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Page 19

by J Marie

  Of course, he wouldn’t.

  Just then, I felt the plane increase its speed, and I was jolted back into Darren’s

  body. He kept a good grip on me, but I still preferred to be in my own seat … with a

  real seat belt.

  “Relax, princess,” he said with a smile. “Taylor is a very good pilot.”

  And then the plane ascended into the air, and I about lost my shit as I clenched

  my eyes shut and breathed through the ever-increasing change in elevation. I

  ignored Darren’s soft chuckle.

  When the plane finally leveled in the air, it did little to decrease my anxiety. We

  were now some thousands of feet up in the sky with nothing but air below us. Ugh. I

  was a tough girl, but I’d seen Final Destination too many times to ever trust planes.

  After a few minutes of Darren gently stroking my back, I felt my eyelids become

  droopy and moved to get off him.

  “I wouldn’t do that,” he said, gripping me tighter.

  “I doubt you want me on your lap for the entire flight. You won’t be able to feel

  your legs,” I murmured as a yawn escaped my lips. Why was I suddenly so tired?

  Darren smirked. “You’re not even remotely heavy, Jaden. But you are about to

  become dead weight.”

  My eyes snapped to his, and then I felt myself slink against him. “What did you


  “Drugged your shot,” he said plainly as he pulled his phone out. “It’s a long

  flight. It’s better you sleep through it.”

  Now, I was pissed, but I was too tired to berate him about it.

  “Stop … drugging … my … shit …” I forced myself to say before the drug took

  over and it was lights out.

  Jaden slumped against my chest, her soft rhythmic breathing confirming she was

  asleep as she should be. Her short legs dangled over my knees above the floor,

  her arms limp in her lap while her head rested against my shoulder. She was so

  perfect, so incredibly adorable, yet so infuriating. And maybe that was why I liked

  her, why I was obsessed with her. Her unpredictability was fascinating, and I

  couldn’t wait to see the change in her once we returned home.

  Things would be different for her because everything would be even more

  controlled than it already was. She’d brought it on herself, but I had a feeling she

  was prepared to live with that. She could stay mad at me for Holly all she wanted,

  but in the end, she had to see the logic in my ways. She would learn to respect my

  decisions even if she didn’t like or agree with them. She would learn her place and

  adapt to the world around her. Whether she wanted to or not.

  Before returning for her, I made sure everything was in place for her arrival. Her

  new bodyguards were on standby and had been specially trained to handle her with

  the utmost care. Firm, but gentle. If Jaden got out of hand, she was to be

  tranquilized immediately to prevent further injury, and when she woke up, I would

  deal with her.

  She was not to sulk in her room all day. I wanted her mind and body active at all

  times. There would be no opportunity for her to sink back into that depression. And

  she would be watched twenty-four-seven. Her bodyguards would watch her until

  her bedtime; two more men would wait outside her bedroom door when she wasn’t

  sleeping in my room, and I’d have my men standing outside the house patrolling

  her windows. Any chemicals, substances, or tools that could be used or devised into

  a weapon were removed from her room and bathroom. No more makeshift Molotov


  So long as Jaden behaved, she could go outside as often as she wanted for

  however long she wanted. She had to remain within the sights of her bodyguards at

  all times and listen to every command without complaint or else there would be

  consequences. No skipping meals and she was to exercise every day, though I

  doubted that would be an issue.

  She had a long way to go to earn my trust back, and even then, I wasn’t sure if I

  ever really could. I still had to show her that life with me could be good, but she had

  to learn and accept her place first. That was always the hardest part with her,

  making her listen. I needed to come up with a way to get her to become just as

  obsessed with me as I was with her—one total mind fuck. I had an idea, one that I

  knew would work, but I wanted to exhaust all other options before I finally pushed

  her that far.

  Curling a lock of her red hair around my finger, I rubbed my thumb over the soft

  strands, and I couldn’t help but notice the corner of my mouth starting to ache. I

  was smiling like a fool. She did that to me when she was quiet and subservient. But

  I loved the fight in her … I loved it a little too much. I wanted that fire of hers to

  burn me while I fucked her into oblivion. I wanted to feel her nails drawing blood

  from my back while she screamed my name in ecstasy. I wanted her to hate fuck me

  until I couldn’t feel my dick anymore. And when the lines between love and hate

  finally began to blur for her, all she would feel for me was passion. Beautiful.

  Obsessive. Passion.

  That was enough for me.

  I hoped.



  W hen I finally woke up, I was sitting back in my seat with my seat belt strapped

  tightly around my middle. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I yawned and

  stretched, finding Darren sitting in his seat across from me with his focus on his

  laptop. Curling into myself, I pulled my knees up to my chest, my long dress

  covering my legs entirely, and gathered enough courage to look out the window. My

  stomach churned as my eyes lingered on the land below us, the clouds surrounding

  the plane, and the sun bright as fuck in the distance. After a few short seconds, I’d

  seen enough and closed the window. That was when I felt the pressure on my

  bladder increase.

  Twisting my legs together, I tried to hold it for as long as I could, but I had no

  idea how much longer we’d be flying, and I didn’t want to piss myself in the middle

  of our landing. Taking a deep breath, I finally found the courage to speak.

  “Darren?” I said, looking at him.

  “What,” he said, never taking his eyes from his laptop.

  “I need to use the restroom.” Darren clenched his jaw while his eyes narrowed

  on the screen. He must not have liked what he read.

  “Toward the back, first door on the right.”

  Unbuckling my seat belt, I stood on wobbly legs and made my way to the back of

  the plane. I found the door, stepping inside the tiny bathroom, and quickly closed


  Alone at last.

  After relieving myself, I washed my hands in the sink before catching a glimpse

  of myself in the mirror. Surprisingly, I looked good. My skin was smooth, a nice

  number of freckles spread over my face and arms, my hair glossy, long, and wavy

  while it cascaded around my shoulders and down my back. I looked healthy, but I

  also looked sad, broken … defeated. I was stuck on a plane bound for the same place

  I’d escaped from. I was going back, and I was fucking terrified.

  I didn’t know what kind of world I would return to, and I had no clue how much

  more strict Darren was going to be with me. Fuck, I’d probably have to have his
br />   permission to breathe. I could feel the tears coming, the anxiety starting to shake

  my body with panic. I was so scared of him. And I was so tired of being scared all

  the time.

  “Jaden, come out of there, now,” came Darren’s muffled voice on the other side

  of the door. Shit, I’d been in here too long.

  Quickly wiping my cheeks and airing out my eyes, I took a deep breath and

  opened the door to find Darren standing in front of me. His arms were crossed over

  his wide chest, his white button-down shirt open at the top, and allowing me to see

  some of the hard muscle underneath. With the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his

  tattoos only made him look more menacing as he glared at me. I felt my face


  “Sorry. I needed a moment,” I said softly, trying to make my eyes as big as


  “Well, I hope you’re done. We have business to discuss,” he said sharply.

  “Okay…” I said cautiously.

  Darren then held out his hand for me to take. Biting the inside of my cheek, I

  placed my hand in his, the connection alerting my nerves as he clasped his big

  fingers around my hand and led me away from the door toward the back of the

  plane. He opened a door that led into a small bedroom and ushered me to sit on the

  bed. It was soft and plush and big enough to fit his length. Darren moved to a closet

  and pulled out a familiar briefcase, and my heart immediately shriveled into a tiny

  ball of despair. Darren unlatched the lid, confirming my worst suspicions, and I

  couldn’t help but look away, fighting more tears.

  “Now that you’ve recovered and we’re returning to the estate, it’s time to get

  you back into your old routine,” he said, his back to me as he fiddled with the

  contents of the briefcase. “Starting with these …”

  He turned to me, and I knew exactly what he was holding in his hands. He

  casually walked over to me, standing directly in front of me, but still I looked

  onward, taking deep breaths to get through the anxiety. Darren dipped down with a

  smile and kissed my temple.

  “Give me your wrists, princess,” he commanded softly.

  I held them up without protest or hesitation, my eyes still lingering off to the

  side. I felt Darren grip my right wrist, and I shuddered inside as I felt the cold metal

  latch around my skin. I bit my cheek harder as he placed the second cuff around my

  left wrist, and I suddenly felt compelled to claw off my own skin.

  Darren stood to his full height, placing his hands in his pockets and smiling

  down at me.

  “That was easier than expected. No complaints, no protests?”

  “No point,” I replied dully.

  “Someone’s finally learning,” he said and then pulled me up to his chest. My

  eyes still refused to meet his. “Look at me,” he ordered, taking my chin between

  his thumb and forefinger and forcing me to look up at him. I tried to blur my eyes

  so as not to focus on him, but I was caught off guard when I thought I almost saw

  concern wash over his face.

  Releasing a breath, Darren’s lips formed into a tight line as he casually wiped

  the tears from my cheeks like they were nothing more than dust on a TV screen,

  clouding the picture.

  “Why are you crying? You knew this was coming,” he said as he looked me over.

  “Doesn’t make it any less difficult.”

  “You’re the one who makes it difficult for yourself.”

  I shrugged. “Sorry, I’m a human being with feelings and not a psychopath like

  you,” I snarled and then immediately winced with regret as I bit my lip.

  Darren’s hands nonchalantly traveled to my hips then suddenly jerked me

  toward him while his lips found my ear. “If that’s the case, then I’d focus on trying

  to avoid pissing the psychopath off. You never know what he might do,” he

  warned, his voice low and dangerous.

  “Good point,” I replied softly.

  Darren then bit down on my earlobe, sending a jolt through my body. “Get on

  the bed,” he ordered, but there was no mistaking the lust in his voice. That simple

  order was all it took for my body to instantly ready itself for what was to come next,

  my core already beginning to heat up. A few words were all it took to flip the switch,

  and my body instantly remembered who commanded it.

  Slowly, my eyes never leaving Darren’s, I sat down on the bed, planting my

  palms on the mattress and waited for his next command.

  “Turn around. I want you on all fours.”

  Without missing a beat, I turned my body away from him, crawled further onto

  the bed and positioned myself as he had asked. Knots tore at my stomach as I

  waited for his next move, my breathing becoming heavy with anticipation. After a

  moment, I felt his weight shift the mattress behind me and trembled when his

  hand whipped my dress up, exposing my ass and bare back. Biting my lip, I bit back

  the gasp ready to leave my mouth when Darren’s hands traveled over my skin,

  burning me in their wake. I could feel my core growing hotter by the second, ready

  for the onslaught that it knew so well … the same onslaught that it craved like

  fucking air.

  “Who do you belong to, Jaden?”

  “You,” I said softly.

  And then I felt the harshest smack against my ass, the same ass that was still

  sore from the last beating it took. I cried out sharply as the pain radiated through

  my skin like glass.

  “Who?” Darren shouted angrily as he ripped my thong from my hips.

  “You!” I yelled desperately.

  And then, just like that, he entered me with full force, thankfully gripping my

  hips to keep me from nose-diving into the headboard.

  “Goddamn right.” He groaned as he pulled out and re-entered, eliciting a moan

  of pure pleasure from me. “So fucking mine.”

  Like a jackhammer, Darren’s forceful yet pleasurable thrusts sent me to the

  brink of madness. He filled me entirely, stretching my walls to accommodate his

  large size, which allowed each stroke he made to bring me closer and closer to


  “When we return to the estate,” he began with a grunt, slowing his thrusts but

  not the intensity, “you will be supervised twenty-four-seven. And you will listen to

  your bodyguards.”

  “Unsurprisingly,” I moaned under my breath.

  “You will not be permitted to sulk in your room all day. You will be productive at

  all times. If you can’t find something to occupy your time, I will devise a schedule

  for you.”

  It was difficult to concentrate on the new rules he was laying out while he fucked

  me like this. The pleasure too good to ignore, yet my focus was still required.

  “You will eat regularly and will not leave the table until you’ve finished your

  meals. I will not have you withering away on me.” He groaned, each thrust bringing

  me closer to my release than the last.

  “I motion,” I said, biting my lip from moaning like a cat in heat, “for smaller


  “Denied,” he stated, finally silencing my voice by grabbing my hair and forcing

  my head down to the bed, causing my ass to rise up in the air and giving Darren a

  better angle.

  “You will exercise daily fo
r at least an hour. You will not exhaust yourself nor

  will you train in a manner that will cause harm to your body.” Ironically, he

  slammed into me so hard I couldn’t help but cry out.

  In other words, no more bruised knuckles.

  “You will not be permitted to go outside without my say-so. So long as you’re a

  good girl, and do as you’re told, I will reward you.” His voice was low and labored,

  palpable with lust.

  I was so close I could almost taste it.

  “On the days I do allow you to go outside, you will remain within sight of your

  bodyguards, and you will not go beyond the trees.”

  “Oh, fuck,” I whispered under my breath. I was ready to explode.

  As he neared his own release, his thrusts became brutal, bruising me in the most

  pleasurable way. I couldn’t stop the moans that left my mouth of their own accord

  while my hands dug into the sheets as I fought to hold myself together.

  Adapting to the intensity, I took everything he gave me until I could take no

  more. The orgasm came quickly, furiously, causing every muscle in my body to

  tense up as my internal muscles squeezed Darren’s cock for everything he had.

  Darren groaned aloud as he found his own release, his thrusts slowing but still just

  as firm before he finally stopped.

  Still buried inside me, Darren yanked my head back by my hair and growled into

  my ear.

  “Disobey me, and I will kill one family member while you watch helplessly from

  a screen.”

  My breath caught in my throat as I fought against the depression that

  threatened to rise.

  You knew this. You knew he was going to use that against you.

  “Have I made myself clear?” he barked.

  “Yes, Darren,” I whispered back, a single tear making it past my barrier.

  “Good girl,” he said and pulled out of me, leaving his seed to seep out of my lips

  and down my thigh. “Get cleaned up. We’ll be landing in an hour.”

  I waited for the door to close before pushing myself off the bed and heading back

  into the bathroom. Once I was clean, I ditched my destroyed thong and walked back

  to my seat where Darren was already waiting for me. Strapping myself in, I pulled

  my legs up to my chest, my dress covering my entire lower half, and summoned up

  the courage to open my window. We seemed lower to the ground now, the plane


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