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Meant to Be My Cowboy

Page 20

by R. C. Ryan

  Park dropped the pistol and dropped to his knees before raising his hands.

  Just then, an armored police vehicle rolled up and came to a halt beside the bystanders. Half a dozen officers in full battle gear disembarked and formed a protective circle around the crime scene.

  Some distance away, a police helicopter was landing, blades flattening the grass, engines drowning out the voices as the occupants jumped to the ground and closed the distance at a run.

  The scene was one of controlled chaos. While Park was taken into custody and read his rights, the Merrick family gathered around Jonah and Annie, who simply stared at one another for long minutes.

  “Did he hurt you?” Jonah’s look was fierce, the words forced from clenched teeth.

  “No. He…” Ashen-faced, she swallowed, feeling such a welling of emotion she wondered if she could speak at all. “He was ordered to kill me and bury me in a shack…”

  “I know.” Jonah’s face contorted in pain. “I saw the grave.”

  “You did? Oh, Jonah. I didn’t know what else to do, so I hit him with the shovel and ran.”

  “You hit him with the shovel?” His lips curved into a grin of amazement. “Who are you? And what have you done with my prim little city woman?”

  “She’s still here. But when I saw Park aim that gun at you, something inside me snapped. It’s one thing to fight for my life, but when it was your life, Jonah, I knew I would die before I’d let him win.” She sniffed, fighting tears.

  Seeing that she was about to break down, he murmured, “It’s okay, baby.”

  With a wave of relief, Jonah gathered her into his arms and held her as the tremors that began in her hands started moving through her limbs, leaving her shivering and light-headed now that her ordeal was actually over.

  Against his throat she cried, “I thought I was going to die and I’d never get to see you…”

  “Shhh.” He pressed soft kisses to her cheek, her temple, the corner of her trembling lips. “I was so afraid I’d be too late.”

  “A minute more and…”

  “All right, now.” Agent Johnson’s voice, all business with the arrest of the abductor, broke through their halting words. “We’ll be taking the kidnapping victim back to town by copter. We’ll need a statement and as much information as she can give us to make the necessary arrests of the other members of this band of criminals.”

  Annie’s hands tightened at Jonah’s shoulders. “I want to stay with you.”

  He nodded and turned to his family for confirmation before saying to the federal officer, “We’re taking Annie back with us. What she needs now is rest and food, and when she’s feeling up to it, you can interview her at the ranch.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, Mr. Merrick, you’re not in charge here.” The agent motioned for two officers, who stepped to either side of Annie, closing their hands around her arms and leading her toward the waiting helicopter.

  Jonah started after them. “I’m going with—”

  “You’ll go home with your family, Mr. Merrick.” Mavis Johnson stepped directly in front of him, preventing him from moving.

  Chief Crain touched a hand to her. “Excuse me, Agent Johnson. Could I have a word?”

  She glowered at him. “In a minute.” She turned back to Jonah. “I’ll have a few choice words to say to you and your family after I have the victim’s statement.”

  Jonah’s tone was pure ice. “That victim has a name. It’s Annie Dempsey.”

  The agent shot him a cool look as the Merrick family pushed their way through the crowd of uniforms. Seeing that Jonah looked ready to fight off the entire company of police officers, Bo and Egan took him by the arms and led him away from the federal agent to prevent him from saying or doing something he might regret.

  Chet grabbed Thunder’s reins and he and Liz mounted their horses, leading Jonah’s horse behind theirs as they headed home.

  Brand and Avery, and Casey and Kirby climbed aboard their ATVs and turned toward the ranch with a roar of engines.

  The rest of the family, keeping Jonah in their midst, crowded into the truck, with Bo at the wheel, and drove away through the tall, waving grass.

  Mavis Johnson had fire in her eyes as she started toward her vehicle. “I had questions I wanted answered. The nerve of those people…”

  Chief Crain merely nodded. “You’re on Merrick land now, ma’am, where they’re a law unto themselves.”

  “I make the rules, Chief Crain.”

  “Yes, ma’am. And the Merricks break them.” He waited until she’d stalked away before allowing the little smile that had been threatening.

  Though he agreed that rules were meant to be followed, he couldn’t fault the Merrick family for following their own path. Especially since there was no denying that it had been their quick action that had prevented what could have been a real tragedy. Those precious minutes when they’d arrived, after ignoring the rules laid out by Agent Johnson, had meant the difference between life and death for Annie Dempsey. In their mind, as well as his, that’s all that mattered.

  He only hoped, when she’d had time to cool down, the federal agent would come to the same conclusion.

  At Agent Johnson’s orders, Annie fastened her shoulder and lap belts. She felt her stomach lurch as the helicopter lifted off and she saw the ground begin to disappear below the helicopter.

  No sooner were they airborne than the agent began her interrogation, or as she’d insisted on calling it, a “debriefing.” With Mavis Johnson and several officers listening carefully, Annie was forced to give a detailed description of everything she could remember, from the time Park had entered Jonah’s cabin and drugged her to those last moments when Park had surrendered.

  By the time Annie had finished giving her statement, they were landing on the football field behind the Devil’s Door high school.

  Satisfied with the information she’d been given so far, the agent agreed to allow Annie to return to the Merricks’ ranch.

  As Annie settled inside the car dispatched to drive her, Mavis Johnson leaned in to say, “It will take us some time to follow up on all you’ve given us. In the meantime, be warned. Unless or until you are completely cleared of any suspicion, you are still considered a person of interest.”

  The minute Jonah saw the police car moving along the asphalt driveway, he was out the door and waiting.

  He had only a moment to take her hand and ask if she was all right before, much to his disgust, the Merrick women took charge, leading Annie upstairs for a long shower. Afterward, they gathered around her in the guest room to examine her poor feet.

  “Not as bad as I’d expected,” Avery declared after a thorough examination. “Lots of cuts and abrasions, but nothing that looks deep or dangerous. Considering how far you were forced to run, that’s pretty amazing.”

  “I stopped feeling the pain after a mile or so. I was too scared to think about it, knowing Park intended to kill me.”

  “The people who did this are monsters,” Meg declared angrily.

  Her daughter put a hand on hers. “Yes, they are, Mom. But thanks to Annie’s courage and Jonah’s determination, it’s over.”

  Annie shook her head. “But it isn’t over, Liz. It will never be over until Arlen and all the people he employs to harm innocent victims are arrested and their crime spree ended once and for all.”

  “You’ve done your part, Annie.” Kirby took her hand. “If you hadn’t defied that awful man, if you hadn’t blown the whistle, they would still be stealing innocent people’s hard-earned money.”

  “That doesn’t change things. Until they completely clear me of all suspicion, Agent Johnson made it plain that I’m still a person of interest, especially now that I’ve told her that a fellow banker was mentioned by Park as a member of Arlen’s associates.”

  The women were shaking their heads.

  Avery spoke for all of them. “Now that the authorities saw how desperate Arlen Lender was to have you killed, they
have to concede that you were never part of his evil plot.”

  “Oh, I hope you’re right.” Despite her best efforts, Annie felt the sting of tears. She eased back against the pillows, and her eyes fluttered, then closed.

  At a nod from Meg, the women covered her with a blanket.

  “Sleep now, honey,” Meg whispered. “And when you wake, we’ll all be here.”


  “Pacing downstairs.”

  Her eyes opened. “My uncle?”

  “Downstairs with the men. He said to tell you he’s not going anywhere.”

  With a quiet sigh, Annie drifted into sleep, while the women gathered up her clothes and slipped softly from the room.

  “Here’s my brave niece.” Des was on his feet and hurrying across the room as Annie paused in the doorway.

  She shot a quick glance at Jonah before being enveloped in her uncle’s arms.

  “I’m so glad you’re here, Uncle Des, but very surprised. I thought by now you’d have headed home.” Under her breath she whispered, “Have they been awful to you?”

  “Not a bit.” He leaned close. “The Merricks and I have made our peace.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really? And you’re…friends again?”

  “We’re working on it. But I’m here now and I’m not leaving.”

  “Aunt Bev…?”

  “We talked. She’s resting, and told me to stay here as long as I was needed. She’s glad you’re okay and safe.”

  “Thank you.” She grasped his hand as she made her way to the table, where Billy was busy placing several large platters of beef with all the trimmings.

  As she approached, Jonah stood and held out her chair. She gave him a smile before sitting.

  He caught her hand and held it firmly in his under the cover of the table.

  The family, she noted, was slightly more subdued than normal. “Is there news?”

  Jonah nodded. “Agent Johnson isn’t very happy with us for interfering. And when we asked her to wait until morning to interview all of us, she had a fit and reminded us that she calls the shots. But I think the fact that the authorities in San Francisco have already made some arrests is easing her temper a bit.” He squeezed her hand. “I’m sure she’ll want to interview all of us and possibly you again as well. Are you all right with that?”

  She smiled. “Jonah, after what happened today, an interview with Agent Johnson is the least of my worries.”

  After filling their plates, Meg looked around the table. “I think, on this special night, we need to say a blessing.”

  They joined hands as Meg said, “We are thankful for the safe return of Annie.” She shot a smile at the young woman before continuing. “And we’re thankful as well for the return of an old friend who was lost to us and is now found.”

  While the others intoned, “Amen,” Des squeezed his niece’s hand and looked around the table with a smile.

  And then, with sighs of gratitude and relief, everyone dug into another of Billy’s wonderful meals. All except Jonah and Annie, who moved food around their plates and held their silence while shooting sidelong glances at one another.

  When they’d finished their meal, Meg said, “Billy, I believe we’ll relax on the porch and take our coffee and desserts out there. Maybe the setting sun can bring us some sense of peace.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He began loading a trolley with plates and cups and saucers, before adding a domed cake plate.

  The early evening sun had drifted across the sky and settled at the very pinnacle of the Grand Tetons. Its golden rays shimmered like a benediction, reminding them once again of the gift they’d been given this day.

  While the others took their places, Jonah led Annie to a love seat and settled beside her.

  In a whisper he asked, “You okay?”

  She nodded.

  Billy lifted the dome of the cake plate to reveal a four-layer Black Forest torte drizzled with cherries and whipped cream frosting.

  “Fortunately I’d planned this as a surprise for you, Ham, and had it all baked ahead of time. All I had to do was assemble it.”

  Just as he began passing around the dessert, a police car drove up and Agent Johnson and Chief Crain stepped out and climbed the steps.

  While the others groaned, Meg managed to remain upbeat. “You’re just in time,” she announced.

  The agent was about to refuse when Noble Crain said, “You know I’ve never passed up the chance to sample Billy’s cake.” He eyed the confection before saying almost reverently, “Black Forest? Isn’t that your favorite, Ham?”

  “It is,” the old man said.

  Noble chuckled. “Be still my heart.”

  The two peace officers settled into wicker chairs and quickly devoured their dessert.

  As they were sipping their coffee, another vehicle arrived, bearing the seal of the FBI.

  Agent Johnson was quick to explain. “Because this band of criminals targeted banks and investors, the federal authorities requested the aid of a special branch of the FBI. Their agent flew in this afternoon to fill us in on the details, and he asked if he might join us here at your ranch. I hope you don’t mind.”

  The others glanced at one another as a tall man stepped from the car and began to climb the steps.

  When his face became more clearly visible, the evening air was filled with the sound of gasps as they recognized the newcomer.

  Chet turned to Liz, who was staring at the man in shock. The man who had broken her heart and had left her at the altar all those years ago.

  Her face had gone deathly white.

  Mavis Johnson, unaware of the family history, was smiling as she said, “I’d like to introduce all of you to Special Agent Luke Miller.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  The Merrick family greeted Luke with mutinous silence.

  Chet, seated beside Liz, closed his hand over hers. It was, he noted, cold as ice, despite the heat of the evening. He gently sandwiched her hand between both of his to lend her his warmth.

  Although Meg was as stunned and angry by Luke’s presence as the others, her good breeding had her saying, “We were just enjoying dessert and coffee. Would you care to join us?”

  He shook his head. “No, thank you, Miss Meg. I’ll make this as brief as possible. My superior believed that since all of you were drawn into this web of crime, you deserve to be brought up to date by the Bureau.”

  He leaned against the porch railing and said to Annie, “First, let me assure you that Arlen Lender, whose real name is Allen Leyton, and most of his team have been arrested in San Francisco. A few fish managed to evade the net, but they’ll soon be caught, too. You no longer have anything to fear from them.”

  Jonah held tightly to her hand as the two exchanged solemn looks.

  “The few who haven’t yet been arrested won’t be thinking about taking revenge against you. If anything, they’re like rats running from a sinking ship. They want to get as much distance between themselves and their ringleader as possible.”

  He looked around at the Merrick family, watching and listening in stony silence. “The Bureau kept getting reports of major thefts of large bank investors, and our task force was trying to piece it all together. I doubt that we’d have closed in on them so quickly if it hadn’t been for the information gleaned from Ms. Dempsey. At first we believed, as did the bank experts, that she was part of the operation, feeding these thieves inside information. But once your friend Newton Calder got involved in the investigation, he persuaded us to cast a wider net. He proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the woman who’d opened a bank account in Ms. Dempsey’s name was a fake. With Newton’s help, we located the owner of the car that brought her to the bank, and it belonged to a man named Vaughn Park, another member of Leyton’s, aka Arlen Lender’s, crime syndicate and that led us to a woman, Jolynn Carter, who was giving Leyton the names of vulnerable investors. Leyton and Ms. Carter were not in our data bank and might have continued this criminal operation f
or years before we caught up with them.” His teeth gleamed in the gathering twilight. “We’d love to have Newton on our team. He’s a crack investigator. But he insists that he’s retired, and only willing to take on very special cases, and only for good friends. You’re lucky to have him on your side.”

  Jonah and Annie shared secret smiles with Egan.

  Ham pinned Luke with a piercing stare. “Why would those criminals go to all the trouble of opening an account in Annie’s name and depositing a million dollars? That’s a lot of money to waste.”

  “They didn’t see it as a waste of good money, but rather as a way to redirect the bank investigators.” Luke smiled. “When you’ve stolen millions, and intend to get away with maybe a billion, that’s a drop in the bucket if it gets an innocent person convicted and in turn gets the authorities to close the books on thefts that threaten the entire banking system.”

  Luke looked around. “I’m sure you folks have been too busy to watch the news, but I should warn you that the facts of this huge operation have already been made known to the media, and it’s the top story around the country. You can expect more than a little interest.”

  Ham shot him a look of disdain. “It’s easy to see that you’ve been away too long to remember that folks in Devil’s Door tend to keep to themselves.”

  Luke nodded. “Yes, sir. I’m just giving you a heads-up from the Bureau.”

  Ham shot him another of his famous piercing glares, and the special agent fell silent.

  When Luke’s cell phone rang, he looked at the ID before saying, “Sorry, it’s my superior. I have to take this.”

  He descended the steps and walked some distance away, keeping his back to them as he talked softly.

  Liz grabbed this chance to escape. “I’m sure you’ll all excuse me.”

  She ran down the steps and crossed the distance to the corral, where she’d left her horse, while the others could only watch in helpless silence.

  Chet turned to Bo. “Since I’m not needed, I’ve got some business to take care of.”


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