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Notch: The Lost Boys MC #4

Page 11

by Rylan, Savannah

  “Notch,” I moaned.

  “Oh fuck, Maya. Just like that,” he growled.

  He bottomed out against me and the entire world ceased to exist. There was only me, and him, and the cool wall of my shop against my ass cheeks. He rolled slowly, swiveling his hips as he ground softly into my clit. My head swam with ecstasy. Feeling him against me again was something I never thought I’d had. And as my heart slammed against my chest, his lips fell to my ear.

  “Don’t you ever put yourself in harm’s way again,” he commanded lowly.

  And as I nodded my head, he drew back and slammed into me.


  He thrusted into me again, jumping my body as our hips connected.

  “Notch, yes,” I moaned.

  “That’s it. Grab that cock with your body. Wrap yourself around me, Maya. Just like I dreamed.”

  My eyes flew open at his admission. They connected with his, and a wolfish darkness fell over his stare. He pounded into me, leaving me breathless in his wake. Yet, his words tumbled around in my mind.

  He dreamed of me.

  He released my hands and my arms flew around his neck. He fisted my hair, tugging my head off to the side with anger coursing through his veins. He bit down into my neck like a wild fucking animal. A beast that had been uncaged. The only thing I could do was cling to him for dear life. So, I fisted his shirt and let him have his way with me.

  I let him do with me what he wished.

  He whipped us around and settled me against the edge of my register desk. His hands gripped my hips, holding me steady as his girth pulsed against my walls. I kissed him furiously, feeling his anger turn to pleasure. He relaxed against me as my pussy soaked him down, my juices dripping down his balls. I hooked my legs around the backs of his thighs. I pulled him as deep as I could get him, relishing how much he filled me. How much of me he stroked at once.

  “Oh, my god,” I choked out.

  My head fell back, and his lips fell to my neck. But instead of biting, he kissed. Softly. Open-mouthed kisses that were a stark contrast from the angry biting and marking he had once been doing. I gave myself fully over to him. As he held me closely, his hands on my hips and his face buried into the crook of my neck, I ran my fingertips through his hair. I twisted them up, feeling his softness and drowning myself in his strength.

  The sound of skin slapping skin filled the corners of my waiting room as we rocked and bucked together.

  His hands fisted my ass cheeks and he picked me up against him. He held me up and brought me back down, fucking his cock with my body. I sucked on his lower lip and pressed sloppy kisses against his cheeks. I felt their stubble. The roughness that wrapped up the heat of our encounter in a lovely physical metaphor. Tears rushed my eyes as my clit throbbed. My walls quivered around him, close to its own release as his back fell against the wall.

  He slid to the floor, holding me in his lap as his dick jumped inside my body.

  “Notch, that’s it. Iyou--I’m so--.”

  Then, his fingers fell between my pussy folds.

  “Cum for me, Maya. Do it.”

  He swirled his thumb around my clit once. Twice. Three times, before my back arched. His face fell to my breasts and he growled into them, relishing their petiteness. My arms went limp as his muscles wrapped around me, suspending me in midair. He chanted my name like an effortless prayer, his cock filling me with hot threads of his arousal. And as my pussy milked him for all he had, I shivered in his lap.

  I collapsed, heaving for air as he tucked my head underneath his chin.

  “Holy fuck, I’ve got you,” he grunted.

  I shook with every stream of cum that filled me. My knees rested against the floor as I collapsed into his chest. I rested there, catching my breath as he leaned heavily against the wall of my shop. The desk hid us from the front door. The shadows clung to us, shrouding us from prying eyes. His shaking hands slid up and down my back, exploring me as every part of my skin puckered.

  Our intermingled juices dripped from my body. Exploring my thighs and pooling on the floor as we sat there, wrapped up in one another.

  “Notch,” I whispered.

  He kissed the top of my head before letting out a heavy sigh.

  “You have to tell me what you told your brother,” Notch murmured.

  I closed my eyes and nodded my head, knowing it would eventually come to this.

  “I, uh…”

  I swallowed down the tears as Notch tightened his grasp around my body.

  “I’ve got you. And for every question you answer, I’ll answer. Honestly. But we have to talk. Your brother works for people who are out to slaughter my crew. The only family I’ve ever known. You have to talk to me, Maya. Please.”

  It was the way he said please that made my mouth run away with me. Because I’d never be able to deny an honorable man what he wanted.

  Especially when he was trying to protect those he loved.

  “I was doing some research a few nights back. On you and your crew,” I said softly.

  He nodded. “So, you know I’m part of a motorcycle gang called The Lost Boys.”

  “I do, yes. And through some of those blogs and things, I came across a gang called The Elusive.”

  “Which is who your brother works for.”

  “Yes. It’s who my father worked for, as well. When we were back in Tianjin,” I said.

  “You said your brother killed your parents?” he asked.

  My jaw quivered and he pressed another kiss to the top of my head.

  “I’ve got you, Maya. I’m right here,” Notch said.

  I sniffled. “I thought for the longest time the gang had my family killed. But I came across a page that talked about gang rituals. How jobs and things are passed on between families. How initiations happen. How trust is built.”

  “I’m so sorry, Maya.”

  “I couldn’t—it never occurred to me that—”

  “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh. Deep breaths. I’m right here.”

  “I mean, my relationship with my brother has always been horrible. But now? I can’t even—”

  “What brought you to the States?” he asked.

  I sighed. “My parents put me on a plane when I was sixteen. My father wanted to pull away from the gang. I guess they were getting too close to the family or something. Maybe that was when they were trying to adopt my brother into things. I’m honestly not sure. All I know is that my father wanted me out of there, so he worked with my mother to make it happen. I heard from my father once after that. Just after I turned eighteen. He told me to get out of San Diego, and then a few days later the police contacted me and told me my parents were dead.”

  “You didn’t think to run?” he asked.

  “I’d just lost my parents. I was grieving too much to put any of this together.”

  I rose up and looked Notch in his eyes, and I saw all the care in the world. All the sorrow. All the empathy he had to offer me. He pulled his hips back and pulled his cock from between my legs, and I shivered as he stroked me one last time. He reached for his leather jacket and wrapped it around my bare legs. Covering me from the world as I sat there, straddling him with my naked legs.

  “Now, I understand why my father wanted me to run. My brother made a comment about how he never lost track of me, and all of these little pieces that I didn’t know were pieces finally make sense. My brother killed my father to take his place, and killed my mother as a show of trust to his boss. And if he ever needs another show of trust—”

  “You’re next,” Notch said bitterly.

  I nodded slowly. “That’s how things like this work, right? That’s what my brother has gotten himself wrapped up in?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. And I wish I could tell you something different. I really do, Maya.”

  “I’ve always loved my brother, but as far as I’m concerned, I lost my brother the day he killed my parents.”

  He cupped my cheek and I nuzzled into it.

Your brother is someone we’ve been working with for years,” Notch said.

  I gazed into his eyes as my brows stitched together with confusion.

  “Why would you do something like that?” I asked breathlessly.

  “The crew is trying to clean its act up. But for years, we’ve been running guns with them. They’re our main provider of merchandise, and your brother is the third-party communicator between us and Jim Yung. The overseer of The Elusive,” he said.

  I paused. “But you don’t want to run guns for them any longer?”

  He shook his head. “Harry—and now, we also thing Yung—screwed us over with the police. Harry tried striking a deal with the SDPD in order to capture us in the middle of storing a shipment of their guns. It was a sting operation gone south because we caught onto what was happening. It’s a very convoluted story, but the police officer Harry hooked up with is someone who’s been tracking us down for some time. He has a bit of… personal beef with crews like ours, in general.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because his wife left him for the president of a motorcycle crew that used to call San Diego their home base.”

  “That sounds very convoluted, indeed.”

  He chuckled. “It is. And now, both Harry and this detective are out to wipe us off the face of the map. Arresting us to get us out of the way didn't work, so they’re coming for blood. For our lives. That shoot out you mentioned earlier? The one I told you I responded to on an EMT call?”

  “That was your crew and my brother’s gang.”

  “It was, yes.”

  “Were you ever an EMT?” I asked.

  “I was, yes. For three years before I left my job and decided to join the crew. There were many reasons, most of which are personal. But I never felt like I was making a difference as an EMT, believe it or not. I was always treated like an idiot. Like I was a defunct doctor. I saw more lives lost in the hands of doctors because they didn’t listen to paramedics like myself. I got tired of watching that happen. I got tired of watching lives I worked so hard to save be lost recklessly because doctors thought they knew better than me. The sleeve you helped connect with your design? The one on my right arm?”


  “Those tattoos are for those I lost as an EMT. Those tattoos are for the lives I watched perish in the hands of ignorant and arrogant doctors who didn't listen to me. I didn’t want their lives to be in vain. I didn’t want them to be forgotten. So, that entire sleeve is commemorated to them. To reminding me why I stopped being an EMT and pledged my life to The Lost Boys.”

  “But you’re running guns. Not helping people?”

  He snickered. “We didn’t always run guns. We also do protection for the general public as a side gig. We sort of had our arms twisted into working with your brother and The Elusive. It’s a very long story, but the short of it is that we needed guns quickly for a job we didn’t have. We got them illegally and told ourselves it was only once. But once turned into not once. And not once turned into running them for The Elusive once they figured out our influence in the community a little over a year ago.”

  My face darkened. “My brother moved to San Diego a little over a year ago.”

  Notch sighed. “That doesn’t shock me in the slightest.”

  I slipped away from his lap and picked my tattered panties off the floor. I wiped myself off with them as best as I could, then tossed them into the trash can underneath my cash register’s desk. I grabbed my jeans and slid them up my legs, giving myself time to process everything. Notch pieced himself together as well. Pulling his pants up and stuffing himself back into his boxers.

  I turned around and saw him eyeing me carefully. Raking his stare up and down my body, trying to clock me and figure out my emotions. What was going on in my head.

  “I only told Harry I was doing tattoos for one of the guys in the crew. He asked me to describe you and I told him I don’t focus on my clients that way. I could only tell him about your tattoos. But he was so upset with me that I didn’t call him about it sooner that we didn’t get much further into what I was going to tell him. I was going to tell him what I knew to see if I could get any information out of him. And if I couldn't, I was going to go to that building where the shootout happened in the hopes someone you knew would see me and alert you, or something like that,” I said.

  Notch grinned. “You’re an interesting one, I have to say.”

  I shrugged. “I can admit when I’m being stupid. But I didn’t have any other way of getting in contact with you.”

  “And you’re sure that’s all you said to him?”

  “Yes. That’s all I said.”

  He gripped my shoulders, sighing. “Maya, you have to stay away from your brother for now. Until we can get this figured out—and until I can make sure you’re safe—you have to stay away from him and any help he offers.”

  “I know. I’ve been doing that for years. But I can only do so much before he’s going to force whatever it is he wants onto my life anyway.”

  “I won’t let that happen. I promise you that.”

  “The second he knows you’ve come back by this shop or figures out how entangled we—”

  “Maya, I will keep you safe,” he said.

  “If I keep pushing my brother away, that’s going to signal him more than ever,” I said.

  “Promise me, Maya. Even if you have to pack up and spend the rest of your vacation away from here. Promise me you’ll stay away,” he said.

  I knew I couldn’t do that. He knew I couldn’t do that. But I guess he needed to hear it. For his own peace of mind.

  “I promise to do my best,” I said.

  “And once I can get this figured out with my crew, I’m coming back for you. You have my word,” he said.

  Then, like a breathless cry on the tailcoats of the wind, he was gone from my shop again. Leaving me leaking with his mark and standing there alone.

  Like I always had been in my life.



  I wanted to stay with Maya. I wanted to hold her. Comfort her. Kiss her until her tears, fears, and sorrows dissipated. But I had too many things I was juggling, and the most important one was keeping everyone safe. I hoped Maya stayed true to her word. That she stayed away from her fucking brother, of all people. I really needed her to keep that promise. I really needed her to be a woman of her word. But deep down? I knew she’d try something. If she was willing to do such stupid shit to put herself at risk just to find me, I knew she’d try the same bullshit to try and protect me.

  “A fighter, but an idiot,” I murmured.

  I slipped my helmet on and dialed Stone. I heard the ringing loud and clearly in my ear as I saddled up to get back to the safehouse. I knew he wouldn't be happy with all this shit. Especially once I told him what I’d found out. Stone was never happy nowadays, despite being an engaged man. My guess was because he couldn’t actually focus on being engaged to the woman he loved. He had to try and preserve her father’s life while digging us out of this trench that grew deeper as the days passed by.

  But I knew the truth.

  Eventually, that man would have to die.

  “Go back for another tattoo?” Stone asked, picking up the phone.

  I revved my engine, blazing through a yellow light as I weaved in and out of traffic.

  “You need to call church,” I said.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because I have some serious intel that’s going to help us, and also justify all my trips to this tattoo shop.”

  “Wait, what the fuck does that mean?”

  “Stone, I need you to stop being helplessly angry for a few minutes and just do as I ask. Okay?”

  He paused, and I knew he was debating on whether or not to put a damn bullet in the middle of my eyes.

  “Just sent a text out to the guys. We’ll all be around when you get here, since you’re the only one hell-bent on disobeying orders and leaving whenever the fuck you want,” S
tone said.

  “Trust me, after what I’ve finally pieced together, it’s going to be worth it,” I said.

  “And why is that?”

  I sighed. “Because I found us a family member to connect us to Harry and Yung.”

  I hung up the phone call before Stone could say anything more. Hearing that man talk made me angry nowadays. I knew I shouldn't be so heated about things, but this was too close to home for me at this point. I’d put up with stupid people as an EMT who underestimated me, and I wasn’t going to deal with it regarding my own damn crew. The people I called family. I raced through town, taking all sorts of backroads and checking to make sure I hadn’t been followed. Because that was a great possibility at this point, once I filled them in on the stupid shit Maya tried to pull.

  Fucking hell, Stone was going to pop a damn lid.

  I pulled up to the safehouse and I saw everyone inside through the window. And even from my damn bike, I saw how heated Stone’s face was. He saw me outside and came charging out the front door, bounding down the steps to meet me. I turned my bike off. Slid my helmet off. I didn’t even get my damn leg over the bike before he was at my side.

  “Don’t you ever hang up that phone on me again, you got it?” he glowered.

  I looked him straight into his eyes after tucking my helmet away in its compartment.

  “You’re not in a position to be giving orders. Especially since you aren’t willing to do what it takes to make sure everyone’s safe the most efficient way possible,” I spat.

  I shoved past our president and made my way for the safehouse. I didn’t care if Stone killed me. Because deep down, I was tired in the marrow of my bones. Tired of running. Tired of hiding. Tired of this crew making bullshit moves for a few bucks to try and snag a job. We should have left that damn job behind. If we needed last-minute gear, we needed to put the damn job off until we could secure the weapons legally. Trying to work on the client’s schedule put us in the claws of The Elusive in the first damn place. And now, look at where we were!

  All because of some stupid decision that was made. All because of some bullshit prospect that tried to infiltrate our ranks.


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