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Hunted by the Feral Alpha

Page 21

by Lillian Sable

  Hunt was already crouched beneath the window, returning fire at a black van that was already halfway down the street. It had to be those same mercenaries that had come after them at the storage unit. The only question was why they sped away before making sure they’d finished the job.

  One answer was the distant sirens she heard growing slowly louder with each passing moment.

  “We have less than five minutes before the police descend on the house.” Hunt’s voice was completely emotionless as if a firefight hadn’t just exploded around them. “We have to get out of here, now.”

  Hunt held his hand out to her and waited. Sophia realized that he wasn’t going to force her to go with him. For what it was worth, Hunt gave her a choice.

  But she didn’t move as the sirens grew louder outside.

  Savage burst into the room with a rifle half-flung over his shoulder. “Hunt, we have to move. Leave the girl and let’s go.”

  But Hunt didn’t bother to turn around to look at him, his gaze was steady on her face. “I’m not leaving her. Not unless she tells me to.”

  So he really was giving her a choice. Sophia could stay here and face the police, they’d almost certainly believe that she’d been brought here by the men who kidnapped her, who then shot her father and fled. Any details she went fuzzy on would just be chalked up to shock or memory loss from the trauma. She could try to forget all of this and go back to a normal life.

  But what kind of life would that be? Both of her parents were dead and she had no real family left.

  Sophia stared into Hunt’s eyes, trying to figure out what it was that she was feeling. Was this really love, with so much pain and obsession? Was she willing to take this leap with him to find out?

  It all seemed so crazy. But she was fighting every urge in her body to just allow herself to be consumed.

  Savage glared at her over Hunt’s shoulder, but with less anger on his face than resignation.

  “Fuck you both,” he snapped, hefting the weapon as he turned toward the door. “I can buy you maybe five minutes.”

  Savage disappeared into the hallway. She heard him stomping down the stairs and then the sound of rapid gunfire. When she shifted to look out the window, he was walking down the street outside and firing the gun into the air.

  Hunt still had his hand out, his body so still that he could be a marble carving of himself. His voice was a mere murmur. “Last chance.”

  Sophia stood on the edge of a cliff, caught between the mind-numbingly comfortable safety of what her life had been up to this point and the dangerously churning future down below.

  Her father’s body still lay next to her and his eyes stared unseeing into the distance. She rested her hand gently on his cool forehead and then moved her fingers down to close his eyes.

  And then she made her decision.

  Taking Hunt’s hand, Sophia decided to jump.


  They had managed to get away before the police arrived, but without Savage. That crazy fucker had gotten himself arrested while distracting the police so they could get away. If the cops managed to run his prints through the international database, they’d have him on a list of charges about a mile long.

  Chase and Hunt had refocused all of their energy on putting a plan together to bust him out. They hadn’t forgotten about the ultimate goal of taking down Project Alpha, but they didn’t stand a chance at finding it without Savage. And Savage wouldn’t have gone down if he hadn’t been trying to buy time for Sophia to make her decision. Hunt owed him for that.

  Hunt didn’t know yet if Sophia had figured out that this was forever. She was in this with them now and there was no getting away.

  They were set up in a new safe house that had a nice picture window in the bedroom. She would sit up there for hours, staring out the window like all the secrets of the world were written on the glass.

  Usually, he tried to distract her from her thoughts in the only way that ever worked. Because when she was screaming his name in ecstasy, she wasn’t thinking about everything that she had been through.

  But today was different.

  He approached her slowly. She always looked so pensive and beautiful sitting there, especially when the light hit her in just the right way. It made her seem like something out of a dream. She wore a light sundress that was almost the same color of the bright sun behind her, just the right shade of goldenrod to set off the glow of her skin. Sophia had always reminded him of something ethereal. He hadn’t quite convinced himself that she was there and his.

  But she was also a little too quiet these days, hiding herself and her feelings from him. Part of him wondered if it was regret, but part of him didn’t care. Because she was his, and she wasn’t going anywhere.

  If he were a better man, Hunt would have let her go. He’d find somewhere safe for her where no one knew her face, help her create a new identity, and make sure that she never saw him again.

  But he wasn’t a good man.

  Sophia startled a little when he stroked a hand down her bare shoulder, but relaxed when she turned to see that it was just him. The men who’d come after her father hadn’t found them, but he didn’t reassure her. She needed to keep that edge, always alert to any hint of danger, because that edge was the only thing keeping them alive.

  “Hunt.” She said his name on a little sigh that was all breathy and deep. He was instantly hard as a rock at the sound, but it didn’t take much when he was around her.

  Except that would have to wait.

  “I’ve got something for you.”

  Her gaze immediately shuttered closed, and he could tell she was already anticipating the worst. “What is it?”

  He set the open laptop next to her so she could see the half a dozen or so documents that he had open. “I’m piecing some things together based on what I can remember of the info we found in the storage locker. About your dad.”

  She winced. They hadn’t spoken about her father in the weeks since he died. “I don’t want to see it.”

  “I’m not giving you a choice.” The words sounded harsh but he kept his tone soft. He was doing this for her, whether she could see that or not. “Your dad said that he didn’t know the extent of all this until it was too late. I think he was telling the truth.”

  Her expression was still guarded, but Sophia relaxed by the smallest measure. She leaned forward and started scrolling through the first document on the screen.

  “How do you know that?”

  “Most of the campaign contributions that he got from these shady-looking shell companies happened before my squad was recruited for Project Alpha. I think that whatever group was running this operation used the dirty money to blackmail your father into doing what they wanted.”

  “But he could have turned them in. And he didn’t.”

  “He had a lot to lose. Those campaign contributions were part of some international money-laundering scheme that is so large in scope that I haven’t even been able to put all the pieces together yet. He would have gone to prison and you would have lost both your parents.”

  “Which is exactly what happened.” Sophia leaned back, pushing the computer away. “Finding out that my dad isn’t a hundred percent the monster that we thought doesn’t really change anything.”

  He wanted to shake her out of this malaise, but he knew that a strong reaction would only make things worse.

  His hand pushed into her hair so he could make a fist against her scalp. He didn’t grip tightly enough to hurt her, but with enough pressure that she could feel the control that he had over her. And that was how both of them liked it. She let out another breathy little sigh, and it was almost enough to break him.

  “Tell me what you need, baby.”

  She whimpered. “I need to forget.”

  He scooped her up in his arms and carried her toward the bed. He practically threw her onto the mattress and then he was on top of her before she had stopped bouncing.

  Her body fit underneath
his like it was made to be there.

  His face pushed against her neck so he could rub his stubble against the sensitive flesh. “Tell me what’s going on inside that head of yours.”

  “I don’t want to talk. Just fuck me.”

  Hunt instinctively reacted to her filthy words, but he fought the urge to give in the way she wanted him to. Sophia wanted him to replace her fear and uncertainty with something else, so she didn’t have to deal with the dark feelings. Instead, he slipped the strap of her dress over her shoulder and down, exposing her bare chest. He pinched one swollen nipple, drawing a gasping moan from her lips.

  “Maybe I want to talk.” He pressed his teeth hard against her neck, just this side of biting. “Maybe I want to keep you here like this until you talk to me.”

  Sophia tried to push him away, but he fended her off about as easily as the beat of butterfly wings.


  “Do I need to tie you up again?”

  “No,” she bit out. Although the slight clench of her belly and the racing of her heart told him the opposite.

  Both of her hands were captured with one of his and he pulled them over her head so she was completely trapped beneath him. She wasn’t moving until he let her.

  She glared up at him, eyes full of anger and desire. But she didn’t ask him to let her up. Either because she knew that he wouldn’t listen or because she didn’t really want to be released.

  His free hand slid under her skirt to play at the edge of her panties. He wedged his legs in between hers until she was forced to spread them open wide enough for his hips to settle between. The little slip of cotton at her crotch was already damp, and he let out a low growl at the feel of it. Pushing the scrap of fabric aside, he plunged a finger inside of her.

  Her breathing came in shallow pants as his thumb moved over her clit, just enough to stimulate her but not enough to send her over the edge.

  “You have to fuck me.”

  “You have to tell me what’s going through your head, so I can help you.”

  “So you’re just going to torture me?” she grated.

  He slipped a second finger inside of her, but kept his pace slow and deep. So slow that they could practically keep this up for hours before it was enough to make her come. “If that’s what it takes.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Not yet.” His head moved down so his lips captured the peak of one breast and he could pull it into his mouth. He sucked hard enough to pull the very soul from her body. She rewarded him with a soft cry. “You’re hiding from me. And I don’t like it.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  His teeth closed around her nipple and he shook his head back and forth, worrying the delicate skin. He knew it hurt, and that was something that she both loved and hated in equal measure. It was a nice metaphor for their relationship.

  And he understood what she was going through. It was hard to be so vulnerable and exposed when you didn’t have any way to protect yourself. If she acknowledged that her father was more than a monster, then she had to face the grief of losing him. It was easier to pretend that she didn’t care.

  But he knew that she did care. She cared too damn much. So if she couldn’t face herself then he could at least make her face him.

  Sophia stared up at him as his fingers worked inside of her. Her eyes were wide and unseeing as she crested over the edge and screamed her orgasm directly into his ear.

  He released her arms and rolled her limp body over so she lay on top of him. Her heart rested directly against his, thumping together with a matching beat.

  Each breath she took pressed her chest a little closer against his. He traced the line of her jaw with the back of his hand and her sigh tickled along his skin. “My father is dead. I’m never going to find out what he did, what he was really guilty of.”

  “I’m going to find all the answers for you that I can. Accepting the truth is up to you.”

  The only truth that mattered to him was her.

  “Will I ever be okay again?”

  He moved his hands to her lips and lifted her body only to lower her down again on his cock. They moved together in the fragile daylight that was quickly darkening with approaching night. He let her set the pace, watching her rise and fall on him like he worshipped at the altar of her body.

  Hunt had this desperate urge to protect her from the world, even though he knew that it wasn’t possible. For now, he had to be content with these times that had been stolen from the vengeful fates, because at any second it could all be ripped away.

  Her breathing quickened and he heard her soft whisper. “Don’t let me go, okay?”


  And he didn’t just mean in that moment. That promise was forever.

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  Also by Lillian Sable


  Ianthe and Legion

  Omega’s Deception

  Omega’s Capture

  Omega’s Binding

  Aura and Castor

  Alpha’s Temptation (preorder now)

  Alpha’s Corruption (coming June 2019)

  Alpha’s Redemption (coming July 2019)


  Hunted by the Feral Alpha

  Lillian Sable

  Lillian Sable writes erotic romances with ultra-Alpha heroes. She is a former office-worker who spent more time fantasizing and daydreaming than doing her actual job. She started writing her fantasies down and turned her dreams into reality. Lillian lives in Indiana with her husband.

  Visit my website:

  Follow me on Facebook: @lilliansableauthor




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