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The Stand-In Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 5)

Page 17

by Christina Benjamin

  Parker had sent Beth a heavenly massage to start her day. What could be more magical than that? She had to give him props. The boy knew how to spoil her.

  When Beth reached the lobby she saw her family gathered in the parlor. Everyone was making a fuss over something. Beth assumed it was one of her nieces or nephews. As she approached the scene, she saw she was half right. But her heart nearly stopped when she realized who else was stealing the scene. Parker sat in an overstuffed chair, holding a sleeping toddler on his lap.

  The sight took Beth’s breath away. The universe was definitely team Parker. Beth had never seen anything sweeter than Parker holding Brenna’s little boy. Parker was gently rubbing circles on Michael’s back, looking like he might fall asleep himself.

  Beatrice was nearby pushing the twins’ stroller back and forth to keep them quiet, while a very pregnant Britton looked on adoringly. Beth could see Britton’s husband smoking a cigar out back on the veranda, while Beatrice’s husband was busy wrangling the older children on the lawn. Bianca sat next to their mother smiling at something Parker said.

  Beth took a step further into the parlor, trying to hear what they were saying. She was about to continue into the room when she heard her mother and Brenna whispering to each other. They were closest to Parker with their backs to Beth.

  “I don’t get it,” Brenna hissed. “I can never get him to take a nap!”

  “That’s because you’re too lenient with him, sweetheart,” Beth’s mother crooned.

  “I am not.” Brenna turned her attention to Parker. “Spill it. What’s your secret, Parker?”

  Parker yawned. “It’s no secret. We just played tag all morning. I think I tired him out.”

  “Looks like he tuckered you out, too,” Beth’s mother added. “You look like you didn’t sleep a wink last night.”

  “That’s because I bunked with Harold,” Parker added sheepishly.

  Beth’s mother shook her head. “I swear, I don’t know how in heaven he doesn’t wake himself up with that awful snoring.”

  “Why aren’t you staying with Beth?” Brenna asked.

  “She still wasn’t feeling well and I wanted to give her some space.”

  Brenna looked like she was about to probe Parker for more so Beth quickly left her sheltered post at the doorway and breezed into the parlor like she hadn’t just been eavesdropping.

  “Morning,” Beth sang in what she hoped was a breezy voice.

  “Hey, Bethy,” Brenna replied shrewdly. “You never told me Parker had such mad baby whispering skills.”

  “Parker has all kinds of hidden talents,” Beth replied softly, meeting his eyes.

  Brenna grinned conspiratorially. “I’ll bet.”

  Beth noticed Parker watching her and Brenna’s banter. His eyes bouncing back and forth between them like he was following a tennis match.

  “You look awfully well-rested for someone who wasn’t feeling well last night,” Brenna continued.

  “Why, thank you. I feel much better this morning,” Beth said ignoring Brenna and smiling at Parker.

  “I’m glad,” he said.

  Beth grinned and mouthed a quick ‘thank you’ to him, to which he returned a wink. It made her insides glow. How had she seriously never dared to wish for things to be like this between them?

  “Well,” Brenna said. “Since you’re feeling so much better, I was hoping you could help with a few last minute wedding things?”

  “Isn’t it all last minute?” Beth muttered.

  Brenna ignored the dig and handed Beth a list of ridiculous wedding tasks.

  Beth groaned. “Seriously? You want me to track down Nana’s gloves?”

  “They’re my something old,” Brenna whined.

  There was an entire storage room full of Nana’s things at Bellemora. “It’ll take me all day to find them.”

  “Then you better get started,” Brenna replied with a syrupy sweet smile that Beth knew was only for their mother’s benefit.

  “But I still have to finish filling the wedding favors with sand,” Beth complained.

  “Parker already did that,” Beth’s mother replied.

  Beth started at him. Of course he did.

  “I’ll help you with your list,” Parker offered.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Brenna said. “You’re not going anywhere. When a fourteen month old takes a nap, you do not wake him.”

  “Amen,” Beatrice added.

  Beth looked at her mother for help, but she was just smiling along with everyone else.

  “Fine,” Beth muttered. So much for her great day.

  Beth was fuming as she stalked across the grounds to the old stables that had been converted into a climate-controlled storage facility. It was where her family stored all their Bellemora heirlooms and antique furniture. When the estate was renovated so it could be turned partially into a hotel, a lot of the family’s personal belongings were moved into storage. There just wasn’t room from everything in the house anymore.

  Bellemora was still a bit too cluttered for Beth’s taste. She had a more minimalist style. Beth liked clean lines and white linen. Bellemora was all ruffles, roses and varnish. But she supposed it was beautiful in its own right. There was at least something to be said for the way it preserved history. But Beth still preferred her modern Boston home. The only thing she truly loved about Bellemora was its sprawling grounds and the vivid childhood memories it held.

  She unlocked the doors and stepped into the storage building, still cursing Brenna under her breath. “When a fourteen month old takes a nap, you do not wake him,” Beth mimicked in Brenna’s sassy voice.

  Beth rolled her eyes. Brenna was infuriating. Not only did she dole out orders like she was the Queen of England, but she still talked about Michael like he was a baby. Fourteen months. Why not just say he’s one? Beth hated when people counted baby time in months instead of years. Who cared about months? She didn’t go around saying she was 219 months old.

  Blowing a loose strand of hair out of her face, Beth sighed. She knew she was just being bitter about being sent to the musty old storage room. The place sort of creeped her out. She didn’t particularly believe in ghosts, but she didn’t not believe in them either. If ever there were a place for spirits to flock to, it would be the old storage shed at Bellemora. The place smelled like tears and lost love. Okay, it mostly smelled like mothballs and dust, but Beth’s imagination always ran wild there. Especially since Brenna used to fill her head with scary stories about Civil War soldiers wandering the grounds searching for vengeance.

  Beth shivered the thoughts away. “You’re not ten anymore, Beth. Suck it up.”

  After her mini pep talk, Beth walked down the rows of climate-controlled storage lockers looking for the one labeled with Nana’s name. Nana had moved back to Bellemora when she was in her sixties, saying the warm climate was easier on her. She’d grown up at Bellemora, but moved to Boston to be closer to Beth’s mother and all the grandkids. Beth and her sister’s were Nana’s only grandkids and she’d spoiled them rotten.

  Being the youngest grandchild had its perks. Nana always spent extra time doting on Beth. She took Beth to bridge night with all her hoity-toity old lady friends at the country club in Boston. She taught Beth how to make chocolate-chip cookies from scratch and always let her lick the spoon when they were done. Beth never got to do that at home. Her older sisters always beat her to it. But Nana never let that happen. She always found little ways to make Beth feel special.

  Rolling open Nana’s storage shed unleashed a flood of emotions Beth hadn’t been expecting. A lump formed in her throat as she surveyed Nana’s belongings. She’d been very close to her, but being here, pawing through her things, felt wrong. Beth wanted to hold onto the good memories she had of Nana, not dig through a storage unit of her unused things.

  When Nana passed away, Beth thought she’d never smile again. She’d missed her so much it physically hurt. Parker had been the one who got her through her grief. He
’d come over every night and watched movies with Beth until she fell asleep. He’d been the first person to get her to laugh again by recounting numerous funny stories about Nana.

  Beth closed her eyes and held onto those memories. They brought her warmth in such a cold place. Steeling herself, she opened her eyes and flipped back the lid on one of Nana’s trunks. A familiar scent wafted out and the space filled with Nana’s watery rose fragrance. Tears stung Beth’s eyes and for a moment she swore she could feel Nana in the room with her.

  Regaining her composure, Beth peered into the trunk. She found a pair of white lace gloves resting on top, like they’d been waiting to be found for this very occasion. Beth sighed with relief and carefully tucked them into her purse. She was about to turn to go when a photo caught her eye. It was a framed photo of Nana and Pop. She ran her fingers over the glass lovingly. They looked so young and happy.

  Beth had never met Nana’s husband. He died before she was born, but Nana talked about him all the time. It was obvious they’d been in love. In the photo, Nana was smiling at the camera, but the handsome man at her side wasn’t. He was holding her hand and looking at her like he’d never seen something so lovely in all his life.

  A twinge of emotion thumped in Beth’s chest. She knew that look. It was the way Parker had looked at her last night. Suddenly, Nana’s words found their way to the front of her mind. ‘Never be afraid to ask for what you want in life. When you find your happiness, speak it out loud and hold onto it with all you got.’

  Nana had said those words to Beth one day when Brenna was playing with a beautiful pearl necklace of Nana’s that Beth had always coveted. Beth had cried about it, and Nana told her that Brenna asked to borrow the necklace. If Beth had wanted it, all she’d had to do was ask. Then Nana had taken Beth’s cheeks in her warm hands and said those words. ‘Never be afraid to ask for what you want in life. When you find your happiness, speak it out loud and hold on to it with all you got.’

  Like most things, Beth hadn’t realized the true wisdom of those words in that moment. But Nana was right. The statement was powerful and one Beth definitely needed to apply to her life. She never asked for what she truly wanted. If she had she wouldn’t be here. She let Jared make all the decisions about their relationship. She let her family boss her around at every turn. The only true happiness Beth had in her life was Parker. And her own timid nature had prevented her from ever telling him how she felt. He was what she wanted. He was her happiness. She wanted him in her life. She wanted him to stay in Boston. She wanted to explore what this thing was between them. And it was time she told him.

  A new sense of purpose filled Beth as she began flipping furiously through the trunks in the storage room. Nana’s words spurred her on. She needed to start going after what she wanted in life or it would pass her by. Her heart pounded as she searched for the symbol that would remind her to keep Nana’s words with her. And when she saw that pearl necklace gleaming back at her, Beth could’ve cried.

  She gently picked it up. The strand of rope length pearls was so long it had been knotted three quarters of the way down and there was still plenty of room for Beth to slip it over her head. The pearls settled cooly against her skin and Beth felt a chill sweep through her. It was as though Nana had a hand on her shoulder, guiding her toward her destiny.

  Beth righted the room and checked one last time to make sure the pearls were secure. Then she prepared to march back to the hotel with purpose. As she was about to leave, an idea dawned on her and she turned back to look for one last thing.



  “So are you having fun yet?” Caroline asked as she pulled her gloves off and hung her jacket up. They’d just arrived back at the house and began the process of disrobing their snowboard gear.

  “I’d be having a lot more fun if you let me talk to my girlfriend.”

  “I never said you couldn’t talk to her.”

  “No, you just look at me like you’re my probation officer every time my phone rings.”

  She shrugged. “It’s not my fault you have a guilty conscience.”

  “I don’t have a guilty conscience because I’m not doing anything wrong.”

  “Having fun with me doesn’t feel wrong?” she asked coyly.

  Jared kicked off his boots and stomped over to the fireplace to defrost his toes. “Who said I’m having fun?”

  Caroline just laughed.

  Jared hated to admit she was right. When Caroline wasn’t shaming him, she was strangely fun. She initiated countless drinking games, kept everyone plied with food and alcohol, and filled any space she was in with her carefree attitude. It didn’t hurt that she was one hell of a snowboarder, too. She fit in with Jared’s friends easily, dishing out smack talk with the best of them and schooling them on the slopes.

  Jared had wondered since the day he found out Beth and Caroline were friends, how his sweet, perfect girlfriend could be friends with crazy Caroline. But in Aspen, Jared was finally seeing how it was possible. Caroline wasn’t all bad—that is, if he pretended she wasn’t blackmailing him.

  “Fine. I am having fun. And you can’t make me feel bad about it,” Jared replied.

  “I’m not trying to make you feel bad,” Caroline said joining him by the fireplace. She perched on the arm of an overstuffed chair. “I’m trying to protect my friend.”

  “And I’m telling you that you’re wasting your time. I really care about Beth and I’m not going to screw this up. You can send all the sorority girls you want into the hot tub with me, or act all flirty and fun, but it’s not gonna work. I made you a deal and I keep my word.”

  “We’ll see,” Caroline said.

  Jared stalked over to her and handed Caroline his phone. “Here. Keep this for insurance if it’ll make you feel better.”

  Caroline’s eyebrows arched slightly. The slight move betrayed her aloofness.

  “Happy now?” Jared asked.

  “Getting there.”

  “I’m serious, keep it. I said I won’t tell her and I meant it. Keep my phone for the rest of the trip if it makes you feel better.”

  “I will. And I’ll put it some place you have no business being.”

  “Where’s that?” he challenged.

  “My bedroom.”

  He snorted. “Fine. Can we just have fun now?”

  Caroline winked. “Let the fun begin.” Then she got up and sauntered over to the bar. She came back with a bottle of tequila, unscrewing the top and taking a swig before passing it to Jared. He met her sip with one of his own.

  “So what should we play?” Caroline asked.

  Jared shrugged. “You’re the drinking game expert.”

  “How about truth or dare?”

  “There’s only two of us.”

  “That’s all it takes.”


  First things first. After Beth completed all the menial tasks on Brenna’s list of demands, she made her way back to her room and pulled out her phone. She needed to get in touch with Jared. She spent all night waiting for him to call her back and then cried over the fact that he didn’t. She was done crying. And she was done wavering. Jared was making no effort and surprisingly, Beth found she didn’t care. She was seeing things clearly for the first time.

  It had been thoughts of Parker that kept her awake all night. And even now, as Beth listened to Jared’s voice when his voicemail picked up, she couldn’t even really remember what kissing him was like. But Parker’s kiss . . . it had been branded into her memory like the melody of her favorite song.

  Beth remembered everything about Parker. She knew his face as though it were her own reflection. The thin white scar on his chin, the sharpness of his jaw, the smooth hollows of his cheeks, his breath on her lips. She could still taste him. She’d memorized every moment of their kiss. And she wanted more. She craved to feel his lips on hers again, to have him hold her against him like she was his most prized possession. She felt breathless thinking about it. There we
re so many things she knew about Parker, but there were so many more she wanted to discover.

  When Jared’s voicemail beeped, Beth hung up. She needed to end things between them before starting anything more with Parker, but she still didn’t feel right doing it over voicemail. Beth knew Jared wasn’t the right guy for her, but he deserved more than a breakup message.

  Beth ran her fingers over the smooth pearls of Nana’s necklace for courage. Just because she couldn’t talk to Jared didn’t mean she had to sit back and do nothing. It was time she took charge of her life. She checked the time and then looked at the blasted wedding itinerary. It was almost time for the wedding rehearsal. Then there was the rehearsal dinner. Beth just needed to make it through a few more hours of pre-wedding nonsense and then she could talk to Parker.

  Nervous excitement overtook Beth as she thought about what she was going to say. Never in a million years did she think she would head down this road, but it seemed all the signs were pointing her toward Parker, and she was strangely optimistic to explore the possibilities.

  She just had one more task to finish and everything would be ready.

  Thirty minutes later, Beth stepped back and examined her handy work. She grinned, satisfied that Parker would appreciate her efforts. It made her dizzy with excitement to think of him walking into the room and seeing what she’d done for him.

  It was about time. The boy had spent a lifetime showing Beth how much he cared. It felt good to be the one doing the dazzling for once.

  She quickly changed into a lemon yellow A-line dress and dug through her suitcase, squealing with delight when she found what she was looking for—her lucky shoes. Beth slipped Nana’s pearls back over her head and headed out the door with renewed confidence.


  Parker stood under the gazebo with the rest of Beth’s family. He couldn’t help looking up every time he caught sight of a blonde head coming around the corner. He hadn’t seen Beth since this morning. She’d looked in much better spirits when she’d come down to the parlor. The massage had been a good idea. But he was still anxious to talk to her and see where her head was.


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