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Page 12

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  “I love this bit!” Adelaide squeaked.

  Nickie spun her chair around to face Adelaide as they entered the event horizon. “You’re going to love this next bit even more,” she told her engineer.

  “Oh?” Adelaide’s expression faltered for a second. “Is this one of those times where you say we’re going to love it and then we don’t?”

  Nickie snickered, thinking back on how many times their assignments had tuned out that way. “You know, Addie, I’ll leave it to you to decide. How does adding a ship to our fleet sound?” She winced internally at the slip.

  Adelaide tilted her head, curiosity lighting her face. “That will depend completely on what new ship you have for me.”

  Nickie lifted her hands. “No clue. Barnabas just told me about it as I was getting ready to board.”

  Keen looked up from his station. “So it should be a decent ship, probably a Federation one. No worries, Addie.”

  Outskirts of Yollin Space, Waystation

  The Penitent Granddaughter emerged from the Gate in the Yollin backwater where their designated supply depot was secreted. Roh’dun was waiting for the crew as usual when Meredith brought them in to land.

  Grim embraced his somewhat distant cousin, and the two of them left with their heads close together in conversation. “Won’t be too long,” he called back. “Roh’dun has sourced some interesting galley supplies, and we’re going to take a look while we pick up perishables for the second ship.”

  Nickie left the rest of the crew to their routine tasks and headed off to find the depot manager. She found the corporal after searching the warehouses behind the offices.

  Corporal Weisman turned from her conversation with the group of workers she was speaking to, smiling when she saw Nickie. “Hey! Good to see you. You’re taking the double load, right?”

  Nickie nodded and had Meredith send over her orders from Barnabas. “Hey, Judith. It’s too bad about all this. My crew can handle taking up the slack.” She raised an eyebrow. “What do you think happened?”

  Corporal Weisman shook her head. “I don’t know. Nothing good, that’s for sure. I can’t see Jennie’s crew going AWOL.” She sighed. “I don’t suppose we’ll find out either way since there was no sign of them when the investigative team went to find out what had happened. Just the empty ship.”

  Nickie tilted her head in sympathy. “I didn’t realize you knew them personally. You should get in touch with Barnabas.”

  Judith smiled. “I already spoke to General Reynolds. If they’re out there, we’ll get them back.” She looked sad for a moment. “It hasn’t been easy on Jennie’s wife. They just had a baby.”

  Nickie closed her eyes. “Damn. I’m sorry for being flippant. I hope it works out for them.”

  “Me, too.” Corporal Weisman gave Nickie the access codes to the second ship. “Thanks for taking this on.”

  “Not a problem,” Nickie assured her as she left to get the crew together. Meredith, round the crew up and have them meet me at, she checked the orders Corporal Weisman had given her, the Lucky Run. Can’t be too lucky if the crew just vanished like that. That shit’s just weird.

  I have to concur, Meredith agreed. I’ve sent over your orders, and everyone is on their way.

  Adelaide, Durq, and Keen were already at the QBS Lucky Run when Nickie arrived at the hangar where the ship was berthed.

  Grim turned up just as the ramp touched down, panting behind a line of antigrav carts.

  “What the fuck is all that?” Nickie demanded. “I thought you were going for supplies, not buying the whole fucking outpost.”

  Grim looked instantly guilty. “I, um…they had some exotic produce, okay? You’ll thank me when you’re eating it later on.”

  Nickie scowled at Grim’s back as he shepherded half the carts aboard the Lucky Run. He returned a few minutes later to take the rest over to the Penitent Granddaughter.

  Nickie saw something squirming in one of the carts as he passed. “Yeah, no. I’m gonna cook for myself tonight.”

  Grim snorted softly and continued on his way. “I’ll believe that when I see it.” He held up a finger over his shoulder without turning back to look at Nickie. “Emptying a can into a bowl and giving it five minutes in the convection unit does not count as cooking.”

  Nickie gave Grim’s back the finger and went to find Adelaide.

  As expected, she found her in the engine room. “Hey, Addie. How’s it going?”

  Adelaide jumped at the sound of Nickie’s voice, banging her head on the top lip of the compartment she was currently waist-deep in. She grinned at Nickie, rubbing the sore spot. “Oh, hi! Ship’s looking good. She’s seen some action recently, but she’s in good shape.”

  Nickie patted Adelaide on the back. “That’s what I like to hear.”

  Adelaide made a face. “There’s just one tiny thing…”

  “Spit it out.” Nickie frowned, expecting to hear that there was a major problem she could do fuck all about.

  Adelaide winced. “Um…we’re going to be pretty stretched running both ships. The Lucky Run needs a skeleton crew of five.”

  Nickie grinned. “That’s not a problem. I can run the Penitent Granddaughter by myself, and you all can take the Lucky Run. I’m headed back there now, so I’ll let Grim know he’s needed here.”

  Adelaide nodded and ducked back into the compartment. “Sounds good!”

  Nickie headed straight for the galley when she got back to the Penitent Granddaughter, knowing that was exactly where she would find her old friend. She had planned to use the time to get Grim’s story out of him, but it would have to wait.

  “Looks like I’m going to miss out on your dinner after all,” she told him. “They need you on the Lucky Run.”

  Grim turned from the storage unit. “What a shame.”

  Nickie made a face at the tank of live creatures he’d left on the counter. “Yeah, totally. Next time, maybe.”

  Grim gave her a knowing look but didn’t press. “You’ll be okay without me for a while.”

  Nickie raised an eyebrow, her hands dropping to her hips. “I managed perfectly fine without you for over two decades.”

  “Did you?” Grim asked.

  Nickie glared at him. “I think I’ll be okay for a few hours.”

  “Okay, then.” He came out of the storage unit with a medium-size crate, which he placed the tank into. “There are a few precooked meals in the cold storage. Don’t want you going hungry.”

  Nickie’s mouth twitched. “Thanks, Mom.”

  Grim shook his head fondly. “See you at QT2.”

  Nickie wiggled her fingers at him. “Bye, Grimmie.” She left the galley and made her way to the cargo bays to check her load before she left the depot, then headed for the bridge and her chair.

  Are we good to go? she asked Meredith.

  Almost, Meredith replied. Grim is boarding the Lucky Run and…yes, we are good to go.

  Nickie settled back and put her feet up on the console. Then what the hell are we waiting for? Let’s go, already.

  You’re rather gung-ho about this run, Meredith noted as the ship lifted off.

  Nickie laced her hands behind her head and closed her eyes. I’ve got a good feeling about this one, Mere. Now shush, I’m taking a nap.

  Chapter 12 Nickie

  Open Space, Silver Line Route

  Nickie was just considering getting impatient when the Gate spiraled open and the crew came back on the Etheric comm. About fucking time, she bitched. What took you all so long?

  Damn Gate drive went on the fritz, Adelaide grumbled as the Lucky Run came to a stop near the Penitent Granddaughter.

  Nickie chuckled. Chill, Addie. Do you need us to stop while you finish any repairs?

  It’s fixed now, Adelaide told Nickie. I can get us there. It’s just three more jumps.

  Something feels off to me, Keen mused. I mean, Addie checked everything as soon as we got access to the ship, and there were no problems then.
/>   Adelaide wasn’t mollified one bit. Well, we will have to wait to get to the Helena to do complete diagnostics, since the EI on this ship is too basic to be of any help.

  Which proves my gut theory, Keen continued. Nickie, did your uncle tell you much about the circumstances the crew went missing under?

  You know, I clean forgot to ask. Nickie pursed her lips when Meredith brought a blip on the scanners to her attention. Addie, are you sure the Gate drive will last the three jumps to QT2? she asked distractedly.

  Well, yeah, Adelaide confirmed. I wouldn’t guess with our lives.

  Oooo-kay, then, Nickie interrupted. Gate away.

  Do what, now? Grim asked.

  Get out of here, she told them, her attention on the blip, which was approaching too fast and straight to be mistaken for anything but a ship. I’ll catch up with you shortly.

  What’s going on, Nickie? Keen demanded.

  Nothing for any of you to be concerned about, Nickie assured them. Just a ship that shouldn’t be here.

  Grim still sounded worried. You think it’s something to do with the missing crew?

  Nickie snorted as the ship came into viewing range. You don't? Because I’m looking at a damn pirate ship. The Lucky Run would have been sitting pretty for them right about now if not for Addie.

  It can’t be a coincidence, Grim conceded. Okay, we’re out of here.

  The crew wasn’t happy.

  We are not leaving you, Keen argued.

  Did I say you had a choice? Nickie stated. Grim, get them out of here. Now!

  But we're a team! Adelaide cried. We can’t just leave you to face whoever that is on your own!

  Grim, however, had already initiated the Gate drive, recognizing the tone in Nickie’s voice. It took him back, oh, about seven years or so. Take care, Boss.

  Thanks, Grimmie.

  Keen paced the bridge as the Lucky Run came out the other side of the Gate. “I don’t like leaving Nickie.”

  Grim shook his head. “It’s probably best that none of us sees what’s about to go down on that ship. She’s been building up a head of steam since that asshole prince.

  Durq’s lip curled. “Ugh. I never liked him.”

  Open Space, Aboard the Penitent Granddaughter

  Nickie returned to the bridge, having completed setting her traps. The house bots trundled behind her like a row of bulky metal ducklings following their mama. Is Adelaide’s security system ready to go?

  It is, Meredith informed her.

  Nickie smiled as she shepherded the house bots into the corner. “You guys sleep now. You’ll be safe here.”

  The bots obeyed, except Bradley, who flashed a heart on his screen before shutting himself off.

  Nickie snickered at the bot’s cute trick and headed for her console. What’s with the tone about Addie’s system?

  No tone, Meredith replied.

  Nickie wasn't buying a second of it. Well, you could have fooled me. She scanned the ship from her console, checking each strand of the web of death she’d set up with the help of the house bots and Meredith.

  We have a breach, Meredith announced suddenly.

  Nickie confirmed Meredith’s report. Let the fuckers come. I’m more than willing to teach the stupid sons of their own aunts and uncles exactly what happens to pirates who mess with a Grimes.

  She dropped into her captain’s chair and got to work. These are going to wish for my grandfather’s mercy.

  I wasn’t aware that mercy was one of the things enemies celebrated about John, Meredith pondered.

  Nickie felt calm descend. Exactly.

  Meredith made that sound, the one that increasingly reminded Nickie of her mother. Just try not to make too much mess, okay?

  She shook her head. Not a chance. Let them in, Meredith.

  Last chance to have me just fry them on the hull.

  I won’t repeat myself.

  If you’re going to be an ass until you get your own way.

  Nickie growled, Meredith!

  Okay, fine. The EI complied. The airlock cycled open and the slightly bewildered pirates spilled into the Penitent Granddaughter. Nickie watched them enter hesitantly at first, then with increasing boldness when no challenge came.

  Shall I stop them? Meredith asked.

  Let them go, Meredith. Nickie’s fingers dipped to brush the pouch on her belt that held Tabitha’s original drones. She’d done a lot more with a lot less. Crude work sometimes required only the simplest of tools.

  Nickie, you’re angry.

  Meredith’s insinuation that she would allow anger to affect her performance didn’t sit at all comfortably with Nickie. Hell yeah, I’m pissed. There’s a woman at home with a new baby who doesn’t even know if her co-parent is ever going to return. The only way any of these bastards are getting off my ship alive is if they have information about the missing crew. She paused as a thought hit her. And then only if that person isn’t too much of a dumbass to keep that info to themselves. Are you done worrying?

  Meredith wasn’t done. Are the grenades necessary?

  Um, yeah, Nickie replied, clipping them onto her utility belt.


  Nickie ignored Meredith’s tone as she activated her armor’s helmet. Why do you sound so nervous about that? It’s better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them.

  One could argue that nobody aboard a spaceship actually needs a grenade, Meredith countered.

  Nickie rolled her eyes. Or a full pirate crew roaming the corridors? Just open the hatch, Meredith.

  Meredith opened the access panel to the ventilation system above Nickie’s chair.

  Thank you. Nickie jumped up and pulled herself into the duct. Lighten up, Mere. There aren’t that many of them.

  Really? Meredith’s tone made her position clear. Because I wouldn’t call you against fifty or so pirates bent on stealing the ship a fair fight.

  Nickie made a face as she crawled along the duct to the access corridor outside the bridge. I know, right? I’d feel sorry nobody warned them what they were headed into if they weren’t, you know, fucking pirates, Meredith.

  Nickie got to the access in the corridor outside the bridge and loosened the panel, watching the pirates progress on her armor’s HUD. How many took the bait? she asked.

  It’s amazing what psychological effect a flashing green light has upon most species, Meredith commented.

  Nickie rolled her eyes. Mere, do me a favor? Switch off fucking therapy mode and get in the game. How many went into the elevator?

  Meredith huffed. Well. I was about to tell you that most did, but we have a couple of splinter groups. One is headed for the cargo bays. The other appears to be on their way to the bridge.

  Fuck. Nickie paused and considered her options. Okay. Pen the main group in at the bottom. I’m going to take care of the assholes up here first, then the ones trying to get at the cargo.

  Nickie split the view in her HUD, cycling through the cameras to track both the strays near the cargo bays and the bright sparks who had thought to come up to the bridge. She perched above the open vent and waited for the first to die to arrive, concentrating on feeling like a black widow in her web.



  She focused on that feeling and tried like hell to spread it around some.

  The pirates entered the access corridor, all cursing and bravado until they hit the edge of the disquiet Nickie was projecting.

  Nickie grinned at the confirmation that her practice in the Vid-doc was paying off. Thank you, Eve. She wrinkled her nose when they kept walking slowly toward the bridge. Dammit, it’s still not full-on fear, is it? I mean, I don’t want them to shit their pants like people do when Aunt Bethany Anne switches the fear on, but awkward silence? It sucks.

  You couldn’t even do that much before, Meredith reminded her. You know, if we went to Devon—

  I swear I’ll find another way to mute you, Nickie threatened.

  Or you can j
ust keep practicing, Meredith backtracked.

  Nickie ignored her. The pirates were almost past the point of no return. I’m going to have to go down there and take care of them. Open the bridge, Meredith. See if that tempts them in.

  I do not agree with this.

  Which matters how much right now? I’m not taking damages, Meredith. Team Asshole there needs taking out before they break my ship.

  The bridge door began to cycle open, drawing the newly-christened Team Asshole in just as Nickie wanted.

  She held her breath and waited for the largest asshole to take the final two steps and put all five of them in range.

  The pirates looked up, sensing danger. It was too late.

  Nickie dropped from the vent, landing on Asshole Number One’s shoulders. She locked his head between her thighs and shot Assholes Two and Three, flinging her body weight forward to snap One’s neck as she dropped into a forward roll.

  Assholes Four and Five apparently had a brain cell to share between them and had run for the outer corridor while Nickie was taking care of the first three.

  Nickie came to her feet and flicked her hair out of her eyes. “Do yourselves a favor and give up. Who knows? I might not kill you.”

  Right away.

  The pounding feet gave her the answer.

  “Fine, play it that way.” Nickie hopped back up into the vent. It’s time to test Addie’s security, she told Meredith.

  But the mess…

  Nickie shrugged. The bots can take care of it. Run it.

  She brought up the corridors on that level in her HUD, wincing as the tiny drones Adelaide had made located the final two assholes and gave the rooms they were in a fresh coat of red paint.

  Nickie wiped her hands. Next. Is the main group still secure?

  Penned in, like you asked, Meredith confirmed. They’re not too happy, though.

  Nickie nodded and turned to jump down from the vent. Tough shit. If they don’t like it, they shouldn’t fucking be pirates.

  I don't disagree, Meredith replied. However, they are going to break out of that elevator eventually.


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