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Chess Part Two Box Set

Page 8

by Sean Michael

  Knight stared at him. He stared right back, not backing down, not for a second. This was too damn important—Knight was too damn important.

  “I’m going on vacation.”

  Bishop growled. Knight’s cock actually twitched. Oh, fuck him raw, he was on the right track here. Which was good, because this he knew, this he could do. “I can be just as stubborn as you, baby. So you’d better just say it.”

  “So what if I’m yours? I’m still fucked up.”

  Bishop snorted. “Oh, please, we’re all fucked up in our own ways. Now say it. Say it or I’ll spank you until you do.”

  “You will not. I’m hurt!”

  “There’s not a single damn thing wrong with your ass, so just watch me. You tell me you’re mine or it’s happening.”

  “Fuck you, you asshole!” Knight pulled away from him, moving across the bed. Jason was right. This anger was more familiar, alive.

  Bishop followed, stopping Knight before he could get out of bed, hand hard on one hip. “I won’t ask again.”

  “You leave me the fuck alone. I am not playing with you, any more!”

  Oh, that wasn’t anything close to Knight’s safeword. He swatted Knight’s ass. Not hard, but not gently, either. “Say it.”

  “Fuck you. I’m leaving.”

  “No, you’re not. And that’s still not what I’m waiting to hear.” He swatted Knight’s ass again. If his lover made him do it a third time, he was putting Knight over his knees.

  “I am leaving you!”

  The scream made Bishop smile. “You’re not going anywhere, baby. Not anywhere.” Bishop shifted, sitting in the bed and dragging Knight up onto his legs. “Oh better.” Then he gave Knight’s ass a good, solid swat.

  “Let me go!” God, Knight was stunning.

  Bishop hit Knight’s ass again, nearly crying out from how good it felt, to let Knight feel his hand, to not be handling the man with kid gloves.

  “I hate you. I’m moving out. I’m going to find another place.” Knight didn’t safe word, though. Or move.

  “No you aren’t. Because you’re mine. Say it. Tell me you’re mine.” He gave that beautiful ass a few more swats.

  He wasn’t hitting hard enough to hurt, even to leave marks. It was a connection, though, one they hadn’t had since Knight had been hurt. He kept spanking, warming Knight’s skin, even as Knight ranted.

  “Stunning man. And all mine.”

  “No. No, you have Jason and Rookie.” This time is wasn’t a yell.

  “They aren’t you.” It was the simple truth. He loved all three of them, and they were each unique, but only Knight was truly his, through and through.

  “I’m not me anymore.”

  He thought Knight’s cock twitched against his thigh.

  He snorted. “Like you could be anyone else.” He brought his hand down again. “And I’m waiting for you to admit that you’re mine.”

  Knight grunted.

  “Say it,” he demanded, admiring Knight’s ass, which was going a lovely rosy color.

  “I hate you.”

  “If I believed that I wouldn’t be here.” He smacked Knight’s ass again.

  “I want to go home.”

  “You are home, baby.” He rubbed Knight’s red flesh. “You just have to admit it.”

  Knight sobbed once, the sound rough, exhausted.

  “Come on, baby. Tell me you’re mine.” Tell me, damn it.

  “You deserve better than me right now.”

  He smacked Knight’s ass hard, twice, for that. That was punishment for those stupid words. “You are mine. Period.”

  “Even if I’m broken?” There it was. That was honesty. That was Knight’s fears laid bare.

  He knew he could protest that Knight wasn’t broken, but he also knew that wasn’t what Knight needed right now. “Even if you’re broken.”

  “Okay.” Knight squeezed his leg.

  He squeezed one red ass cheek. “Okay. Then say it.”

  “I’ll be yours.” That still wasn’t it.

  “You are mine.” He wasn’t accepting anything less.

  Knight nodded. “Help me up, Bish. My head’s pounding.”

  “Will you just say you’re mine, you stubborn sonofabitch?”

  “I’m yours. Yours, Bish, okay?”

  “Yeah. That’s what I wanted to hear.” He helped Knight to sit up, to lean against him. He kissed the man.

  Knight pulled away, hid that wet face in the curve of his neck. Bishop held on tight, rocking Knight gently, kissed the top of the man’s head.

  “I hate this body now. It’s not mine anymore.”

  “Stop looking at the negatives, baby.”

  “I can’t.” Knight’s words were a cry.

  “I can show you some good things about your body, baby.”

  Knight took a deep, deep breath, but there was a nod. A real nod.

  “I love your jawline.” He ran his nose along Knight’s jaw.

  Knight’s breath hitched.

  “And the shell of your ear. Mmm.” He bit at Knight’s earlobe.

  “No biting.”

  “Pushy man. I love that about you, too.” He loved that because that was real, that was his Knight.

  He thought that might have prompted a smile.

  He continued tracing body parts with his fingers, with his lips, praising Knight inch by inch. He circled one nipple, cupped the velvety ball sac.

  “You smell amazing,” he told Knight.

  “I took a bath.”

  “Yep. So you smell like you.”

  Knight nodded. “Finally. I was worried I never would.”

  “You can smell like us if we make love.”

  Knight trembled in his arms, shivered. “What if it doesn’t work, Mouse?” That meant Knight was really taking this seriously.

  “Then we try again tomorrow.”

  Knight lightly kissed his ear. “Is it that easy?”

  “It is.”

  Knight wanted to believe him, Bishop knew it.

  He brushed their lips together, then pressed into a kiss. Knight opened for him, tongue barely touching his. Moaning, he slid his tongue along Knight’s, tasting his lover, inviting Knight to play, even just a little. He felt the soft caressing, the sweet response. Moaning, he slid his thumbs across Knight’s nipples. He wanted to see the rings back in them. He wanted to hear Knight moan.

  This man truly was his and soon Knight would believe it again, soon he would put his marks back on Knight’s body. He let his hands keep moving, constantly, making sure Knight felt him.

  “Every inch of you is hot, sexy,” he told Knight.

  “I don’t feel sexual anymore, Mouse. I feel…old.”

  “You’re not old, baby. You’re just right.” He reached down, slid his fingers over Knight’s prick.

  The sweet flesh was quiet, but that was okay. This was his lover, his partner. His Knight.

  Moving his hand, he fondled Knight’s testicles. They were warm and soft, and just like he remembered. It made him moan. The sound made Knight smile and Bishop fought the urge to cheer. He kept touching, balls, cock, the soft skin behind Knight’s sac and all the way to the wrinkled little hole.

  “Bish. Mouse. You can’t…”

  “Can’t what, baby? Touch you? I am. Want you? I do.”

  Knight shook his head but spread his long legs.

  “That’s right.” He pushed against Knight’s lovely little hole.

  “I’m broken.”

  Knight didn’t feel broken. In fact, Knight’s hole felt tight and warm, soft inside.

  “Nope. Not. So hot, so tight.” Groaning, he worked his finger in deeper.

  “You’re touching me.” Knight might have moaned.

  “Fuck yes.” He wasn’t going to stop anytime soon, either, damn it.

  He pushed his finger in deeper, loving the heat and the silk of Knight’s insides. He wanted to love on Knight, to let them be together, soar together.

  “So hot, baby. You�
��re like fire. I want you.”

  “You think we can?”

  Bishop nodded—they could. The doctors had signed off on sex—not gymnastics, but sex. If it didn’t hurt, they could do it. “I know we can.”

  He kissed Knight again, easing him down onto his back again. He just needed lube.

  “Bish…” Knight moved for him, relaxed for him.

  “Right here. And I love you. Now and always.”

  He got his fingers slicked up and teased them over Knight’s cock and balls again. The pretty sac actually drew up. Groaning, he slid his fingertip along it, then touched the skin behind them. Pink and wrinkled, the scar from the ring right there. He twisted down, kissed the spot.

  “Bish?” There was almost surprise in that voice.

  “Yeah, Knight?” He licked the little scar.

  “Don’t. Don’t me make feel good.”

  Bishop rolled his eyes. “Don’t be ornery, baby. Feeling good is something to celebrate, to indulge in.”

  Knight chuckled softly. “I think I’ve forgotten all about that.” No shit, but at least Knight knew that now.

  “Let’s remind you.” He licked from Knight’s balls to his hole, lingering for a moment.

  “I miss my rings.”

  Oh. Oh, God. Yes. He nodded, letting his nose rub along Knight’s skin as he did so. “Me, too. We’ll get them redone.” He’d have Luke in again, soon.

  “After our vacation.” Knight hummed and the sound was good.

  Again he held back his cheers at the ‘our’. “Sounds perfect, baby.”

  “Okay.” Knight’s legs spread a little wider.

  Bishop slicked his fingers up some more, pushing one into Knight’s body. This didn’t feel different. The man was still perfect, still made for him. Breathing hard, he pushed in another finger, stretching Knight.

  “Bish.” Knight took a deep breath, stretched.

  “I’ve got you, baby. Gonna make love to you.” He scissored his fingers apart and pushed them in deep, working Knight open.

  “I’m worried.”

  He knew. He fucking knew, but this was the only thing he knew to do. “You just lie there and enjoy—let me do the worrying and the work.”

  He settled his cheek on Knight’s belly, teased the tip of that sweet cock with his tongue and slowly stretched the tight hole with his fingers. He eventually pushed a third one in with the first two, spending as much time as they could both stand to open Knight up.

  “Oh. Full.” Knight moaned, shifting on the sheets, sweet cock filling.

  “Uh-huh.” He nodded, cheek rubbing against Knight’s belly.

  The salty flavor of Knight on his tongue was perfect, right.

  “Gonna slide inside you, fill you up.” It was his promise to Knight.

  “I miss you, inside me.”

  “Don’t have to miss me for long, baby.” He let his fingers slide away.

  Knight’s body followed his hand, cock brushing his cheek.

  “Needy lover.” It made him so happy, having Knight need him.

  “I’m hard, Mouse.” The words were whispered.

  “I know.” He kissed Knight, all but laughing with happiness. Then he settled between Knight’s legs, putting the man’s ankles up at his shoulders.

  He watched, making sure the stretch wasn’t too much, that Knight was supported on him, totally.

  Then he started working his way in. “Oh. Fuck. Knight.” Damn.

  “Bish…” Knight looked a little stressed, but never moved to stop him.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.” He wouldn’t hurt Knight for the world and he continued to carefully, oh so carefully, work his way in.

  Knight’s muscles rippled around him, jerking and milking his prick.

  “Baby…” He’d fucking missed this. So much.

  “Uh-huh. In me.”

  “Yeah. Fuck.” He grinned down at his lover, feeling this happiness bubbling up from inside him.

  “Smiling for me,” Knight said, reaching up to touch his cheek.

  Bishop nuzzled into the touch, turned and kissed Knight’s palm. He was going to do this. He was going to make love to his heartbeat. He brought their mouths together, breathing with Knight as he slowly moved. They rocked together, humming slowly.

  “You feel so good, baby.” Like heaven.

  “Uh-huh. I do.”

  He pushed in deeper, and a shadow crossed Knight’s face. “What’s wrong?”


  “Knight.” He wasn’t going to play.

  “My hip, can we move my leg?”

  “Yeah, baby. We totally can.” He shifted Knight’s legs off his shoulders, left one on the mattress, and gently bent the other one. “Better?”

  “Yeah. I’m sorry.” Knight’s pretty cock started to flag.

  “Shh. You’re doing fine.” He kissed Knight again, began moving, sliding in and out, looking for Knight’s gland.

  “I just…”

  No. Worrying. Fuck, he was tired of that. He pushed in harder, finding Knight’s gland this time.

  “Oh.” Knight’s eyes rolled back.

  “Bingo!” He hit that spot again.

  “Uh. Uh-huh.” Knight’s shoulders left the mattress.

  “Yeah.” He nodded, kept working Knight’s gland, his own pleasure crawling into his balls and getting ready to explode from him. He took Knight’s prick in his hand and began to jack his lover in time with his thrusts.

  “Don’t stop. Please, Mouse. Please.”

  “I won’t. I’ll never stop loving you, wanting you, needing you.” He moved faster, working hard to make Knight’s body give in and come, finally.

  “Promise me.”

  “I swear it, Knight.” He slammed in hard.

  Knight cried out, but the sound was pure happiness.

  “Now you promise.” He pounded into Knight, hitting that special spot over and over as he demanded Knight’s orgasm. “Come for me.”

  “For you. Please. Please let me…” Bishop wasn’t sure who Knight was talking to, exactly.

  He slid his thumb across the tip of Knight’s cock, fingernail catching the edge of Knight’s slit. Heat poured over his fingers, and he wanted to scream with victory. He kept pushing, kept hitting Knight’s gland, making his lover’s orgasm go on. Then he came himself, his cry heartfelt as he filled Knight with his seed.

  Bishop’s heart was slamming in his chest, so hard he almost couldn’t breathe. He pulled out of Knight so he could collapse beside the man, tugging Knight in close.

  “Don’t go.”

  “Not going anywhere, baby.” He kissed Knight softly. “You’re stuck with me.”

  “Okay. My head hurts and I want a hot dog.”

  He bit back his giggles, and called out. “Jase? Can we have some Tylenol and some hotdogs, please?”

  “Tylenol and hot dogs?” Rook peered in. “Jason’s out running. I’ll get it. You want the good ones from the place at the corner?”

  Bishop thought that was a great idea. “Oh yeah, with sauerkraut and that spicy mustard. Oh, and pretzels if they’ve got ’em.”

  They were going to feast while Knight was in a good mood. It wouldn’t last, it couldn’t, but he’d take it. And tomorrow they’d push again.

  Chapter Eight

  Rook threw himself at Jason as soon as his lover got home. “Knight and Bishop made love! And Knight ate a hot dog with sauerkraut!”

  “Did you get me a hot dog, too?” Jason grabbed him, kissed him thoroughly.

  He held on, nodding once their lips parted. “Of course I did! The foot long. I didn’t eat mine yet either.”

  “Oh, you didn’t have to wait for me.” Jason was pleased, though. Rook could tell.

  “Tastes better shared.” Rook took Jason’s hand and squeezed. “Come on. It’s in the kitchen.”

  “So, they actually…connected.” Sweet Jase.

  Rook laughed. “They fucked like jack-rabbits.”

  “Yay!” Jason grinned. �
��They needed it, both of them.”

  “Uh-huh. It’s a really good sign, isn’t it?”

  “I think so, yeah.” Jason nodded. “I know Knight was worried. I know Bishop was too.”

  “I think it’s cause for celebration!” Rook wanted to go in and blow Knight or something, but he figured he wasn’t needed at the moment—Knight would be tired out from getting loved on by Bishop. He was happy, though. And he had his honey right here to be happy with.

  Jason picked up the hot dog, mock-saluted him with it. “Let’s eat and get out of here. Take a walk down by the water.”

  “Okay. We could eat on the way. Hot dogs are walking food.” He grabbed his own dog, made sure there were plenty of onions.

  Jason nodded, left a note on the chalkboard, and they headed out. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing and it felt good to be outside.

  Rook ate his hot dog, and he had to admit, hot dogs had never tasted so good. When he’d finished eating, he slipped his hand into Jason’s.

  Jason smiled at him, and they bumped shoulders. “Hey.”

  “Hey, honey.” Smiling, he tilted his head up to the sun. “It’s a beautiful day.”

  “Perfect.” They kept going, just wandering together, not talking.

  They went down to the river, walking along the paths, listening to the birds. It really was idyllic. He hadn’t realized how worried he’d been, how heavy that had been, until now.

  “We should go see a matinee sometime,” Jason suggested.

  “Yeah? What do you want to see?” He didn’t even know what was playing.

  “I have no idea.” Jason laughed.

  He grinned. “We’re a sad pair, aren’t we?”

  “Nope.” Jason grinned. “I’m pretty happy.”

  Rook stopped and hugged Jason quickly. “Me too. More today than I have been in a long time.”

  “Me too.” They stopped and sat, let the sun beat on them. “What did you want to be when you grew up?”

  “Me?” Rook shrugged. “I wanted to be a fireman. I would have made a terrible fireman.” He was too short, he didn’t have the courage to go running into a burning building…he liked loving his men and pursuing happiness.

  “Really? I wanted to be a pro soccer player.”

  “Yeah? How come you didn’t?” He could imagine Jason running up and down the field, his lover was in shape enough for it.


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