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Page 8

by Cookie O'Gorman

  Dare lifted a brow. "How would you know? Were you checking out my legs during practice the other day?"

  I scoffed. "As if."

  "That's not a no, flower."

  Gah, why, oh why, did he have to be so perceptive?

  "Enough," I said, trying to forget how fit Dare had looked yesterday in his workout shorts. "Turn the music on or don't. It's all good with me."

  Dare nodded. "You do seem to be extra agreeable this morning," he said.

  I played it off, lifting one shoulder. "I'm always agreeable."

  "Not with me, you're not," he mumbled, but I caught it and almost smiled.

  Dare leaned forward, hit the power button, and suddenly the car was filled with the sound of strings.

  "What is this?" he asked after a moment.

  "Ode to Joy," I said.

  "It sounds like something they'd play at a funeral."

  "Not a big fan of Beethoven I take it."

  "I like dogs fine," Dare mused while I bit back a laugh. "But this song is such a downer. You seriously listen to this stuff?"

  I nodded. "Strings are kind of my thing. Though I like all kinds of music, from classical to contemporary, bluegrass, rock, K-pop, rap."

  "You listen to rap?" His tone was dubious.

  "Yeah, when the mood strikes."

  Dare gestured to the stereo. "Okay, rap I get. But tell me why you like this."

  "I don't know," I said, a bit uncomfortable with the subject. "Music's a really personal thing. A lot of times when I listen to instrumental pieces, even though there aren't any words, I can just feel what the piece is trying to say. You know?"

  Dare shook his head. "No, I don't."

  "Just listen." I took one hand off the wheel and moved it as the music swelled. "Can't you hear that? It's not a funeral at all. It's…pure happiness, a rising tide, driving out all the darkness of the world. Ooh, here's where it really picks up."

  Dare didn't say anything while I tried not to get too carried away, but it was hard. This song almost always made me cry for some reason. As the music built to its final peak and then ended on the resounding last note, I glanced over to find him watching me.

  "The feeling," I mumbled, putting my hand back down, "it's triumphant. The song's all about joy and good overcoming evil."

  "Got it," Dare said. "I can see why you like it now."

  My turn to be dubious. "Really?" I asked.

  He laughed then held up his hands. "Hey, I'm not saying I'm going to add it to my favorites playlist or anything, but it was pretty good."

  Yes, I thought. Beethoven was only one of the best composers of all time, Ode to Joy being one of his most well-known symphonies, a renowned achievement. Pretty good, indeed.

  I sighed, accepting the fact that we may not have the same taste in music. But at least Dare seemed to be in high spirits. As I pulled into the DHS lot and parked, I hoped that boded well for what I had to ask him next.

  "Hey Dare," I said. "I wanted to say thanks. You really helped me out the other day. I appreciate how you stepped in like that on my behalf."

  "No problem," Dare said, turning to face me. "It's what any good friend would've done."

  I shook my head. "I'm not sure about that. But thank you."

  "You're welcome." His eyes were bright as he said, "Though if you're thanking me for the kiss, I should tell you, flower, there's no need. I enjoyed it. Thoroughly."

  He had?

  Inside, my heart did a happy dance, but I forced myself to concentrate.

  "Oh," I said, willing my cheeks to stop blushing. "Me, too. The enjoyment was…I mean, yes. Very thorough." Goodness, what was I saying? "Anyway, that's not really what I wanted to talk to you about."

  Dare sat back and crossed his arms. "Okay. Shoot," he said.

  "I need your help with something."

  He waited for me to go on.

  With a deep breath, I met his gaze.

  "I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend again," I said.

  Dare nodded slowly. "To keep the lie going from yesterday? In that case, I'm down. I never really liked Whingrid much anyway."


  At my look of confusion, he shrugged. "It's their couple name. I came up with it because Whitney and Ingrid are always attached at the hip."

  I laughed, couldn't help it. "Whingrid? Oh my gosh, that's good!"

  "Glad you like it," he said. "So, is that why?"

  "No, no." I waved him off. "I could care less what they think. Anyway, if either of them bought that we're actually together, I'd be surprised."

  "I think you underestimate how convincing our kiss was," he said. "But go on. Now, I'm curious. If it's not for them, why do you need me to play your boyfriend?"

  "Well, I—"

  Dare held up a hand. "And don't say to make some other guy jealous. You can forget it, flower. Not saying I couldn't make some poor schmuck want you. I could do that in a heartbeat. But I won't."

  "Why not?" I asked.

  "I have my reasons," he said all cryptic.

  I was thrown by this. "That's not it either," I said.

  "Well, what is the reason?"

  "If you'll give me a chance, I'll tell you."

  This time he didn't interrupt.

  "I need you to play my boyfriend, so I can make Dad regret going behind my back. Even if he had good intentions, hiring you as my friend was beyond messed up. He needs to see that meddling is wrong." I was on a roll now. "I'll pretend to fall for you. We get caught in a few compromising positions. After a time, once he's seen the light, I'll reveal the truth. Dad'll learn a valuable lesson. I'll have gotten even. And you will have my undying gratitude. Doesn't that sound perfect?"

  Dare was giving me the strangest look.

  "Wait a sec," he said and leaned forward. "So, you want me to fake being your boyfriend to get revenge on your father?"

  "I never used that word." Though I'd definitely thought it enough times. I shrugged. "Think of it as karma."

  Dare had the nerve to laugh. "No way."

  "What?" I said. "Why not? You already agreed to do it!"

  "That was before I knew all the details," Dare said with a brow raised. "I couldn't do that to Coach Kent. I actually like the guy."

  I sniffed. "I thought we were friends. Aren't we supposed to help each other?"

  It was the first card I played, but Dare didn't fold.

  "I am," he said. "But this plan is crazy, Viola."

  "I'll bring you extra Pop Tarts every day you're my fake boyfriend," I said.

  Dare put a hand over his chest. "You think you can bribe me with food? Low blow, flower," he said, but I could tell he wasn't serious. His eyes were still laughing. "Sorry. Not even delicious baked goods can sway me on this."

  I crossed my arms and gave him my best glare, deciding to try a different approach.

  "You owe me," I said. "You stole my first kiss."

  Dare's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Didn't you just thank me for that?" he said.

  I couldn't stop the blush if I tried.

  "Also, you kissed me back. Even went in for seconds if I remember correctly."

  He was right. Darn it.

  "Okay, I didn't want to have to do this, but…" I took a deep breath, then brought out the big guns. "If you refuse, word may get around to my father about who pulled that prank freshman year with his old Ford Mustang."

  Dare's eyes flashed.

  "You wouldn't," he said.

  "Disassembling the car in the dead of night when you thought no one was watching, moving it into his office, and putting it back together must've taken a lot of skill," I said. "It's too bad the people who brought it back out did such a crappy job. The car never ran the same. Dad was devastated."

  I saw Dare slowly shaking his head out of the corner of my eye.

  "I'm sure he'd love to know who was responsible," I went on. "He still talks about that car. Even now."

  "Wow," Dare said. "Just wow."

  I held onto to his gaze eve
n though all I wanted to do was look away.

  "Blackmail, flower?" he said. "Who knew you could be so ruthless."

  "I know. I'm just full of surprises," I said back. "Now, does this mean you'll help? Come on, Dare, you've already done it once. I just need you to get caught with me a couple times, so that when I tell my dad I have feelings for you, he'll believe it."

  Dare just kept staring. "Coach is going to hate me."

  "Not when I tell him the truth," I said. "I'll explain how I duped you into this and that none of it was real."

  "And you're really going to hold the prank over my head as collateral?"

  He ran a hand along his jaw, but I couldn't read the expression on his face.

  "I'm strangely impressed right now," he said.

  And then he murmured as if to himself, "Can't believe I'm actually doing this."

  "So, you will?" I asked. Even I could hear the hopeful note in my voice. "You'll be my fake boyfriend?"

  "Yeah," Dare said with a shrug. "Why not? I'll do it."

  "Really?" I squeaked.

  "Did you expect me to say no after all that?" he said then pointed his finger at my face. "But just remember, if Coach ends up killing me for fooling around with his daughter, it's all your fault."

  I nodded. "If it happens, I'll be sure to give you an awesome eulogy."


  I met Dare at the front of the car, trying to hide how giddy I was. He'd actually agreed! It had taken some persuasion, of course. But that was only to be expected. I'd held onto the information about Dare's prank for years, never knowing it would one day be useful. Pretend boyfriends were something I'd only heard about in books and movies. But now, I had one.

  And he was currently staring at me with a frown.

  "No need to look so pleased with yourself," Dare said.

  Pleased? More like ecstatic, I thought, but I managed to tamp down my enthusiasm.

  "Thank you, Dare," I said in my most serious voice. "You won't regret this."

  He scoffed. "I already do."

  Even his bad attitude couldn't bring me down. This plan was going to work brilliantly. Now, I just had to figure out my next move.

  "Are you ready?" Dare asked.

  "For what?" I said.

  He cocked a brow. "To go inside. School's about to start."

  "I know. I'll come find you later."

  "Okay, flower, you just spent all that time talking about your crazy schemes—"

  "Hey!" I tried to cut in, but he kept going.

  "—even went so far as to use guilt, bribery, and blackmail, and now you don't want to be seen with me?"

  Dare shook his head.

  "No one will believe we're together unless we're together," he finished.

  I had to admit, he made a good point.

  "Okay," I said, "but I have to stop by the band room first and drop something off."

  Dare nodded. "I've noticed you do that. Lead the way. I'll follow you."

  "Fine," I mumbled, opening the back door on my side, grabbing what I needed and then meeting him back in front of Buttercup. "Let's go."

  "Hold up," Dare said, his brows furrowed as he looked at what I was carrying. "What's that?"

  I glanced over my shoulder then back up at him. "My cello case. Why?"

  He blinked. "You play the cello?"

  "Yes, obviously," I said.

  "I didn't even know our school had an orchestra."

  "They don't," I replied. "I get private lessons from a lady who comes in to work with me. It still counts as my fine arts credit."

  Dare continued to stare at the instrument with concern. "That thing looks pretty heavy," he said.

  I shrugged, feeling the movement jostle my backpack-style case. "You get used to it."

  Before I could say more, he'd bent down, smoothly slipped the strap off my shoulder and scooped the case right out of my hands. I could do nothing but stare open-mouthed.

  "What are you doing?" I asked.

  "Carrying your cello," he said while adjusting it onto his own back. The "duh" was left unsaid but definitely implied.

  "Dare, I do this every day. I don't need you to carry it for me."

  "I know." Dare gave me a look. "But that was before you were my girlfriend—well, fake girlfriend. My girl doesn't lift heavy stuff when I'm around."

  Two times in one sentence. He'd called me his girlfriend twice, and both times it made my chest tighten a bit. And why did it have to suddenly expand when he said "my girl" like that? Jeez, calm down, heart. Don't be so easily moved.

  "Well…thanks, I guess. Come on," I said then led him to the band room. Luckily, we didn't pass many people on the way, so we didn't have to deal with the strange looks I knew Dare and I would receive if seen together—especially with him carting around my instrument. Which looked decidedly not-so-heavy strapped across his broad frame.

  Dare was smiling, and I stopped outside the door, crossed my arms.

  "What?" I demanded.

  "Nothing," he said then laughed when he saw my face.


  "Okay, okay," he said. "I can just tell you're impressed right now."

  I forced a laugh. "Yeah, right," I said.

  He shook his head. "Your face reads like an open book, flower."

  Did it? I'd definitely have to work on that for Operation Revenge to be successful. Trying to make my expression blank, I frowned.

  "Oh yeah, what am thinking now?" I asked.

  As he took a step closer and reached out to touch the line between my brows, I stilled.

  "I think," he paused. "You're trying really hard not to like me. But you just can't help it."

  Gah, was I that transparent?

  "Wow, you have a really high opinion of yourself," I said, trying to keep my voice level as he ran his pointer finger down my nose. For a second, I wondered what it would be like to do the same to him. Dare's nose was actually quite attractive despite being too long and a bit crooked. I believed they called it "aquiline" in the historical romances I liked to read. When Dare grinned and tweaked my nose at the end, I scowled for real. "If you're done messing with me, it's almost time for class."

  Dare's face was alight with mischief.

  "Oh, I've only just begun, flower. Your plan is crazy, but I agreed to help. Under duress, mind you. But if we're going to be kissing again, you'll have to get used to this."

  He looked me in the eyes.

  "Just don't fall for me."

  My eyes widened. "Who said anything about more kissing?" I said. "I know I never did. And also, what the heck, Dare? Telling me not to fall for you?" A scoff. "Yeah, like that would ever happen."

  "You never know," he said.

  "Oh yes, I do." I pointed a finger at his chest. "And just so we're clear, in almost every romantic anything I've ever watched, it's usually the guy who makes that pronouncement who falls first. Maybe I should be the one warning you off."

  "Seriously." He laughed. "You think I'll fall in love with you?"

  I sniffed. "You don't have to sound so sarcastic. I'm a very loveable person."

  Dare was still laughing, but he managed to gasp, "That's impossible."

  "Oh, and why's that?"

  "Because I don't believe in love." Dare shrugged like what he'd said wasn't absolutely mind-blowing.

  I could only gape at him. "How can you not believe in love?" I said. "That's just ridiculous."

  "It's the truth, flower." His tone was dead serious, and I didn't even know how to address the silly declaration he'd just made. So instead, I focused on the nickname.

  "Ugh, do you have to keep calling me that?"

  Dare nodded. "Yes. Besides, I don't think you mind it as much as you pretend to."

  I blinked. "I'm going in now to put up my instrument."

  A beat of silence.

  "Like I said, I'll find you later," I added when Dare just stood there.

  "Guess this is where we part ways," he said, placing my case near the door then taking a
step back. "So, are you going to let me in on phase one of the plan? Or just leave me in the dark?"

  I crossed my arms. "It's still under construction."

  Dare laughed. "Which means you haven't thought of it yet? Jeez Viola, I thought you'd have the whole thing mapped out."

  "Well, I wasn't sure you'd say yes," I said in my defense. "Convincing you, that was phase one. Now, I can move on to phase two."

  Dare laughed silently. "Which is?" he prompted.

  "I'll let you know," I said with a frown.

  "You do that," he said and then strode away. Over his shoulder, he tossed back, "Can't wait to see what you come up with."

  Was it my imagination or was there a heaping dose of sarcasm in his tone?

  I'd show him, I thought. By the time we met again, I'd have crafted an entire agenda to make my dad believe I'd fallen madly in love with Dare Frost.

  During first period, I didn't hear a word of what the teacher said. It was like my mind had taken up Dare's challenge and wouldn't rest until I had it all worked out. I wrote a ton of different ideas for risqué situations Dare and I could find ourselves in, all of which could be staged easily and none of which involved kissing. I'd only ever admit this in my mind…but after what happened the other day, after how much I'd enjoyed Dare's kissing skills, I knew I needed to stay away from a repeat performance. Of course, I wasn't going to fall for Dare because he was a good kisser. But I could definitely see the danger in those amazing lips of his. I'd nearly forgotten my own name the first time. Yep, best just to stay away from the kissing, I concluded.

  I walked out of my first class feeling good. My list was solid, and as I stared down at it, I couldn’t contain my smile. Wait until I found Dare. He'd be sorry he ever doubted me.

  I was so caught up that I nearly didn't notice the whispers of my name, the way people were staring, the muffled laughter that followed in my wake.

  But I definitely noticed when Dare came barreling down the hall, called my name and pulled me into an empty classroom. He shut the door, leaned against it and pulled down the shade.

  "What was that all about?" I asked.

  "You haven't seen it yet?" he said.

  "Seen what?"

  Dare stared at me a moment then walked forward and placed his phone in my hands. There was a video cued up. I pushed play, not knowing what to expect—but within seconds, I recognized exactly what it was.


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