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Page 3

by Sophia Summers

  The buzzer sounded. The crowd went crazy.

  Rocco watched her face. Her smile was something to behold. She held up both hands, her stick high into the air. The ice ladies skated out and surrounded her. The announcer came out onto the ice with a huge trophy and something sparkly that he held high in the air. Car keys.

  She raised her hands to her mouth and hugged some of the girls. Then she took a victory lap with trophy and keys in hand. And she was beautiful on the ice. Her body moved in rhythm. She was a natural. She turned to skate backwards, waving to the crowd and blowing kisses to her family.

  When she finally made it back to the center, he held out his hand. “Congratulations.”

  She giggled. “This is so amazing.” She pulled his hand and fell into his arms for a hug. “Thank you.” She pulled away, her cheeks a delicious pink color. “I mean, I’m sorry? I don’t know what to say. But thank you. That was fun.”

  He nodded. “You won fair and square. I’m impressed.”


  The girls led her off the ice while looking back at him, half in ridicule, half in pity.

  When he entered the locker room, the guys were silent. Which was worse than razzing. “What?”

  “Really?” Crandall shook his head. “You’re a sucker for a pretty face.”

  “She was pretty, wasn’t she?” Rocco grinned. He didn’t even care that he’d lost. Good for her. She won a car.

  The coach shook his head. “I don’t want any of the rest of you losing. How does that make us look, anyway?”

  “What did you want me to do, Coach? Check her into the glass? She wasn’t even wearing pads.”

  “I know, son. Shake it off. We still gotta score on the Hounds, and Zane Winchester’s not giving us even an inch out there.” Coach turned to Rocco. “And you’re gonna be the one to take him down. Redeem yourself.”

  With a good amount of grit, Rocco geared up. Going against Zane was no small task. The guy towered over almost everyone. Except Trane. Their goalie from the Northbrook days. That guy was just a mammoth. Zane was nothing to sneeze at, and Rocco knew that trying to check him was asking for some bruises.

  He rotated his shoulders as he skated back out onto the ice, everything else forgotten. If that’s what it took to score, then bring it on, Zane. They’d have dinner after the game and laugh it off, he hoped.


  Summer felt like her father as she made her way back to her seat, getting high fives from every row she passed.

  “Hey, Star Valley.” Joe from high school stood as he held out his hand for a high five.

  For a minute, she thought he was going to pull her into a hug, but she stepped away. One hug from a man she hardly knew was plenty for one day. What had possessed her to do such a thing! She relived it again in her mind. He’d tried to hug her back, but his gloves and pads were in the way. Everything about the moment had been awkward, but she’d been acting on pure adrenaline.

  She grinned again. Had she really just scored off Rocco? The Rock? The famous pro hockey player? How had she managed that?

  When she sat back down, Kyle immediately grabbed her trophy. “Wow.” Then he held it high. “My sister is famous!”

  Everyone around them laughed.

  Her family surrounded her, pulled her to her feet, and jumped together in a massive Davis cheering frenzy.

  “Attagirl.” Dad hugged her.

  Then the music started, and they knew the game was about to resume.

  When she sat down by Eric, he shook his head. “How did you do that?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. I mean, he could have tripped me up.”

  “True. But you were so quick! And you kept the puck away from him. From Rocco. The guy’s amazing.”

  “I know. You guys have been telling me about him ever since he joined the team. I don’t know how I did it.” Her cheeks hurt from smiling. “But that was fun.” She sighed.

  “Oh, brother.”


  “Now you’ve got a thing for him.”

  She stared at her brother. “Eric, how could I have a thing for him? I don’t even know him.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You beat the guy on the ice, you get a thing. It’s real.” He winked.

  Then they both turned their attention to the game. Rocco tore out of the group, heading straight for Zane.

  “What’s he doing?” Eric leaned forward to watch him further down the ice.

  The Davis family cringed. Rocco lowered a shoulder and rammed into Zane just as Crandall tore in to take a shot at the goal.

  Zane stumbled backwards, his skates tripping on the ice. But he righted himself and didn’t fall. He took off toward the goal, but he was too late. Crandall lifted his stick and smacked the biscuit right toward the bottom corner of the goal. Their goalie tried but missed, and the Steers scored.

  The stands went crazy, the lights flashing everywhere. The Davis family jumped up and down and shouted until they were hoarse.

  “Did you see that look the other player gave Rocco?” she asked.

  Eric turned to her. “No. What look?”

  “Like he was out for blood. Zane is not going to forgive that trip-up.”

  “First of all, how can you see a look?” He snorted. “And second, he’s gonna be fine. He’s a hockey player.” Eric pulled out his phone, searching for something. “And they’re friends. Look.” He showed her an old promo shot with the two of them, arms across each other’s shoulders and big smiles.

  Summer wasn’t so sure, but she felt foolish. “Yeah. Ha. You’re right.”

  But from then on, Zane took every chance he could to smash into Rocco.

  The Hounds scored twice. The Steers scored, and then the Hounds got one last goal in right before the buzzer. The Hounds won the game.

  A very dejected group of Davises sat in their seats while the stands cleared. Summer had to sign papers to accept the title to her car, and then she’d be driving it home. She stood. “I need to get that new car stuff taken care of.”

  “Oh right!” Her dad stood. “Let’s all go with Summer.”

  She didn’t really think that was necessary since she’d be driving home in her new car and didn’t need a ride, but she didn’t expect anything less from her father.

  They made their way to the business offices, which happened to be near the Steers’ locker rooms. The brothers immediately planted themselves outside the door so they could try to get the attention of the players. Summer kept looking over her shoulder. What if Rocco came out? What do you say to a pro hockey player after you score on them and then they lose the game? She turned back to the team representative behind the desk. He seemed friendly enough. Short red hair and accompanying freckles made everything he said disarming.

  “Congratulations on your win.” His grin was wide and his teeth slightly crooked. “Here’s your packet. The title will come when you pay the taxes. It has temporary tags on it, so you’ll need to get those replaced within the month. Your insurance looks good to go, just make sure to add the vehicle to your policy.” He held out a manila envelope with the telling bulge of keys. “Second set of keys in here. Thank you for your support of the Steers.”

  “Thank you. I don’t suppose I’ll be forgetting about this day any time soon.”

  The man shook his head. “You’ve got some real talent on the ice. That was a great show.”

  “Thank you.” She stepped out of the office and waved to her brothers. None of them wanted to leave.

  “They can stick around a minute, if you want.” The man smiled. “You guys are nice folks.”

  “Thank you.” Summer’s dad stepped forward. “I’m the president of the Star Valley fan club. We have a growing contingent up there. And most of us are here every game, right at the glass, cheering on the Steers.”

  “We appreciate that, sir.”

  Kyle had not given up the trophy and held it high for anyone to see. Summer smiled. She loved that little guy.

  And then
more players started coming out of the locker room. Summer inched away, almost heading back into the office.

  Her brothers and dad called out to the players and got them all to sign their jerseys. Summer smiled, happy she could give them this opportunity. What an awesome night. And she had a new car! She turned back to the desk. “Excuse me, what color is my car?”

  “Yes, I’d like to know that as well.” A new voice. Rocco stood beside her.

  What! Rocco stood beside her! She swallowed twice before looking up into his face.

  His brown eyes smiled at her.

  “It’s in your packet,” the team rep answered.

  She scanned the paper. “White.” She shrugged.

  “Not your favorite color?” Rocco asked.

  “No, I like white—all the colors, really. It’s a free car. What can I say?”

  He was close and smelled like he’d freshly showered. His T-shirt stretched across some serious muscles. Even as the shortest guy on the team, he still stood a half head above her. And his eyes held hers again. He was more man than she’d seen in a long time, and that was saying something considering who she lived with.

  “That was some excellent skating out there today.” His voice rumbled through her. It was deep but friendly. He didn’t have quite the New York style of his mother.

  “Thank you. I skate on our pond a lot. I guess it helps.”

  “I’m happy you won. I see your group at every game, but I don’t think you’ve come before.”

  Rocco De Luca had noticed them. Oh. My. Word. “No, I don’t come often, but I will now.” Her face burned. What was she even saying to this guy?

  “Hoping for another car?” He laughed.

  “No, that’s not…” She looked away.

  “I’m just messing with you. I missed your name.”

  “Summer. Summer Davis.”

  “It’s good to meet you, Summer. And do you live around here?”

  “We’re in Star Valley.”

  His lips curled in a gorgeous smile. “Well, so am I. That settles it. I’m gonna need to take you out.”

  Pleasure raced through her. And insecurity. Did she want to hang out with Rocco? Sure! But was he talking, like, a date?

  Her dad clapped Rocco on the shoulder. “We can do better than that. Come over for dinner at our place.”


  “No, this is great. Eat with us. Go out on the ice with Summer. It’ll be fun.”

  “You have your own ice?”

  Summer shook her head. “It’s not—”

  “Sure we do. Some of the best out there. And Mrs. Davis, my wife, makes the best dinners around.”

  “Well, then, it’s decided. We have a string of away games coming up, but how about when I get back? I’ll call you.” Rocco turned back to Summer, and she wished that everyone would go away.

  “Sure,” she said. “Here’s my phone.”

  He added his number to her contacts and sent himself a text. “There you go.” Then he winked. “I’ll call you later.”

  She stared too long into his face. What did that wink mean?

  “You can call me later, too!” Kyle stood taller.

  “And I just might do that.” Rocco turned to them all. “Hey, thanks for always being here. I see you guys up against the glass every home game. It means a lot.”

  “You got it.” Her dad smiled like he was talking to one of his heroes, which, come to think of it, maybe he was. Then they turned as a family to go.

  “I’m going with Summer!” everyone called at once, but Summer shook her head. “Nope. Me and Eric. That’s it.”

  “You’re on.” Eric held up his fist, and they made their way to the private parking lot where her new car waited. A new Jeep Cherokee.

  “What a mess.” Summer held her face in her hands as soon as the rest of her family were out of sight. “Did Dad just interrupt Rocco asking me on a date and turn it into a family dinner?”

  “He did, but back up. Did Rocco just ask you on a date? That’s seriously cool.”

  “Is it? I guess it is. But Dad’s probably ruined it now.”

  “I guess you’ll know if Rocco calls.”


  Did she want him to call? When she thought of his eyes and the hold they had on her, she knew she did. But when she thought of who he was, the fuss her dad was making, and just the idea of dating at all, she was nervous. What would he think of her? He was sure to be tired of her in two minutes. Didn’t pro athletes date models and movie stars?

  “Hey.” Eric nudged her. “It’s not a big deal. You’re gonna be okay.”

  She nodded. “I guess.” They made their way to the outside door.

  “Let’s go take your new car for a spin.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” She squealed like she hadn’t done since she was little, and they rushed out across the parking lot to the car. And then she stopped so fast Eric nearly bowled her over.

  Rocco leaned against the driver’s side door and waved. “Hey.”

  She picked up her pace again until she and Eric were standing in front of him. “Hi.”

  “Are you two…?” He pointed between Eric and Summer.

  “Siblings.” Eric stepped forward to shake his hand. “I’m her older brother.”

  Rocco’s relieved smile turned his chiseled hot-guy look into a guy-next-door kind of look, and Summer loved it all the more.

  She found her courage. “Sorry about my dad. We don’t have to make a big family event out of anything.”

  Rocco shook his head. “No, it’s no problem. I look forward to it. I come from a big family myself. In fact…”

  “Rocco!” A woman shouted his name, and he winked and turned.

  His mother came bustling up. “Oh, honey, let me look at you. I don’t know what you thought you were doing trying to take out Zane. He never appreciates that, not even during your Northbrook Club days.” She kissed his cheeks. “Oh, but you’re handsome. You played well.”

  “Thanks, Ma. I want you to meet someone.”

  Her eyes rose, and he indicated Summer and Eric.

  She stepped forward. “Oh, it’s the beauty from the promo show.” She reached for Summer’s hands. “Ah, well, no wonder you let her win.”

  Rocco snorted and shook his head, his eyes holding an apology. But Summer just grinned.

  “I’m so happy to meet you,” his mother continued. “I’m Delores De Luca. I know. It’s a mouthful. I married into it.”

  “It’s good to see you again. I saw you when you registered at the library.”

  “Oh, were you there? That was such a fun time. It’s a quaint place, isn’t it? They didn’t really have many of the books I was looking for.”

  “I’m happy to find another well-read book lover in our town. We are able to make interlibrary loans…”

  “That might work just as well for me. Though I would love to support any attempt to expand your collection.”

  Summer nodded. “Yes, we are always looking for funding to help expand.”

  Mrs. De Luca nudged her son. “You hear that?”

  “I heard, Ma.”

  “Well.” She looked from Summer to Rocco. “Stefano just dropped me off tonight, so I’ll need a ride. I’ll wait in the car. You take your time.” She looked around Summer at Eric. “Or maybe this man can help me?”

  Eric jumped. “Of course. I’m Eric, Summer’s older brother.” He held out his hand for her to shake.

  “Oh, that’s nice. Well, you have nothing to worry about in my Rocco, there. He’s as soft as they come when it comes to the ladies.” They walked around the other side of the car directly to the right of Summer’s new Jeep.

  “Wow.” Summer smiled. “Your mother seems like a great lady.”

  “You met her at the library?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been thinking about her ever since. She makes a strong first impression.”

  His smile was soft, and Summer loved to see it.

  “We’ve got the familie
s all lined up, apparently. Family dinner coming when I get back, but that’s a week away. What about tonight?”


  “Sure, do you have plans right now?” He stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked a little on his feet.

  “Um. Yeah, I think so.” Her tongue felt thick in her mouth, her brain sluggish. “I mean, I think I’m free. No plans.” Say something clever, she shouted at herself in her mind, but nothing came.

  “Because, here it is, I’m gonna be thinking about you for days, and the suspense might be too much.”

  What? Wow! He was so open. Was he saying he was into her? Sure sounded like it. “Okay. Can we drop off Eric—”

  “I’ll take care of Eric,” Mrs. De Luca called from around the car.

  Summer laughed, and Rocco shook his head.

  “Then can we take my new car?”

  “I think you owe me a ride in that thing. I may never live down the shame of losing to a fan.”

  Eric laughed. “If it makes you feel better, she beats me all the time. Try growing up with that kind of humbling,” he called from the driver’s side of Rocco’s car.

  “It might have done me good.” Rocco nodded. “You got my mother?” he called over.

  Eric smiled. “You got my sister?”

  They nodded at each other, and Rocco climbed into the passenger side of Summer’s new white Jeep.


  Rocco watched Summer climb into her new Jeep. She sat in the driver’s seat and breathed in through her nose. “New car smell. This is so cool!”

  “You deserve it. That was incredible.”

  She turned to him, her bright eyes flashing, her hair shifting and falling in waves past her shoulders. “Thanks. So, where are we going? I want to drive this thing.”

  A dimple teased, making flash appearances on her cheek depending on what she said, with every rise of one side of her mouth. He knew he wouldn’t want to end this night any time soon. “There’s a group of us meeting at the Sundowner. I owe Zane after our game today.”

  “Is this, like, a team dinner thing?”


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