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Traveling With Tinder

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by Masculine Profiles

  So after she answers some questions for you – you’ll then want to tell her something about how you are, “looking for a cute tour guide” or “taking applications for cute tour guides” to keep the conversation from veering to the friend zone.

  Overall, you just need to use the “tourist” card to get the conversation moving. Then you move to your regular game quickly.

  WhatsApp is everything

  If you don’t have a phone with WhatsApp while you’re traveling – you’re an idiot. Or you just don’t want to get laid. WhatsApp messaging is the primary way many people in countries around the world communicate, due to it being free. If you have Wi-Fi then you can message on WhatsApp to your heart’s content for free.

  If a girl is on Tinder – she will have WhatsApp. She will be able to communicate with you while you’re pipelining her. Experienced travelers know this, but for all of your rookies out there – never leave home without WhatsApp.

  Understanding your Foreigner Value

  It’s vital you understand your value as a foreigner before you really start to pipeline. You don’t want to over game some of these chicks. In every country in the world, each man will have a different value. Some countries adore western culture, while others despise it. Some countries black skin is loved. Other countries white skin is loved.

  Here are a few examples:

  White skin is worshipped in Asia, and some parts of Latin America.

  Blonde hair and blue eyes is worshipped in Latin America

  Being American is considered high value in many Asian countries, regardless of your race.

  Black men do very well in Australia and many parts of Central Europe.

  Latin men do very well in many parts of Central Europe.

  Men with “accents” do well in the US.

  Don’t take offense to any of the above. I’m just telling you how it is. These are just a few examples. Depending on the type of man you are, you may find yourself traveling to a place that loves you – for just being you. In places where you are valued, you don’t have to game nearly as hard or as much.

  If you’re wondering about your value at the location you’re traveling to – ask yourself:

  Do I look like the men of this country?

  If you answered no, then there’s a decent chance the women will value you – as her country can’t naturally produce men like you and you’ll be exotic to her.

  White Lies

  Many times you’ll run into a women who is very interested in you, but she’ll want to know exactly how long you’ll be in her country or city. This question is always a tough one. Some women want a longer-term fling than a few days. However, there are many women who just want something quick. You’ll have to read the situation and determine the best course of action.

  If I’m chatting with a girl and she asks me this question before I’m sure of what she’s looking for, I usually revert to a little white lie. I tell the girl I’ll be staying for just a little longer than I am. I also tell her that I’m looking for a country to live in and just wanted to check the country out on this trip to see if I could live in her country.

  This gives her the hope that you’ll one day return, which is often enough to persuade the chicks that are really into you into meeting – even if you’re leaving in three days.

  I wouldn’t outright lie to a girl and tell her you’re living in her city and then leave after a week. That’s not a good thing to do and it can backfire. Sometimes you only having a week gives the girls a sense of urgency to meet. They know if they don’t come to see you soon – you’ll be gone.

  Complimenting her English

  One item you’ll always want to remember is to compliment her English. If she is fluent, you can tell her you’re impressed. If she is just trying, you can tell her she is doing a great job. Some girls will be a bit shy about communicating in English because they don’t want to feel dumb. Encourage them to speak in English with you by complimenting how they speak the language and they will do their best.

  Pipelining: The Key to Traveling with Tinder

  This whole book is a guide to pipelining girls using Tinder Plus before you arrive at your destination.

  What is Pipelining?

  I certainly didn’t invent pipelining. Hell, I have no idea who was the first man to try and meet girls online while he was traveling – before he arrived. I’d imagine some innovative scoundrel might have been scouring the earth in 2004 or 2005 using online dating to meet cuties.

  However, the practice really came into play when Naughty Nomad coined the term pipelining in 2011.

  According to the Naughty Nomad:

  “Pipelining” is a practice primarily employed by travelers wanting to meet potential sexual partners in a future destination. Meetings are typically arranged online through social networking and dating sites. The objective is to have potential mates already ‘in the pipeline’ prior to arrival in a certain location, thus vastly increasing the chances of a sexual encounter with a local. The terms ‘Pipelining’ and ‘online game’ can be used interchangeably.

  So, by using Tinder Plus to have girls ready and willing to meet you before you arrive – you are pipelining the locale you are traveling to.

  The Basics of Pipelining

  Pipelining can be a confusing process, or really simple – it is up to you. In general, you shouldn’t have much issue transferring the game you’re running back home to pipelining a foreign locale on Tinder.

  Western women are often the most difficult women to game in the world. These women require the most effort and the sharpest game. This means if your game has developed to get laid quickly with Western girls on Tinder – then you’ll have no real need to change your Tinder game strategy when you go abroad.

  The key tenants of pipelining on Tinder are the same as the key tenants of running a solid Tinder game in a Western country. You need great photos that attract and arouse women. You need profile text that is interesting and a bit entertaining. You need an opening message or three that you can spam out to the women you want to meet. You need to be able to message with a girl and have an interesting conversation. Then you get her number.

  The difference comes in the timing…


  The timeframe with which you contact these women will make or break the success of your pipelining. You don’t want to message a woman two months before you arrive – only to have her lose interest in you because you aren’t arriving for another two months. On the other hand, if you only start contacting girls a day or two before you arrive then you may end up with no good prospects.

  The problem with giving you a definitive timeframe to start your pipelining efforts on Tinder is…

  Every country is different. This means each country’s women will behave a bit differently. You may only want to start your pipelining efforts on Tinder in Japan 3-5 days before you arrive. However, in Italy you may need to start your pipelining around two weeks before you arrive.

  While there is no absolute timeframe to when you should start pipelining on Tinder, I usually recommend a man pipelines with this timeframe: from 3 days before he arrives to 3 weeks before he arrives.

  This will all come down to the women he is dealing with, the country he is going to, and how much time he has to pipeline.

  Opening in Her Language or English

  The opening message can make or break a conversation. Many of these girls on Tinder that are into foreigners have had some bad luck with Tinder in the past. So if you run similar game to the foreigner she hates – she’s going to ignore your message. For instance, the last foreigner a girl from Latin America had sex with only spoke English and treated her like shit. She may assume you don’t speak any Spanish if you open with her in English, and thus, not even entertain the thoughts of meeting you – simply because you don’t know her language.

  So to avoid issues like this I stick with a few rules. If she has English anywhere on her profile or attached Instagram account – I’l
l open with her in English. If she doesn’t have any English whatsoever – I’ll open with her in her language, only if I can speak some of her language. If you don’t speak a drop of her language then just stick with English.

  In Europe, you’ll be fine opening in English nearly all the time. In Asia, you should be fine opening in English all the time. The region where this can be tricky is Latin America. Each country varies. You can open every girl on Tinder in Peru in English and pretty much be fine. However, you’ll get rejected a number of times and burn girls who may have been into you otherwise if you take this strategy to the Dominican Republic.

  Overall, you should be opening a majority of these chicks in English – unless you speak some of their language. You can open girls in Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and Thai to improve your results on some women – if you can speak some of the language.

  Opening Messages

  Now that you understand what language you should be opening in a majority of the time (English) – you’ll want some good openers to use while pipelining or on the road.

  Here are a few of my openers that always work well on Tinder:

  Hey cutie how’s it going?

  You seem pretty cool. How’s it going?

  You look like trouble ;) (Created by: Mike from Danger & Play)

  Sweet baby Jesus! Tell your parents good job ;)

  Soooo (insert name here)….since we’re both hot and find each other attractive…hi (Monkey eye cover emoji) (Created by: Kyle from This Is Trouble)

  (nonsexual physical feature) + (nonsexual physical feature) + unreasonable demand. Something like "Long blonde hair and blue eyes? Marry me"

  *only for girls with photos with dog: (insert name here )…I would so steal your dog and never talk to you again (monkey eye cover emoji)

  Looks like we both at least have one good thing going for us... great taste ha.

  These are some of the best Tinder messages out there. Find out which ones work best for your location and spam away!

  Traveling Openers

  Another great way to open girls while you travel is through a traveling style opener. In these openers, you basically are immediately telling her that you are traveling to her country or city.

  This shows her immediately that you are a high value man who has the financial ability to travel, while also putting the pressure on her to decide right away if she’s up for a fling with a man traveling through or not.

  Some good traveling openers are:

  “Hey I just got to your city”

  “Hey I’m new to “insert destination” and don’t really know where to find a good drink”

  “Hey I’m new in town”

  “Hey I just got to your country”

  “Hey I’m getting to “insert destination” soon and looking for a cute tour guide. Do you know where I might be able to find one?”

  "Hey I'm new in town and don't really know where to go”

  You can use these when you know you’ll have some value in the area you’re going. For example, a white guy would do quite well using the “tour guide” line in some Asian countries. Tell girls you just arrived in their city or country is good in Europe, as it’s somewhat aloof. The line also screens for girls who are looking for flings.

  Spanish Openers

  In Latin America, you will encounter a number of women who don’t speak English. However, these chicks will be open to the idea of meeting a foreigner – if he can speak just a little Spanish. Most girls will accept speaking in “Spanglish” if she’s into you enough.

  Online you’ll find more success opening some girls in Spanish. Here are some openers you can use:

  “Hola como esta”

  “Hola amor”

  “Hola hola”

  “Que tal amor”

  “Linda fotos :) como estas”

  “Creo que podiamos hacer bebes hermosos ;)”

  “Te vez bien :) como estas”

  “Te vez como problemas ;)”

  Just remember to only use these if you do speak some Spanish and on girls who you think don’t speak English.

  Following Up – WhatsApp

  After the opener, the foreign cutie you’re attempting to message with will either respond or she won’t. You know this. Not rocket science.

  You should then engage in conversation as normal. Run your normal Tinder game. You really don’t need to change much from what you do in Western countries on Tinder. However, you can incorporate a little bit of “tourist” game or tell a few white lies if you need to.

  If you are talking in Spanish, you should keep the conversation as close to your Spanish level as possible. She’ll understand you may be learning and won’t worry that you’re messaging her like a third grader. Just remember to use the translator if you need to.

  Once the conversation progresses, you’ll need to get her off Tinder and onto the phone. And the phone means WhatsApp.

  Bouncing to WhatsApp

  You have to get her WhatsApp if you’re going to have sex with her. This is nearly non-negotiable. If she doesn’t have WhatsApp then she’s probably not worth you time. I have a rule that if she doesn’t have WhatsApp then I stop communicating with her.

  Quick note: There are some Asian countries where other free messaging apps may be popular. If you’re going to one of these countries – it won’t take you long to understand what app you’ll need. Using photos and voice messages will be similar on these apps.

  Understanding WhatsApp

  WhatsApp is a normal messaging app that allows users to message others all over the world. The app is insanely popular, insanely easy to use, and free. It costs nothing to send messages nor receive them. Thus, the app has gotten incredibly popular in poor countries, as texting can cost money in some countries. As well, many mobile carriers offer free WhatsApp messaging for individuals with a data plan.

  Messaging girls on WhatsApp is exactly the same as texting girls in Western countries. You can run the same type game – again, only needing to consider your value in the location of the girls your messaging.

  Understanding Country Codes

  WhatsApp country codes can be a little tricky for first time travelers. It often happens that a girl will give you her WhatsApp, but she’ll forget her country code. You’ll save her number and then go to look her up – only to find that WhatsApp thinks you should invite her to WhatsApp.

  This means you didn’t enter the country code correctly.

  To message someone on WhatsApp, you have to have their number saved. You also need to save their number with the proper country code. Sometimes she’ll send you the right number – country code and all. Many times she won’t.

  A quick Google search will reveal country codes for phone numbers worldwide. Simply search “WhatsApp country codes” and you’re good.

  The one tip you must remember is to always enter the “+” before the code. This is important.

  Combining the “+” and then her country code, followed by the number will guarantee she shows up.

  Using Photos on WhatsApp

  Sending photos to women is a great way to continue a conversation, re-open a girl, or make her laugh. It’s also incredibly easy to demonstrate value to a woman through photos. This is true in Western nations and while traveling.

  Using photos is one of the best ways to keep your pipeline open and ready to meet. If the girls know you have not arrived yet – you can send photos of where you are, items you’re purchasing to bring, and of you packing. These all keep the girls in the loop and let them know you’re thinking of them. You can also send different types of photos (stuff you would send to girls back home, like: funny stuff, workout pictures, or pictures of your dog).

  If you’re pipelining a week or two out, you’ll want to actively engage the girls you’re messaging with photos. This will ensure that you’re on their minds as you arrive.

  Using Voice Messages on WhatsApp

  While most people in Western nations avoid sending voice mes
sages (we either call or text), this is not the case in other parts of the world. In many places, it’s common to send voice messages on WhatsApp.

  By sending her a voice message, you show her you’re interested plus she gets to hear your voice. Talk slowly, as her English may not be great. Also, you’ll want to remember to talk a bit deeper than normal. Your goal should be to get a message back talking about how sexy your voice is.

  Girls, especially Latinas, will love hearing you speak a little Spanish (if you can). So don’t be afraid to send her a voice message in broken Spanish. She’ll probably think you accent is cute.

  You don’t need any special routines or openers with voice messages. Just remember to call her by her name, talk slowly, talk deeply, tell her about how your travel plans/preparations are coming along, and that you’re looking forward to maybe grabbing a drink when you arrive.


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