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Guarding the Truth

Page 3

by Becca Jameson

  “So nice to meet you…Maddie… I’ll see you later, then, okay?” With that, he waved and trotted off down the stairs to wherever gods like him went during the day in order to maintain their GQ looks.

  Chapter Three

  Parker made his way down the stairs and out the door in record time. If there had been a contest for speed stair flight from beautiful women, he would’ve won hands down.

  Holy shit! That was intense. What the hell just happened? This was so not what he’d signed up for when he’d taken this job.

  When his childhood friend, Mark, had called looking for a private bodyguard for some rich guy’s daughter, he hadn’t mentioned a word about how alluring “Maddie Kincade” was. The pictures he’d seen of her hadn’t done justice to the real deal. He’d read the profile cover to cover. He probably knew more about her than she knew about herself. But none of that prepared him for meeting her in person and the immediate attraction he felt toward her.

  He could have sworn the minute he touched her sparks ignited. The entire encounter had been intense, something that had never happened to him.

  Parker rammed through the outside door, stumbled around to the back of the building and leaned against it, trying to catch his breath and calm his nerves. Deep inhalation…deep exhalation.

  Hopefully no one was watching. On the other hand, they would simply assume he’d been for a run and just returned. No, that wouldn’t work. He was wearing jeans and loafers. Who runs in jeans and loafers? Parker, get a grip on yourself, man. She’s a job, just a job. Not a woman. Right, so not a woman. Keep telling yourself that and maybe you’ll believe it.

  To make matters worse, it wasn’t as though he could avoid her. He was supposed to stick to her like white on rice. He was supposed to “date” her and make sure she spent as much time with him as possible—without letting her know that her father had hired him to secretly protect her. How in the fuck was he going to handle this situation? He ran his hand through his hair and winced when he grabbed it a bit too hard, creating an ache in his scalp.

  Maddie Kincade was hot. She was sexy as hell, all slender and curvy. What made her even more endearing was she had no idea how beautiful or sexy she was. He doubted she was even aware of her sex appeal. Her trendy, expensive jeans hugged her hips like they were made specifically for her. Probably they had been. And she’d been wearing a logoed, pink T-shirt from some designer store Parker wasn’t familiar with that was snug and showed off her perfect, small breasts.

  Parker reached to adjust his hardening dick that throbbed with need trapped beneath his jeans. This woman is going to give me a run for my money dressed like that. Men will be salivating over her every time she leaves her apartment. And since when did he care?

  Then there was her hair—long, straight, silky locks, a brown that was a shade lighter than black. Smooth and sleek. He’d wanted to reach out and touch it. Actually, he had reached out and touched it. And it was so soft on his rough fingers.

  Her big, wide, beautiful eyes were a shade of bluish green he assumed changed from day to day depending on her mood and the color of her clothes. Her face was that of an angel. Sweet and innocent. So trusting, with the tiniest edge of hesitation.

  She actually jumped when I touched her. Was she skittish around people as a result of her attack, as would be reasonable? Or was it him? Of course, you idiot, a man almost raped her. A man who beat her and choked her and left her bleeding on the sidewalk. She should’ve been afraid. In fact, she better be afraid.

  Parker slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. Dude, get a grip on yourself. You sound like her father—or someone who cares.

  The door to the building opened and Parker squeezed himself against the side of the building. Thank God he’d gone around the corner. He was definitely losing it. Sweat beaded on his forehead, which probably had little to do with the heat of the day and everything to do with the hot girl—correction, woman—he found himself in charge of protecting.

  Of course she would come right back out and head for her car. She hadn’t unpacked yet. Without looking back, she headed down the path leading to where he watched her park earlier.

  Little did she know he’d arrived only yesterday and had been hot on her heels since she got off the plane. Making sure no one had followed her to Nebraska. She certainly seemed confident that she hadn’t been followed. Madeline sauntered away from him, her hips swaying and her head held high, all innocence and naiveté. Don’t look back. Please, don’t look back. Parker held his breath, not releasing it until she was almost out of sight.

  Time to begin the job he was hired for, trailing this woman everywhere she went to ensure her security.

  * * *

  Madeline’s mind was spinning as she made her way back to her car. She hoped she wouldn’t get confused and lose track of her building’s location. It would’ve been easier if the buildings had all been lined up in neat little rows with the letter for each unit in order—A, B, C, D. But, alas, that would not have created the serene atmosphere that the random cockeyed configuration was producing.

  The apartment was perfect. Madeline had been more than pleased when she entered it a few minutes ago and looked around. In fact, she giggled like a little girl, clapped her hands, and even jumped up and down once or twice, dashing from room to room to inspect the first place she’d ever lived alone, the first space she’d ever had that could truly be called her own. She was giddy with excitement.

  Now, she just needed to find her car and move it closer to the building that would be home sweet home. At least until her attacker was caught.

  Any trepidation she felt concerning her attacker and her desire to have him off the streets mixed incongruently with her newfound freedom and secret hope that it would last at least long enough for her to get a taste of living on her own. No one to check in with—no butlers, no housekeepers, no drivers.

  Madeline paused to spin in a slow circle and take in her surroundings. The spring afternoon was warm, the sun peeking between the branches of the canopy of trees to heat her arms. The scent of freshly mowed grass and blooming flowers filled the air. She wanted to stand there for a while and take in nature’s glory, but there was too much to do.

  Madeline easily located her vehicle, a brand new Nissan Sentra, cherry red because she’d insisted. Her first car. She ran her fingers over the shiny, slick hood on her way to the driver’s side.

  She’d never needed a car before, always having a driver at her beck and call, and her father had been rather livid at the idea. It wasn’t surprising, considering one of the few times she’d used one of her father’s cars and driven herself to campus she’d been attacked and nearly raped and killed.

  But now, on her own, she needed a way to get around. At least she could thank Detective Reynolds for something. He had seemed to be in her court ever since the plan had been laid out before her. He’d helped ease her father into accepting for his daughter what every other red-blooded American girl was doing at the age of twenty-four.

  Before Madeline could open the car door, her cell phone rang. The sudden ringing startled her, since absolutely not one human being besides the good detective back in Connecticut had the number. She struggled to extract the device from the tight pocket of her jeans.

  “Hello?” Madeline asked hesitantly.

  “Madeline, Mark here.”

  Madeline breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Just checking to make sure you arrived okay and the car and apartment were what you expected.” She stared at the sleek new car and smiled, tracing the rough edge of sticky substance that still clung to the window where the sales sticker had been hastily removed.

  “I’m fine. I was just startled when the phone rang. No one has this number yet.”

  “Good. Don’t give it out to too many people.”

  “Any new leads?”

  “No. Sorry. I’ll let you know. How’s it going so far? Seen anything suspicious? Or any one?”

  “Actually, I’ve already
met two people, and I haven’t even moved my stuff into the apartment.” She giggled and then swallowed her reaction.

  This was a serious matter, and Madeline was supposed to be careful about who she spoke with and befriended. It was probably not prudent to have already engaged two people since arriving. On the other hand, she hadn’t done anything wrong. Neither were calculated efforts to meet people. She’d merely asked for directions from a harmless coed and then attempted to run a fantastic hunk down in the hallway.

  Her skin prickled picturing Parker’s warm brown eyes so close to hers as they had crouched down on the floor. “Just students in the complex. No one I would call suspicious.”

  “Well, be careful. Have you met any neighbors yet? It might help if you befriend someone close by. You’ll be less of a target if you aren’t alone more than necessary.”

  “Oh, I met the next door neighbor.” Madeline laughed, thinking about Mark’s suggestion to get friendly with the neighbor.

  “That’s fast. Was…she…nice?” The detective coughed as if to clear his throat.

  “She was a he and I don’t know how nice he is yet, but I’d be perfectly happy to find out.” Madeline chuckled into the phone. “Unfortunately, I’m afraid I may have acted like a bit of a blubbering idiot when I met him. He was rather…attractive.”

  Now Mark clearly choked.

  “Are you okay?” Did I say something strange?

  “Yes,” he spat out, “sorry… I was just…getting a drink. I…wasn’t suggesting that you get…romantically involved with the neighbors. Just maybe make a friend or two.” His words were choppy and…strained?

  “Well, Detective, don’t worry about me. I’m a big girl.”

  “Yes, of course. Okay. Well, then, I guess I’ll check back in with you in a few days. Be careful…please.”

  “I will. Bye.” Madeline hung up the phone and stared at it in her hand for a moment. Was that a weird conversation, or was she losing it?

  * * *

  Parker pulled himself together, followed Madeline’s sexy ass discreetly to her car, and then skirted the edge of the complex while she moved it to what he knew would be a more suitable parking space. It was time to make his next move on this woman. And he wasn’t at all oblivious to the fact the very thought was loaded with double meaning. He approached her as nonchalantly as possible.

  “Hey… Maddie, right? Need any help?” Parker hoped he sounded reasonably coherent and not too stalkerish. All he needed was to scare her off thinking he was suspect after what she’d been through. He half hoped she would be leery about him and not too accepting so he could rest assured she wasn’t the most naïve person on campus. But he was not granted that wish.

  “Hey, yourself. Um…sure.” She was way too trusting. This was going to be a long, tough assignment. Especially if she smiled at him that way every time he saw her. He wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans and prayed she would not notice the hard-on he sported once again. Man, you’re going to have to get control of your dick or this will never work.

  “Can I carry something up for you?” This was the plan. Help her unpack. Get to know her. Befriend her. And eventually fake date her. Dr. Cooper hired Parker to pretend to date her in order to keep her safe. He certainly hadn’t intended for Parker to fall for her. With a deep breath, Parker ambled closer to Madeline’s car.

  “Oh. Thanks. You don’t have to do this… I mean…I can easily get this all unloaded by myself. I’m in no hurry or anything…but, okay, fine.” She bit her bottom lip nervously. Did he make her nervous?

  Parker, dude, this isn’t a good thing. You may not under any circumstances think of this woman as an available hot chick. She’s off limits. The thought disappeared when she leaned into the trunk, her tight, sexy jeans hugging her rear to perfection, begging for his attention.

  Parker looked away for a moment and took a deep breath. He gripped his hands together to keep from reaching out to caress the fine set of cheeks in front of him. Lord, Parker, since when are you a butt man?

  He cleared his throat. “Here. Let me get that.” He reached for the box she pulled out of the trunk and lifted it.

  After Madeline grabbed another, he followed her to the entrance of the building, staring directly at her fantastic ass all the way. When she turned toward him, he jerked his head up and realized they had arrived.

  Parker jogged the few steps to get in front of her, pulled the door open, and allowed Madeline to once again precede him up the stairs. Walking along behind her was no imposition at all. He couldn’t control his body’s reaction to her, his balls tightening as they climbed the stairs.

  At the top of the steps, Madeline set her box down by her new entrance and retrieved her key from her pocket. Parker would’ve loved to fit his hand down into that tiny space.

  “Parker?” Oh, no. Had she said something?

  “Uh, sorry.”

  “Come in.” She was holding the door open for him. When had she entered the room? This situation was getting worse by the minute.

  Parker followed her inside. “How do you like it?” There, that was normal conversation.

  “It’s wonderful,” she exclaimed with far too much enthusiasm for a small furnished apartment near a college campus.

  It was barely functional at best. His was identical, a mirror image. A cracker box. Why were her eyes open so wide?

  “I’m so excited. Isn’t it great that it’s fully furnished? I just love it. And I hardly have to move anything in. What could I possibly need besides clothes and food here?”

  Was she kidding? How about a bigger bed with a mattress that didn’t sag in the middle, updated appliances, a couch with a slightly less purple floral pattern? And that was just the beginning. Parker had almost groaned when he’d first seen the place yesterday. How long would he be stuck here?

  But that was before Madeline had arrived. Now he thought it would be heaven if he could stay forever. The accommodations were less than stellar, but the new view was worth it. And his little vixen was thrilled. Had she just giggled and clapped her hands?

  Hmm, perhaps it doesn’t take much to please this sweet bundle of excited energy. At least she was a refreshing breath of fresh air. She seemed even younger in some ways than the twenty-four years he knew her to be. On the other hand, he also knew she’d led a rather sheltered life.

  “Yeah, sure. The place is great. Identical to mine in fact. Where do you want this box?” Parker still stood in the doorway. He moved inside a fraction, afraid he would get sucked in and be unable to escape if he allowed the door to close behind him. He wasn’t too far off base.

  “Oh, that one goes in the bedroom. Thanks,” Madeline called over her shoulder as she headed into the small attached kitchen.

  Shit. He trudged farther into the apartment. When he got away from Madeline, it smelled just like his apartment—fresh paint and bleach. At least the landlord had the place cleaned and freshened the rooms up before moving new tenants in.

  “Okay. Can I help you with the rest?” He needed to get out of the tiny space filling with Madeline’s intoxicating scent. Parker was beginning to feel drugged in her presence, like a zombie that would be unable to stop himself from inching closer and closer to her until he had her pressed against the wall and mauled her, albeit with his mouth.

  He licked his lips.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind?” She was bustling about the place putting everything from her box in just the right spot clearly meant for each item.

  “No, of course not. What are neighbors for?” Hot sweaty sex?

  “Okay, let’s go then. It should only take a few trips.”

  * * *

  Maybe Detective Reynolds was right? Perhaps I should get to know my neighbor better.

  As Madeline followed Parker back to her car, she found herself staring at his physique. He was built like a construction worker, all tight ridges and angles, with a fantastic tan that bronzed his skin to the warmest tone. She wanted to run her hands over his chest and
soak in the warmth of his hard body.

  Her gut squeezed with need. A warmth pooled in her sex.

  She wouldn’t have readily pinned him as a college student. He looked older, perhaps more worldly somehow. Like someone who was used to years of hard work, not library hours. But then again, who was to say he hadn’t gone back to school later in life?

  Madeline was sure her father would hate him. Would think him beneath her. He didn’t seem to come from a long line of doctors or lawyers. Refreshing. How many people had she met in her quarter of a century who were normal?

  Madeline laughed out loud when she thought of Detective Reynolds trying to get her to befriend this hunk. He had no idea what he was asking for.

  “Is something funny?” Parker reached for a suitcase at the same time she did.

  “Huh? Oh, I was just thinking…”

  “It must have been good.” He grinned at her, not in any way asking her to explain herself, which was a relief.

  She trailed behind him back toward the building and nearly ran smack into him when he paused to pull the door open again. A flush raced up her cheeks, the warmth embarrassing her. She wanted to run into him, feel his hard frame against hers, his strong arms around her.

  She eased past him, close enough to soak in his body heat and make the hairs on her arms stand up. He smelled fantastic. Some deodorant or soap, a clean fresh scent that she missed as soon as she was too far away to continue breathing it in.

  Once they reached her place again, Madeline was at a loss for words. She didn’t want him to leave. “Well, I’d offer you a drink, but I have to go shopping first.” What was she supposed to do now? She was completely out of her league. Every part of her screamed that she wanted to keep him. Keep him? He isn’t a dog, Madeline. Yeah, right, more like a fox. There was no particular reason for him to stay anymore.

  Luckily he fixed that problem for her. “If you’re thirsty, let’s run next door to my place, and I’ll grab some sodas.”

  “Sure, okay.” Thank you, God.


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