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On Comet

Page 3

by Stella Lang

  "You're a tease," I choked.

  She leaned back and whispered in my ear. "I got news for you, bud. You popped my genie out of its bottle this morning. I hope you're well-rested because I have five years of pent-up fantasies I'm dying to play out this week."

  "Office sex." I said slowly as I wrote it at the top of the list then circled it and put a giant number one next to it. "See, first thing on our list is office sex. I think that should be item number one every day."

  Vixen's eyebrow rose, and she rested her chin in her hand--pretending to be deep in thought. Her move was cute and downright sexy, and my cock rose from semi to solid steel as I awaited her comment. She reached behind her, giving my dick a squeeze through my pants, and causing me to squirm. Then leaning back to me, she whispered, "that’s a list of jobs to do?"

  I nodded.

  "Does blow job count?" She gave my dick another hard squeeze before standing up, giving me a wink, then moving to the seat on the other side of the table.

  "Whoa, whoa. Wait a second. What about the job you suggested?"

  "All in good time," Vixen promised.

  I punched the Home button on my iPhone--"Siri, take a note. Start a new job in my office this afternoon."

  We both laughed as Siri read back the note concerning my job.

  Still giggling, Vixen set to work, removing folders, paper, and a thick blue planner from her soft-sided briefcase. She flipped the planner open and began thumbing through the pages, stopping to record names and phone numbers from her notepad to her planner.

  My male ego swelled within me. She was going to be mine forever and I was going to see to it. Vixen seemed to have a kinky mind that went on forever, and I was eager to explore its depths.

  "We both jumped at the sound of someone clearing their throat."


  "You two still at work?" Dad asked.

  "Of course." I glanced down at my watch, shocked to see that it was after eight at night.

  "Go home. You two can start bright and early in the morning." My father left and I turned to Vixen.

  "Leave everything as is, we can start where we left off."

  "Okay, what time do you get in?" Vixen batted her eyes. God, I fucking loved every bit of this woman, even this side of her that was somewhat timid.

  "I’m an early riser, I’ll be here by six."

  "Okay, I’ll meet you then."

  "Why not just come home with me and then we can ride in together?"

  Vixen tapped one perfectly painted nail against the side of her face. "I have nothing to wear for tomorrow. I need my make-up."

  "You’re perfect just the way you are. But how about if we swing by your place first?"

  "Ummm…" Vixen was reluctant to answer me.

  "Please. Now that I found you, I don’t want you to go."




  "Stay here, it should only take me five minutes." Vixen hopped out of my truck and darted into her townhome. My lights were pointed straight into her front door and I could see her moving around. There was no way in hell I was going to let her out of my sight.

  Almost five minutes on the dot, Vixen was pulling her front door closed and checking the knob to ensure it was locked. I got out and raced around to help with her overnight bag plus I had to open her door. My mother had raised me to be a gentleman after all.

  "Why, thank you." Vixen gave me a quick peck on the lips. I grabbed her, pulling her closer.

  "You’re welcome. But no need to thank me. You should expect this, it’s the only way you should be treated, and I’m the only one who will be doing it." I lowered my mouth to hers, this time I controlled the kiss. With one hand I cupped her face, trailing my thumb across the apple of her cheek as I held her to me. With each swipe of my tongue she let out a moan. "Keep making those noises and we won’t make it to my house."

  Vixen giggled, then she gave me an evil smile. "Let's get this moving Cee so I can get back to my list of fantasies. How far do you live from here?"

  I lived fourteen miles. Vixen fastened her seatbelt. I pulled out of her neighborhood. She reached over and massaged my cock.

  "Oh god. You do this and it’s going to make the fourteen miles to my house seem like fifty because I’m going to go very slow and enjoy it.”

  "I know how to make them fly by." Vixen’s words were sultry, as she lifted the console between us and then leaned over, but still kept her lap belt on.

  Slowly she unzipped the front of my pants and slid one hand into the opening. She moved the fabric around until my cock popped free. With bated breath, an anticipation that can only be compared to waiting for Santa, the excitement bubbled in me as I all but thrust my hips up to meet her mouth half way. She wrapped her lips around my cock and sucked.

  Focus Cee, focus on the road. Drive. Red light, yes, thank god.

  I ran my fingers through her hair as her head bobbed up and down as she took me inside her moist mouth. Moist…god, it sounded like she was a fucking Duncan Hines cake.

  Her tongue twirled around the head, edging under the rim then up and over my tip. "Holy fuck Vixen."

  "Mhmm." She hummed.

  The streetlight turned green, but I was afraid that I wouldn’t even last for another mile. I glanced around quickly and spotted an empty parking lot. If a cop saw me at this very moment he’d probably assume that I was drunk, I wasn’t in total control, hell, let’s be honest, Vixen was in control and I wasn’t meaning just this moment. The woman was in control of me.

  Finally making my way over to an area of the parking lot cloaked by an overgrown hedge, I slammed the car into park. All reason had left me at this point and I didn’t care if half of Orlando watched us finish, okay that wasn’t true, I didn’t want anyone seeing Vixen in this position, seeing what was mine.

  I relaxed back in the leather seat and lost myself in the luxury of her mouth. She was now lightly biting around the head of my cock while she taunted under my balls with her nails.

  I checked the rear view to make sure no one was around before wrapping my hands firmly around her head, closing my eyes, and relaxing so I could enjoy each sensation.

  With nips from her teeth, waves of pleasure shot through my dick before landing squarely in my chest, inching me closer to the precipice. I felt my balls draw tight and tingles begin to reverberate along my cock. I was losing my hold on restraint.

  Vixen seemed to sense that I was getting close, so she catapulted into a frenzy pausing her assault on my dick only long enough to open the fly of my pants wider to give her better access. Her mouth fell onto me once again, clamping the oversensitive tip with her velvety lips while firmly stroking from base to tip.

  "Oh fuck, oh fuck," I growled. My legs went rigid, pushing me firmly against the seat. My back tightened and the orgasm began to pool in my center before spilling over and washing through the rest of my body. This woman would be my undoing, I had never felt an orgasm build to this extreme. I only prayed that I didn’t lose consciousness during it all or maybe I should pray that I did. Was that the bar to measure the perfect blow job to, whether or not you lost consciousness?

  Vixen nipped at my tip, and then relaxed her jaw, slowly she swallowed my entire length, cradling me in her glorious mouth while cupping my heavy balls with her hands.

  "Vixen," I yelled, my body now shaking so violently. "Holy fuck, I’m…" My body splintered into pieces and I grabbed Vixen’s head trying to stop her movements. Every nerve ending combusted and the difference between pleasure and pain became blurred as waves of emotion washed through me and out of my dick.

  "Fuck," I yelled, my body going limp.

  Vixen relaxed around my release and slowly withdrew me from her mouth. Even the barest touch sent waves of new spasms coursing through my body. I cracked my eyes ever so slightly to find her enjoying my agony. Lightly stroking my length and watching it flinch at her touch.

  Her smoldering eyes returned to mine, hazy with lust and her lips parted
ever so slightly. She rose up to me and kissed me lightly on the cheek. "Tag, you’re it."

  "I can’t wait," I smirked, before framing her face with my hands and kissing her deeply.



  Life was good. Who was I kidding, life was fucking amazing. I sat in the first seat as Cee stood at the podium. It was a quarter to eight in the morning, Cee and I had walked in hand and hand to the company conference room. We had met a few raised brows, but since he was saying nothing, I didn’t think it was my position to say anything either.

  Cee cleared his throat. "We are going to save Noel’s. We can do it if we all work together. I’d like to introduce you all to someone very special to me and to Noel’s. This is Vixen Brenna soon to be Kringle."

  He didn’t skip a beat when he said that and for some reason it didn’t phase me in the least.

  Cee wrapped one hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Together we will be your points of contact. Vixen is a master at marketing and public relations. She has connections with media and local celebrities. I’m going to let her tell you what she needs."

  Cee moved to the first chair and like everyone else he now watched me with rapt attention.

  I pulled up my first graph and matching diagram. One by one I pointed to the things we needed to do.

  "Tim, you’re the head of I.T.?" I asked a middle aged balding man.

  "Yes ma’am."

  "I have an App designer coming this afternoon. He has designed an App specific for Noel’s. We have tested it with numerous focus groups, but we need the two of you to have it installed with Noel’s logos and on Noel’s servers, it has to be ready before Friday."

  "Mike." I directed my attention to who Cee said was the head of Maintenance. "Your focus this week is going to be on smoke and mirrors. Think of things from that first impression perspective. Fix the things that are in plain sight, leave the other stuff for later. If something needs to be replaced, go for what is going to get the most eye-appeal."

  "On it," Mike confirmed.

  I couldn’t hide my smile as the employees of Noel’s rallied together. The energy and excitement was amazing.

  Turning my attention to the group as a whole, "Our focus is going to be on capturing widespread media attention. As always the focus of Noel’s will be on children. Where are we guaranteed to find kids every day?"

  "School." Someone called out.

  "Exactly." I smacked my hands together. "We will be going to the local schools all week. I have a series of holiday performers, snowball jugglers—"

  Cee let out a laugh at that comment.

  I raised one brow and studied him as I tried to figure out what he thought was so funny then made a mental note to ask him later. "Oscar" he was our reindeer handler "has agreed to take some of the reindeer around for the kids to see. But they will have to come to Noel’s to feed them of course."

  "Of course," several people said in unison.

  "Friday will begin our three day Holiday Hoorah, so plan accordingly for the store to be busting at the seams." I locked eyes with Cee. "Does anyone have any questions?" When no one did. Cee stood and moved to the front to join me.

  He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I want to thank you now just in case I forget this weekend since we’re going to be so busy. You all mean so much to Noel’s as a company and to us as a family. Now, let’s save the store."

  Everyone filed out of the conference room and before we dove into work I didn’t want to forget to ask my question. “Care to explain what you were laughing about?”

  “Nothing, just something that came to mind when you said snowball juggling.”

  “Yeah, I caught that. But what?”

  “Do you know what snowballing is?”

  “Eww, gross. Yes, I know what that is but no, not doing it. Just the thought of you coming in my mouth and then us continuing to pass it back and forth between us while we kiss is not sexy to me. I get the whole spitters are quitters. But, sharing is absolutely not caring when it comes to that.”

  Cee let out a loud chuckle. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  After clearing that up, we both dug into work, I was shocked at how time flew by. But considering how much there was to do, Friday would be here before we knew it.

  My focus today was networking. I called the mayor, the chief of police, the sheriff, and the planning board administrator. I lived by Audrey Hepburn’s motto, nothing is impossible, the word itself says, I’m possible.

  Need an approval for a Christmas parade? It’s too short of notice, that’s impossible–I tried anyway and proved everyone wrong. Granted, it was limited to just a square city block surrounding the store, but hey, I’m possible.

  Want every major Orlando television and radio network to cover the story about the Holiday Hoorah at Noel’s, fat chance at that happening—I’m possible.

  Reporters would even be filming live from the store to give that added human interest flare that everyone desperately wanted. In exchange we would give them free access behind the scenes at Noel’s and one-on-one interviews with the big man himself, Nick.

  We had to get this right and we only one chance to do it. The chimes rang at seven and alerted shoppers that the store would be closing in one hour.

  Eight o’clock came and went and unlike last night where it was just Cee and me and Nick who had to push us out, tonight it seemed that everyone was still at work.

  Today Tim had accomplished a lot as far as the App and Noel's' launch into the digital world, and things were well in hand. Though Noel's had been anchored in the past as far as the digital marketing landscape went, Tim had amassed a set of advanced servers and routers, set up and ready, and only needed an internet connection to go online. That was easy-peasy and made what I thought would be the greatest challenge this week the easiest.

  At midnight I closed my laptop, since I needed a few hour's sleep before 6 am rolled around. Cee had left me in his office a couple of hours ago to oversee activities on the floor, and that was when I realized that I hadn’t seen him since.

  I picked up the phone to call him when his office door opened, in strode my man. He looked beat to hell. I wanted to say something snide since he had left me alone but by the look of him I changed my mind. He closed his office door and leaned back then slowly slid to the ground. His body screamed exhaustion, but even so, flames ignited in me and all I wanted to do was go over and straddle him.

  How could a man make disheveled hair, shirt open and askew, and even a torn knee in his pants appear hot? Cee made every look hot.

  I got up and moved over to him. He opened one eye and gave me a cheeky grin. "I’m so exhausted, but excited. God Vixen, I’m in love with you. Have I told you that?"

  I shook my head.

  "Okay then, I’m exhausted, I’m excited, and I’m stupid for not telling you. I should have told you."

  "Cee, what does Cee stand for? I mean, that’s not your real name, right?" I bit my lower lip as I waited for his answer.

  "One, Cee is short for Comet and two, don’t do that." He reached forward and wrapped a hand around one of my ankles.

  "Don’t do what?" I asked.

  "Bite your fucking lip. It’s so fucking sexy and just when I think I’m too tired to move, you do that and look." Cee pointed to the bulge in his pants. "Look what you did."

  "Ummm, I didn’t do that." I held up my hands in mock innocence. "Back to this name thing, you’re telling me that you’re Comet and I’m Vixen?"


  "Where’s Dasher and Dancer?"

  "Probably at the Crystal Chandelier?" Comet replied and I raised one brow. "It’s a stripper club.” He informed me.

  "Oh. Had no idea."

  "By the way, I’m the only reindeer you need to worry about." Cee got up and pulled me to him, he squeezed me tight as he spun us in a circle until my feet were off the ground. I laughed and Cee continued to spin, his happiness was contagious.

  When he stopped and set m
e down, my head was still moving. I gripped onto him for support and then figured it was the perfect excuse for a kiss. I just wanted to savor the moment, savor his breath, savor his lips. Savor him.

  "If Dasher and Dancer are boys, can I at least get a look at them first before I make my decision about no other reindeers?"

  Cee swatted my ass. "And to think that I felt guilty about something well, not anymore."

  "What?" I demanded. Okay, not really demanded since I was also trying to keep a smile off my face.

  Cee smiled. "I noticed that last night you only brought one outfit, there’s a perk to owning a store. I picked out several outfits for you, they’re in my truck already. Mary helped me. Let’s just say that I liked having you in my bed last night."

  I didn’t answer him but in all truth, I liked being there too.



  At a few minutes after five, I woke, exhausted and yet pumped at the same time. It was crazy how I could be both, but I think the fact that Noel’s was on the line made all the difference.

  I glanced over at Cee, he was a deep sleeper. Carefully lifting his arm, he had kept it wrapped across me all night as if he needed the assurance that I wasn’t going anywhere. I carefully crawled out of bed trying not to wake him.

  I took longer to get ready in the mornings, hello, I was a girl and we had shit like makeup and lashes to put on before we were ready to be seen. Not to mention all of the hair products, curling iron for the bottom of my hair and flat iron for the rest of my hair.

  As Cee continued to snore, I tiptoed across the room gathering clothes to wear and then headed into the bathroom.

  I turned on the shower to let the water get hot, grabbed a towel, then carefully stepped in. Water fell from the ceiling of the shower like rainfall. Where I first stepped in there was no rain, but as I moved to the opposite side the rain fell harder until I was in a recreation of a monsoon.


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