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Chess Part Two Box Set

Page 10

by Sean Michael

  “Oh, he’s a butthead too.” Jason winked at his lover.

  Bishop’s chuckles got stronger. “Come on. We’d better go rescue them from each other.”

  He nodded, but he wasn’t worried. Knight had a soft spot for Rook.

  Bishop put an arm around his shoulders as they made their way to the big bathroom with its huge shower. Knight was already in the water, Rook washing his long hair, singing softly. Oh. Oh, that was beautiful. Bishop stopped them and they stood together for a while, watching.

  “They’re so pretty,” he said softly.

  “Yeah. They always have been.” Bishop kissed him softly. “You are too.”

  He leaned on Bishop for a second, loving the words.

  “Okay, enough admiring. It’s been a long time since I’ve held all three of my lovers at the same time.” Bishop started stripping him down.

  “I’m sweaty, Bish.” Stinky.

  “That’s why were headed into the shower, baby boy.”

  His cheeks heated, but he stepped out of his workout pants. Bishop watched, gave a hum of approval. Jason’s cock jerked, tried to fill. Crazy. Wonderful.

  Bishop managed to get naked at the same time he did and together they joined their lovers in the shower. Rook was making good on his promise to lick Knight, sliding his tongue along Knight’s throat. Knight shook his head, but didn’t lower his chin.

  Bishop grabbed a sponge and tossed a second one at him, before beginning to soap up both their lovers. He focused on Rook, on the curves of his lover’s spine and ass. Rook’s body pushed into his hands as his lover continued to lick and suck the water from Knight’s skin.

  Bishop moved to lean against the tile, supporting Knight. That gave Rook room to play with Knight’s nipples, tongue slapping them noisily.

  “Rook…” Knight shook his head and Rook did it again.

  Then Rook wrapped his mouth around Knight’s nipple and began to suck on it. Knight moaned, shuddering against Bishop.

  “Just lie back and enjoy it, baby.” Bishop’s words made Jason’s cock jerk, fill against Rook’s thigh.

  Whimpering, Rook moved to suck on the other nipple, pushing back against Jason at the same time.

  “Jase. Baby boy, I want you to fuck our Rookie, right here.”

  Rook moaned at Bishop’s words. “Fuck, yes.”

  “Right here?” Jason slipped his fingers between Rook’s cheeks, his soapy touch at Rook’s hole.

  Rook pushed back into his touch as Bishop answered, “Right here.”

  “I think…” Knight shook his head.

  Rook kissed Knight. Bishop smiled, like he was as satisfied as he could be and Jason let his fingers press in deep. Rook’s body squeezed down on his fingers, milking them. Jason had to moan, his lips on Rook’s shoulder as he gently stroked inside his lover.

  Rook moved in front of him, pushing back on his fingers and rubbing up against Knight. Horny, needy man. Jason loved him to death.

  “Oh, God. Yes. Please.” Rook was shaking, moving more frenetically.

  Knight chuckled. “Jase? Are you not taking care of our Rookie? Do I need to have you replaced?”

  He snorted, reached out and pinched Knight’s ribs.

  “Been too long since I’ve been between you and Jase, K. Need you so much.” Rook’s words were ragged and full of need.

  Knight’s mouth opened and Jason glared. Don’t. Don’t hurt him.

  “Little slut.” Knight kissed Rook, deep and hard.

  Ass tightening around Jason’s fingers, Rook moaned loud enough to be heard with Knight’s mouth on his and a deep shudder rolled through the man.

  “He’s ready for you, baby boy. Take him,” ordered Bish.

  Jason nodded, slicking his cock with the conditioner, quick and dirty.

  Rook and Knight were still kissing, but Rook’s ass pushed back toward Jason, letting him know Rook was focused on him, too. His eyes closed as he rubbed his cockhead against that sweet little hole. Oh, fuck. Yes.

  Rook pressed back, bore down on him and the tiny hole opened for him. Jason had to grit his teeth against the urge to come, just from that, to just push in and shoot. It didn’t help that Rook’s ass worked his cock the moment he breached that strong ring of muscle, milking him for all Rook was worth.

  “Love. Love, God…”

  “The three of you are stunning together,” murmured Bishop, sliding one hand around his waist to grab his ass and tug him and Rook up against Knight.

  Knight moaned and Rook cried out and he just shook.

  “Harder, baby boy. Let us feel you.”

  He nodded and panted, head down as he groaned.

  “So good, honey. Love you. You too, K. And Bish. Oh, God!” Rook shook and cried out.

  Jason started thrusting, his entire focus on the pressure around his prick, on those sounds his lover made. Rook moved with him, and Bishop’s hand was joined by Knight’s, their fingers twisting together where they rested on his ass. His thighs started to shake, his body working hard.

  “Grab their pricks,” Bishop ordered.

  “Huh?” He couldn’t, he was just driving in.

  “I’ve got it.” Bishop’s hand slid away from his ass.

  Rook cried out, ass squeezing hard around his cock.

  “Rook!” He jerked, pushing in deep.

  “Yes! More!”

  His hips rolled, faster, harder, just slamming in. Rook screamed, body squeezing him so tight.

  Knight groaned. “Nice job, baby boy.”

  Jason just kept moving, kept coming.

  “Love you,” murmured Rook. “Love you, honey.”


  Knight groaned. “Saps.”

  Rook kissed Knight softly. “Love you too, K.”

  Jason saw Knight’s smile reach his eyes.

  Rook collapsed between them and Bishop chuckled, the sound fond. “Maybe it’s time to take this to a bed for some napping.”

  Jason approved. “Everyone’s worked out. Napping repairs muscle tissue.”

  “Yes, boss,” murmured Rook, giving him a cheeky grin.

  He goosed his lover, his cock sliding free of that tight sheath. Rook’s patently false shriek gave way to giggles. Jason thought Knight was smiling, too. Bishop certainly was, and the look the man gave him was half proud, half grateful. All love. Damn.

  Thank God they’d found him.

  Bishop turned off the water and Rook grabbed a couple of towels, pushing one into Knight’s hands and keeping the second one himself, using it to dry Jason. Knight wrapped the towel around Bish and Bish wrapped his arms around Knight. Rook dried him off then kissed him, rubbing against him and getting him damp again. He tossed Knight another towel for his long hair before drying Rook’s mop.

  Rook looked happy, eyes bright, body resting lazily against his.

  He kissed Rook’s jaw. “Bed?”

  “Yes. We’re going to all cuddle together.” Rook took his hand and all but skipped down the hall.

  Bishop chuckled. “Come on. We’d better not disappoint.”

  Knight shook his head, but laughed and followed them. It wasn’t awkward and strange. Hell, it almost felt normal. Which, okay, had been so long that normal was weird.

  Rook grabbed his hand, tugged—he obviously wasn’t going fast enough. “Come on, puppy pile time!”

  They were all laughing as they landed on the bed, Bishop careful of Knight on the way down.

  Rook snuggled facing him, back to Knight, giving him long, lazy kisses. Jason held on, holding them together.

  Bishop’s hand slid with his, their fingers twining with his. Between them they’d hold their family together.

  Chapter Ten

  Bishop pulled up at the cottage that was theirs for the week and turned to Knight. His lover was dozing, had been for the last hour of their drive. It was just the two of them for a week at a rented, secluded cottage on one of the rivers north of the city.

  He touched Knight’s shoulder. “Hey, baby. We made it.�

  Knight’s eyes popped open. “Really? That was quick.”

  He chuckled. “You’ve been asleep over an hour.” He nodded toward the building. “Looks just like in the pictures.” He’d been worried it wouldn’t be as nice, but so far it seemed good. They were paying enough for this one that he hoped the inside lived up to the luxury promised in the pictures, too.

  “It’s amazing. Perfect.” Knight nodded and headed in, grabbing one of the suitcases.

  Bishop grabbed the other, glad that Knight was well enough to do this. Rook had pouted, but Jason had insisted that it was a good idea, a good plan, to take Knight away. Connect. It felt good, Knight being well enough to do this, for them to escape the city a while.

  He followed Knight up the stairs to the porch and punched the code into the key holder to get the key and let them in. It was quiet here, remote, but he’d arranged for the landlord to stock the kitchen with basics—burgers, hot dogs, oatmeal. Things he could cook.

  They’d have a week of just each other—Knight could paint, they could make love. Whatever.

  He dropped the bag he was carrying when they were in, turned to Knight and took a hungry kiss. Knight was slow to respond, but the response came, Knight opening to him, tongue sliding alongside his. He kept kissing—they didn’t have anything else to do, anywhere else to be.

  He wanted Knight’s focus, Knight’s hunger. He wanted Knight’s need.

  He licked inside Knight’s mouth, tracing the man’s teeth, gums and tongue. He felt his lover shiver, reach for him. He loved that, that Knight was responding now, easily, without a fight.

  “Do you like it here?” Knight licked his bottom lip.

  “Uh-huh.” It could have been the worst place in the world and he wouldn’t have cared. He wanted to spend his time enjoying his lover.

  He glanced back, finding a big old leather couch and headed for it, bringing Knight along with him. The sofa was cushy, cradling them both.

  He took kiss after kiss. “Could do this forever.” Spend the entire week loving on Knight.

  “Uh-huh.” Knight melted against him, moaning low, hungry for him. He started undressing Knight, moving slowly, lazily.

  “Those are my clothes.”

  It was summer. It wasn’t cool in here, so he didn’t see how getting Knight naked was any sort of problem. “I’m not ripping them,” he noted.

  “No. I didn’t bring a lot.” They’d had to replace Knight’s whole wardrobe with soft things, stretchy things.

  “It’s okay, you aren’t going to be wearing them very much.”

  “I thought we were here for long walks.” He loved that Knight could tease.

  “Yeah, like the long walk from here to the bedroom.” From the bedroom to the kitchen. From the porch back to the bedroom.

  “Oh, that’s totally my speed.”

  He chuckled, dragged his nose along Knight’s throat. It fascinated him, the feeling as Knight swallowed. He licked Knight’s Adam’s apple, then wrapped his lips around it, sucking on it.

  “Going to leave a mark.”

  “Uh-huh.” He hummed around Knight’s skin. No one would care, and if they did, Bish would bash them. He sucked harder.

  Knight groaned, tangling his hands in Bishop’s hair and tugging hard. He bit at Knight’s skin.

  “No biting.” The words and the tone didn’t match.

  Bishop laughed, moved to rub their noses together. “You always say that.” And Knight never meant it.

  “Uh-huh. And you never listen.”

  “That’s because you never mean it, baby.” He bit at Knight’s earlobe.

  Knight twisted, pushed against him.

  “Needy boy.” He fucking loved that, loved how Knight needed, no matter what his mouth said, his body told the truth.

  “You haven’t said that to me in months.”

  “You haven’t needed like this in a long time.” It had been far too long.

  “No. I’ve just been hurting.”

  “I know. You’re feeling better now, though.” He knew that Jason’s constant work was making Knight healthier, stronger.

  He licked along Knight’s neck, nibbling and tugging on Knight’s clothes again. He traced the long, lean ribcage, caressing the bumpy lines of scars. He was relearning Knight all over again. He thought the accident had made them learn everything again.

  He pushed Knight’s shirt off his shoulders then began working on his lover’s pants. Knight covered the worst of the scars, touching them. He took Knight’s fingers away and began kissing the scars.

  “Do you hate them?”

  “No. They’re a part of you and I love you.”

  Knight looked at him, eyes quiet, serious. “I hate them.”

  “Why? They mean you lived.” Bishop thought they should be celebrated for that.

  “They’re ugly,” Knight insisted.

  “I don’t care.”

  Knight grinned at him, the look young and wicked, breathtaking. “No?”

  “Nope. You’re still my baby and I still want you.” He licked along the scars, making sure to touch one after another. He went back over them, blowing lightly then nuzzling.

  “That feels good.” Knight sounded surprised.

  He hummed happily, doing it again. These scars were his. They meant Knight was alive. Was here to be with. Had survived for him.

  He took a kiss, suddenly needing to let Knight know he was right here and he wanted and loved his baby. Knight wrapped around him, moaning into his lips. He started rocking their bodies together, Knight naked, him dressed. It was sexy as hell. He wanted Knight wild for him, wanting him like he used to.

  Pressing Knight into the couch, he rubbed their groins together, biting at Knight’s lips.

  “Hungry.” Knight scratched his nails down Bishop’s spine.

  He was. He wanted Knight to be, too. “Are you?”

  “I don’t know. It’s almost like I don’t remember how.” That seemed at once odd and fair, all at the same time.

  “We’ve got a whole week with nothing to do but remind you how to be hungry again, how to need.”

  Knight didn’t answer, but that pretty cock jerked, leaked against the flat belly. He found Knight’s right nipple, scraping it with his fingertip. Knight hummed, eyes on his touch. He did it again. That sweet little nip went tight, a deep red.

  “I’m getting these pierced again, Knight. You’ll wear my rings again.”

  “All of them?”

  “Yes.” Every single last one. He traced that sweet slit, the little scar where the ring had been.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Yeah, that’s in the cards.” He pressed his finger into Knight’s slit. One leg drew up, and Knight hissed. The response was delicious.

  Bishop ran his hand along the lovely prick, down to Knight’s balls. Rolling them, he kept watching his lover. Knight’s face was a study in pure need. That was just what he wanted to see.

  Bishop slid his fingers farther back, stroking the so soft skin behind Knight’s balls. There was a tiny scar there, too, where Knight’s guiche had been. Knight shook his head, but he was. He wanted all his rings back. He wanted Knight to know Bishop needed him. He needed this man more than anything. This was his whole world.

  He rubbed that little hole, the entrance to Knight’s body, feeling it contract and release as he toyed with the wrinkled skin.

  “Feels fine.” Knight pushed up on his elbows, wiggling a bit.

  “I want you, baby. I want you tight around me.”

  “Now? Here?”

  “Right now. Right here.”

  There was a quiet about Knight now, a stillness. It was the opposite of what he was used to, of what their wild artist used to be. Bishop prayed that his Knight would be back—all of him.

  He shifted, moving down Knight’s body so he could open that little hole with his tongue.

  “Where are you going, Mouse?”

  “Gonna love you ready.” He licked Knight’s cock and balls o
n the way down.

  Knight spread for him, sweet and easy, letting him in. Bishop licked along Knight’s crack, then concentrated on wetting the skin around Knight’s hole.

  Knight wriggled, moaning deep in his chest. “Bish. Mouse. Damn.”

  He pushed his tongue into Knight, fucking his lover with it, knowing how good this was. Knight stretched up, reached for the arm of the sofa, almost turning over.

  Bishop backed off a bit. “Go ahead and go hands and knees if you want, baby.”

  “Oh, God.” Knight turned, skin flushed and warm, ass perfect.

  He gently bit Knight’s left ass cheek.

  “Fucker.” The word was soft, fond.

  He laughed softly and bit the right cheek for good measure.

  “Toothy fucker.”

  “Your toothy fucker.” He spread Knight’s ass with his fingers.

  “Yes. Yes, Mouse. I swear, love. I want my body back.”

  “Then let’s take it back.” He pushed his tongue back into Knight’s ass. Knight arched like a cat, moaning for him. He tongue-fucked Knight, pushing his face against his lover’s skin.

  His name filled the air, like a husky, wanton song. He kept pushing his tongue into Knight, over and over, the sound of Knight’s pleasure spurring him on. His thumbs worked that tiny, wrinkled strip of skin behind Knight’s balls, digging in. He waited until Knight was rocking back onto his tongue and making desperate noises before he knelt up behind his lover.


  Hell, yeah. That was his lover.

  He lined up with Knight’s hole and started pushing in. Knight’s body gripped him, tugged his cock in deeper. “Yes! Oh, fuck, baby.”

  Knight didn’t answer, just pulled him in deeper, body working him. He moved slowly, wanting to savor every single moment of his cock sliding inside Knight’s body. Bishop’s eyelids closed, his entire body shivering.

  He wrapped his hands around Knight’s hips and began to tug his lover back into each of his long, slow thrusts. He wasn’t hoping for hot and heavy, or even fucking. He wanted to love Knight, to remind him of the easy parts. It felt so good. He would do this forever if he could.

  Bishop leaned down, dropped an open-mouthed kiss on Knight’s back. “Love you, Knight.” With everything he was.


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