. I’ll throw in another hundred if you meet me there.”

  “I don’t need more money,” Caroline said with boredom.

  “Then what do you want?”

  “Typically . . . what’s not mine?”

  “Oh please, you know there’s nothing on this planet that’s out of your reach.”

  Caroline winked. “Don’t I know it?” Then she shrugged, “Fine, I’ll come. But only because I can’t wait to watch Parker squirm when I hand you condoms and sex toys.”

  Beth sighed. Sometimes she really wished her friends got along. Parker barely tolerated Caroline and it was obvious he wasn’t a fan of Jared. And Caroline didn’t like anyone. Most of the time, Beth wasn’t quite sure how she even became friends with Caroline Voss. They were complete opposites. Beth was a good student and a virgin, while Caroline was Stanton’s notorious bad girl. Her reputation for being sexually promiscuous preceded her. There was even a rumor that she’d once seduced a teacher that gave her a bad grade and slept with him just to get him fired.

  But as fate would have it, freshman year, Beth and Caroline ended up paired as lab partners. Beth did the entire lab earning Caroline her first A in class. And after that, they’d just been friends, which was a great thing for Beth.

  Beth was basically a nobody at Stanton, while Caroline Voss was practically a celebrity. Her family was one of the wealthiest on the east coast. And if Caroline didn’t think the Goldens were so basic she could’ve been their queen.

  The Goldens were the popular kids. Someone at Stanton Prep coined the term long ago, donning all the trust fund brats, socialites, and celebrity offspring as the proverbial golden children. Born with more than a silver spoon in their mouths, these social climbers made the rules at Stanton. It was an elite club that only birth right or obscene amounts of money could get you into.

  At first, it seemed strange to Beth that Caroline shirked her Golden status. There were students at Stanton who would kill to be included in the inner circle. That was the only way to get invites to the legendary parties the Goldens threw, like the famous Cohl brothers’ masked ball.

  But it seemed that by dismissing the Goldens, Caroline had somehow elevated herself above them. It was like she was Platinum if that were a thing. And by being Caroline’s only friend, it seemed Beth had gained status, too.

  Caroline threw her own exclusive parties and nobody from Stanton ever got to attend. The guest list was primarily made up of her brother’s college friends, or the professional athletes and celebrities on her father’s payroll.

  Right now, the hottest ticket in town was an invite to Caroline’s infamous Aspen house for spring break. And thanks to dumb luck in a lab assignment freshman year, Beth had managed to score an invite four years ago. She’d been to many of Caroline’s exclusive parties over the years but never was she more excited for one than she was for Aspen. Caroline had graciously given Beth a plus one, and Jared was coming as her date. Well Parker was too, but Parker went everywhere Beth did. They were sort of a packaged deal.

  “So,” Caroline said. “What are you gonna wear on V-day?”


  “Oh, come on. You’re like five years overdue getting your library card punched. Please tell me you have something poppable to wear?”


  Caroline sighed dramatically. “It’s worse than I thought.”

  “What is?”

  “Your Virginitis.”

  Beth turned red again and rolled her eyes at Caroline’s insensitive sense of humor. “Don’t worry, I know the cure
for my disease. His name’s Jared Collins.”

  Caroline gave Beth a stern once over. “You sure about that?”

  “As sure as I’ll ever be.”

  “Well, then let’s get you something sexy to wear.”

  Despite herself, Beth giggled and leaned into the playful nudge Caroline gave her. Caroline pulled up La Perla’s website on her phone and added a few skimpy lingerie sets to her shopping cart before passing it to Beth for sizing approval. Beth bit her lip, but nodded. Caroline entered her credit card number from memory and pressed purchase, winking at Beth with a devilish grin. “Here’s to breaking hearts.”

  Beth laughed and turned her attention back to Mr. Fletcher. Caroline however continued to play on her phone without a care in the world. Sometimes Caroline was more like a stray cat than a friend. But like a stray cat, her presence, no matter how infrequent was always welcome. At least it was to Beth. Without Caroline, Beth would’ve been even more nervous about giving up her virginity than she already was.

  For being one of six girls, Beth’s life was strangely lacking in the female friend department. Her five older sisters, who at one time she’d shared her deepest secrets with, had long since moved out and started new lives that Beth didn’t feel a part of. She didn’t feel close enough with them these days to talk about things like sex.

  Of course Beth always had Parker to talk to, but there were certain subjects that were off limits—namely, sex. But with Caroline, Beth felt an unspoken understanding that they had each other’s backs, that no subject was off limits and they’d be there when it really mattered.

  And it was that feeling that kept their friendship strong whenever Caroline was on hiatus. She traveled with her family constantly. Apparently when you had the kind of money the Vosses had, school attendance wasn’t an obstacle. Beth was used to going weeks without seeing or hearing from Caroline. But she always came back eventually. And when she did, she had amazing stories that made Beth feel like she hadn’t even begun to stick her big toe into what the world had to offer. Plus, Caroline always brought gifts. It wasn’t anything Beth expected, but she couldn’t deny it was an added bonus.

  By far, Beth’s favorite gift was a gold Cartier bracelet Caroline had brought back from Paris. It had a tiny gold heart charm with her initials engraved dangling from its glittering band. It matched the one Caroline always wore. For some reason, the bracelet cemented their friendship in Beth’s eyes. It wasn’t that it probably cost a fortune, but that it meant Caroline thought Beth was more than a casual acquaintance, and that made her feel ridiculously special.

  The other great thing that Beth appreciated about Caroline was that nothing ruffled her. She was like a cold front in June, jarring and unapologetic. And it was that uncaring attitude that always made Beth feel like she could ask Caroline anything, which is precisely why Beth had asked Caroline for help when it came to her plan to seal the deal with Jared.

  When Beth told Caroline she was going to finally give it up to Jared over spring break, Caroline had been the one to tell her to be sure she was on the pill, and promised to get her condoms because Beth was too mortified to buy them herself.

  Beth was grateful to have a girl friend like Caroline to talk to about her hopes and fears for her first time. And even though Caroline’s salty humor flavored most of their discussions, she gave valuable advice.

  Beth’s parents were super uptight about their daughters having sex before marriage—mostly because Beth’s three older sisters got pregnant before they were married. And since punishments rolled downhill in the Bennett house, Beth had her promiscuous sisters to thank for her parents’ harsh rules when it came to dating. Basically, it wasn’t allowed.

  Hanging out with Parker had been the one exception to the ‘no boys’ rule at the Bennett house. And that was only because he was basically family. Parker’s mother died when he was four and the Bennetts took it upon themselves to make sure Parker and his father always felt included in their big loud family next door.

  It didn’t hurt that Parker grew up to be as polite and smart as he was stunningly handsome. He had shiny black hair that he always let grow a bit too long and the bluest eyes Beth had ever seen. He wore glasses, which in Beth’s opinion only made him dreamier. And he’d taken up running as a freshman and had an amazing body to show for it. Of course Parker was more the type to flaunt his smarts than his good looks. But that didn’t stop Beth’s sisters from flirting with him shamelessly.

  Plenty of girls at Stanton had asked Parker out, but he always said no, which was part of the reason Beth never got up the nerve to ask him out. If he was undaunted by her flirty sisters and the cute girls at Stanton then there was no way Beth would have a chance with him.

  She remembered Brenna asking Parker why he didn’t ever bring any girls around at the Fourth of July party last summer and Beth would never forget what he’d said. “There’s only one girl for me, so I don’t see the point in wasting my time with anyone else.” Beth had spent the rest of the night wondering who that girl was. She’d been planning to ask Parker when Jared’s moving truck came along.

  By some miracle Beth’s parents took a liking to Jared right away. Beth was beginning to think her parents liked collecting broken families because it was just Jared and his father across the street. They’d moved to Boston after his parents divorced. And that seemed to put Jared into the same innocent boy next door category as Parker. But after their first kiss, Beth knew Jared was anything but innocent.

  “So you’re really gonna do it?” Caroline asked, pulling Beth back to reality.


  “Well, I guess it was only a matter of time,” Caroline said nonchalantly.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I guess you have to sleep with him.”


  “Because if you don’t lock his fine ass down soon someone else will.”

  Beth glared at Caroline. “Have you heard someone talking about him?”

  Caroline shrugged. “He’s hot. Everyone talks about him.”

  Beth’s stomach knotted. “I know. And that’s why I’m doing this. Spring break can’t get here fast enough.”

  Caroline frowned. “Beth, I know I’m the last person to be giving this advice, but don’t rush into sex because you think you have to.”

  “Are you kidding me right now? You’ve been telling me to get my cherry popped since ninth grade,” Beth hissed.

  Caroline smirked. “Yeah, that sounds like me.”

  “So why are you changing your tune now?”

  Caroline shrugged. “What do I know?”

  “Car, I’m ready.”

  “Then just get it over with already. Do it after the game tonight. Especially if they win. Sports guys are always so wound up after they win a game.”

  “I can’t. You know how crazy my parents are. I can’t just sneak him into my room.”

  “Go to his house. His dad’s never around, right?”

  “Right. But I want our first time to be special.”

  Caroline rolled her eyes.

  Beth ignored her. “I’m sticking to the plan. Besides, the anticipation is half the fun, right?”

  Caroline smirked. “You have no idea.”

  Beth blushed. “I can’t wait for Colorado.”

  “I still can’t believe you got your parents to let you go to my cabin,” Caroline replied. “They do know it’s in Aspen, right?”


  “As in Aspen, Colorado?”


  “What lie did you tell them?”

  “I didn’t have to lie. I just told my parents I’m going with Parker. They love him.”

  “Ah, trusty old Parker. The free pass.”

  “Shut up. It’s not like that. Parker is my best friend,” Beth corrected.

  Caroline frowned. “More like stand-in boyfriend.”

  “Car, please don’t start this again. You know Jared and Parker don’t get along. I don’t wanna deal with
them at each other’s throats on spring break,” Beth warned. She was grateful Caroline agreed to let her bring two guests to Aspen, but she didn’t need Caroline’s brand of crazy stirring the pot. Not with a two thousand mile road trip only a few days away.

  Caroline shrugged. “You’re the one bringing two boyfriends on vacation.”

  “One boyfriend, one best friend.”

  “Do they know which is which?”


  “Just sayin’.”

  Beth sighed. She needed to steer Caroline away from the sensitive subject of Jared and Parker. “So tell me about your cabin again. Is there a hot tub?”

  Caroline grinned wickedly. “Hot tubs are for amateurs. We have our own infinity hot spring pool.”

  Beth let her excitement take hold. “We’ll be sipping champagne in the snow covered hot springs in a little over a week. I can’t wait!”

  Caroline winked and they clinked imaginary champagne glasses together. Beth couldn’t help the tremble of excitement that went through her. She was looking forward to spring break for so many reasons.



  Parker stood by his car waiting to meet Beth after school. There was another lacrosse game tonight so they’d be stopping at Zuma’s for their token taco dinner and then heading back to campus to cheer for Jared-the-jock-wad and the rest of his pompous ass lacrosse team.

  Parker would’ve never normally agreed to subject himself to that degree of torture, but lately the hour long display of adolescent aggression was the only time Parker could guarantee Jared would be too busy to interrupt his time with Beth.

  Parker didn’t enjoy watching sports, especially sports where Jared was the star, but his time with Beth was becoming scarce. Plus, he knew Beth hated sitting in the frigid stands alone. She’d practically begged him to go to the last game. And Parker just couldn’t say no to her. Beth still had no idea the hold she had over him. Parker would’ve run across the damn lacrosse field naked if she asked him to. It was pathetic and he hated himself a little more each day that he sat by watching Beth grow closer to Jared, while he did nothing to stop it.


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