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Entranced (The ROGUES Billionaire Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Tracie Delaney

  He tugged on his bottom lip repeatedly, his gaze somewhere over my left shoulder. “I’ve pissed off my fair share of people over the years.”

  “Haven’t we all. That’s business. But this is criminality, pure and simple. Whoever this guy is, he knows what he’s doing. While Athena slept, I carried out a little research. The money has already disappeared without a trace.”

  “There’s always a trail.”

  “True, but he’s covered his tracks well. It could take us years to find him.”

  “I don’t care if I’m looking for a speck of dust in a field of wheat. I’ll find that fucker. I’ve got all the time in the world.”

  “We’ll find him,” I said. “We’re in this together.”

  We bumped fists. “Damn straight.”



  Out of all the cities in the world, Paris in springtime was my absolute favorite. And what made it even better this year was being with the man strolling along beside me, my hand firmly clasped his, the sun warming our faces.

  Four months had passed since I’d been released by the man who’d kidnapped me. Four months in which Ryker barely allowed me out of his sight, and Elliot had become almost demonic in his determination to track down the perpetrator, all to no avail—so far. Ryker went about his search in a calmer, more structured way than my passionate, hot-headed brother, but that made him no less intent on rooting out my captor—wherever he was holed up. Fifty million dollars sure made it easier to hide, but sooner or later, he’d be found.

  I spent more time looking over my shoulder than I had before I’d been taken, but gradually, with the love and support of my family and Ryker, I’d managed to put it behind me, for the most part.

  “There’s something I want to show you,” Ryker said, leading me down a side street in the eleventh arrondissement.

  “I’ve seen it. Many, many times.” I giggled.

  Ryker arched an eyebrow. “You have a one-track mind.”

  “And I blame you fully. You’ve turned me into a sex fiend.”

  He chuckled. “I’m more than happy to shoulder the blame.”

  We weaved in and out of a few narrow streets, eventually stopping outside a small church. Based on the architecture and the stonework, I’d hazard a guess it was at least six hundred years old, maybe even older than that. I turned to Ryker.

  “This is what you wanted to show me?”

  He nodded. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, stunning.” I tilted back my head and peered up at the spire sitting proudly on the roof. “Can we go inside?”

  “Of course.”

  He opened the door and pressed his hand to the small of my back. I entered, blinking a few times until my eyes adjusted to the dim light. Larger than it appeared on first impressions, the most striking feature was the charming and elegant altar set beneath a stained-glass window. Shards of light illuminated the ancient oak flooring—a variety of colors after being filtered through the painted window.

  “I love it.”

  Ryker curved an arm around my waist, and we moved farther inside. He stopped in front of the altar.

  “Do you love it enough to marry me here, in two weeks’ time?”

  “Two weeks?” I squealed, the sound of my voice echoing all around.

  He gently lifted my chin until our eyes locked. “If I had my way, I’d marry you right here, right now. But as my mother would never forgive me for such a transgression, and Judy promised to castrate me if I dared marry you without her being here to witness the occasion, I capitulated. Besides, my cock and balls have plans for you. Hence waiting two weeks.”

  “Shhh. You can’t say,” I dropped my voice, “cock and balls in a house of worship.”

  “I don’t play by the rules, darling, as you well know.”

  He lowered his head, capturing my mouth in a blistering kiss that curled my toes and sent shivers of pleasure inching down my spine.

  “Let’s go,” he murmured against my lips.

  He didn’t need to ask twice.

  We jumped into a cab and, thirty minutes later, arrived at Ryker’s Paris apartment. We’d been staying here for the past week, and I’d fallen in love with the place, especially the roof terrace which offered an unrivaled view of Paris’s spectacular landmarks.

  We made out in the elevator ride up to the top floor, arriving breathless and ruffled. I expected Ryker to take me straight to bed but, instead, he lifted a bottle of red wine from the rack in the kitchen, clasped two glasses in one hand, and led me up to the roof. He poured us both a glass.

  “To us,” he said, clinking his cut-crystal glass against mine.

  We both took a sip. Ryker put down the glasses on a nearby table and pulled me into his arms, my back to his front, the entire landscape of, arguably, the most romantic city in the world laid out before us.

  “I love you so much,” he murmured, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. “My only regret is that it took me seven years to admit the truth to myself. Time I could have spent with you.”

  I twisted in his arms and locked my eyes on his. “Then wasn’t our time, Ryker. Now is our time. We are right where we’re meant to be, at precisely the right moment. Who knows, if we’d gotten together back then, when we both had so much growing still to do, we mightn’t have made it work. I’ve changed so much these past few months. At seventeen, I was entranced by you, blinded by the force of my childish obsession, but I wasn’t your equal. Not then.”

  I clasped his erection through his pants, drawing a gasp of pleasure from him.

  “Now we’re equals.”

  Ryker grazed his fingertips up my sides. “Partners,” he said. “In the boardroom, and the bedroom.”

  I grinned. “I dare you to say that in church.”


  Want more ROGUES in your life? Enraptured (Book 2) and Entrapped (Book 3) are both up for preorder right now. Enraptured releases June 29th with Entrapped following on August 27th.

  If Billionaire Romance is your thing, why not try the Irresistibly Mine duet starting with Tempting Christa. The duet is complete and available in Kindle Unlimited

  Or if you love sports romance (I adore it!) the Winning Ace series featuring tennis ace and all round foul-mouthed Irishman Cash Gallagher is available now. Try the first book, Winning Ace, or pick up the entire Boxset now.


  Thank you so much for reading Entranced. I’ve had so much fun with this series already, and I know there are many more delights ahead.

  Ryker, Oliver, Garen, Upton, Elliot, and Sebastian, each story different, yet interwoven. Bound by friendship and their uber successful business, the six friends have a lot more to say, as they are already making clear by occupying most of my waking hours with their demands and insistence I write All The Words Right Now!

  Enraptured, Oliver and Harlow’s story, is available for preorder and releases June 29th. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this single dad story that will tug on your heartstrings and have your ovaries screaming. Grab your copy here today.

  Entrapped, Garen and Catriona’s story is also available for preorder. This enemies to lovers sizzles with chemistry and will have you flicking the pages all night. Preorder your copy of Entrapped today.

  To hear news about my upcoming novels, be sure to sign up for my Reader Group, follow me on Amazon, or join the Racy Aces on Facebook

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  Books by Tracie Delaney

  The Winning Ace Series

  Ace - A Winning Ace Novella

  Winning Ace

  Losing Game

  Grand Slam

  Winning Ace Boxset


  Break Point - A Winning Ace Novella


  My Gift To You

  The Brook Brothers Series

  The Blame Game

  Against All Odds

  His To Protect

  Web of Lies

  The Brook Brothers Complete Boxset

  Irresistibly Mine Series

  Tempting Christa

  Avenging Christa

  Full Velocity Series



  Inside Track

  Full Velocity Boxset (Books 1-3)

  ROGUES Series







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  And as a bonus, when you sign up, you will receive a FREE novella, Ace, which is a prequel to the bestselling Winning Ace series. This novella can also be purchased on Amazon

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  In no particular order… because you all ROCK!

  To Louise - my BFF. Thank you for all you do, and for your love of this story and this series. I love you to bits.

  To hubs… thank you for encouraging me to follow my dreams. I couldn’t do this without you.

  To my critique partner, Incy… Once again, your insightful and razor sharp observations forced me to dig deep and while I silently cursed you at times, I know this book is all the better for your invaluable input. Thank you so so much for believing in me, always.

  To Foxy - my brilliant content editor … Love and hugs for your hard work as always, each hour (and there are many) you spend on my books given so selflessly. I owe you a lot, and I’m not sure there are enough years left in my life to pay you back. But I promise to try.

  To Emmy - my amazing line editor… from now on, every time I hear a fire alarm, I will think of you. Each book you edit there’s a nugget in there somewhere that results in a spew of coffee. Maybe I should refrain from drinking when going through your edits.

  To Allison. Thank you for reading, as always. Oliver is on his way. I hope you love him as much as I do.

  To Jean and Jacqueline. Thank you for picking up all those sneaky little errors that, despite reading the manuscript over and over still manage to slip by unnoticed—but not by you! You’re awesome.

  To my ARC readers. You guys are amazing! You’re my final eyes and ears before my baby is released into the world and I appreciate each and every one of you for giving up your time to read—and point out the odd errors that slip through the net!

  And last but most certainly not least, to you, the readers. Thank you for being on this journey with me. It still humbles me to think that my words are being read all over the world.

  If you have any time to spare, I’d be ever so grateful if you’d leave a short review on Amazon or Goodreads. Reviews not only help readers discover new books, but they also help authors reach new readers. You’d be doing a massive favor for this wonderful bookish community we’re all a part of.

  About Tracie Delaney

  Tracie Delaney realized she was destined to write when, at aged five, she crafted little notes to her parents, each one finished with "The End."

  Tracie loves to write steamy contemporary romance books that center around hot men, strong women, and then watch with glee as they battle through real life problems. Of course, there's always a perfect Happy Ever After ending (eventually).

  When she isn’t writing or sitting around with her head stuck in a book, she can often be found watching The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones or any tennis match involving Roger Federer. Coffee is a regular savior.

  You can find Tracie on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or, for the latest news, exclusive excerpts and competitions, why not join her reader group.

  Tracie currently resides in the North West of England with her amazingly supportive husband and her two crazy Westie puppies, Cooper and Murphy.

  Tracie loves to hear from readers. She can be contacted through the following platforms

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